Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Post by Lionheart »

Royalspork wrote:The guards looked at each other with concern, worried that their honest words would be taken for excuses and deceit, they spoke timidly, "I am afraid King Xia has been fell by a high fever, and he has withdrawn to his personal estate in Xiashu. And his wife and daughter have followed him to ensure his enduring health. In the mean time, Supreme Commander Li has been recalled from Zhao to administer in his stead, would you wish to meet him?"
Ba Zhan nodded his head. "Sure, that's fine wit' me; lead th' way. I hope that ya can provide housin' for ma men 'ere?"
Ba Rong (仈荣) the Lionheart (狮心) (25) 91*-91*-44-65-20*
Aid I, Charge II, Instructor II, Raid II, Rupture II, Scout I, Qiangshu I

[15:47] * bond4154 has yet to see a Communist crack a good joke.
[15:17] <KungZhi> I sodomize my students every day.
[14:32] <Dreamer> Hitler is so kawaii~
[22:11] <Angelic_Crux> "You can't understand Asia. Asia is totally baffling unless you have a degree in Asianism."
[13:32] <Stedfel> My mother, despite what the beard would tell you, is a woman.
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Post by Royalspork »

The captain nodded and said, "It will take a bit of time to procure their housing, and they will have to make do out here. While they wait, would you follow me?"
If Ba Zhan follows, he is lead through Zhaoge to a secondary audience hall, where Li Zhu governs without the pomp of a king. Li Zhu sits straight backed on a uncomfortable wooden chair, with Huangfu Chu by his side. He would much rather be in a camp, or on the swaying seat of a horse, but his king required this service of him, and he would not disappoint.

The captain whispers into Li Zhu's ears, and Li Zhu calls out, "Cavalry Attendant Ba, I welcome you to my lord's lands, which I hope have been pleasant to you. Did your travel fair well?"
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Royalspork wrote:The guards looked at each other with concern, worried that their honest words would be taken for excuses and deceit, they spoke timidly, "I am afraid King Xia has been fell by a high fever, and he has withdrawn to his personal estate in Xiashu. And his wife and daughter have followed him to ensure his enduring health. In the mean time, Supreme Commander Li has been recalled from Zhao to administer in his stead, would you wish to meet him?"
The herald frowned at the words of the guardsmen on duty, "This will not bode well with the Marquis... His words are to be for the King only... However, I shall check with him and see if this is acceptable..."

After returning to the caravan for some time, the herald came back and looked at the guards, "The Marquis will meet with the Supreme Commander, only out of the great respect he has for the man... And to allow him to explain the King's condition to him. However, his official message shall still remain for the King only. Inform the Supreme Commander of his arrival."
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
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Post by Royalspork »

The guard responded simply, "Of course." He turned back and entered the city, worried of what the result of this conversation could be.
After a small amount of time, the guard returned, this time with two men of large stature and good strength, followed around by attendants. Li Zhu, a man more use to fields and farms than the city of Zhaoge, was the man at the lead of the group and Huangfu Chu was at his side. Li Zhu made no outward showing of his authority, and to the eye of a man who had not previously met him, would look like just another guard, but in a simple silk cloth.
The guard responds to the herald, "I have informed the Supreme Commander."
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

The herald cocked a brow as the guard returned. He assumed that the man that had accompanied him, with a flock of attendants and a powerful appearing bodyguard was the Supreme Commander. He clicked his tongue once and shook his head briefly before giving a weak smile, "Very well," he said slowly, "I shall inform the Marquis of the Commander's intentions," he said before quickly returning to his friends.

It was some time after the departure of the envoy before the carriage that had traveled with the group of soldiers arrived at the gates of Zhaoge with a score of mounted soldiers in gleaming bronze armors. An attendant hurriedly appeared from the carriage and lowered a wooden stair case from the interior. At that, the glorious Wu Guang appeared from the carriage in fine silken robes, followed by a score of attendants of his own. He stood up to his full height and spied the commander waiting at the gates, at first gave a flash of a grimace, before showing a winning smile. He approached the Supreme Commander confidently and strode right up to him, once he stopped he gave the man a slight bow. "Ah, Supreme Commander Li... What a," he said, pausing to find the right word, "Surprise to see you... Out here... At the city gates."

