Okay, i'm going to give a little input. But i'm not saying the spawn system doesn't suck....it would have been a 9/10 if it wasn't for the terrible spawn points. more often than not i spawn and before i can move i get cut down by MG or Sniper fire
I've come to the conclusion that while this does happen, it can be prevented. I've found is that this event usually happens when a team simply camps and gets flanked from all sides. The spawn system will usually put you around a team mate, who are probably dying. But with your death and spawn, then their death, you both end up in the same spot you were before. This happens especially when your entire team is in that area. The best bet when your in a situation like this (..and your team is probably losing) is to book it for another part of the map.
The game never intentionally spawns you in a conflict. Though they might spawn you right next to one, in case you want to get back in it. I've tried this on a few of the smaller maps simply by running it in a circle. I think one of the key failures in their spawn system would have to be the 'near the conflict' part. Mainly because that area usually becomes the battle ground or the teammate between your spawn and the guy(s) who killed you dies. So the other team takes the right direction, you pop up, dead. I tried this on the airfield map and noticed they kept spawning me by/behind the downed planes because snipers were firing on my team there. Yes, they were stupid enough to keep going in that direction. We were eventually pushed out of that spot by a pincer (tunnels and some coming straight from the building) and got pushed back to the original respawn. Where they simply headed next....so I ran in the other direction.
I suppose when all is said and done, if you spawn near where you died....don't run back in that direction. Unless the team your stuck with is good enough to hold a spot, your screwed.
..on a random note, XBL Gamertag is KaGoGo.