Zhao Yue's Audience Hall - Shangdang

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Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:"A small child could threaten a mountain with the right technique," the captain said whimsically, motioning to his men to commence the search. Once all malicious and suspicious items were removed, the guards bowed to the captain who in turn motioned for the men behind the bronze gates to open them up. Once this was finished, the visitor was escorted to the entrance patrol, where he was then padded down again. After the rest of the suspicious items were removed, the entrance captain cleared his throat. "You'll receive all of your belongings once you depart. We'll keep them safe, don't worry. After me," he said, motioning with his head to have his men follow him as they were all engulfed by the darkness of the Administration Building entrance. A relaxing warm feeling followed.

While the main audience chambers were being remodeled, it became necessary to take a different route than usual to see the Prefect. The captain told Xing's escort to make themselves comfortable in the lobby. The attendants murmured amongst themselves from a moment as the group turned left out of the lobby to follow glowing halls with translucent walls. These walls were actually made of a tarp material, painted elegantly with dragons and landscapes and all sorts of things. Sliding doors were hidden behind the scenery, opening at random as attendants and subordinates alike filtered in and out of glowing rooms. Eventually, the guest was taken to the west wing of the Building, where two large stone doors were sealed shut. The captain cleared his throat, and the soldiers guarding the door immediately pushed them open, bowing as the party went through. The warm sensation offered by the first floor of the building was soon replaced by a cold rush of air.

The temporary audience chambers were not nearly as welcoming as the main wing, with stone blocks making up the walls, floors, and most of the ceiling. There was a sun roof of sorts, illuminating the center of the room with golden rays. This showcased the dingy red carpet that ran from the (shutting) doors to an elevated throne chair of sorts, where a robed man was just seating himself. A handful of ministers were milling about on the opposite side of the chamber, with the escort unit retreating to the side walls, allowing Huo Xing to approach the assumed Prefect of Shangdang. "Good day, and welcome to Shangdang. How can I assist you?" he asked, not recognizing this visitor.
At the guard captains comment, Huo Xing's eyes narrowed, "Yes... I'm sure," he said, with a hint of his contempt for the man showing through. He allowed himself to be led through the palace, noticing the various tapestries that made up the walls. It was an interesting place, to say the least. When he was led beyond the main hall, and into the temporary audience chamber, the scholar made a quick note of the man sitting down, and the seeming disdain that the man seemed to show about even being here. "I don't know, that would depend if you are the man who invited me here. I was invited by Zhao Yue, the Prefect, to meet with him. I am Huo Xing of Yue province, apparently a scholar of some renown."
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Unchained Phoenix
Posts: 685
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao laughed recalling some crazy guy who came to challenge him and said "The 5 legends are just a fancy name created by one of my more accomplished brothers. He thought it was a nice cliche for the 5 of us having the same motives in life, that is to bring peace to the land. Most of us are politically unaligned. So far I think I am the most unworthy of the 5."

Shaking his head he continued "I have yet to really achieve anything so far. I have a small unit of men who are training in Changsha."
"Ah, I see," Zhao Yue said with an easy chuckle. He didn't think they were actual legends yet, but the thought of five men of that calibur being interested in subservience was entertaining, to say the least. Regardless, Laoxin calmed his fleeting imagination and returned his attention to the current situation at hand. This was the third 'Legend' he had seen, yet he had promised not to let Bao know. That was his little secret with everyone else. "I see. Well if you five are looking to bring peace to the land, then Wei is an excellent place to start. Our land is fertile, our people hospitable and kind, and our desire for a united country left unrequited. I as a primary leader in this province require men of your unique talents to help me achieve these goals for the people of Wei, and eventually for the people of China. Still, I sense some doubt lurking underneath your skin. What do you need to know about us here in Shangdang to help you arrive at a momentous decision, Lord Jiang?" asked Zhao Yue, still intrigued by this man's background.
Dao Xia wrote:Wei Yang handed over his sword and shrugged. He was a little surprised that such security measures had been put in place so early in the administration, but it was probably a wise move, all things considered. After patting his own robes momentarily, Yang looked up to the guards with a smile,

"All clean. I'll suppose you'll want further assurance though. Go ahead and perform your search."

