Rui Jiao Jin's Audience Hall - Haozhi

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Post by Wendigo61 »

Zhudi wrote:Wendigo61

As the stranger was talking to the guard, Aramaki stepped out from behind a pillar. He stepped forward and looked closely at the new arrival. Taking out a sketch from his pocket, he looked at the stranger before looking down again. The motion was repeated several times before he nodded.

"Bai Du Rong, it is good to see you. My name is Dai-suke Ara-maki. Brother Lao Wangzi has informed me of your impending arrival. It is good to have you here in our kingdom. Do you have any questions for me? If, not please come this way, I will show you your quarters." Aramaki begins to lead the new recruit off if he does not have any further questions.

Recruited. Post in the OI.
OOC: sorry, been busy lately.

seemingly startled by the voice, Bai Du Rong turned and bowed.

"Oh. not Amaki? I'm sorry. Well, lead on."
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Post by articulomorti »

A lone figure in the black robes that were often associated with members of the Brotherhood of Xiyue strode up to the guards of the palace, and bowed to them.

Zheng: I am Brother Zheng, and I have come to join my Master. The southwest requires more of our attention.

He remained bowing until they spoke.
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Post by VoShay »

Happeing to be leaving at this ti8me for some errand, Brother Lao noticed the man, and smiled as he spoke. "Brother Zheng, it has been too long, cousin! Come, enter, and we will work to realize our destiny."

He put his arm around the man in a familar way, and lead him inside.

Cousin Zheng has joined! the Brother- he already was a member? Ah! He joines RJJ!
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
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Post by articulomorti »

The man straightened up, and smiled at his cousin. "Cousin, I am happy to help you in your time of need." He allowed Lao to lead him inside.
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Post by Spike »

Zhao Feng led Gronchi, whose face was hidden by his black cloak, into the audience chamber--a place where he often stood guard. But today he was here on different business. He knew that the Brotherhood was in great need of a skilled smith, and he had brought one to them, knowing that he would be repaid well for his efforts.

He stopped in front of Brother Lao and signaled Gronchi to do the same.

"I have brought someone who I believe will be an assett to the Brotherhood. My friend, Gronchi, is a skilled smith," Zhao said to Lao.
Yue Shang (23) 69-108*-25*-73-56*
Skills: Jianshu II, Gongshu II, Qiangshu II, Charge, Delay, Challenge*
Items Equipped: Spear of Fuchai (+3 Might, Challenge*), Helmet (+7 Might), Armor (+7 Might), Text of the Two Worlds (+1 Int, +1 Charisma), Sapphire Pendant (+3 Charisma), Throwing Knives, Horse (+1 Speed)
Posts: 85
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2008 1:34 pm

Post by YoungBoi »

Gronchi stepped forward, peering at Lao from beneath the cloak. "Are you gonna give Gronchi apples?"
Zhang Kai;31-104*-76-29-51
Age: 48
Smith III, Engineer II, Escort II, Yueshu II, Doctor, Jianshu, Public Planner
Items: Hammer (Axe, +3 Might), Helmet (+3 Might), Armor (+3 Might), Horse (+1 Speed)
Posts: 1606
Joined: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:37 pm

Post by VoShay »

It was a simple matter to palm an apple from his fruit plate and present an apple to the man, for a man of Lao's far-ranging experience had picked up many tricks. "As many as you desire, Brother Gronchi, for as long as you choose to stay here. Do you require anything else of your friends here?"
Guan Yin She

Excerpts about Fine American Products- Twinkies: There is something about eating a Twinkie that just lets the world know you're not too keen on self-respect. Maybe it's because under "expiration date" Hostess just prints "LOL."
Posts: 85
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Post by YoungBoi »

Gronchi's eyes went wide upon viewing the shiny apple and he snatched it eagerly out of Lao's hands, jumping up and down and laughing stupidly, as though he had just been handed a sack of gold. He began to chomp on it ravenously. He then looked up at Lao and said with a mouthful of food, "Gronchi like here. Gronchi eat apples here and he can make new friend, Zhao Feng, shiny things and make Zhao Feng's friends shiny things too." He then continued to munch loudly, the cloak falling off his back, revealing his gruesome figure.

((Joining kingdom))
Zhang Kai;31-104*-76-29-51
Age: 48
Smith III, Engineer II, Escort II, Yueshu II, Doctor, Jianshu, Public Planner
Items: Hammer (Axe, +3 Might), Helmet (+3 Might), Armor (+3 Might), Horse (+1 Speed)
Posts: 663
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:16 pm

Post by Spike »

Zhao laid a hand on Gronchi's shoulder.

"Glad to have you, friend."

He then nodded to Lao, almost as if to say, "I have done as you asked."
Yue Shang (23) 69-108*-25*-73-56*
Skills: Jianshu II, Gongshu II, Qiangshu II, Charge, Delay, Challenge*
Items Equipped: Spear of Fuchai (+3 Might, Challenge*), Helmet (+7 Might), Armor (+7 Might), Text of the Two Worlds (+1 Int, +1 Charisma), Sapphire Pendant (+3 Charisma), Throwing Knives, Horse (+1 Speed)
Posts: 197
Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:06 am

Post by Marzy »

It was early morning when they rode up to the gates of the city. Having gone from Yan, to Qi, to Yue, then all the way out to Yong made for a tiring journey. Shing Kong yawned, clearly exhausted by the ordeal. This was his last letter, so he could meet with Master Zhao Feng and then make a decision.

Turning to a city gate guard, he shouted out, "Excuse me! We're here to see Master Zhao Feng! Could you guide us to him?!"
"Just because we do not know how something works does not mean it is the will of the Gods."
Shing Kong as of July 208 - 81-97*-33-50-65

Challenge I, Charge II, Faze I, Qiangshu II, Raid II 1/4, Rupture I, Smith I

86 Gold
Items: Horse (Spd +2), Billhook (Mgt +3), Armor (Mgt +3), Throwing Daggers (Ranged), Spear (Mgt +3) (Not equipped)

Follower: Gan Lü (59) - 82-53-32-79-62
Artisan I, Decoy I, Jianshu I, Maraud I, Military Administrator II