Zhao Yue's Audience Hall - Shangdang

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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao replied "If I disband them, they will go back to Anding as unemployed men. Moreover, I have spent time and gold training and equipping them. They are trained in siege engines and horses. To disband them, I will need to consider that. I would like to ask about your future plans so that I can make a better decision. I could disband them first and ask them to return to Shang Dang at a later date. I would expect grumblings."

Lan Kai was a little shock at the suggestion of disbandment.
In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

"Because I was not spoiled from birth like these other men," Zhao Yue said candidly, flicking his head some to get rid of some tickling hairs from his face. "I was born into a middle-class family, orphaned, then had to fend for myself. I lived in a one-room shack with no well or source of income up until about three weeks ago. I watched my best friend destroy her entire family--the family I had come to love--and then take off like it was nothing. I contracted every kind of ailment possible, only to overcome them with my dedication. I had to educate myself up until meeting Master White Wing, all while overcoming emotional and physical devastation from my own pathetic life. I am independent."

"This upbringing has given me invaluable tools that prove beneficial for any man who is in my possession. I have an unparalleled mental and emotional fortitude that cannot be penetrated by anyone, as long as I maintain my own pride in dignity in what I have done, what I am doing, and what I will do in the future as a leader of the common man. I still think myself a common man, only exalted to this position due to my own acquired skills. Many think me to be a boasting young brat for saying these things, but I like to call it 'self-confidence'," the Prefect said languidly, drumming on his knees as he spoke to distract him from his nerves.

"So while my rivals' own wealth and nobility and tomfoolery gets in their ways, I'll be able to stay focused, for I have come to appreciate the value of a tael as well as the value of a single human life."
The woman was taken aback by the youth's bombastic claims. He seemed to her to be the type to enjoy a challenge, so she presented one.

"You claim you are not some 'boasting young brat', as you so eloquently put it. Any man with an army can take a city through no talent of his own. While this certainly sets you above the peasants who wallow in their own self-pity and ignorance, it does not set you above those that would disregard you as a peasant on a proverbial power trip.

"The measure of a man is not only his achievements, but his intentions and procedure. Any fool could see you speak with conviction, that you are willing and able to achieve more than what you currently are. That is a noble aspiration. Your contempt for the prefects and managers across this land tells me you might not be happy with a province, as I doubt you are content with a city. You strike me as a man who wishes to unify the land.

"I've carved a living from this unforgiving land by reading people, and knowing what their cards were by the way they held their eyes. This world needs a unified Middle Kingdom to guide it; do you believe you have the temerity, the will, and the cunning to achieve this? Do you have the audacity to be the iron fist of unification, lord Zhao?"
Xue Xia
Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Propagandist II, Public Planner II, Entrench I, Poison I, Doctor
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao replied "If I disband them, they will go back to Anding as unemployed men. Moreover, I have spent time and gold training and equipping them. They are trained in siege engines and horses. To disband them, I will need to consider that. I would like to ask about your future plans so that I can make a better decision. I could disband them first and ask them to return to Shang Dang at a later date. I would expect grumblings."

Lan Kai was a little shock at the suggestion of disbandment.
Zhao Laoxin smiled at the suggestion offered by Lan Kai; it was fully expected. He wasn't too bothered by being blunt, yet he knew that others were. Unfortunate, it was. "My future plans involve uniting the entirety of Wei under one banner and eliminating all signs of the plague. After that, I will reinforce the borders and send care packages to those below the poverty line to help alleviate the woes of the war, and then I will look beyond to see what other territories require my attention. No doubt the wars between the various states of the country will eventually reel me in, but I would like to dive into these things clearheaded and devoid of judgments. It's imperative that I act cunningly during the pursuit of all of my ambitions, for if I am going to be so candid about them, might as well succeed in what I set forth to do."

"And what would you like to do in these lands? No doubt with your own group of men you would like to participate in these unraveling events, but how would you choose to contribute to the history of our people? You know that they'll be talking about this for centuries to come, Sir Jiang."
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao took in the words and said "The use of care packages, how would you define as people below the poverty line. How about those who are the sandwiched class? Not poor enough to qualify for the care packages nor rich enough to be willing to pay taxes to supplement your campaigns. Most of my men and myself included are from the sandwiched class. How would you help them? Relief packages? One off payments? Rebates? Tax reliefs? Child Care Bonuses?

