Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


One of the guards took the horse reign and tied it to a nearby log. The attendant gave the visitor a small nod and said, "Indeed. Well, follow me."

Assuming he did, Xi Guo was led into the hall, past a few offices and random guards and aides who were moving about, doing their daily business, until they reached a large room in the center. There, Xia Xi sat behind a desk, while his daughter stood off to the side, chatting with a handmaiden that was also in room. Besides them, there were a couple of guards by the door and a few scattered aides inside of the large meeting area. The attendant led Xi Guo into the room a short ways, then stopped, moved off to the side, and said, "District Manager, announcing Xi Guo."

Xia Xi reached his hand out in acknowledgment of the visitor. "Welcome to Zhaoge. Should I assume you received my message, then? I cannot say that I knew much of you, though, besides what my letter entails. Perhaps you can add to what I already know with a small history of yourself?"

Jin Shi

Xi seemed at first a little annoyed at the sort of casualness in Huixi Zhe's demeanor, but he took a glance over to his daughter and he relaxed a bit. It was odd that he asked this question, he thought, but perhaps a question could answer a question. "What service you might provide," he said, "depends upon what it is that you can do. There are always needs. I don't know your own abilities, however. What sort of skills do you have?"


The attendant looked at the man a bit awkwardly for not saying anything, but mentally shrugged it off. He said, "Follow me," and proceeded to enter the hall.

((This will look familiar))

Assuming he did, Shang Feng was led into the hall, past a few offices and random guards and aides who were moving about, doing their daily business, until they reached a large room in the center. There, Xia Xi sat behind a desk, while his daughter stood off to the side, chatting with a handmaiden that was also in room. Besides them, there were a couple of guards by the door and a few scattered aides inside of the large meeting area. The attendant led Shang Feng into the room a short ways, then stopped, moved off to the side, and said, "District Manager, announcing Shang Feng."

((/end copy and paste))

Xi himself had been reading some paperwork and didn't even notice the two enter. He was a little startled when the visitor was announced, but did his best to try and cover it up. "Welcome to Puyang!" he said, perhaps a little too loud. "I hope your journey was..." He interrupted himself, realizing he made a mistake. "No, wait, welcome to Zhaoge!" A small chuckle. "I forgot what place I was it, hah. I guess it's from practice or something. Anyway, what can I do for you, Shang Feng?"

Lurking Tyranny

Seeing the hesitancy in the minister's body, Xi realized he had made a fool of himself. He took a deep breath and gave him a small bow. "I apologize for this incident. It is unbecoming of a District Manager of the Qin to show such poor restraint. You are right." He paused for a moment in thought, then said, "If at all possible, would you be able to remain for a moment? I would deign to write the Chief Minister a reply. I can get you a room where you can relax and perhaps eat or something in the meanwhile."

((Sorry Shadow, I gotta go now, and wanted to post what I had done already. I'll respond later for sure.))
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Lurking Tyranny
The Florentine Admin
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Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
Seeing the hesitancy in the minister's body, Xi realized he had made a fool of himself. He took a deep breath and gave him a small bow. "I apologize for this incident. It is unbecoming of a District Manager of the Qin to show such poor restraint. You are right." He paused for a moment in thought, then said, "If at all possible, would you be able to remain for a moment? I would deign to write the Chief Minister a reply. I can get you a room where you can relax and perhaps eat or something in the meanwhile."

((Sorry Shadow, I gotta go now, and wanted to post what I had done already. I'll respond later for sure.))
The old minister bowed again. From the expression he gave it was clear that all was forgiven. He had seen far worse tantrums in his years of service and from men of even higher station then what Xia Xi held.

"I will remain here longer if it is your wish District Manager Xia, but I am to leave by morning tomorrow, no later." He recited his orders as they were given to him.

Glancing over his shoulder he seemed uncomfortable once more and began to wring his hands, before he realized what he was doing and willfully put a stop to his unconscious action.

"Truthfully I would prefer leaving sooner then later. I worry for my men outside your stronghold here. The masses outside seem a frenzied mob and did not receive the banner of our August Emperor with praise on their lips or love in their hearts."

He cleared his throat and looked firmly at the district manager. "I am sure that they are not the majority, but rather merely the confused and easily manipulated. Still.." another glance back over his shoulder "we do not want an incident."
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


The guards at the gate saw the large group approaching, and a bit concerned, called out two more men to stand alongside them. The attendant walked out, though, and greeted the visitors. He said, "From Dingtao, you say? Well then, I will inform the District Manager of your arrival immediately. Please give me a moment to do so." Without waiting for a response, he ducked into the building. After a few minutes, he returned and said, "The District Manager will see you now. Please, follow me."

Assuming they do, the two men are led into the audience hall, past a few rooms and various aids and guards lingering around, and enter the main room. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a desk, awaiting the visitors eagerly. Besides them, a guard stood on either side of the door, a couple of aides sat off to the side, as if they were preparing to transcribe any important dealings of the day, and a couple of guards stood around the desk, near Xia Xi.