Yang lazily lifted his arms and waited for the guards to pat him down.
The guard captain nodded once he heard that permission was given (after taking the sword), his guards beginning the search. While this was happening, the captain had sent a messenger inside to alert Zhao Yue that Wei Yang had arrived. Once all malicious and suspicious items were removed, the guards bowed to the captain who in turn motioned for the men behind the bronze gates to open them up. Once this was finished, the visitor was escorted to the entrance patrol, where he was then padded down again. After the rest of the suspicious items were removed, the entrance captain cleared his throat. "You'll receive all of your belongings once you depart. We'll keep them safe, don't worry. After me," he said, motioning with his head to have his men follow him as they were all engulfed by the darkness of the Administration Building entrance. A relaxing warm feeling followed while the doors shut behind them and were resealed with an unceremonious thud.

While the main audience chambers were being remodeled, it became necessary to take a different route than usual to see the Prefect. Thus, the guards murmured amongst themselves from a moment as they turned left out of the lobby to follow glowing halls with translucent walls. These walls were actually made of a tarp material, painted elegantly with dragons and landscapes and all sorts of things. Sliding doors were hidden behind the scenery, opening at random as attendants and subordinates alike filtered in and out of glowing rooms. Eventually, the guest was taken to the west wing of the Building, where two large stone doors were sealed shut. The captain cleared his throat, and the soldiers guarding the door immediately pushed them open, bowing as the party went through. The warm sensation offered by the first floor of the building was soon replaced by a cold rush of air.

The temporary audience chambers were not nearly as welcoming as the main wing, with stone blocks making up the walls, floors, and most of the ceiling. There was a sun roof of sorts, illuminating the center of the room with golden rays. This showcased the dingy red carpet that ran from the (shutting) doors to an elevated throne chair of sorts, yet this chair was currently empty. The guard unit motioned for Wei Yang to proceed down the carpet, helping him to his seat at a placemat while tea was being served on a low tray. "Apologies Lord Wei, but Lord Zhao Yue is just getting out of a meeting. We had to inform him that you were arriving so he could leave early, but he should be here any minute," one of the six ministers near the throne chair said with a most deep bow. "And I must say, it is quite an honor to meet you. The citizens of Shangdang know much of the Wei family, and as you probably know, they are well-respected."

The guards that had escorted Yang to the audience chambers took up positions on the side of the room while the minister took a couple gentle steps forward, smiling and bowing again before he continued. "Ah, back in my day, you'd never see a young person leading so many people. It seems that the youth of today are quite talented, however. I mean, Lord Zhao was able to rise from poverty to become a District Manager! Such a tale is absolutely and positively grand," he noted, then taking a couple steps back while inclining his head in respect.
Doc Strange wrote:Fu Guan takes his breath, and then he starts to open his mouth and reply: "My name is Fu Guan, from Linjiang province. I came here after I received your letter, that comes out of nowhere. Well, to travel here is not an easy task though, but since I just lost my house, I must left Linjiang and flee from those people at Yan as far as possible. And I know that I don't have any other place to go, so I decided to come here, searching for new job and new place of living. And I take it you're Zhao Yue?"
"Yes, that would be me," Laoxin said with a blank expression, not one to show his emotions when it wasn't needed. Although he practically mastered the art of person-to-person interaction, he still didn't come off as the most warm person ever. Not every ruler could be a basket of hugs and kisses, however. "And I could offer you a place to stay, and a secure job that could support your new lifestyle. I have heard of your learning of troop marshaling, and that's exactly the type of men we need here to lead our forces. Currently, I only have a few noteworthy men to lead my troops, but I need more gifted leaders to secure the districts around me. That is where you come in, Sir Fu," said Laoxin most honestly, interlocking his fingers while keeping his posture flawless. "I take it you have weighed the pros and cons of serving here?"
In Ferro Veritas wrote:The woman laughed slightly at the guard's implication, before pulling an ornate dagger from her sleeve. She offered it to the guard begrudgingly.