He continued "Most of these ideas are taken from some of Anding tax incentive packages. The city increased the use of Goods and Serves taxes, reducing corporate tax and thus funding such schemes. Anding also has toll charges on the use of horses and carriages. Will you implement such policies too?"

Jiang Bao suddenly felt political as if a lightening had struck him. He talked extensively about Anding society and tax structures. He never liked those politicians in Anding to begin with.

"Before I forget, about this joining bonus, is there a quantifiable amount?"
Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe frowned.

"They made you too rigid at academy, my boy. Not even a thank you for putting you through all that expensive training?"

He sighed. He chucked the letter at the man's face very lightly.

"My good friend Laoxin asked for me."
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

In Ferro Veritas wrote:The woman was taken aback by the youth's bombastic claims. He seemed to her to be the type to enjoy a challenge, so she presented one.

"You claim you are not some 'boasting young brat', as you so eloquently put it. Any man with an army can take a city through no talent of his own. While this certainly sets you above the peasants who wallow in their own self-pity and ignorance, it does not set you above those that would disregard you as a peasant on a proverbial power trip.

"The measure of a man is not only his achievements, but his intentions and procedure. Any fool could see you speak with conviction, that you are willing and able to achieve more than what you currently are. That is a noble aspiration. Your contempt for the prefects and managers across this land tells me you might not be happy with a province, as I doubt you are content with a city. You strike me as a man who wishes to unify the land.

"I've carved a living from this unforgiving land by reading people, and knowing what their cards were by the way they held their eyes. This world needs a unified Middle Kingdom to guide it; do you believe you have the temerity, the will, and the cunning to achieve this? Do you have the audacity to be the iron fist of unification, lord Zhao?"
Zhao Yue raised a brow. It was almost surprising to hear such intelligence pour out of a woman. Could this girl be a match for Qiao Lin? "Sorry to drop the bombshell, but I did not possess a single soldier when I seized this city," he said flatly, rubbing one of his temples with two fingers as he momentarily closed his large eyes. "For those who would choose to underestimate me for being a mere 'peasant', as you put it, I revel in the opportunity to prove them wrong and eliminate them from my radar. Those who would play down my abilities due to my background should prove to be no challenge on the field of battle or in the world of politics. People like you are the ones I would worry about, those that are able to see through my frugality and see what I could bring to the table."

Yue was slightly disturbed by this woman's ability to read a bit into his thoughts, but she couldn't see everything. As long as he kept his innermost calculations and procedures quiet, he didn't need to fear his entire plan being spoken aloud. It would never reach the lips of a living human being, not until they were executed to perfection. "If I have the audacity to start from scratch twice, then I have the audacity to kill those who did me no personal wrong in order to realize my ambitions. Quite the rare gem you are, able to see past my facade," he said grimly, "but I am not completely confident in my own abilities to foresee the challenges that are to come with what I want to achieve. It has been my tactic to chart out every possible outcome and create a plan to counteract my potential failures, but there are so many variables when it comes to... well... domination. I think you would be able to help me in this regard," he said quietly, resting his index fingers on his lips as he awaited Lady Xiao's retort. He feared that he had rambled a bit, but hopefully his main points came across in a professional fashion. She seemed to be a professional woman, after all.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao took in the words and said "The use of care packages, how would you define as people below the poverty line. How about those who are the sandwiched class? Not poor enough to qualify for the care packages nor rich enough to be willing to pay taxes to supplement your campaigns. Most of my men and myself included are from the sandwiched class. How would you help them? Relief packages? One off payments? Rebates? Tax reliefs? Child Care Bonuses?

He continued "Most of these ideas are taken from some of Anding tax incentive packages. The city increased the use of Goods and Serves taxes, reducing corporate tax and thus funding such schemes. Anding also has toll charges on the use of horses and carriages. Will you implement such policies too?"

Jiang Bao suddenly felt political as if a lightening had struck him. He talked extensively about Anding society and tax structures. He never liked those politicians in Anding to begin with.

