Lin Xin's Audience Hall - Panyu

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Nanjun Tiger
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Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

"No, no..." Guang waved them off, holding tightly to the reins with his other hand. Gathering his will, he straightened himself in the saddle and looked down at the sentries. "I will be fine. Thank you, though."

Turning his head and nodding to Fang Lu, the men dismounted in unison, then handed their reins to the guards. At the mention of a search, Fang Lu spoke up, obviously perturbed. "You may search for contraband and hidden weapons, but we will not be stripped of our only means of defense. We..."

At those words, Guang waved his hand, giving Fang Lu a stern gaze. Turning his attention back to the guards, he cleared his throat before speaking. "Forgive Master Fang Lu, he is my protector and is just doing his duties." Briefly turning his head to gaze at Fang, he continued. "But, I agree with his words. I come on a diplomatic mission. We will consent to a search for throwing weapons and the like, but our sidearms will remain with us. They will be sheathed at all times and I'm sure your liege will be surrounded by heavily armed guards... If the only way for us to gain an audience is to completely disarm, then I'm afraid we will have to return to Nanjun..."
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
Civil Administrator I, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Envelop II, Politician II
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Wen nods and calls back the guard who he had sent to fetch the physician. First giving Fang Lu a scowl, he turned back to Guang with a smile saying, "Of course Master Taishi. I only said search. With the peace and security here in Panyu, we do not expect any hostile intent."

After quickly and expertly completing the search for any hidden weapons, the two were led to Xin's public office, flanked by two guards outside as usual and 2 guards, along with Ro Aoi inside. Having been notified that the guest was the lord of Nanjung, Xin was already waiting for him, standing near the door when they arrived.

Bowing, Xin said, "Welcome to Panyu good sir. My name is Xin, of the Lin family, Marquis of Yue. How can I help you today?
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Nanjun Tiger
Posts: 909
Joined: Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:05 am
Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

As the pair neared the office, they both halted and gave a polite bow, with Guang then taking a step forward. "Good day to you, Marquis Lin. I come here today to speak to you on improving the relations between our forces..."

Wincing, Guang turned his body away from the Marquis slightly and coughed. For a moment he remained still, but quickly regained his bearings and faced Lin Xin once again. "Forgive me. The stress of the recent months has brought illness to me..." Fang Lu looked at his liege with concern, but offered no comment.

"Recently I have taken control of both Nanjun and Qianzhong, and in a short while will have complete control of Changsha. I wish to personally inform you, that we have no designs or desire for Yue. Our ambitions lie with Changsha only. As such, I would request a formal arrangement between our forces, so that we may both grow and prosper in mutual harmony."
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
Civil Administrator I, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Envelop II, Politician II
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

Upon seeing Guang's condition, Xin indicated for the pair to take a seat in some comfy chairs. "I'm sorry to hear about your ill health," said Xin as he took an unconscious step back...just in case Guang was contagious. As the two sat down (or just Guang), Xin paced in thought while a servant enters with tea and dessert.

After pouring each person a cup of tea, Xin takes his own seat before asking, "Before I can decide what the best course of action is for my people, I must understand several issues. What is your standing with each of the other lords and ladies here in the South?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I

Post by Wren »

Lin Xin wrote:Wren ((np, it's good to develop these things IC anyway))

Xin looked at Wren thoughtfully. It seems this question has been popping up more and more lately. He guesses his quick rise to power, which was more coincidence than a larger scheme, would make people take more interest.

"In reality, when I set out from my village, I did not intend on ruling all of Yue," said Xin with a smile. "However, it seemed the more people I talk to, the more corruption and greed I uncover, which prompts me to take action. Some of the evil was sinister, such as Xue Jin, whom I had initially thought a good man. Others were just lazy and ignorant, such as the current governor of Guiji."

"I guess when the authority of the Qin crumbled, many seized the opportunity to take power thinking only of themselves, he continued with a slight shake of his head. It has been an incredible journey so far. Completely unexpected, but, Xin wouldn't change a thing. "As I sought to right the next wrong, it just happened to take me one step closer to uniting all of Yue. Can't say I don't welcome the challenge of restoring stability and peace to its people though...and, because of this experience, I've met some wonderful people...especially Marquis Yi." Xin said the last part almost in an inaudible whisper. He tended to ramble when he doesn't know what to say and he's rambled enough.

Interested in this young warrior/envoy, Xin's smile returned as he asked, "How about you, Lady Shen? What attracted you into Marquis Yi's service?
Shen Ling listened carefully. She seemingly cared what goes on in a ruler's mind. After Lin Xin answered, Shen Ling nodded slightly to show that she had understood.

