Fei Lak's Audience Hall - Shanggu

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Post by Phailak »

Lak looked worried at the mention of his elder being in battle.

"Yes of course, we definately need help in all departments civil. You are welcome here, you will be a pleasant reminder of my nephew. Xia over there will show you to your quarters."

OOC: You have joined our forces... again, you know what to do by now. BTW, no need to post in Kingdom transfer if you have no troops or NPCs
Liu Kang
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Post by Liu Kang »

"You are too kind lord Fei Lak..." He said as he followed the man called "Xia"

((3rd times a charm :D Joining you guys again, hopefully i wont die this time))
Kong Li 27-70-70-70-68

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Post by phoenixofdiscordia »

phoenixofdiscordia wrote: Shang Xi bowed again, this tie with earnest respect.

"Lord Fei, you are already aware of my talents, I presume. Why else would you offer me such postions, of course? I will accept your offer gladly, but I must ask one small thing of you first... why, exactly, have you chosen me? Are there not others in the land who could fulfill the roll admirably?"
Lak shook his head.

"I will spare you the details of all that has transpired in Yan, suffice to say that we have had to fight for each inch of soil to finally unite the land under one banner. In such glory, we have attracted a myriad of Warlords and my forces are slowly imploding simply at the cost of maintaining such a large array of officers and men. This will cause us to have to expand into other provinces currently occupied by other men that will not welcome men of war such as us. I need a man with a slick tongue but also brave and will represent what we are. I spend a great deal of time analyzing reports and rumors of men of talent as it is my main focus, you are at the top of that list, which is why I entrust these functions to you should you accept. If I am wrong, which in these kind of things I rarely am, come to me and we can arrange something. So, what say you?"[/quote]

Shang Xi's face grew serious for a moment. He thought hard on the issue at hand.

"I believe, Master Fei Lak, that you are indeed in need of one such as me. I am certainly intrigued by your words. But this tells me little, really. YOu have yet to tell me of your ultimate ambition. I cannot follow a man without knowing what he plans to do, finally."

((Feel free to PM that part, in fact, I encourage it.))
Shang Xi, 27
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Post by Phailak »

phoenixofdiscordia wrote:
Shang Xi's face grew serious for a moment. He thought hard on the issue at hand.

"I believe, Master Fei Lak, that you are indeed in need of one such as me. I am certainly intrigued by your words. But this tells me little, really. YOu have yet to tell me of your ultimate ambition. I cannot follow a man without knowing what he plans to do, finally."

((Feel free to PM that part, in fact, I encourage it.))
Lak nodded.

"I understand, please step into my office."

OOC: PM will be sent since you don't have PH access yet
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Post by phoenixofdiscordia »

Aftter hearing all that Fei Lak had to say. Shang Xi grew quiet for a moment. Again a look as if he was struggling with something internally darkened his countenance. Then suddenly, he laughed. It was not very near he he uttered earlier, rather more like the shrill calling of a crow, or the laughter of one who has gone mad.

"Lord Fei Lak, your statements intrigue me. Nay, they have indeed convinced me that you are indeed the man I wish to follow. If you will accept me, I am ready to take on the task you have offered."
Shang Xi, 27
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Post by Phailak »

Lak approached the man, disregarding his countenance.

"Ha! Well I believe then we will soon be a force to be reckoned with. You will have a lot of work ahead of you."

He shook his head.

"I wish you would of joined us sooner, I was unable to convince some mercenary to join me, his soldiers in Changshan would of been welcomed. Well, at least my mind will be at ease for the future."

OOC: Post Officer Info: http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1869, PH access granted
King Tao
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Post by King Tao »

Kung Xian limps his way over to the doors of Fei Lak's throne room, accompanied by Ru Gi, Ying Kan, and Jie Hai. He addresses the guards outside, "Inform your lord that Kung Xian wishes to speak to him..."
Kung Fang 78-71-35-68-28 Charge 2, Cover 2, Encourage 1, Raid 1, Support 2, Volley 1, Wall 1

Kung Xian

[02:36] <TGC> I never thought I'd ever say that but, thanks, KT.
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Post by Phailak »

King Tao wrote:Kung Xian limps his way over to the doors of Fei Lak's throne room, accompanied by Ru Gi, Ying Kan, and Jie Hai. He addresses the guards outside, "Inform your lord that Kung Xian wishes to speak to him..."
The guards nod. One of them motions them in.

"You'll be announced by Ling here, just follow him Lord Kung."

Lak welcomes his friends in.

"You are welcome to my offices any time Xian, why the ceremony, have you four decided to join ur efforts?"
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Post by Shale »

Kei Gao walked through the city of Shanggu, he had come here due to the quality of letter writing compared to some other letters he had received. He headed to the audience hall where Fei Lak, the lord who had requested him resided.

Qu Long followed Gao commenting on the surrounding area. “Perhaps we should head in now then Long... I would like to see this Fei Lak,” said Gao. Long nodded.

The approached the gates of the audience hall presenting the letter to the guards, “I have an invitation to see Lord Fei Lak, I have brought a companion... Qu Long.”

They permit any searches and enter the hall...
Kei Gao(24) 64-65-70*-91-45 Jianshu II, Saboteur III, Spy II, and Poison II
Book of Rites (Int+4)
Follower: Qu Long(38) 55-62-75-58-74 Discipline II, Propagandist I, Maraud I, Instructor I, Civil Administrator I
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Post by Phailak »

The guards proceed with the regular protocols of a quick search and safekeep of any apparent weapons. The guards quickly announce the duo to Fei Lak who is garbed in his ceremonial clothing, reviewing reports over a cup of tea.

"Master Kei, please be welcome. I am also honored to meet you Master Qu."

He laid down the papers and rose, approaching the two.

"Please join me, I was about to have something to eat, I am told I do not do that enough."

He shot a backward glance at one of the attendants. He invited his guests to sit at a side table

"Master Kei, I am glad you have decided to at least meet with me. My political situation is becoming very complex and I fear to soon be overwhelmed. I need a man of your talents to help guide my hand as well as my armies."

Some tea and wine arrived with some buns and honey. Lak waited for his guests before taking some food himself.