Lin Xin's Audience Hall - Panyu

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Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

Letting out a delighted laugh, Xin lightly slapped his knee as he rocked back in his seat. "Where are my manners?" said Xin as, in his excitement, he failed to properly introduce himself. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xin of the Lin family, Marquis of Yue."

Guards are posted along the walls of the room, mainly by doors. The only other people in the office appear to be two administrator-types sitting off to the side.

"I can understand if this room might not be as overbearing or impressive as others," he continued as waved his hand around the office, which is a fairly decent sized room but definitely not the Audience Hall of a King. "But I come from a humble background and find these more familiar settings allow people to speak more freely, as you've just demonstrated young Rin. True progress ceases when people are afraid to speak the truth."
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Not-so-new recruit
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:16 pm
Location: on a rapidly melting glacier with a polar bear and running out of room

Post by Kaori »

Rin didn't like being laughed at. She'd come a long way to see a specific person and the man in front of her was treating her question as though it was ridiculous. She was caught off guard by the sound of her Grandfather snorting and sunk a little in her seat, folding her arms. 'She' didn't think it had been a stupid question.

The man's laugh ended and Rin chewed her lip anxiously, wondering whether it would be him or her Grandfather who made the first patronizing remark at her expense. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Xin of the Lin family, Marquis of Yue."

For a few long seconds, blinking was the most complicated action Rin could manage. When Bai had decided she was done suffering he squeezed her shoulder and her eyes refocused. The first sound she made was a long low groan. She knew it was only making her look more foolish but she couldn't help it. The sheer stupidity of the situation was like an enormous weight on her shoulders and her head fell forward to rest in her hands. It took significant willpower to keep listening to the Marquis.

"I can understand if this room might not be as overbearing or impressive as others," Rin was mentally kicking herself for the childish idea of a throne room as he continued "But I come from a humble background and find these more familiar settings allow people to speak more freely, as you've just demonstrated young Rin. True progress ceases when people are afraid to speak the truth." She sat in silence for a moment, getting control of her throat before speaking in a very low tone

"I'm such an idiot."
She glanced up at Lin Xin almost imploring him to be someone else and spare her the embarrassment she was feeling. "You look so young, I thought...I don't know what I thought" She sighed, this wasn't going in a good direction. "It was stupid though"
Sun Rin 15
Doctor I, Spy I, Yueshu II, Faze II, Haste, Jeer.
127 gold
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

Xin smiled kindly at the young woman, indicating that he saw nothing foolish about her actions so far. "I'm afraid I don't follow. I haven't witnessed anything 'stupid' here," he replied gently. "I say it is more foolish to make assumptions, especially when you're not presented with all the facts. Truthfully, I applaud your bravery in even asking the question. Imagine the multitude of great ideas that are overlooked or ignored because someone was afraid to ask the question."
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Not-so-new recruit
Posts: 41
Joined: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:16 pm
Location: on a rapidly melting glacier with a polar bear and running out of room

Post by Kaori »

lifting her head, Rin appraised the Marquis, not sure what to make of him. She would've thought he'd be furious with her for the insult to his pride. That she might be sent away, banished, or even imprisoned; but now that she considered it Lin Xin didn't seem to fit the larger part of her assumptions about rulers. He didn't have an enormous throne room, or an enormous suit of armor, or an enormous grey beard. It would fit that he wouldn't have an enormous temper either.

"...I say it is more foolish to make assumptions, especially when you're not presented with all the facts. Truthfully, I applaud your bravery in even asking the question. Imagine the multitude of great ideas that are overlooked or ignored because someone was afraid to ask the question."

Rin was thankful he hadn't known that she'd already made the assumption that he was an assistant of some sort. Mulling over his words, she decided he sounded like a dreamer. Not the sort of young idealist but more like an old philosopher. She imagined for a moment that he was actually an ancient man who'd discovered immortality and clamped down on the idea before she said something else that 'wasn't foolish'

"I guess so," She chewed on her lower lip as she spoke "I still should've been more patient...I usually need to be more patient" She managed a smirk and cocked her head to the side. "I lost a chance to be escorted by Han Liao just because I couldn't wait to come here." That caused her to giggle and she found her mood improving already.

Sun Bai had been conspicuously silent throughout the exchange. His amusement had been greater than his embarrassment for Rin and he'd decided not to interrupt her. Now he satisfied himself with analyzing Lin Xin and observing how he interacted with the girl, content to hold his tongue a little longer
Sun Rin 15
Doctor I, Spy I, Yueshu II, Faze II, Haste, Jeer.
127 gold

Post by Wren »

Lin Xin wrote:Wren

Xin nonchalantly waved his hand and said, "The Qin was a brutish tyranny but it never fully had control of us in southern Yue. We in Yue are hardy and resiliant and used the rivers and mountains to our advantage. One of the reasons why I embarked on this journey is to rid us of at least some of these despots. Those who cannot appreciate the value of those they lead do not deserve the mantle of leadership."