Shen Ling: In all honesty, I was recruited by someone of the same goal. But my father was a retired Qin official who I believe was assasinated by a corrupted official. He was a good military officer and when he died, his followers would not leave so I started to take control. When Tu Dao, who is also trying to overthrow the Qin government came to talk to me about Marquis Yi, I was convinced. Her father's goals were to see another empire overthrow the Qin. There is no one else I'd much rather serve than someone who can see the downfall of Qin. What about you, Marquis? What do you think about Qin?
Nanjun Tiger
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Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

"That is an interesting question, Marquis Lin," Guang stated as he took a sip of tea, "because I have yet to make any contact with the other local leaders. You are the first I have reached out to."

Taking another sip of tea, he then set the bowl down on his knee. "Although, I must say that I have some concerns with Yi Lian. From what I understand, she began in Huainan and has since started an aggressive campaign into neighboring Jiujiang, conquering all in sight. It certainly raises some eyebrows in regards to regional security... I also understand that you have political relations with her force? How do you feel about the expansionist policies she has enacted? I don't see her aiming for Chu next, and taking Wu would leave your force in a rather... precarious position..."

Picking up the tea bowl again, he took another sip, raising an eyebrow as he awaited a response.
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
Civil Administrator I, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Envelop II, Politician II
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »


Xin nonchalantly waved his hand and said, "The Qin was a brutish tyranny but it never fully had control of us in southern Yue. We in Yue are hardy and resiliant and used the rivers and mountains to our advantage. One of the reasons why I embarked on this journey is to rid us of at least some of these despots. Those who cannot appreciate the value of those they lead do not deserve the mantle of leadership."

"I'm sorry to hear about your father, also," continued Xin, his voice softening a bit. "My grandfather met his end in an effort to repel the Chu back during the Warring States. It seems we've been fighting for far too long eh?"

Nanjung Tiger

For some reason, the negative tone directed at Yi Lian stirred Xin's anger more than it should have. Nevertheless, his face remained neutral, leaning on friendly still. Smiling, he picked up his cup and took a sip of the hot tea, savoring it's bitterness tinged with sweet. "So you came today because you fear for the safety of Yue?" asked Xin, still smiling. "I thank you for your concern Master Taishi, but I do not believe that is the fear which has brought you here today."

Setting his cup down, Xin folded his hands in his lap, choosing his next words carefully. "The same could be said of you, good sir. You have risen quite quickly, with much bloodshed if I remember correctly, and only now choose to come and establish a relationship with me? Marquis Yi and I have sent numerous diplomatic missions, informing and reassuring each other of our plans and intentions. That is why I do not fear her expansion into Jiujiang or Wu. At the time, she had the capability to provide security and stability in those lawless provinces while I did not. Should I have insisted she let the people suffer another month so I can get in on a piece of the action as well?" He said the last sentence with a raised eyebrow as Aoi and the four guards became alert, preparing for a hostile response.

After a short pause, Xin looks at the ill lord of Nanjung in the eye and said, "Forgive me for my bluntness Master Taishi, for I do not mean offense. But I fear I will be giving you peace only so you can build up your army to invade me. How do I know that is not your true intent Taishi Guang, he who has ignored his neighbors? "
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Deng Wei
Posts: 131
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:47 am

Post by Deng Wei »

Lin Xin wrote:The guards snap to attention as the two approached and bowed in salute upon recognizing the name of the lord of Nanjung. Xin ensured his guards knew all the forces neighboring Yue.

Shift Commander Wen came out of the gate door momentarily and bowed to Guang. "Welcome to Panyu Master Taishi." Noticing how the man did not look well, concern spread Wen's face as he said, "Sir? Are you ill? I will summon a physician. However, you must consent to a search before we can allow you to enter..."

Turning to one of the guards, Wen said, "Go find Doctor Zheng. His assistance here may be necessary."
Zheng Xiong was in the city halls of Panyu meeting with a few important city merchants when an attendant informed him that Lord Lin had summoned him. He quickly excused himself from the meeting, and proceeded to the audience hall. When he asked why he had been sent for, he was only told that a Master Taishi had come and he looked like he might require the services of a physician.

"Taishi? Taishi of Changsha? What is he doing here?" Zheng wondered to himself.

Zheng Xiong was just about to enter the audience hall when he heard Taishi speak. He heard the words "Yi Lian", "aggressive", and "expansionist". Zheng Xiong was stunned. He knew his lord respected the Marquis Yi immensely, seeing in her many admirable qualities. In his shock, he momentarily forgot to enter and Lord Lin had already began to respond. Zheng decided that it was best not to interrupt.

Sure enough, Lord Lin was suspicious of the man who seemed to question the virtues of his ally. Zheng took the chance before the man he now confirmed to be Taishi Guang responded to his lord and entered the audience hall. He did not want to be standing around outside all day.

