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Forum Rules

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 6:20 pm
by ann
Warlords Rules:

Warlords is a game created by a group of people for the benefit of any who choose to play.

Intellectual Property: Warlords is based in the United States and so will use U.S. Legal definitions and understandings. Any original work produced by an individual is, in the United States, considered the property of that individual. It is not necessary to apply for copyright protection in order to exercise this protection. The only way for these rights to be transferred is by a written contract. There are certain exceptions: the intellectual property produced by employees in the course of their work is the property of their employer for example. However only those who are paid by agreement are considered employees; the volunteer staff of a sim are not employees.

The website itself, the biographies and information posted about the historical period, are the property of the individual authors. If you would like to copy any information please contact one of the administrators of the site who will attempt to gain permission from the author. You are free, of course, to link to the site. The game and it’s rules are also the property of individual authors. To date, those authors have agreed that, as the game is intended to provide fun and entertainment for many people and is in no way an attempt by the authors to profit, the rules of the sim may be copied freely so long as no profit is sought. We would appreciate it if you would credit Warlords and call attention to any interesting changes you make. It may be that a staff member will, at some point in the future, disagree and wish to retain control of their property. If this is the case the rule will be so noted and we ask that you request permission from the author to copy that individual rule.

The one exception to this free exchange is any software or script based tools. If you have access to these do not copy them without express permission from the author. Do not modify or use them in any way without express permission from the author.

Perhaps the most blatant Intellectual Property theft in this type of game is of artwork and protected images and photographs used for personal avatars. For this reason you are not permitted to load avatars onto our server. Please request permission to use any images you choose as avatars yourself. If complaints are made about the use of protected images we will take steps to ensure that those images are not used on the site.

If you find an article posted elsewhere on the Internet you may choose to share it with those of us at Warlords. We would certainly appreciate this. However you should keep in mind that those things posted on the Internet generally come under a ‘Fair Use’ provision. It is fine to print it for your personal use but it is not ok to distribute it or print it for profit. Fair Use generally allows you to quote up to 500 words of an article but not the entire article. If we find that you have quoted more than 500 words of someone else’s work we will warn you and delete the material. Please refrain from posting over the Fair Use limits.

When you post your original work on the site you have granted us permission to display that work. As you retain the ability to edit that work you may alter or remove it as you see fit. If you don’t wish something displayed then please don’t post it.

Behavior: When posting in the forum we ask that you follow three simple rules. Do not flame other users. Any insult or attack on another player will be considered flaming whether they respond, or can respond, or not. Do not cheat. You are responsible for knowing the game rules and following them. You should also avoid using information gained strictly OOC to determine your IC actions. In addition you should not drop yourself into situations your character could not have known about after reading them on the forum. Try to stay on topic. When you make a post do pay attention to where you are making it so that you don’t clutter threads with extraneous material. If you make a mistake - you should try to correct it or ask for assistance.

Because people have asked:

The character creation system - including the tool which generates characters at sign-up - was created by Kymvir Raemiz for Warlords in 2004. It was, with his knowledge, copied and modified by another sim early in 2005.

If you have read the forum rules you will know that we don't mind if people copy the rules. We do ask that they acknowledge us as the source and tell us what they changed and how it worked out. Copying code - like the character generation tool or the battle prog - is not ok however.

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 3:15 pm
by Xiang Zhuang
As an addendum, please know that if you do not adhere to the rules and the spirit of which this forum and simulation is being launched, you may be asked to either leave the forum or may be banned from it. We do not feel a need to lay down a set structure in how we will handle any problems that occur. Know that we reserve our right to moderate this forum in any way we see fit, inside of the law. No one will be banned without a warning about their behavior beforehand unless they have joined for the sole purpose of harming the forum.

The purpose of the rules is to create a foundation in which a community can be created and the simulation can be run smoothly to the benefit of all. If you have any questions, private message an Administrator or Game Master.

Also, be warned that you are only allowed to have one account on this forum unless you have permission from an Administrator (which will happen in only very rare instances). Having multiple accounts is enough to warrant a player being banned, as it allows a player to circumvent the rules of the simulation in where each person can only have one character at any given time.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:47 am
by ann
It should not surprise you that we will limit players to one character each. If you and another character are posting from the same IP address you will both need to let us know the reason.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:45 am
by ann
The above notice about IP sharing has been overlooked by many and recently we've begun to reconsider our fairly lenient policy.

If you are sharing an IP and have not contacted me yet this game please do so with the following information:

Real Name:
Real Location:
Character Name:
Character Location:
Sharer's Real Name:
Sharer's Real Location:
Sharer's Character Name:
Sharer's Characer's Location:

and of course - the reason for sharing!

It is, as you can imagine, extremely difficult to determine who is telling the truth and who is not. But, what is more important to us, is the impact on the game. While we are very pleased that people have enough fun playing that they tell their friends and siblings to play, we are less pleased when it appears that people seek OOC remedies for IC difficulties by strong arming friends to create characters or, perhaps, creating illegal characters to assist with their PCs situations.

In the future - if the game balance is compromised - we may make further rules which will dissallow IP sharing in the same province, or limit the types of Background Points IP sharers may take. Or we may require substantial individual roleplay to maintain accounts on a shared IP. And worst comes to worst, we may actually be forced to stop allowing IP sharing altogether.

As always we'd rather not create more rules but, if necessary, we will. Please keep this in mind when inviting friends and family to join the game!


Multiple accounts, even when from different IP addresses, are NOT allowed. If you have access from home and work and two different accounts for each IP you are cheating. If you have a neighbor who does not want to play but will let you make an account on their computer and post stuff, you are cheating. If you are writing turns, OI, roleplay, invasion pms etc for some other account then you are, essentially, multi-accounting. It is one thing to help someone with their turn, or to give them ideas, but if, instead of providing assistance, you are in fact controlling more than one PC, you are on the wrong side of the rules.

If you are found to be cheating in this way bad things will happen.