"Fetch this attendant, then, and take me to see this... Zhao Yue."
The captain took the dagger and pocketed it, bowing soon afterward. He then waved to the men behind the gates to open them up. When the iron bars slowly swung open, a small girl scurried out from the capital, being a few inches shorter than the visitor. After she patted Jing down and removed all suspicious and malicious items, she was shown to the entrance guard and again searched by an attendant. Once this was done, the darkness engulfed the escort party as everyone entered the Administration Building.

The entire first floor of the complex was dedicated to audiences, what with all of the suites for exalted officials located higher up in the building. The walls were like a maze, painted with dragons and symbols and all sorts of things, though sliding doors were hidden throughout where men and women alike conducted their daily business. Eventually, he was taken to the opposite side of the floor where he was motioned to remove his shoes, the doors then sliding open to reveal a large room with plenty of decor. The room was painted a golden hue, with small statues and intricately crafted antiques dotting the perimeter. Opposite the red rug in the center of the room was a raised platform equipped with two steps. Behind this platform was a draped tapestry that had a poem woven in, speaking of a new spring and the joys that are brought with it. The focus was not on this literature, however; it was on the man sitting crosslegged on his own floor mat on this platform.

"Good day," the Governor said, bowing as he sat to show his respect to a Lady. "What can I help you with today, madame?"
Big Grizzly wrote:"I will work with Master Xiong should Master Fei foolishly invade Changshan, but not without reservations. He is an obviously intelligent man, but his anti-ambition rhetoric does not seem to match with his demeanor. I believe he is actually just as ambitious as any other. His deposing of the previous governor through less than honorable means is proof enough of that. I will most likely have to work with the other governors to make the province safe anyway, though."
"An unfortunate reality," Zhao Yue replied quickly enough, mindlessly picking at his fingernails without breaking his gaze from Jin Kai. Apparently, he had a very low tolerance for many Governors throughout the North. Most of this was based on collected intelligence, but perhaps some of this was simply prejudice. Yet he too was one of those men who claimed his home base by more tactical means, so perhaps he wouldn't be too quick to judge Xiong Xushou. "But no doubt will Fei Lak's ambition grow as he sets his sights on more... rewarding territories. If you are so insistent on keeping to your work in Changshan, then by no means will I criticize you; it is an honorable niche you have created for yourself. Let Governor Xiong know that should our paths cross and he need my help, I would be willing to offer it to him if he is able to gain the trust of men like you. It is imperative that we weed out those who are unworthy of calling themselves virtuous heroes, and work together to bring tranquility back to the Northern Heartlands. Agreed?"
Brother Dun wrote:At the guard captains comment, Huo Xing's eyes narrowed, "Yes... I'm sure," he said, with a hint of his contempt for the man showing through. He allowed himself to be led through the palace, noticing the various tapestries that made up the walls. It was an interesting place, to say the least. When he was led beyond the main hall, and into the temporary audience chamber, the scholar made a quick note of the man sitting down, and the seeming disdain that the man seemed to show about even being here. "I don't know, that would depend if you are the man who invited me here. I was invited by Zhao Yue, the Prefect, to meet with him. I am Huo Xing of Yue province, apparently a scholar of some renown."
"I am he," the man on the 'throne' replied, obviously quite annoyed by his temporary chambers by the sound of his voice. Yet he knew not to sound too downtrodden lest he turn off a potential supporter of his cause. Wishful thinking, to say the least. "And of course, welcome to Shangdang. It is a long way here from Yue, and I am blatantly surprised that you decided to travel across the country just to see a mere Prefect." Laoxin inwardly hoped that this bode well for the approaching conversation, yet he was never one to cross his fingers and pray. "I assume you have some questions for me, no? I intentionally do not reveal too much information in the letters I scribe so that more important issues can be dealt with face-to-face. It's more personable and frank that way," the Prefect mentioned wistfully. He then gave the floor to Huo Xing.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
7986 (100) Troops

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Kymvir Raemiz
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Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:
Dao Xia wrote:Wei Yang handed over his sword and shrugged. He was a little surprised that such security measures had been put in place so early in the administration, but it was probably a wise move, all things considered. After patting his own robes momentarily, Yang looked up to the guards with a smile,

"All clean. I'll suppose you'll want further assurance though. Go ahead and perform your search."