Still smiling, Wu Guang shot a glance to Huangfu Chu and the score of attendants before looking back at Li Zhu, "Commander," he said, rubbing his hands together, "Why don't we move this talk into more comfortable climes? You are more than welcome to accompany me in my carriage as we travel... After all, this is no place for a serious discussion on the desires of our two Kings, is it?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
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Post by Royalspork »

Brother Dun wrote:The herald cocked a brow as the guard returned. He assumed that the man that had accompanied him, with a flock of attendants and a powerful appearing bodyguard was the Supreme Commander. He clicked his tongue once and shook his head briefly before giving a weak smile, "Very well," he said slowly, "I shall inform the Marquis of the Commander's intentions," he said before quickly returning to his friends.

It was some time after the departure of the envoy before the carriage that had traveled with the group of soldiers arrived at the gates of Zhaoge with a score of mounted soldiers in gleaming bronze armors. An attendant hurriedly appeared from the carriage and lowered a wooden stair case from the interior. At that, the glorious Wu Guang appeared from the carriage in fine silken robes, followed by a score of attendants of his own. He stood up to his full height and spied the commander waiting at the gates, at first gave a flash of a grimace, before showing a winning smile. He approached the Supreme Commander confidently and strode right up to him, once he stopped he gave the man a slight bow. "Ah, Supreme Commander Li... What a," he said, pausing to find the right word, "Surprise to see you... Out here... At the city gates."

Still smiling, Wu Guang shot a glance to Huangfu Chu and the score of attendants before looking back at Li Zhu, "Commander," he said, rubbing his hands together, "Why don't we move this talk into more comfortable climes? You are more than welcome to accompany me in my carriage as we travel... After all, this is no place for a serious discussion on the desires of our two Kings, is it?"
Li Zhu gave as low and respectful bow to Wu Guang as he could muster, said with a smile, "I am a man of open air and green ground, not cities and audience halls. I thought it would be good for both of us, if I were to get a chance to walk around, and to pay my proper respects to you."

Li Zhu then gave Wu Guang a cheerful grin, and continued "Perhaps this is not the place for serious discussion, but I think we are at a quite suitable place for a more jovial talks. Would it be fine if we could speak of kind and good things while we go to a place more suitable for grave and important matters? If you would extend me the honor, Sifu(master) Wu, I would gladly accompany you as we travel, and Huangfu Chu can direct the procession from outside."
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Post by Zeren »

Huangfu Chu shuffled uneasily, but said nothing, nodding his obedience as Li Zhu suggested his role in leading the procession. He would much rather be guarding the Supreme Commander personally, but orders were orders, he supposed.
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

"Very well," Wu Guang said to Li Zhu, "Your intentions were good I suppose. Either way, perhaps we can have more jovial talks later... Right now, we have important business to attend to," he said as he began to climb back into the carriage. Once Li Zhu had entered, the young woman, Mei Mei also climbed in, and the carriage began to roll towards the palace.

As they went off, the Marquis smiled at Li Zhu. The young woman in the carriage, Mei Mei, began to serve the men tea. Once served, Wu Guang looked to Li Zhu, "Ah, Commander.... Perhaps you could enlighten me as to the condition of your lord?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
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Post by Royalspork »

Li Zhu responded as plainly as he could, "The King is not a man of consistant health, or of strong physical constitution. Master Wu, you of course remember how he went ill during the talks before we invaded Zhongmu. I don't think he truly recovered from that, and during the last month, he had to cross the province twice. Once he traveled into the snow covered north to deal with the foundation of our administration in the greater Zhao, which included release of the rebel Wu Chen, which I assume you will ask me about soon. And then he hastened right back to Chu to prostrate himself before the noble King of Chu and explain his actions, only to be refused at the door."

Li Zhu then took his first sip of tea, and finished his statement by saying, "It was at that time, I believe that the combination of stress and travel took advantage of him, and he was forced to retire into the family estate in Xiashu."
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Let It Snow . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="white"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="white">

<font color="gray">Music Inside Yukino's Head - "Blue Wind" - Yui</font>

<font color="gray">Pearly gray eyes coolly stared at the the falling snow from the sky above,
Watching them flutter as they slowly descended on the tall gates of Zhaoge.
And the sound of someone blissfully breathing was heard.

"I am Hatsumi Yukino,"
A quiet, musical voice sang to the closest guard.
"I believe I am expected..."

In front of the gates was a very tall guy dressed up in shining white.
Silvery white shoulder guards glistening under the soft light from the sky.
Slight of frame and graceful in his posture, sitting atop a white colt.

His face seems to be covered in . . . an ivory mask.
Slender hands holding out a letter, as the white vapor of his cool breath smoked out to the sides.

[Topic Entered]

Kijo Akki