"I'm sorry to hear about your father, also," continued Xin, his voice softening a bit. "My grandfather met his end in an effort to repel the Chu back during the Warring States. It seems we've been fighting for far too long eh?"
Shen Ling agreed. She would say the same thing about the state of the country right now. She nodded to show her agreement.

Shen Ling: Yes, I agree. We have been fighting for far too long. I am happy to hear that you are a staunch Anti-Qin supporter, Marquis. My lady is also the same, and that is one of the reason why we joined her in the beginning. It does seem that the Yue Province is under your firm control. I congratulate you. Even though my trip is merely cordial, I hope to continue to see that our two states will be friendly. You are a good man, Marquis.
Posts: 647
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:05 pm
Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

A small caravan consisting of twelve covered wagons can be seen arriving in Panyu, dust having coated the once white wagon covers. Riding alongside the group could be seen small group of guards; a detachment of the size that is commonly seen accompanying a long distance trade caravan. Affixed to the wagons were the banners of one Daisuke Aramaki and those of the now defunct kingdom of Hann.

As the wagons rumbled through the city, individuals lining the streets could see an old man peak his head out of the leading wagon. He could be seen pointing in a certain direction and the caravan would subsequently turn along with it. After several turns down the different streets of the city, the caravan finally stopped in the merchant district, where some workers emerged from within and the wagons were unloaded. The group quickly found an open stall and began to set out their products. Rows and rows of both fresh and preserved fruits were placed out, including boxes of candied oranges slices and fresh durians.

After a certain while, four individuals emerged from the bustling party. After asking some questions for the locals, they rode in one of the wagons over to the gates of the governing compound. The party of four exited the back of the wagon and approached the guards. The old man in front of the group was first to speak, saying "Greetings, my name is Daisuke Aramaki and I would like to speak with Marquis Lin Xin concerning the possible housing of a certain group of refugees from Hann. We will gladly submit to any searches required of our persons and turn over any items, if required by the Marquis." As he said this, he presented to the guard his walking staff.
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »


Xin laughed along with Rin while glancing at Liao. "Well, some say good things do come to those who wait, but I like someone who's not afraid to take the first step," he stated while nodding approvingly. During that interesting banter, Xin had almost forgot about his tea. Taking his cup and raising it to his lips, he took a small sip, savoring the wonderfully familiar taste.

Setting his cup back down, he said, "Now, how about you Lady Rin? What are your desires that prompted this honored visit?"



Xin blushed slightly at the complement, trying to hide it by brushing some of his hair behind his ear. "Thank you Lady Shen," he replied softly. "Both Marquis Yi and I only wish the best for our people. I am lucky to have such a dedicated neighbor and our friendship is strong."

"The hour is getting late Lady Shen. I wouldn't want you traveling in the night. Please spend the night in one of my guestrooms. Perhaps we can continue our conversation over dinner?"



The guards snap to attention upon the arrival of the party. After a moment, the Shift Commander emerged from the door and bowed to Aramaki. "Welcome to Panyu Master Daisuke," he said warmly, noting the man was obviously a noble of some sort and deserved respect.

After searching for hidden weapons and such, an attendant led the four to Xin's public office. Xin was sitting behind his desk, reviewing the monthly budget when Daisuke was announced. Standing, he bowed to the guests and said, "Welcome to Panyu Master Daisuke. Please take a seat and get comfortable. What brings you to this fair city?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Posts: 647
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:05 pm
Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Lin Xin

Upon seeing the Marquis, Daisuke Aramaki placed his hands together, fist to palm, and bowed. Upon finishing his display of respect, Aramaki answered, "Thank you for taking the time to see me, Marquis Lin. I have come to this city for several reasons, but first let me introduce the members of the group that has accompanied me."

He turned and gestured to the man on his left. "This is Master Lu, the leader of the trade caravan that the rest of my party and I have hitched a ride to come to your fair city. Having regular trade contacts with merchants here, Master Lu has been gracious enough to transport and sell for me some of the delicacies of the western province of China, including my own creation of candied oranges. If your grace wishes, please allow me to give a box of them to you, so that you can see what the people for the west have to offer." He gestures for Master Lu to present to the Marquis a silk covered box filled with candied oranges.

Next he turned and gestured to the man behind him. "This is Doctor Ai Zhou, my personal physician. He was formerly the head of the Battlefield Medicine for Rui Jaio Jin's Chencang Army, and has in his tenure in that position established a battlefield patient recovery system consisting of battlefield medics trained to stabilize the wounded soldiers and transport them to the field hospital. This new procedure has saved the lives of many soldiers who would otherwise have died."