Yang lazily lifted his arms and waited for the guards to pat him down.
The guard captain nodded once he heard that permission was given (after taking the sword), his guards beginning the search. While this was happening, the captain had sent a messenger inside to alert Zhao Yue that Wei Yang had arrived. Once all malicious and suspicious items were removed, the guards bowed to the captain who in turn motioned for the men behind the bronze gates to open them up. Once this was finished, the visitor was escorted to the entrance patrol, where he was then padded down again. After the rest of the suspicious items were removed, the entrance captain cleared his throat. "You'll receive all of your belongings once you depart. We'll keep them safe, don't worry. After me," he said, motioning with his head to have his men follow him as they were all engulfed by the darkness of the Administration Building entrance. A relaxing warm feeling followed while the doors shut behind them and were resealed with an unceremonious thud.

While the main audience chambers were being remodeled, it became necessary to take a different route than usual to see the Prefect. Thus, the guards murmured amongst themselves from a moment as they turned left out of the lobby to follow glowing halls with translucent walls. These walls were actually made of a tarp material, painted elegantly with dragons and landscapes and all sorts of things. Sliding doors were hidden behind the scenery, opening at random as attendants and subordinates alike filtered in and out of glowing rooms. Eventually, the guest was taken to the west wing of the Building, where two large stone doors were sealed shut. The captain cleared his throat, and the soldiers guarding the door immediately pushed them open, bowing as the party went through. The warm sensation offered by the first floor of the building was soon replaced by a cold rush of air.

The temporary audience chambers were not nearly as welcoming as the main wing, with stone blocks making up the walls, floors, and most of the ceiling. There was a sun roof of sorts, illuminating the center of the room with golden rays. This showcased the dingy red carpet that ran from the (shutting) doors to an elevated throne chair of sorts, yet this chair was currently empty. The guard unit motioned for Wei Yang to proceed down the carpet, helping him to his seat at a placemat while tea was being served on a low tray. "Apologies Lord Wei, but Lord Zhao Yue is just getting out of a meeting. We had to inform him that you were arriving so he could leave early, but he should be here any minute," one of the six ministers near the throne chair said with a most deep bow. "And I must say, it is quite an honor to meet you. The citizens of Shangdang know much of the Wei family, and as you probably know, they are well-respected."

The guards that had escorted Yang to the audience chambers took up positions on the side of the room while the minister took a couple gentle steps forward, smiling and bowing again before he continued. "Ah, back in my day, you'd never see a young person leading so many people. It seems that the youth of today are quite talented, however. I mean, Lord Zhao was able to rise from poverty to become a District Manager! Such a tale is absolutely and positively grand," he noted, then taking a couple steps back while inclining his head in respect.
At the word grand, hidden archers emerged from behind tapestries that lined the room and took aim at Wei Yang. A clunk at the door behind Yang had a dangerous finality, as it was clear that the door had just been barred.

Before he could move at all, twelve arrows were loosed at him, and they struck him in quick succession. One of the arrows, loosed with an uncommon level of accuracy, took Wei Yang in the eye.

With a thud, Wei fell to the ground. Dead.

The archers, following their macabre orders, continued to fire into the dead body despite it clearly having no sign of life left to it. When they were finished, the minister shouted a secret phrase that had the guards outside the room open the doors.

Wei Yang has been foully murdered by Zhao Yue's lackeys.
Unchained Phoenix
Posts: 685
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Kymvir Raemiz wrote:At the word grand, hidden archers emerged from behind tapestries that lined the room and took aim at Wei Yang. A clunk at the door behind Yang had a dangerous finality, as it was clear that the door had just been barred.