"My lord, you summoned me?" Zheng Xiong said as he walked to Lin's side. He cast a slight glance towards Taishi, as though hoping that the man would watch his words and not anger his lord further.
Deng Wei, styled Zi Jie, 邓伟字子杰 (25) Male
Civil Administrator II, Entrench II, Military Administrator II, Cover II, Politician I, Trainer I
Nanjun Tiger
Posts: 909
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Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Lin Xin wrote:For some reason, the negative tone directed at Yi Lian stirred Xin's anger more than it should have. Nevertheless, his face remained neutral, leaning on friendly still. Smiling, he picked up his cup and took a sip of the hot tea, savoring it's bitterness tinged with sweet. "So you came today because you fear for the safety of Yue?" asked Xin, still smiling. "I thank you for your concern Master Taishi, but I do not believe that is the fear which has brought you here today."

Setting his cup down, Xin folded his hands in his lap, choosing his next words carefully. "The same could be said of you, good sir. You have risen quite quickly, with much bloodshed if I remember correctly, and only now choose to come and establish a relationship with me? Marquis Yi and I have sent numerous diplomatic missions, informing and reassuring each other of our plans and intentions. That is why I do not fear her expansion into Jiujiang or Wu. At the time, she had the capability to provide security and stability in those lawless provinces while I did not. Should I have insisted she let the people suffer another month so I can get in on a piece of the action as well?" He said the last sentence with a raised eyebrow as Aoi and the four guards became alert, preparing for a hostile response.

After a short pause, Xin looks at the ill lord of Nanjung in the eye and said, "Forgive me for my bluntness Master Taishi, for I do not mean offense. But I fear I will be giving you peace only so you can build up your army to invade me. How do I know that is not your true intent Taishi Guang, he who has ignored his neighbors? "
Inwardly Guang laughed, but his demeanor towards Lin xin remained stoic. Obviously, there was some sort of "special" relationship between himself and Yi Lian to provoke such an outburst of hostility. Her expansion was a genuine concern for all in the region, yet this man infront of him would now turn the spearpoint at Guang; the man who knew Lin Xin was making a foolhardy mistake by throwing his lot in with Yi Lian.

"Your bluntness does not bother me, Marquis Lin," Guang began half-smiling; finally showing some expression to his face despite Lin's words. "However, if I can be blunt myself, what bothers me is your assumptions of my situation and my intentions."

Crossing his arms, he continued. "There is a vast difference that you refuse to see. In fact, there has been little bloodshed. Nanjun was taken last month without so much as a bruised knee. And the only battle that has been fought in Changsha by my forces, was fought this month at Qianzhong. The reason I did not come here sooner, is because up until the end of last month, I was just a simple warrior; leading a small army, without any sort of base or lands within Changsha. I was not someone that would have any reason to bother a Marquis, especially one that controls nearly an entire province. Forgive me for being mistaken in this matter, but I did not feel that someone of my small stature was worth the time to seek political relations with... considering I was not a legitimate force until now. So please, Marquis, forgive me for not coming to seek you out sooner."

Giving pause, he offer a slight bow of his head, to show the sincerity of his words. "In truth, I do care for Yue, and the southlands in general. I bring my genuine concerns about Yi Lian, because neither you nor I have sought to violently expand our influence outside of our respective province, and Yi Lian's incursions into Jiujiang is a cause for concern in regards to regional security. In all honesty, if I had any mechinations on Yue, why would I bother seeking you out at all and make an offer of friendship and security?"

At his words, Guang's skin appeared to regain some of it's lost color, and he did not appear angered or disturbed by Lin's insinuations. "If you fear that I am misleading you, then there is nothing that can be done about that. Only you, the Marquis of Yue, can do what is in the best interests of your people. Who am I to request otherwise?"
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
Civil Administrator I, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Envelop II, Politician II
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

Deng Wei wrote:"My lord, you summoned me?" Zheng Xiong said as he walked to Lin's side. He cast a slight glance towards Taishi, as though hoping that the man would watch his words and not anger his lord further.
Xin had just finished speaking when Doctor Zheng unexpectedly appeared. Before he could say anything, Taishi Guang began speaking so Xin kept his mouth shut and refocused his attention back to the lord of Nanjung.

Realizing his little outburst, Xin reined back in his emotions and stood, forcing a smile. "Hello Doctor Zheng," said the Marquis, bowing to his Chief Magistrate. "I apologize you didn't get the word of Lord Taishi here said he did not require a physician at this time."

Looking back at Guang, Xin returned to his seat and said, "Since the doctor is here, we might as well have him take a look at you after this meeting if you wish."

"However," he continued, "to get back to the subject, I understand we may see the current situation differently but I am also prepared to consider other options and opinions. Do you have a proposal that will be mutually beneficial to us both?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I