Gesturing to the man on his right, Daisuke said, "And this here is Deng Jun, a former minister in the court of Prefect Feng Wei of Hann. He represents the tens of thousand of refugees that have been displaced by the fighting that spilled over from Sai into Hann."

Looking ahead he continued, "And that is the primary reason why I am here today. I have served as Prefect Feng Wei's chief minister and military organizer only for a short time, but during my tenure in that position, I have grew to love the people of Hann and now seek to lead them away from the war currently being fought there. As the the minions of the Qin oppressor Huhai have entered Hann, I felt that the only way to provide the people with a measure of freedom and safety have been to lead them towards the east. I have heard rumors that the eastern lands have not been ravaged by the same sort of governmental infighting that that torn apart the western lands of China." He sighed.

Taking a moment to compose himself, he continued. "The people of Hann have only begun their journey eastward, they would not be here for another several months. I have come here ahead of them to make sure that their path is clear and their destination safe. Do you have room here in the east for the western peoples of Hann? If not, do you know any other place where we could go?"
Last edited by Zhudi on Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »


((OOC: For you info and as noted in previous posts describing the public office, there are several guards in the room as well as Ro Aoi and Han Liao if he chooses to be present. Deng Wei can RP Doctor Zheng if he's around. Haven't heard from him in awhile.))

Xin bowed to each of the individuals as they were introduced but sat back into his seat, stunned at the last bit of news he had just received. Looking back up apologetically, he finally responded. "I'm sorry but I had not realized the extent of suffering our people are enduring in other parts of the Middle Kingdom. Of course, of course. All will be welcomed additions to beautiful Yue, if the people choose to stay."

Recovered, he, again, stood and walked around his desk, indicating for his guests to sit if they had not done so. "Thank you for the candied oranges," Xin began as a servant entered with tea and dessert, pouring each a cup before departing.

Placing the treats from the west with the other desserts, Xin looked first to Doctor Ai and said, "Your exploits and innovations in the field of medicine has reached even Yue. I'm sure Doctor Zheng, who I'm fortunate to have here in Yue, would be delighted to share techniques with you." Turning, Xin had one of his assistance send for Doctor Zheng if he's available.

Finally settled, Xin took a cup of tea in both hands, warming the sudden chill that came over him as he thought about the many homeless wandering the lands. After taking a sip, he continued, "We in Yue do not look favorably upon the Qin. In fact, there is a Qin-lover in Changsha that I plan on neutralizing. But that's besides the point. Please tell me, what has befallen Prefect Feng? How has this calamity come about?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Posts: 647
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:05 pm
Location: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."---John 8:32

Post by Zhudi »

Lin Xin

Aramaki took one of cups of tea and a slice of candied orange. He sat there sipping the hot mixture and chewed on the delightfully sweet fruit as he rested for a moment before answered Xin's question.

"Prefect Feng is safe, at the moment. He has fled to his personal friend Lao Wang Zi in Rui Jiao Jin's kingdom." He sighed before continuing, "Before I describe to you the fall of Yangdi, let me first tell you a little about my activities this past year. For most of the last half of this year, I have served as the Chief Administrator of Rui Jiao Jin's kingdom, one of the more well known vassals of King Ying Fusu of the Qin. I have presided over a war between the forces of Fusu and Huahi, the two contenders to the shattered Qin throne. For many months, the battles raged and the people suffered." He paused for a moment to take another bite of the orange.

"Having voiced certain opinions conflicting with the sentiment of the majority faction in Yong at the time, I was 'persuaded' to take a vacation from my duties as head administrator. I proceeded to take up service with Prefect Feng of Hann, a neutral kingdom uninvolved with the war up in Sai. In my efforts to remove myself from the two Brother's war, it seems that the war had followed me into Hann with the invasion of Yangdi by Huhai's minion Li Peng. The gods must have been against me that day, for although I had believed that we could have defended our city against the forces of the Qin Emperor, my armies had been divinely humbled even before the battle started. Seeing defeat to be imminent, I organized the evacuation of the city and the remaining garrisons. The prefect had left the command of the army and people to me with the charge to someday avenge the loss of Yangdi to Huhai of the Qin. Someday I hope to be able to deliver on that promise and restore to Prefect Feng his city of Yangdi. In the meantime, it is up to me to find a place for the people of Hann to stay while the Huhai's occupying force still owns Hann."

He sat there for a moment contemplating before saying, "Please Marquis Lin, tell me of what is happening here in the south east? Who are the major players out here and if there are any conflicts currently being fought? My attention has been focused thus far on the western provinces to the complete exclusion to what has happened out here."
Ma Zhudi, Guardian of the South

Also portraying...
Sha Zukang (61), Changsha's Chief Foreign Minister
"We will do the business at any cost...through whatever means available. One inch of the territory is more valuable than the life of our people. We will never concede on that."