Before he could move at all, twelve arrows were loosed at him, and they struck him in quick succession. One of the arrows, loosed with an uncommon level of accuracy, took Wei Yang in the eye.

With a thud, Wei fell to the ground. Dead.

The archers, following their macabre orders, continued to fire into the dead body despite it clearly having no sign of life left to it. When they were finished, the minister shouted a secret phrase that had the guards outside the room open the doors.

Wei Yang has been foully murdered by Zhao Yue's lackeys.
"Too easy," the minister who had been speaking earlier said whimsically, stepping over the body and crossing the carpet towards the opening stone doors. The guards who had opened the doors bowed at the hips before pulling in a body bag, disposing the remains and wrapping it shut. A few of the guards, apparently not jarred by the recent chain of events, picked up the bag and deposited it into a chest, locking it and standing strong as the six ministers swept out of the chambers, the head minister looking down the empty corridor and nodding to himself. "I want the body cremated," he suddenly said, rubbing his chin.

"After all, we don't want to spread the plague."

Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
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Big Grizzy
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Post by Big Grizzy »

Unchained Phoenix wrote: "An unfortunate reality," Zhao Yue replied quickly enough, mindlessly picking at his fingernails without breaking his gaze from Jin Kai. Apparently, he had a very low tolerance for many Governors throughout the North. Most of this was based on collected intelligence, but perhaps some of this was simply prejudice. Yet he too was one of those men who claimed his home base by more tactical means, so perhaps he wouldn't be too quick to judge Xiong Xushou. "But no doubt will Fei Lak's ambition grow as he sets his sights on more... rewarding territories. If you are so insistent on keeping to your work in Changshan, then by no means will I criticize you; it is an honorable niche you have created for yourself. Let Governor Xiong know that should our paths cross and he need my help, I would be willing to offer it to him if he is able to gain the trust of men like you. It is imperative that we weed out those who are unworthy of calling themselves virtuous heroes, and work together to bring tranquility back to the Northern Heartlands. Agreed?"
"Agreed, but I doubt Master Fei is the one about whom we should worry most. The rebellious Wu Chen is also a threat to Changshan." He set his empty teacup down and stood. "I will relay your message to Master Xiong when next I see him. I will have to speak with him again soon anyway." He bowed to his host. "With your leave, I will be on my way."
Jin Sui (23)

"Jin Kai have already gain the thrust of the population in Changshan!!!"
Unchained Phoenix
Posts: 685
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Big Grizzy wrote:"Agreed, but I doubt Master Fei is the one about whom we should worry most. The rebellious Wu Chen is also a threat to Changshan." He set his empty teacup down and stood. "I will relay your message to Master Xiong when next I see him. I will have to speak with him again soon anyway." He bowed to his host. "With your leave, I will be on my way."
"It seems as though our viewpoints align in more ways than one," said Laoxin with a smile. "You will always be welcome here, Sir Jin. Good day," he said, nodding as he watched Jin Kai depart. "Such a shame," he said as the sliding door shut behind Kai, the silhouette soon disappearing. He needed men like that to put a fast-forward on his plans, but for now it looked like he had to take things one step at a time. No doubt the Prefect would be annoyed about this for a while, even if he had a good chance of gaining a new ally out of this.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
7986 (100) Troops

Followers: Hua Gongming, Yuan Man
In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

(The crazy stunts in AHs I visit continues.)
The captain took the dagger and pocketed it, bowing soon afterward. He then waved to the men behind the gates to open them up. When the iron bars slowly swung open, a small girl scurried out from the capital, being a few inches shorter than the visitor. After she patted Jing down and removed all suspicious and malicious items, she was shown to the entrance guard and again searched by an attendant. Once this was done, the darkness engulfed the escort party as everyone entered the Administration Building.