"Before I forget, about this joining bonus, is there a quantifiable amount?"
"I've lived here for twenty years, and have seen the plights of all sorts of people here in Shangdang. I'm well aware of who is in poverty and who's not," Zhao Yue shot back almost aggressively, but not so he would sound insulting. "Those in the middle class have to pay taxes regardless, taxes that are far less steep than those imposed by Meng Yun. I make sure that people can afford my policies, for I know how difficult it can be to live in a land torn by war. The unique struggles I witnessed in Shangdang should be reflected throughout the rest of the province if my asssumptions are correct, but to base public policy off of assumptions is of course a fool's action. I have employed a trustworthy staff of civil engineers to aid me in the care package distribution, and how to discern between rich and poor," Laoxin said, a bit suspicious of this man's wish to know so much about his economic plans.

"And I have no idea what you mean by 'corporate' or 'goods and services' taxes. All taxes imposed in Wei are one singular base line tax with extra charges for those who serve the government. These extra charges are in place for the first-hand medic services offered, but I have no intention on taxing other amenities. It's simply barbaric," he said, now rubbing his smooth chin with his hand. "And I will pay one pound of gold for every four men; fully employed officers do not receive gold for enlistment due to all of the services provided by the government. It balances out perfectly in this fashion."
Jin Shi wrote:Huixi Zhe frowned.

"They made you too rigid at academy, my boy. Not even a thank you for putting you through all that expensive training?"

He sighed. He chucked the letter at the man's face very lightly.

"My good friend Laoxin asked for me."
The guard captain moved his head just in time, catching the letter deftly between two of his fingers. He didn't even bother looking at the letter, instead handing it off to a guard and clearing his throat, unamused. "You'll have to be searched twice before entering the Administration Building. Agreed?"
Last edited by Unchained Phoenix on Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
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Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe smiled and shook his head.

"If Zhao wants me enough to send me a letter, why should I have to be searched? Are you saying that your lord is mad enough to invite someone to murder him? Over my head, this whole business."

He made a blowing noise, and passed his hand over his head.

"And you should check that letter, shouldn't you? That could just be what I used for a napkin this morning. This is mostly true. Lacking such protocal, my boy."

He chuckled.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao nodded and said "So if I disband my men, we technically get nothing cause only myself and Lan Kai here will join you. We will only get that after one month of service. Is that correct?"

He continued "As for taxation, I assume every city has its own taxation methods. A singular tax will have high burden cost wouldn't it? But I am not politician, basically in the view of the working population."

Turning the attention to something of more interest to him, he said "When you unify Wei, I understand that Wei is relatively near Yan. And no doubt the fighting in Yan is about to end as unification is about to be complete. They will soon pour into Changshan and then Wei. How will you deal with it? One of the 5 legends, Liang Feng is the Champion of the Yan Coalition army. I am not match for him in a duel, although my other brothers are. Have you ever seek out the other brothers of mine? Liang Feng included of course."
In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

The woman chuckled slightly at the man's continued insistence on his own superiority. It was refreshing to see a man do something other than hide behind his rank for a change.

"Seizing the city without a single soldier? Intriguing. I would've seen to it that I had an army waiting to occupy the city in the aftermath, however, to... 'expunge' the less than desirables. Your humble origins are both your strength and weakness; the masses will identify with you, and the nobles will dismiss you as weak because of it. A terrible foe you would be to those reactionaries who refuse to adapt to the times."

Xiao Jing paused again, pondering the situation. She was not yet convinced she should fear the man, but was still unsure of how benevolent a man he would be to his underlings.

"If you desire to plan every potential pitfall on your route to domination," she continued abruptly, "you'll be gray and old long before you move to realize your plans. One cannot plan for the reactions of others while life moves on and their positions change -- even more so if they are replaced by a new official. The dynamics of the rapidly rising and falling governors and managers further east would only serve to complicate your plan.

"I offer my skills and knowledge, such as they are, to you in your path to conquest," she stared at him, at the enigma. "All that I am and all that I will ever be is yours to command."
Xue Xia
Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Propagandist II, Public Planner II, Entrench I, Poison I, Doctor