Lin Xin's Audience Hall - Panyu

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Post by krowthen »

Long Rurong casually walked up to the guards guarding the Lin's audience hall. "I am Long Rurong. I wish to speak privately with Marquis Lin. Please see if it would be possible for the wind to whisper quietly in his ear."
Guan Sho,23 Male
District Manager of Bayang, Qi Province
Stats: 45-24-108*-82-40
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II, Decoy II, Scribe III
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Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Duke Williams

Nodding, Xin said, "Of course. I would not want to deny you the opportunity to seek the best possible situation for you. However, I would ask that you not take too long, for the tides of uncertainty continues to flow. Your experience and expertise is required now, but we will continue to do what we can and pray for your safe journey and quick return."

Wren ((np, it's good to develop these things IC anyway))

Xin looked at Wren thoughtfully. It seems this question has been popping up more and more lately. He guesses his quick rise to power, which was more coincidence than a larger scheme, would make people take more interest.

"In reality, when I set out from my village, I did not intend on ruling all of Yue," said Xin with a smile. "However, it seemed the more people I talk to, the more corruption and greed I uncover, which prompts me to take action. Some of the evil was sinister, such as Xue Jin, whom I had initially thought a good man. Others were just lazy and ignorant, such as the current governor of Guiji."

"I guess when the authority of the Qin crumbled, many seized the opportunity to take power thinking only of themselves, he continued with a slight shake of his head. It has been an incredible journey so far. Completely unexpected, but, Xin wouldn't change a thing. "As I sought to right the next wrong, it just happened to take me one step closer to uniting all of Yue. Can't say I don't welcome the challenge of restoring stability and peace to its people though...and, because of this experience, I've met some wonderful people...especially Marquis Yi." Xin said the last part almost in an inaudible whisper. He tended to ramble when he doesn't know what to say and he's rambled enough.

Interested in this young warrior/envoy, Xin's smile returned as he asked, "How about you, Lady Shen? What attracted you into Marquis Yi's service?


"I will, Brother Lao," Xin said as he stood and returned the bow. "I firmly believe that destiny has a greater scheme for us all. We shall definitely meet again."

At that, Lao Wang Zhi is excused to leave.


The guards recognize Rurong and allow him to enter, after being searched of course ((assuming consent)).

Upon entering his office, Xin walked up and greeted the mercenary with a bow. "Ahhhh, Master Long. Who or what can I thank for this unexpected visit?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:17 am

Post by krowthen »

(Consent given) - with much reserve and reluctance a simple sword is handed over to the guard, no other weapons on person

Upon seeing Lin, Rurong bowed in polite greeting, "Lord Lin, it is good to see you again, though sadly it is only business which brings me here today. By the sound of the Monk's harping I am guessing his meeting with you did not go as he planned. I really don't care much for the guy, but his apparent goals are worthy ones." Rurong let out a low sigh. Not one to normally care for formalities, Rurong disliked the type of politics seen outside of the battlefield, "Basically, I am here to talk about future prospects, would it be possible to talk in private."
Guan Sho,23 Male
District Manager of Bayang, Qi Province
Stats: 45-24-108*-82-40
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II, Decoy II, Scribe III
Location: Jiaoxi
Lin Xin
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Post by Lin Xin »

Xin nodded, sobering a bit. He had assumed as much but figured to put on a friendly face as much as possible. Indicating for Rurong to follow, Xin stepped into a smaller room attached to the main office. This served as a private meeting room, when avoiding the hustle and bustle of the daily administration was necessary.

Only one other individual followed them in. Aoi, unless he's off doing errands, always keeps a watchful eye over his friend and master.

"This room gives us at least some semblance of privacy to speak," Xin began. "What's on your mind?"
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:17 am

Post by krowthen »

Rurong entered the room behind Lin and lounged against a wall as he spoke. His voice loud enough for only those in the room.
Guan Sho,23 Male
District Manager of Bayang, Qi Province
Stats: 45-24-108*-82-40
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II, Decoy II, Scribe III
Location: Jiaoxi
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

Xin smiled upon hearing that what was said. Leaning foreward, he responded in an equally low voice.
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Posts: 260
Joined: Wed Jul 16, 2008 1:17 am

Post by krowthen »

Rurong bowed, "It has been a pleasure as always Marquis Lin. I will promptly relay your response to the monk."

Rurong pushed himself off the wall, "Perhaps next time we can enjoy more leisurely and common talk. But for now, if you will excuse me, there is much work to get done."

Rurong bowed and awaited leave before starting back on the lonely road towards where his army was currently camped.
Guan Sho,23 Male
District Manager of Bayang, Qi Province
Stats: 45-24-108*-82-40
Skills: Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Public Planner II, Decoy II, Scribe III
Location: Jiaoxi
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
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Post by Lin Xin »

Xin returned the bow and watched the warrior leave. With a sigh, indicative of the heavy load he must bear, he back to his desk to begin preparations.
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I
Nanjun Tiger
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Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

"No good..." the man riding at the front of the column moaned, his head drooping closer to his steeds neck. At that moment, a nearby rider placed his hand firmly on the man's shoulder, attempting to sturdy him in the saddle.

"My liege", the rider called out, "are you still not well?"

The man shook his head, his eyes closed shut tight. "No. I'm afraid this illness still has it's grip on me... no matter. I can still meet with Lin Xin."

The rider sighed, distressed at his liege's dilemma. "We can see if Lin Xin would grant you rest when we reach the city. That way you could recover before having to meet..."

"No, no", the man interrupted with weak, raspy voice. "I will be fine. Thanks for your concern Fang Lu."

Several hours later, a column of two dozen horsemen arrive outside the city of Panyu; capital of Yue's Lin Xin. Approaching the city gates, the column halted, but the two lead riders continued until they reach the gate sentries. Raising his hand, in regard to the men at the gate, the man neared his horse, coughing a few times in the process.

"Greetings," the man began, "I am Taishi Guang of Changsha. I come seeking an audience with Lin Xin. Might I, and my vassal Fang Lu, be granted entrance?"
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
Civil Administrator I, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Envelop II, Politician II
Lin Xin
Posts: 951
Joined: Thu Aug 18, 2005 12:09 pm

Post by Lin Xin »

The guards snap to attention as the two approached and bowed in salute upon recognizing the name of the lord of Nanjung. Xin ensured his guards knew all the forces neighboring Yue.

Shift Commander Wen came out of the gate door momentarily and bowed to Guang. "Welcome to Panyu Master Taishi." Noticing how the man did not look well, concern spread Wen's face as he said, "Sir? Are you ill? I will summon a physician. However, you must consent to a search before we can allow you to enter..."

Turning to one of the guards, Wen said, "Go find Doctor Zheng. His assistance here may be necessary."
Lin Xin (32 M) 82-25-61-77-51 Civil Admin II, Diplomat I, Discipline II, Military Admin II, Politician I, Volley I, Wall I
Location: Linjiang
Wife: Lee Ling Da (30 F) 75-52-62-70-52 Artisan II, Faze I, Haste I, Military Administrator I, Sortie I
Sister: Lin Jia (29 F) 30-72-61-64-72 Challenge I, Diplomat I, Doctor I, Engineer I, Faze I, Instructor I