Liu Jin's Audience Hall - Shou Yang

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Post by NightForever »

Wu Weilong stood aside the hall quietly during the political negotiation. He scratched his head sometimes as he did not understand much about politics. However, judging from the satisfied looks of Yuan Shu and Xia Gongzhu, the Southern Swordsman assumed the negotiation was successful. Upon noticing the princess's preparation for departure, he bowed again and began to speak.

"It would be a shame of us if we did not escort you well during your visit. Perhaps you would like to break some sweat in our training ground, your highness? We have some fine heroes that are keen on seeing your reputed martial skill. What would you say, Xia Gongzhu?"
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
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Post by RuffRydeR »

"Really, I'd be charmed...Though I'd have to make sure not to exhaust myself so terribly this time. But alright, General Wu, take the lead. I would love to see your own training grounds. But I do think it'd be nice if I could have a couple of my maids there to help me tighten up my kit and all. I don't exactly keep all my armour tightened for combat when I'm just on leisurely trips like this...It would be really uncomfortable. Plus, it leaves odd marks and chafes."

She frowned, then waited for some of her maids to come in so she could be assisted with readying her gear, before heading after the General Wu to the grounds...

(OOC: Let's take this to Wei PRP, lol. =P)
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by NightForever »

Wu Weilong was delighted to have a chance to duel again. After taking the role of the commander, he rarely had a chance to duel. He turned to Liu Jin to ask for the permission.

"Then, may I escort our visitor and make sure she would have a pleasant tour around our province? However, I doubt that she will be interested in other parts than the training field although."

He glared at Xia Gongzhu a little with a funny look.

Assuming Liu Jin's permission, Wu Weilong bowed to the King of Wei and General Yuan Shu and lead the Duchess of Yin the Wei training ground.

(OOC: Moved to Wei PRP!)
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

"Now, why would you say that...Of course, I'll be interested."

She crossed her arms and smiled mischeviously before allowing herself to be escorted off by the good general.
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by Seewichai »

Jin Yun trekked across the country aimlessly, unknowingly he had reached Shou Yang. Many people gave way as he walked lifelessly through the market. His disleveled looks, unkempt hair, bloodshot eyes and facial hair. His appearance to most would be like an insane man armed with a sword.

[Open RP]
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

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Post by Shinpusan »

Huan Sheng was out and about int he city. Not really performing in any sort of official duty, but more or less doing his own patrolling of the streets. He often did this as he was rarely involved in many official actions, other than minor work for his father. There had buzzing in the streets this day of a strange and frightening man roaming the market district of the city. With that in mind, Sheng decided he would investigate the matter himself; curious as to what the man intended to do.

He made his way to the market at a brisk pace, though, he was tempted to break into a much faster gait, for this was the most exciting thing to happen to him in a while. He decided against this as he still wished to seem professional in his off-duty investigation. As he continued on, he heard people passing by him in the opposite direction speaking of them man. He heard a number of things, from the possibility of the man being a barbarian wishing to steal and murder, to him being an armed madman -- Sheng had no way of knowing who he was about to stumble upon.

He made his way through the market, finally spotting the person of interest. His was haggard looking, tired; though, he didn't necessarily look vicious. Sighing, Sheng made his way over to the man who was slowly walking in his direction. He stopped a safe enough distance away, and bowed slightly to the man. "Um, excuse me sir, I have heard the rumblings of the citizenry and they seem to be speaking about you. May I ask what it is that you need? If I can do anything for you, I shall do my best to." Sheng paused for a moment, but quickly realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself as a person capable of assisting him. "I am Huan Sheng, the son of one of the ministers serving the King here..."
Hong Jie
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Post by Seewichai »

Jing Yun was walking with his head hung down with his hair covering his face. Most of the civilians gave way to him as he strode aimlessly. Suddenly he stopped where he stand as he felt someone standing in his path. The man spoke and introduced himself as one Huan Sheng, son of one of the ministers serving the local King. He also enquired about Jing Yun's business in this place. Jing Yun paused a moment and think to himself, "I wish to know that too..." Tilting his head a little to face the man, "The local king? And who might he be?" Jing Yun spoke in a low dispirit tone.

Jing Yun looked around his surrounding to spot any hostile soldiers within his proximity and he found none. Continuing, "I have lost track of the current political news since the day of my dear friend perished in the dirty game called politics & betrayal. Where am I?"
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

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Post by Shinpusan »

Sheng's apprehension was still present, but his face softened as the man spoke. He couldn't help but feel pity for the stranger. It seemed that the man was simply wandering aimlessly since the lost of his aforementioned friend. "Well, this is the city of Shou Yang, the capital of the newly crowned King of Wei and Dai, Liu Jin.... I.. well, I'm sorry about your loss." Sheng said hesitantly, unsure of what to say.

"So, stranger, may I ask who you are?"
Hong Jie
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Post by Seewichai »

"Ah... a new king that is..." Jing Yun looked at ground for a moment before facing Huan Sheng. "My name is Jing Yun traveled from..." Jing Yun pondered awhile, "Huainan.... If I can recall. I apologise if my appearance here had caused any anxieties to anyone here."
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

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Post by NightForever »

See Wichai & Shinpusan

Wu Weilong was patrolling around the city as usual when he met Huan Sheng talking to a rough-looking man. With much curiosity, the Southern Swordsman approached the two and greeted the son of Re Sui.

"Good day, little Sheng. How is everything going? Is there any problem here?"

As Weilong came closer to the brash man, he recognized the face of the man.

"Wait.... Are you the one that came to our Legend Inns long time ago?"

Weilong then suddenly remembered that this man once served the former ruler of Huainan.

"I see. At least you are lucky to escape from the battle. I am sorry for your former ruler."
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II