The entire first floor of the complex was dedicated to audiences, what with all of the suites for exalted officials located higher up in the building. The walls were like a maze, painted with dragons and symbols and all sorts of things, though sliding doors were hidden throughout where men and women alike conducted their daily business. Eventually, he was taken to the opposite side of the floor where he was motioned to remove his shoes, the doors then sliding open to reveal a large room with plenty of decor. The room was painted a golden hue, with small statues and intricately crafted antiques dotting the perimeter. Opposite the red rug in the center of the room was a raised platform equipped with two steps. Behind this platform was a draped tapestry that had a poem woven in, speaking of a new spring and the joys that are brought with it. The focus was not on this literature, however; it was on the man sitting crosslegged on his own floor mat on this platform.

"Good day," the Governor said, bowing as he sat to show his respect to a Lady. "What can I help you with today, madame?"
Offering a slight bow, the woman likewise took a seat to avoid any implication of superiority. Xiao Jing laid the letter she had received on the floor nearby, in the event the man wanted to see it.

"I presume you are the District Manager Zhao Yue. I would first and foremost like to thank you for taking an interest in my skills, such as they are. More importantly, I would like to inquire as to your strange presentation: most men wrote to me in hopes of dazzling me with their ill-begotten triumphs and wealth. I believe one was even a thinly veiled attempt to arrange a marriage."

The woman paused for a moment, smirking and chuckling at that particular man's audacity. Her attention then turned back to the man seated before her.

"Since you apparently believe in candor, I shall dispense with the pointless formalities. I have the intention of only serving a man who is worth serving. I have no intention of serving a blithering idiot, and you made it clear you were not such a fool. Your tone tells me you feel yourself superior, and given the few men I have engaged in correspondence with, that may well be true. So what makes you, sir, better than these pompous fools who fancy themselves governors, prefects, and so forth?"

The woman leaned forward a bit, clearly interested in the man's response.
Xue Xia
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Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe arrived at Zhao Yue's audience hall, and took a moment to scan the letter he had in his hand. It had been severely wrinkled, and torn in places. He chuckled lightly to himself at the thought of serving another lord so soon.

"Easy come, easy go..."

He grinned to himself. He continued to the gate, where some guards were on duty. Before the head guard could speak, Huixi Zhe took on a sad expression, put his finger up to the guard's lips, and said

"Shhh, it's alright, daddy's got ya."

He blew a kiss.

"My, how my boy has grown so fast. As for the rest of you-"

he grimaced

"you should be ashamed of yourselves. Standing around, doing nothing, and not even standing at attention. Straighten up girls!"

He went over to the one nearest to the head guard and straightened his posture and helmet. He took a step back, and laughed in his demented way.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
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V3:Huixi Zhe
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao replied "Honestly, we do not really know. We want to find a lord that is able to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation. Its sound vague, I know and ideals are not quite what we are good at. More likely, we are trying to find our lord whose plans are consistent to what we think."

Pausing he continued "Please do not call me lord, I am only a former Sergeant of a militia unit. The men will find it odd for me to be called a lord."

Lan Kai did a snort, Jiang Bao ignored him and said "I have about 200 odd men and we are at Changsha now. If we join you, what about our men? It will take us at least 2-3 months to reach this current location with all our gear. Also what are you general plans, anyway?"
Unchained Phoenix
Posts: 685
Joined: Sun May 22, 2005 5:06 pm

Post by Unchained Phoenix »

In Ferro Veritas wrote:Offering a slight bow, the woman likewise took a seat to avoid any implication of superiority. Xiao Jing laid the letter she had received on the floor nearby, in the event the man wanted to see it.

"I presume you are the District Manager Zhao Yue. I would first and foremost like to thank you for taking an interest in my skills, such as they are. More importantly, I would like to inquire as to your strange presentation: most men wrote to me in hopes of dazzling me with their ill-begotten triumphs and wealth. I believe one was even a thinly veiled attempt to arrange a marriage."

The woman paused for a moment, smirking and chuckling at that particular man's audacity. Her attention then turned back to the man seated before her.