Xia Xi stood when the two arrived. He looked at the attendant for a second, who then realized what he was supposed to be doing. "Announcing two envoys from Dingtao in Liang," he said, realizing that he had forgot to ask for their names.

The District Manager realized the mistake too. He gave the visitors a small bow and said, "I am District Manager Xia of Zhaoge. With me is my daughter, Chief Aide Xia. Could I ask you to introduce yourselves as well? My attendant seemed to forget that." The attendant shrunk back and looked at the ground in sadness.

Lurking Tyranny

Xi nodded back to the envoy. "It should only take a few minutes, minister," he said. "I will prepare it immediately. You may use the guest room at the front of my hall in the meantime. And rest assured, my guards will prevent any conflict from happening with your convoy."

Assuming nothing else needed to be said, Zhenfeng got an attendant to usher the minister to said guest room, where he was given food and drink, depending upon his wishes. After about half an hour, an aide returned, and handed the minister a scroll. "From the District Manager," he said. He also produced a small pouch and handed that to the minister as well. "Also from the District Manager; tribute that was originally promised to be delivered at the front of the month, but was delayed because of the fighting here. I believe that is all that is needed, and of course, you are free to go at any time."

((PM'd letter will be coming at some point tonight, as well as confirmation about what's in that sack.))
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers pulled up over your head.

Post by beyond »

Guo bowed to Xia Xi as the attendant announced him. "A small history," Guo idly repeated to himself. "My place of birth was the city of Xianyang; my father a minor clerk within the King's administration. At the age of fifteen and feeling the need for adventure, I ran off to join the first Qin army I could find. I served General Wang Jian until his retirement; choosing to serve his son, Wang Ben. I continued to serve in the Emperor's armies until recently."

Guo had been standing proudly, almost boastfully recounting his past. It was at this moment his head lowered. His eyes fell to the floor and his shoulders fell. A look of pain, or perhaps regret, appeared on his face. "The past several months, I have been living in a remote village in Sai, healing from a wound I had recently taken. That is when your letter arrived."
Xi Guo, 37
Aid, Deride, Diplomat III, Haste II, Military Administrator, Politician II, Public Planner, Rally II
Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe smiled.

"I specialize in fighting. I could be a bodyguard or something like that, but things seem a bit tame around here. Not much action."

He sniffed, smelling the air, like as if he could tell if there would be any bloodshed soon.

"You have enemies like any other ruler, yes? Maybe I could fix them for you, for a price of your choosing. Something reasonable now."

He grinned.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
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Post by Hitredblue »

Xiang Zhuang wrote: Hitredblue

The attendant looked at the man a bit awkwardly for not saying anything, but mentally shrugged it off. He said, "Follow me," and proceeded to enter the hall.

((This will look familiar))

Assuming he did, Shang Feng was led into the hall, past a few offices and random guards and aides who were moving about, doing their daily business, until they reached a large room in the center. There, Xia Xi sat behind a desk, while his daughter stood off to the side, chatting with a handmaiden that was also in room. Besides them, there were a couple of guards by the door and a few scattered aides inside of the large meeting area. The attendant led Shang Feng into the room a short ways, then stopped, moved off to the side, and said, "District Manager, announcing Shang Feng."

((/end copy and paste))

Xi himself had been reading some paperwork and didn't even notice the two enter. He was a little startled when the visitor was announced, but did his best to try and cover it up. "Welcome to Puyang!" he said, perhaps a little too loud. "I hope your journey was..." He interrupted himself, realizing he made a mistake. "No, wait, welcome to Zhaoge!" A small chuckle. "I forgot what place I was it, hah. I guess it's from practice or something. Anyway, what can I do for you, Shang Feng?"

Shang Feng was taken aback at the very warm and comforting atmosphere that Xi radiated. This was a pleasent surprise for Shang, as he thought that the leader of a kingdom would be one with a more serious and controlling personality. Shang tried contain his laughter but instead gave off a small chuckle while glancing down at the floor.

Shang Feng looks back up at Xi

"Thank you for the kind greetings. I, Shang Feng, wish to help out your new kingdom. Therefore, I offer my services to you. While I may not have skills in fighting due to my small stature, I have many other skills that may prove useful in the near future and beyond."
Shang Feng(24) 45-32-79-61-91 Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II, Public Planner III, Doctor I, Rally II
Ti Mo(32) 57-57-58-64-79 Assemble II, Charge II, Aid I, Scribe I, Intimidate I
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Hitredblue wrote:
Xiang Zhuang wrote: Xi himself had been reading some paperwork and didn't even notice the two enter. He was a little startled when the visitor was announced, but did his best to try and cover it up. "Welcome to Puyang!" he said, perhaps a little too loud. "I hope your journey was..." He interrupted himself, realizing he made a mistake. "No, wait, welcome to Zhaoge!" A small chuckle. "I forgot what place I was in, hah. I guess it's from practice or something. Anyway, what can I do for you, Shang Feng?"
"Thank you for the kind greetings. I, Shang Feng, wish to help out your new kingdom. Therefore, I offer my services to you. While I may not have skills in fighting due to my small stature, I have many other skills that may prove useful in the near future and beyond."
Liangyu had perked up once she heard they had a visitor and stifled a giggle at her father's mistake, but once she was told he wasn't a fighter, she sighed again. Then, the little lady got the guest's attention and shook her head,

"Ah, my dear. I'm not too sure small stature precludes you from being a warrior. I'm not exactly of great height myself, and of the completely wrong gender, but I can fight, believe it or not. maybe you'll learn a thing or two from me these days."

