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Post by Phailak »

The envoy seemed satisfied with the King's comments as he bowed low.

"Your majesty, that is more than fair. My Lord's goal today was to build a foundation for good communication, I hope we have achieved it. The rest should come from our actions and not words exchanged politely. Should you need anything, Marquis Fei wishes you to know that you need only ask. If I may also offer perhaps a bit of news on another subject majesty?"

Assuming he is permitted to continue, Huan adds

"Prefect Xiong has been missing for some time in Changshan and everything is being administered by Jin Kai, former tutor to the Marquis. He is a man of great ability according to the Marquis, he just thought you should know of it should you send someone to discuss matters of state and not be surprised as we were. I know little else on the subject but thought it should be shared majesty."

The envoy bows low and waits to be dismissed.
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Lin Xin

"What you may label as a threat, others might see as hope," he replied, "hope for a united China. As the land stands now, there's nothing good about the status quo. The King of Chu desires that Qin be defeated and the land be brought again to peace. It would seem that, if Yin sided with Chu, it would help bring peace and prosperity to the people, and likely in a quicker fashion than if Yin turned against them."

The Marquis come here seemed to Zhenfeng to be missing important details about the land, and especially matters here in the Central Plains. It might not be surprising, considering the part of the land he is from, but it still seemed odd, and Xi did not want to condescend to him by repeating facts he was overlooking. He gave a weak smile and said, "The King of Chu merely wants a united land. If the reports I have heard are any indication, the Marquis Yi has been assisting bandit forces in various areas to overtake previous administrations. Now, it's quite possible these forces are better leaders than the previous ones. However, quite a few of these administrators were fellow rebels to the Qin, and it could be said that the King of Chu shares a sort of bond with them. You see, he doesn't see himself as the aggressor in this fight.

"Now, I see the situation as being one thing or another. The first is that Marquis Yi, without any real ambition herself, has contacted bandits and given them the means by which they can overthrow neighboring cities in exchange for some sort of monetary kickback. To think this way would be to think little of Marquis Yi as a person, and to believe that she intends to further the chaos that already exists in the south. It's a very negative way to think of a person, and I'd prefer not to. However, if she is not this person, then the King of Chu is even more qualified for his movements southward. For if she has been expanding into these areas purposefully, and setting up competent people in the place of others, then she is uniting the south for some purpose. This would then believe that everyone she has assisted in this process is aligned with her; Yi Tao, Zhi Cheng, Pang Ai, perhaps even Fu Tong. And, of course, this would include your master. With the provinces of Huainan, Wu, Yue, Jiujiang, and Changsha under her control, she stands a threat to anybody nearby if she is not aligned with them. And from what I understand, the King of Chu was never even addressed about these issues.

"Perhaps it is confusing to the Marquis of Huainan what this all means. But given that the second perspective is the correct one, she is holding the vast majority of the lands of the state of Chu. The King of Chu should certainly be concerned about this if those lands are not being managed the way he desires, and even more so if the person uniting the lands speaks nothing of the King of Chu's cause or assisting him with the defeat of the Qin. The onus for diplomacy is not on the King, since he already claims the lands under his loose control through his title. At this point, any real peace for Jiujiang and the rest of the south probably lies more upon the Marquis of Huainan more than the King of Chu, since, in his eyes, she is the aggressor. And your master, having received aid in a similar fashion, is likely believed to be a vassal of hers as well."

A short pause, and a glance over to what he assumed would be a very bored daughter, before he thought to add another thing. "As it stands, you believe the King of Chu will advance northward. Wu Chen, the former King of Zhao, was once his general, and I, the King of Yin, was crowned by the King of Chu himself. You see, Chu has already moved north, and has placed the administration of such business in my hands. It is because of me that he can even afford to look southward. So I'm not exactly sure what you are getting at. At first it sounded like you wanted me to speak with the King of Chu about his invasion of Jiujiang and, perhaps, counsel him to some other path. But just now, it sounded more like you desired me to raise arms and threaten the King of Chu, who has been quite generous to me in the past. Honestly, it sounds as if you expect me to risk my kingdom to encroach into my greatest ally's business. I'm really not sure what I stand to gain by doing this, or what I really lose if I do not. Pardon me for being frank. I can grant some assistance in this manner, but it might not be as you have asked."
The envoy nods in understanding. The King of Yin is firmly in house of Chu. Thus, it is not surprising the truth has not reached his ears. "I understand this is a difficult position for all of us," the envoy replied honestly. "I cannot claim to know the intentions of Yi Lian nor her vassals, but rest assured, Marquis Lin is not under her thumb. His goal is to see a united country free of Qin influence as well. That is why he sought the assistance of Marquis Yi to rid Changsha of Taishi Guang, a firm Qin supporter who was attempting to rally support for the tyrant there."

"Now, it is understandable that the King of Chu grew wary of Yi Lian's intentions, especially with her perceived growth in power, but why send a preemptive invasion into Jiujiang without at least sending an envoy to discern her true intentions? He has stated her attack on the Heaven's Orchard as justification for his invasion but his armies were marching towards Shouchun at the same time her armies were moving to Liu and Dongcheng. Besides, she had thought the Heaven's Orchard were aligned with the Chu based on Pang Li's support of Taishi Guang."

"You can understand, Your Majesty, why my lord believes this to be more than a mere 'rid this land of a bandit' invasion. The Lady Yi firmly supports the rebellion, yet, instead of focusing his massive forces west towards the real threat, the King of Chu marches his armies south. The Marquis of Yue has been keeping a watchful eye on Jiujiang and Wu, ensuring what happened to Huaiyin is not repeated. Since it's destruction, the Marquis of Huainan has been attempting to attone for her mistake by rebuilding the razed city. But now, her construction efforts to rebuild homes will most likely be delayed because of the aggressive assault on Shouchun. Any assistance Your Majesty can provide will be appreciated."

The envoy fell to his knees and bowed low as he said the last sentence, begging the King to see how this infighting is actually a detriment to the ultimate goals of the rebellion.
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Liangyu had almost nodded off, wondering what the point of this was. She scratched her head at the courtier envoy messenger dude, then asked,

"You call it an invasion. I say he is simply installing another vassal in lands rightfully his. That's what Kings do to their favoured vassals, silly. The King of Chu has, for a long while, held titular, and usually direct claim over Nanyang, Linjiang, Changsha, Jiujiang, Liang, Jiaoxi, Huainan, Wu and yes, your Marquis' province of Yue.

If he wants to call a loyal servant King of Jiujiang, or Duke of Liang, or...say, Marquis of Yue. Well, that's his choice. Maybe you're just new to this nobility and vassalhood business, that you're confused by what your King is doing in his own lands, so take it from us. I mean, we're part of a long and ancient noble line, so we'd obviously know what we're talking about.

It seems he has just been lenient so far and dealing with things much closer to home than the rest of his realm. But when one is uncontested King of Chu, any authority in all those provinces is, by rights, His to give, and His to take away. Disobeying that authority is, as any noble would know, a revolt by an untrustworthy vassal.

That being so, I don't see anything wrong with him sending troops to any city in the south. They are his already, anyways. And if you cannot recognize that, then the noble Lord Chen will probably deem you in unlawful rebellion. Why should the state of Zhao invade the State of Chu over matters that are truly just internal miscommunication?"

She yawned again, then sighed,

"Unless it is your intent to inform us that you contest the King of Chu's authority over you, and, in doing so, indirectly contest his very throne, I don't see why we're still talking...The King of Chu will obviously be much more helpful in establishing peace in HIS realm than some outside power. Why, that's like asking Qi or Han to help establish peace in the Qin state. So why don't you go to the King of your lands?"

And before she settled, back, she giggled and said softly to her Father,

"See...I told you a tutor would help...Heh..."
Last edited by RuffRydeR on Thu Oct 09, 2008 10:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


"I think you have," said the king in an even tone. "With the power I hold now, I have to be very careful in how I exercise it. This is, in large part, why I am hesitant to give you any full confirmation.

"As for Marquis Xiong, that is curious to me. Perhaps this is why my messenger to him was not accepted as I thought he would be. I had even prepared a ceremony of sorts. I will be sure to check up on what you say, though."

The envoy seemed like he was wanting to leave at this point, so the king decided to let him. "If there are no other matters, I believe this audience is finished." He smiled warmly. "I look forward to future communications."

Lin Xin

Zhenfeng seemed surprised at his daughter's response, since it seemed to include certain facts he didn't think she had the potential to comprehend. Even though the description of events was a little off, he still thought she did a good job of explaining to the visitor what he himself was hesitant to say. He nodded his head slowly. "Hopefully my daughter's explanation of the situation is helpful," he replied. "Although, considering the day and age, it's difficult to understand these things. Being a noble from Qi tends to lend itself to knowing everything there is to know about these matters. That is not to say that I think the Marquis of Yue to be a peasant, mind. Just that the province of Yue does not lend itself to this sort of attention."

He scratched at his chin for a moment, and looked around the room as he tried to determine what he wanted to say next. "I, too, would not like to see an all-out war break out in the south. It would seem detrimental toward the King of Chu's cause. However, I'm not sure that I can do anything in this matter. It seems to me that the Marquis of Huainan needs to explain herself to the King personally. Perhaps then, he will be more willing to acknowledge the benefit of her control over those lands, and trust her with that. But as far as I know, she has had no contact with the King of Chu, so there's little that can be said. I do not think the King of Chu is unapproachable by any means. I myself went to see him when I was barely a Prefect, and he rewarded me for my loyalty with the means to become what I am today. Your master's ally, as it were, should have been able to do the same. I don't believe I'm in a position to discuss this matter with the King of Chu if she has not made some attempt to reconcile herself to him. I don't believe that your master's envoys are a suitable replacement for this.

"I find this all curious, though. While I have great respect for the King of Chu and the might of his armies, from the reports I have heard, it sounds as if the combined forces under the Marquis of Huainan and your master would be able to bring to them a pitched battle. It would be difficult for Chu alone to conquer all of the south, especially if it is united under, behind, or alongside of the Marquis of Huainan. Is the Marquis of Yue concerned that my forces might accompany Chu's?"
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao once again travelled to Zhaoge. His lord has given him a new mission, one that is of his opinion difficult to achieve.

However, he is a soldier and soldier to what he is told. As he rode to Zhaoge, he wondered how would the King react but that is an unknown factor to him.

As he arrived at the gates, he dismounted and handed his weapon to the guards. He said "I am Jiang Bao, representative of Shou Yang. I am here to see your King again. You can search me if you want but I do not possess any weapon other than my crossbow."
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao once again travelled to Zhaoge. His lord has given him a new mission, one that is of his opinion difficult to achieve.

However, he is a soldier and soldier to what he is told. As he rode to Zhaoge, he wondered how would the King react but that is an unknown factor to him.

As he arrived at the gates, he dismounted and handed his weapon to the guards. He said "I am Jiang Bao, representative of Shou Yang. I am here to see your King again. You can search me if you want but I do not possess any weapon other than my crossbow."
The attendant at the gates was the same as the previous visit, and he recognized the envoy. He said, "No search is necessary, just like last time." The guards gave him a look-see to ensure that he didn't have anything visible on him, then gave the nod to the attendant. "Well, shall we?" He motioned for the envoy to follow as he entered the hall.

Jiang Bao was witness to much of the same as before, and did not have to wait long until he was able to enter the audience hall. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a full-fronted desk on top of a dais at the rear of the room, with a guard on either side of the stairway. A guard stood on either side of the entrance as well. The attendant motioned for the envoy to stop, then turned and bowed once to the king and once to the princess. He announced the visitor, then shifted to the side.

The King of Yin smiled warmly at the man, remembering him from the previous visit. "Welcome back, Jiang Bao," he replied. "I hope the fortunes of Wei have fared well since our last meeting."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao bowed to the King of Yin and replied "Greetings to you my King. Shou Yang was fortuanate to capture Shang Dang in the last month. The previous governor chose to ignore the development of the place after a bloody attempt to take it. However, even in defeat, the former governor of Shang Dang dispatched his bodyguard in an attempt to kill my lord. Which is sad because my lord strongly believes in being close to his guest. I guess that would change soon."

Continuing to bow to the king, he continued "My King, my lord has dispatched my on a mission to your kingdom on a particularly sensitive mission. Given the fact that we do not really posses any diplomatic relations, I actually find it embarrassing to ask."
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao bowed to the King of Yin and replied "Greetings to you my King. Shou Yang was fortuanate to capture Shang Dang in the last month. The previous governor chose to ignore the development of the place after a bloody attempt to take it. However, even in defeat, the former governor of Shang Dang dispatched his bodyguard in an attempt to kill my lord. Which is sad because my lord strongly believes in being close to his guest. I guess that would change soon."

Continuing to bow to the king, he continued "My King, my lord has dispatched my on a mission to your kingdom on a particularly sensitive mission. Given the fact that we do not really posses any diplomatic relations, I actually find it embarrassing to ask."
"Oh!" the King exclaimed as he mentioned something about an assassination attempt. "I am glad to hear that the Prefect is safe now, though. Such dirty business that is. With the guard detail and my daughter here to defend me, I doubt anybody would seriously try something like that in my presence. But I suppose we never know how these things come to be and will play out until they do.

"Well, we posses no relations yet. It would be pleasant, I think, if we could come to some accord at some point, though. I recall you mentioning something about others trying to threaten your master into servitude, or something along those lines? Forgive me if I blur the details. But go ahead."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao replied the King "My King, I would strongly recommend that you tighten your protection. The person that tried to kill my lord, tried to do so with a cup. I would recommend that your guest should not be served with cups that can break."

Nodding further, he said "You are right my King, the person that tried to threaten my lord was the former lord of Shang Dang. Thankfully, his city is now ours and his threat has diminished. My King, my lord is interested in having some form of relations with you. The problem is that if he openly declares his intent to work with you, he might attract some problems with our other neighbours. You might be aware we have Henan to our south and the Brotherhood enroaches at our borders. We are in a very difficult situation. As such.." Jiang Bao swallowed hard and said "If I maybe so bold, my lord would like to request for some sort of monetary assistance from you. Of course, he would repay with interest."
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao replied the King "My King, I would strongly recommend that you tighten your protection. The person that tried to kill my lord, tried to do so with a cup. I would recommend that your guest should not be served with cups that can break."

Nodding further, he said "You are right my King, the person that tried to threaten my lord was the former lord of Shang Dang. Thankfully, his city is now ours and his threat has diminished. My King, my lord is interested in having some form of relations with you. The problem is that if he openly declares his intent to work with you, he might attract some problems with our other neighbours. You might be aware we have Henan to our south and the Brotherhood enroaches at our borders. We are in a very difficult situation. As such.." Jiang Bao swallowed hard and said "If I maybe so bold, my lord would like to request for some sort of monetary assistance from you. Of course, he would repay with interest."
"I can relate with the problems with open proclamation of loyalties," he replied. "And I understand the situation on your borders. However, there will come a time when your master has to choose, and that time may be coming sooner than you think. Better to declare of one's own free will than to be forced into one side." He felt a small tinge of regret over this, as it reminded him that he had not exactly chosen his loyalties, either.

These last few words stuck on him more soundly. "Monetary assistance? That's an odd thing to ask from somebody with whom you possess no diplomatic relations at all."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06