"Since you apparently believe in candor, I shall dispense with the pointless formalities. I have the intention of only serving a man who is worth serving. I have no intention of serving a blithering idiot, and you made it clear you were not such a fool. Your tone tells me you feel yourself superior, and given the few men I have engaged in correspondence with, that may well be true. So what makes you, sir, better than these pompous fools who fancy themselves governors, prefects, and so forth?"

The woman leaned forward a bit, clearly interested in the man's response.
"Because I was not spoiled from birth like these other men," Zhao Yue said candidly, flicking his head some to get rid of some tickling hairs from his face. "I was born into a middle-class family, orphaned, then had to fend for myself. I lived in a one-room shack with no well or source of income up until about three weeks ago. I watched my best friend destroy her entire family--the family I had come to love--and then take off like it was nothing. I contracted every kind of ailment possible, only to overcome them with my dedication. I had to educate myself up until meeting Master White Wing, all while overcoming emotional and physical devastation from my own pathetic life. I am independent."

"This upbringing has given me invaluable tools that prove beneficial for any man who is in my possession. I have an unparalleled mental and emotional fortitude that cannot be penetrated by anyone, as long as I maintain my own pride in dignity in what I have done, what I am doing, and what I will do in the future as a leader of the common man. I still think myself a common man, only exalted to this position due to my own acquired skills. Many think me to be a boasting young brat for saying these things, but I like to call it 'self-confidence'," the Prefect said languidly, drumming on his knees as he spoke to distract him from his nerves.

"So while my rivals' own wealth and nobility and tomfoolery gets in their ways, I'll be able to stay focused, for I have come to appreciate the value of a tael as well as the value of a single human life."
Jin Shi wrote:Huixi Zhe arrived at Zhao Yue's audience hall, and took a moment to scan the letter he had in his hand. It had been severely wrinkled, and torn in places. He chuckled lightly to himself at the thought of serving another lord so soon.

"Easy come, easy go..."

He grinned to himself. He continued to the gate, where some guards were on duty. Before the head guard could speak, Huixi Zhe took on a sad expression, put his finger up to the guard's lips, and said

"Shhh, it's alright, daddy's got ya."

He blew a kiss.

"My, how my boy has grown so fast. As for the rest of you-"

he grimaced

"you should be ashamed of yourselves. Standing around, doing nothing, and not even standing at attention. Straighten up girls!"

He went over to the one nearest to the head guard and straightened his posture and helmet. He took a step back, and laughed in his demented way.
The guard captain winced as the man touched him on his thin lips, obviously holding back from exploding in a fury of confusion. He knew to maintain his composure, however; this might have been a test. He lowered a flat palm to notify his men to stay back while his steady gaze rested on Zhe. "Is there a reason why you're here?" he asked flatly, not a single shake served in his tone.
jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao replied "Honestly, we do not really know. We want to find a lord that is able to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation. Its sound vague, I know and ideals are not quite what we are good at. More likely, we are trying to find our lord whose plans are consistent to what we think."

Pausing he continued "Please do not call me lord, I am only a former Sergeant of a militia unit. The men will find it odd for me to be called a lord."

Lan Kai did a snort, Jiang Bao ignored him and said "I have about 200 odd men and we are at Changsha now. If we join you, what about our men? It will take us at least 2-3 months to reach this current location with all our gear. Also what are you general plans, anyway?"
"What about your men?" Zhao Yue echoed. "They can come here if your choice is to serve the people of Wei, and I will pay them an enlisting fee and will equip them with my own armaments, courtesy of the Shangdang Government. We place the utmost importance in outfitting our men as best we can for the inevitable wars to come. It is my only wish that you'll be able to take part," Laoxin said airily. "Though if you make a timely decision and decide it's not worth the season's travels, I have heard of many other leaders disbanding their units to make a speedy travel. Just an option, not a suggestion by any means," said the Prefect with a bit of a twinkle in his dark chocolate eyes.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
7986 (100) Troops

Followers: Hua Gongming, Yuan Man