Jin Kai's Audience Hall - Xiangguo

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Post by Phailak »

"Do you give me permission to speak freely Master Jin? I ask because what I have to say is personal opinion and has nothing to do with my Lord's own feelings or thoughts"
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Dun patted the envoy on the shoulder. "What do you think we have been doing to this point Lin Huan? I am not my father, thus anything I say is not official. Go right ahead."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
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Post by Phailak »

"In my opinion, had it been anyone else that had taken over the duties of running the two cities in Changshan, the Marquis would lay claim to the cities as soon as I returned home. Your father is unproven to the populace as an administrator and the Marquis could use it as an excuse to lay claim to the cities. Actually, others might still do so, it takes so little for warlords to jump on such an opportunity. If he is as close as I understand, this won't occur, but it also means he is not about to hand over the reigns of a third city to your father for something he can buy for less than half the gold the city yields in a month from another force. I truly believe had Prefect Xiong refused the request from Lord Fei, it would have been a bad omen. The fact that your father was the one to do so might simply make the Marquis reflect on it, a lesson of such. I cannot predict how he will react, but i am fairly certain he will not give up his claim on the city. If you had control of a city in Jibei and were requesting an exchance, that would be different..."
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

"Then your so-called Marquis will die," replied a voice from the entrance to the room. Standing at some eight spans in height, the man looked quite unkempt, his long shoulder-length hair loose and not tied into a bun. His eyes flashed dangerously and he exuded an aura of danger, as he held a sheathed sword tightly in his left hand. Calmly regarding the visitor, he spoke. "It is rude for someone to make such threats . . . especially when he is a guest."
Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Jin Dun and Quan Yao both turned their attention to the man who had entered. Jin Dun spoke calmly to the newcomer. "Peace friend. I gave this man the freedom to speak and am not surprised by his words. We are indeed in a weak position, but this is not news. It is also not news that the Marquis of Yan is one who would quickly seize on a weak position such as this one. Come, sit, maybe you can add to this conversation."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

The swordsman glided to the offered seat upon a mat and with the grace of a practiced fighter, sat down. He balefully regarded the two that had been deep in conversation. Resting his sheathed sword upon his shoulder, he folded his arms across his chest.

In a stern, cold voice, he spoke. "As the swordmaster for Prefect Xiong's soldiers, I must say that I find it quite surprisingly that such threats are being uttered in the halls of this city in Changshan. Especially when such threats are coming from a guest that has been welcomed. How rude . . ."

"Now, I am not a man for uttering idle threats," he stated, as he regarded the envoy from Yan. "If your lord, the Marquis Fei, believes that he can do what he wants with Changshan, then he is sorely mistaken. The Marquis Fei forgets that his strongest ally and supporter, the King of Zhao, Wu Chen, has now been destroyed . . . Though he may yet live through the bizarre clemency of the King of Yin, Xia Xi, the Marquis Fei is now in a far weaker position than he was before . . . If the Marquis Fei believes that he can bully his neighbors, I am sure that we will give him a warm welcome when he tries to assail the Prefect holdings." A vicious smile formed on his face, he continued, "A warm welcome indeed . . ."

"As to our offer of assistance . . ." said the man, pausing briefly, as he cocked his head, "It is quite impolite to look a gift horse in the mouth . . . especially when we are offering practically a fair exchange . . ."
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Post by Phailak »

The envoy looked on in shock, perhaps the man was drunk?

"Although we remain guests within the city, we are no longer in your Lord's halls. I find it just as surprising that you have chosen to spy on us here in a public place but even more so that you have decided to interject on our conversation and make accusations when it is obvious you have no clue about the discussions that actually took place. This is further advanced by your claims about the former King Wu Chen. A request was made of our ally, for support that placed the troops in a role that could not bring harm to them. It is refused, not by your Lord but by his replacement because your Lord cannot be found. I am then approached here, in a non-official manner, about possibly saving face and arranging for troops to be supplied in exchange for the control of our city. A deal that surely no one in the history of our people would agree to, yet I remain polite and request permission to speak freely since my Lord is unaware of this. When giving permission, I am beset by some armed man making threats, who has just spied on us without anyone's knowledge. You can stop me at any time to point out my fault here. It is not like we are conspiring against our Lords here."

OOC: LOTS of confusion here, maybe we should move it to the KRP, as to avoid the confusion at least of this having occured in the AH?
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

Phailak wrote:The envoy looked on in shock, perhaps the man was drunk?

