Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Li Dao Wen wrote:OOC: hey RR, I have a challenge for you in the last post. =3

"I meant, most of the others." [/color]he stammered a little in his words, "I apologize milady."
OOC: Sorry, replied a bit fast. =S

"It's alright...Well, a duel, you say? Hmm...if Father doesn't mind. You look quite strong, yes. Let's have us a spar then. Do you have a mount, or shall we fight on foot, sir?"

Liangyu had already nodded to a maid on the side to get her armour ready so she could slip into it. She hoped she could match this man, for if she couldn't...Then, she prayed they wouldn't meet on the opposite sides of a battlefield. Well, time to do her Father proud!
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

RuffRydeR wrote:OOC: Sorry, replied a bit fast. =S

"It's alright...Well, a duel, you say? Hmm...if Father doesn't mind. You look quite strong, yes. Let's have us a spar then. Do you have a mount, or shall we fight on foot, sir?"

Liangyu had already nodded to a maid on the side to get her armour ready so she could slip into it. She hoped she could match this man, for if she couldn't...Then, she prayed they wouldn't meet on the opposite sides of a battlefield. Well, time to do her Father proud!
I mind! That's what Xia Xi wanted to say, but he knew that somehow, someway, his daughter would wind up fighting this guy. Honestly, over the last few months, his stances regarding her had lightened a bit. She was becoming a woman, and there wasn't much he could do to stop it. Besides, there might come a day, soon, where she won't be able to do this sort of thing at all anymore.

He gave her a weary smile and said, "No, I don't mind. Perhaps I should come and watch? After all, what better way to gauge both the strength of our visitor and the abilities of my own progeny?"
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Rui gave a hearty nod to the lady and her noble father, and addressed the question. "Of course, I would rather fight with a horse milady. However, I do not possess a battle mount, so if I may, I would request a spar on foot."

He raised his left arm towards his back to clench his halberd, but suddenly realized with a chuckle that he left it at the entrance to the hall.

Smiling sheepishly, he said a bit quietly, "If I may also acquire my humble weapon from the guards, that I will take the honor you have granted me."
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Post by trippy »

RuffRydeR wrote: "Yes, I wrote this. I don't really have a qualms about who helps us here, as long as they work well for their pay. Barbarian or not, I don't mind. I've gotten to know a few nomads in my own travels."

She looked the man up and down, sizing him up...

"So, you're a warrior, right? You're the kind of guy we'd need. I think it always gives my Father jitters when he has to have me go risk myself as his champion on the battlefield instead of some veteran fighter."

What would you offer for the hero of the Xiongnu? Can you guarantee I will never run out of fermented mare's milk, have the gold to make the finest armaments, and women for my bed?
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)
Little Lady Xia
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

Li Dao Wen wrote:Smiling sheepishly, he said a bit quietly, "If I may also acquire my humble weapon from the guards, that I will take the honor you have granted me."[/i]
"Of course. Meet me at my training room out in the East wing! Now, let's go, Father. I'll make sure you get a good view!"

Liangyu giggled excitedly and rushed off to get her arms and armour ready. Now that her Father was coming to watch, she wanted to do her best just so he could see. Though, of course, everything depended on her opponent not spoiling her show. Ah well, why worry about that?
trippy wrote:
What would you offer for the hero of the Xiongnu? Can you guarantee I will never run out of fermented mare's milk, have the gold to make the finest armaments, and women for my bed?
Liangyu cocked her head sideways, a bit bemused, and shrugged,

"If it's a matter of salary, you'll have to take it up with my Father. I just try and find people who might want to stay, but he decides who does. Would you like to meet him? I'm sure he'll know how to get you all that stuff!"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Posts: 670
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Location: In the smith

Post by trippy »

"If it's a matter of salary, you'll have to take it up with my Father. I just try and find people who might want to stay, but he decides who does. Would you like to meet him? I'm sure he'll know how to get you all that stuff!"
Take your king to me. I need speak to the one who can offer pay unless you care to offer it yourself. Is service to your king worth such a price?
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 pm

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Ruff wrote:"Of course. Meet me at my training room out in the East wing! Now, let's go, Father. I'll make sure you get a good view!"

Liangyu giggled excitedly and rushed off to get her arms and armour ready. Now that her Father was coming to watch, she wanted to do her best just so he could see. Though, of course, everything depended on her opponent not spoiling her show. Ah well, why worry about that?

Bowing once more as they went to the training room, Rui went over to take his weapon back. After he had, he went to find the east wing. He doesn't exactly possess the best sense of direction in the world.

After consulting an attendant he was finally able to get there after a few dozen minutes. Now sporting everything he's got, he bowed to Lady Xia and her father, who were presumably ready for the show.

"I am ready, Lady Gongzhu." he said to his opponent-to-be. He then stood straight as an arrow, waiting for her to get ready.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Little Lady Xia
Posts: 2248
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

Li Dao Wen wrote: "I am ready, Lady Gongzhu." he said to his opponent-to-be. He then stood straight as an arrow, waiting for her to get ready.
Liangyu took her time getting ready, though it was still done quite quickly, for her maids were willingly assisting her. Soon, she got up, straightened the breastplate out a little as it sat uncomfortably on her frame, then finally, walked to face her opponent, and gave a curt bow.

"So am I, sir. Let us begin..."

And she put one foot back a bit, ready to go...

(OOC: Pick a runner. =3)
trippy wrote: Take your king to me. I need speak to the one who can offer pay unless you care to offer it yourself. Is service to your king worth such a price?
"Umm...I can't really take the King anywhere. Though I could take you to him. And really, if I said I would pay it, it would still be his money. I am, after all, his daughter. He pays for everything I want!"

She giggled, rather confused by what he said, then shrugged,

"Honestly, I have no clue why we're out here just chatting. That sort of thing is for sitting on cushions indoors. Come inside, sir. Let's go find us a seat. My legs are fairly sore from duel practice and I was just about to go for tea..."

And she strutted off without really waiting for the man...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Posts: 670
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:29 pm
Location: In the smith

Post by trippy »

"Honestly, I have no clue why we're out here just chatting. That sort of thing is for sitting on cushions indoors. Come inside, sir. Let's go find us a seat. My legs are fairly sore from duel practice and I was just about to go for tea..."

And she strutted off without really waiting for the man...
The man dismounted from his horse, patted the dust from his clothes and followed the woman inside.

Wait, you turn your back on me without knowing me.

He catches up to the young princess.

Strange folk and strange customs you have. Let you king see to us. Why would you drink tea when there is airag. Here, take this skin, it will make you strong. You will be able to ride for days when you drink it.
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)
Posts: 420
Joined: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:15 am

Post by Seewichai »

[FYI, Currently I am RPing with Kimmy at her AH at the same time.]

Jing Yun arrives at the city of Zhaoge of Yin province with tattered clothes and the sword given by his father. He is wearing the same clothes during the fateful night where renegade Qin soldiers raided their village at the outskirts of Huainan province. He still remembered vividly where his father tried to hold back the soldiers and was cut down mercilessly. When Jing Yun climbs safely out of the house through the window, he tried to help his mother but.... right infront of his eyes, his mother suffers the same fate as his father. Forced to run in the dark with nothing except the sword, Jing Yun had put the blood debt on the heads of the Ying brothers.

Stepping up to the nearest guard, "Humble peasant Jing Yun seeking Xia Gongzhu's audience. I am here on her invitation." Subsequently Jing Yun fetched out the letter and give it to the guard. Jing Yun remembered one day while he was loitering around in one of the many towns of Huainan province. When a mysteriously man dropped a letter to him after ascertaining Jing Yun's identity.
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II