She chuckled at the fellow, then, fiddling with the bow at her side, introduced herself as well,

"Ah, I'm Lord Xia's daughter, by the way. Pleased to meet you, Shang Feng."

And she gave a curt nod in acknowledgement...
beyond wrote: Guo had been standing proudly, almost boastfully recounting his past. It was at this moment his head lowered. His eyes fell to the floor and his shoulders fell. A look of pain, or perhaps regret, appeared on his face. "The past several months, I have been living in a remote village in Sai, healing from a wound I had recently taken. That is when your letter arrived."
"A wound?"

A pleasant voice came from the side. It was the Lady Xia's. She looked at the man, as if trying to locate this injury, then sighed,

"Well, that must have been quite...awful. I hope travelling wasn't too hard. Sai isn't all that close to hereabouts."

There was a bit of hesitation in her voice, as if she wasn't too happy with something, or was struggling with some inner thoughts. It seems the idea of being injured in battle hadn't yet occured to the little woman. here voice faded out as she stoppped to think on that for a bit, and just observe the audience...

Distracted, a maid she had been chatting with tapped her on the shoulder,

"Is something the matter, Princess Xia?"

Liangyu shook her head and continued to watch,

"Nothing. Nothing at all."
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »


"It is sad to hear about your wound," Xi replied. "However, I am curious about your current situation. A soldier of the Imperial Qin armies who was recuperating, but now has journeyed elsewhere? My first thought would be to ask why you did not return to the Qin directly." He paused for a second, then added, "Know that what you say here will not be held against you. I am not a man inclined to prove my loyalty to a cause by harming invited guests, regardless of what that cause might be."

Jin Shi

As the visitor spoke, Xia Xi found himself wondering about his daughter and her... associates.. a bit more. He took another glance to her, then turned back to Huixi Zhe after his last little statement. He frowned and said, "What exactly are you getting at?"


Xi sad silent as his visitor spoke, but chuckled a little as his daughter responded. He said, "I wouldn't call you the wrong gender, my Gongzhu. But what she says is more or less right. We all have our roles, and while they may not be defined as you would think, we still do what we can. I am no monster duelist myself." He chuckled a bit to himself. "So, Shang Feng, what is it that you would be able to contribute?"
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Little Lady Xia
Posts: 2248
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

Jin Shi wrote: "You have enemies like any other ruler, yes? Maybe I could fix them for you, for a price of your choosing. Something reasonable now."

He grinned.
"Enemies? Why would my noble father have enemies? Nobody would dare hurt him. That's such an awful thought..."

Then again, she wasn't sure. The way the Emperor had treated her father...

Still, her father was a man of peace. She was a woman of peace as well, for despite the martial arts she were studying, that was really what they were to her. Simply an art. Nothing more. Battle would be given, if unavoidable, and she would give a fight eagerly. But only if unavoidable...

Then, she eyed the man once more,

"Umm...exactly how do you even plan to uh...fix people, if they were my Father's enemies?"
Xiang Zhuang wrote: Xi sad silent as his visitor spoke, but chuckled a little as his daughter responded. He said, "I wouldn't call you the wrong gender, my Gongzhu. But what she says is more or less right. We all have our roles, and while they may not be defined as you would think, we still do what we can. I am no monster duelist myself." He chuckled a bit to himself. "So, Shang Feng, what is it that you would be able to contribute?"
She giggled, then bowed to her father,

"Ah, it's nothing, father. Just, I don't read or hear of too many tales of women warriors. Though, then again, maybe it's just that all the books got burned. But yes, I'm definitely happy to be in this gender, so I guess it is the right one."

Laughing, she returned to her discussion with the maid, keeping an ear on the proceedings...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Jin Shi
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Location: Jiujiang

Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe chuckled darkly when Xia Xi looked at his daughter.

"You don't need to worry about the Princess here. I haven't corrupted her or anything. And if you doubt who she associates herself with... I'm just the misplaced apple, aren't I?"

He smiled.

"I'm saying that if you have rulers of towns, cities, villages, armies, whatever, I would be willing to investigate killing them for you, for a small price, depending. If you find such methods unsavory, so be it, no offense taken. I'm just not the type to sit around and do nothing."

He continued smiling.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe