Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

A guard scratched his head, and shrugged,

"You are? Well...I didn't know that. I guess you could go in to speak with Lord..."

He was jabbed in the foot by the guard standing beside him, reminding him to correct himself,

"I mean Lady Xia...although LORD Li Zhu might be around too. Though I doubt it. Anyways, you'll have to leave any weapons you might have here though. We're talking about the safety of a princess here, so things like that matter! She's a delicate little thing and all..."

How he managed to get through that last snide inside joke was a miracle. To the local, Lady Xia was rather short enough to be considered little, but delicate, the beautiful warrior princess was not. She did like to act the part though...

The guard then looked at the arrival, and noted,

"So, how about those weapons then?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Let It Snow . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="white"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="white">

<font color="gray">Music Inside Yukino's Head - "Blue Wind" - Yui</font>

<font color="gray">"As you wish.."
The masked traveler spoke with a smile to him.

He then jumped down from his horse quite smoothly.
His winter boots making soft sounds in the snow-covered road.

Yukino then gave a slight pause, quite dramatic as he stood in still grace.
Slowly stretching his hands to both sides, turning his head to peek.

And like a street magician, he waved his fingers about for all to see.
Little by little, the smoky ring from his left hand slowly rose by itself.
Dropping to the ground . . . as the top his right foot caught the ring in balance.

Yukino then gave a little playful smile as his boot gently tossed it upwards.
Moving towards the closest guard in rather gentle manner for him to catch.

"I consent to the search,"
He sang once again, masked eyes looking to the white snowy sky above . . .

(it's magic lo~ ;p)

Kijo Akki
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

The guards conduct their search, a little mystified by this turn of events, but once they were satisfied, they ushered the man in to the palace's Audience Hall...where the princess looked rather sweaty and a bit tired, and had a maid trying to freshen her up. She shooed her away as the guest came in, having obviously been informed there was a guest just moments before and stopped her training to run to the Audience Hall to greet them. Just another thing to get used to due to this not having Father out and about thing.

She did her best to look regal, despite having all the attention focused her. Usually, she adored attention here...but these days, everything was so different without Father.

Unsure exactly how to proceed, she blundered out with a few words, not being very noble at all. The dash to the hall had shattered the composure she had hoped to display,

" wished to...erm...speak with me? W-what would you hear of the Crown Princess?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

The words upon the paper Xiong grasped in his hands confused him. The late King of Zhao had fallen ill? His daughter was ill prepared to take the throne and the mans Supreme Commander had taken over? Even if it were only a temporary thing the man wondered how this would change the course of this "kingdom". All had happened so sudden and after the defeat of that dog Wu Chen.

Grunting to himself the man lead his small personal guard forward towards the gates. The flags of Chu flapped in the wind as the hooves of his horse hit the ground. This mission was, an ill prepared and unknown one to his King. A risk in its own but one he was willing to take as he trusted this man.

"I am Supreme Commander of Chu, Niu Xiong." he exclaimed aloud as he drew nearer to the guards at the gate. Pulling back the reigns upon his horse he slowed as he let the horse trot left to right. "Tell the King, I am here to speak with him about current events."
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Post by Royalspork »

GoGo the Monkey wrote:The words upon the paper Xiong grasped in his hands confused him. The late King of Zhao had fallen ill? His daughter was ill prepared to take the throne and the mans Supreme Commander had taken over? Even if it were only a temporary thing the man wondered how this would change the course of this "kingdom". All had happened so sudden and after the defeat of that dog Wu Chen.

Grunting to himself the man lead his small personal guard forward towards the gates. The flags of Chu flapped in the wind as the hooves of his horse hit the ground. This mission was, an ill prepared and unknown one to his King. A risk in its own but one he was willing to take as he trusted this man.

"I am Supreme Commander of Chu, Niu Xiong." he exclaimed aloud as he drew nearer to the guards at the gate. Pulling back the reigns upon his horse he slowed as he let the horse trot left to right. "Tell the King, I am here to speak with him about current events."
The guard looked at the man confused, and explained back, "The King is old and sick, and hasn't been able to see anyone for weeks. Perhaps you would like to see The Lord Regent of Zhao, Commander Li?"
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

Crumpling up the paper which held the words of the late Princess the man threw it to the side. He had thought the King had retired, no longer active within the political sphere. Yet now he was told different! At least the guards words brought ease to the man as Li Zhu was mentioned.

"If Regent Li Zhu is acting on behalf of the late king in all affairs, then yes. I wish to speak with the man that now handles the affairs of this...kingdom." Xiong replied. He had wished to say more but did not want to cause any insult.
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Post by Royalspork »

The guard said simply, "I will show you to Commander Li if you come without your guard."
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Post by Lionheart »

Royalspork wrote:The captain nodded and said, "It will take a bit of time to procure their housing, and they will have to make do out here. While they wait, would you follow me?"

If Ba Zhan follows, he is lead through Zhaoge to a secondary audience hall, where Li Zhu governs without the pomp of a king. Li Zhu sits straight backed on a uncomfortable wooden chair, with Huangfu Chu by his side. He would much rather be in a camp, or on the swaying seat of a horse, but his king required this service of him, and he would not disappoint.

The captain whispers into Li Zhu's ears, and Li Zhu calls out, "Cavalry Attendant Ba, I welcome you to my lord's lands, which I hope have been pleasant to you. Did your travel fair well?"
((OOC: Yay for late responses? >_>))

Ba Zhan bowed. "Yah, mah trip thru' yer lands's been good ta me so far, I guess. Lands out 'ere ain't much different from Liang--'least from what I see, Lord Li."

Ba Zhan certainly felt more comfortable here, that was for sure: from the first time that he laid eyes upon Li Zhu, he could tell that the man was a military commander, even without knowing his reputation. It was simply the way that he spoke, the way that he carried himself that had him radiate an aura that spoke of a man who knew what to do when it came to warfare. Feeling more at ease with a man who was of a military mind like he made Ba Zhan use his more normal, coarse speech. He had been afraid that he would have had to have gone into his more formal speech that he had been learning at a tedious pace...the way that nobles spoke was just so suffocating, not to mention hard.

Scratching at his beard a little bit he went on, "Mah lord, th' Duke o' Liang, Xiang Kai, wanted me ta speak wit' ya on openin' mo' formal relations, better than we got now...from what I can understand, ain't much. It's a damn shame that we're allied with Chu tha' we don't have mo' contact wit' each'ther. So tell do things 'ere in Yin fare? Duke Xiang wants ta send his belated congratulations on endin' the King of Zhao's rule and takin' most o' th' province fa yurself. From wut ah've 'eard, ya had quite th' victory. Hope tha' we can have similar success in Huainan, I do. But anyway!

"Strange...ah expect'd that ah'd be speakin' ta King Xia Xi. Somethin' wrong wit' 'im? He okay, ain't 'e?"
Ba Rong (仈荣) the Lionheart (狮心) (25) 91*-91*-44-65-20*
Aid I, Charge II, Instructor II, Raid II, Rupture II, Scout I, Qiangshu I

[15:47] * bond4154 has yet to see a Communist crack a good joke.
[15:17] <KungZhi> I sodomize my students every day.
[14:32] <Dreamer> Hitler is so kawaii~
[22:11] <Angelic_Crux> "You can't understand Asia. Asia is totally baffling unless you have a degree in Asianism."
[13:32] <Stedfel> My mother, despite what the beard would tell you, is a woman.
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Post by Royalspork »

Li Zhu just stared at the ground for a second, it was to his regret that he had to tell the grim fate of Xia Xi, who had been such a just king in his short reign. He spoke solemnly, "The good king has fallen ill, and has not been able to move from his bed for weeks, and there is no sign he will be able to move any time soon. Thus he gave the kingdom to his daughter, the fighting lady Liangyu. Who in turn trusted the kingdom in me for a time."

He then looked back at Ba Zhen, "Cavalry General, I thought I heard your name mentioned in the west, yet you are now to our east, what happened?"
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

Royalspork wrote:The guard said simply, "I will show you to Commander Li if you come without your guard."
The man looked to the guard and arched a brow. "It is not as if bringing them in would eliminate any risk of death. It would merely give me a few more minutes of survival, I suppose." he answered folding his arms across his chest. "As I trust the Regent, I agree." he uttered before signaling for his men to stay behind. Now was a time for the man to take a risk once more and gamble with his life.