"Although we remain guests within the city, we are no longer in your Lord's halls. I find it just as surprising that you have chosen to spy on us here in a public place but even more so that you have decided to interject on our conversation and make accusations when it is obvious you have no clue about the discussions that actually took place. This is further advanced by your claims about the former King Wu Chen. A request was made of our ally, for support that placed the troops in a role that could not bring harm to them. It is refused, not by your Lord but by his replacement because your Lord cannot be found. I am then approached here, in a non-official manner, about possibly saving face and arranging for troops to be supplied in exchange for the control of our city. A deal that surely no one in the history of our people would agree to, yet I remain polite and request permission to speak freely since my Lord is unaware of this. When giving permission, I am beset by some armed man making threats, who has just spied on us without anyone's knowledge. You can stop me at any time to point out my fault here. It is not like we are conspiring against our Lords here."
"Did I say now that we were within the administrative complex, still?" asked the man with a scornful laugh. "You should listen carefully to my words before you spout off nonsense. Are you not still a guest within the a building with the city of Xiangguo, a guest of the Prefect, even if you are meeting with the son of a Prefect's companion and friend?"

With a disdainful smile, he continued. "I am Xian Jue. I serve as the Prefect's personal bodyguard and swordmaster, serving as the Prefect's eyes and ears. Do not be so surprised that your conversation was listened to . . ."

"Have you really attempted for us to save face?" asked the swordmaster coldly, his voice scornful and demeaning, as he regarded this envoy. "When you have failed to get what you wanted from this man, here," he said, gesturing to the youngster that was Jin Kai's son, "You have responded with veiled threats."

"Veiled threats against the existence of the Prefect's administration in Changshan is quite unacceptable," continued , "Especially when you are still a guest within the city. Why are you so surprised that your flaky threats have been met with real ones? We have offered an even exchange. Our troops to help you to take the three cities of Jibei in return for the city of Zhou Guo. I am sure that is not too much to ask . . . and if anything, public opinion would express the belief that the Marquis is attempting to take advantage of us . . ."
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Post by Phailak »

"Of course you are allowed to your own perception, my official business was concluded in the offices of Administrator Kai. I was about to take my entourage and leave the city when a new invitation was made here, which I accepted. Before I spoke my mind, I requested permission to do so and made sure to say that these were not in anyway a reflection of my Lord's thoughts or sentiments. Despite these precautions, which I took before having knowledge it would be used against me by someone not invited into that conversation, I am now accused of making veiled threats, veiled because it is a matter of perception on your part. You are entitled to believe that your small contribution of men that will be ensuring supplies are sent to the front line, men unlikely to be even injured, entitles you to a city the Marquis went to war for, a city your Lord Prefect agreed the Marquis should protect. Tell me Master Xian, should I have come here to offer you support to defend against a threat, as an ally mind you, how would you feel if the payment we asked in return was Quni? What if Zhou Guo was under another Lord's protection and you wished to unite Changshan and needed some men from the Marquis, not even 15 percent of your own army and he asked for Quni? Yes I know, ifs and buts, my point being, you are quick to make threats to an ally to which you have just refused help, an ally which your Lord seemed to deem important, on the words overheard by an envoy in a tea house, on your own perception of these things, whilst you are a warrior not a politician. The save face comment was meant for me, I was explaining here to Master Jin how this failure to secure your help was a reflection of my skills. Now I am not so sure if perhaps it is simply hidden feelings towards my Lord that has come in play with all these quick accusations. Perhaps both of you would like to present this to Administrator Jin, burden him some more with this nonsense?"

Huan stood his ground, he kept silent for now the feeling of ambush he felt and wondered briefly if this was all a setup.
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

"Did you not just say, 'In my opinion, had it been anyone else that had taken over the duties of running the two cities in Changshan, the Marquis would lay claim to the cities as soon as I returned home. Your father is unproven to the populace as an administrator and the Marquis could use it as an excuse to lay claim to the cities.' Or am I deaf?" asked Xian Jue with a quizzical look. He snorted. "That is a threat, a veiled perhaps, but a threat nevertheless. I suggest that you if you really had no intention of threatening someone that you be more careful with your words. I will excuse it this time, but I warn you that such threats are unacceptable. Any future threats will be replied with real violence."