Jin Kai's Audience Hall - Xiangguo

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Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

Xushou wrote:The captain of the citadel gate stepped forward to address the stranger from Zhao, whilst one of the other guards accepted the man's sword. "My lord welcomes many guests and does not discriminate against their origin," Shang Xiao replied politely. As he went on, his voice grew slightly more firm, "But what should I announce to the lord Prefect if his guest has no name?" As the captain finished speaking, the second of the other guards came forward to quickly search the man from Zhao.
"Then you don't understand," replied the man, shaking his head. "Changshan was one of the provinces of Zhao. The reason I am here to offer my services to offer them to a man that I feel should have the power and dignity of becoming the rightful King of Zhao. Such filth as Wu Chen is undeserving of such a title."

"As to my name . . . you may call me Xian Jue . . ." he answered with a frown. "And no . . . it is not my real name." It was in fact an alias that he had created in his youth and the name was a reminder of the life before his long imprisonment. His real name had too many negative connotations attached to it for his former occupation resulted in more enemies than friends.
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Post by Xushou »

"Very well," replied Shang Xiao with a frown. As the search had been concluded, the strange man with no name was led down a very long hall to a set of doorways. There, Shang Xiao exchanged hush words with the guards there. The two young men in charge of the doors led him into the audience chamber, where Xiong Xushou sat, reading.

"My lord Prefect, I present master Xian Jue," announced one of the two guards, catching the attention of the unsuspecting young man upon the raised dais. Xushou looked up, giving the man in question a curious look. Though certainly not a man he was familiar with, Xiong Xushou rose to his feet and gave a respectful nod of his head to the visitor.

"Welcome, master Xian, to Xiangguo," greeted the young prefect. "May I know your business with me, Xian Jue? If you would care to sit, I will have refreshments brought." Between the two guards who escorted the man in and those on the dais near their lord, five sets of eyes carefully watched every move the petitioner made. For his own part, Xiong Xushou appeared calm and not quite as suspicious as his men.
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

The man stopped at a considerable distance from Xiong Xushou, showing no intention of getting closer or of doing anything. When the Prefect of Xiangguo rose to greet the visitor, the man himself kneeled upon the ground with one knee. Inclining his head politely, he spoke. "My Lord, Xian Jue is not my true name, but an alias I used within the dark circles that I frequented during my youth. I have deliberately hidden my real name because I made many enemies during my days as a killer."

"As a man of Zhao, having moved there from the small state of Wei (卫, read different from the State of Wei that was a powerhouse during the Warring States Period)," he continued, "I watched it nearly destroyed by the Battle of Changping by Bai Qi and witnessed its ultimate destruction at the hands of Wang Jian."

"Since then, I believe that the State of Zhao should be rebuilt," he stated quietly and with confidence. "Wu Chen is naught but a dirty usurper unworthy of the title. I have come to see if your lordship is interested in such an endeavor. I am a swordsman of great skill who can assist."
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Post by Xushou »

"Such an endeavour would prove quite difficult in these times," Xiong Xushou replied, stroking his goatee. "Wu Chen is nothing but a rebel from the southern kingdom of Chu, but his former master seeks to reclaim his gains in Zhao. For one such as I to ascend to such a mantle would be quite a feat, who has been content to preserve what peace and stability I can for my people."

"Since the fall of ill-guided Qin, the lands have begun to return to their natural states," Xushou went on. "Your past with the Qin is not my concern, for I must keep my wits in the present for the sake of my people, you see. War has gripped the land, and many heroes have risen to bring peace to the land. Why, then, come to me of all the lords of the north? What deeds have I done to be a worthy king?"

At that point, Xushou descended from the dais, as an attendant poured tea at one of the small tables. The young prefect sipped from one of the cups, considering 'Xian Jue' in silence for a moment.
Cao Chao
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Post by Cao Chao »

"It is not the deeds that you have performed that brought me here, but instead something else," replied the man. He turned and waved a hand at the sparse decorations of the hall. "Because unlike the others who have come to power in search of fame, riches, and authority, you yearn not for these things. You are willing to place the needs of the people above your own personal needs and wants. That is what I see and what I respect."
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Post by Xushou »

"Many of the noble families have never been in the position I find myself in," Xiong Xushou explained with a shrug. He took a sip of his tea before he went on, "Once, my family was powerful and influential in this region, but it was through our merits that we earned our place. I am no different than my forebears, seeking a better world for those who have placed their faith in my cause. That is my ambition: I seek no fame or glory, only tranquility and hope."

"I would welcome a man such as yourself," Xushou added. "Certainly, if you seek peace, then you will be welcome amongst the people of Xiangguo. I will not press you for your past, for that is your own, but let us speak of your future. You claim to seek to rebuild the State of Zhao; this is no small task, as you must know."
Cao Chao
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Location: That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear.

Post by Cao Chao »

"When some time has passed, I will reveal my name," he replied with a faint smile. "Until then, I will serve you as the swordsman known as Xian Jue. Until then . . ." He bowed and slowly backed his way from the hall.
Nanjun Tiger
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Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Walking through the wet, muddy streets of Xiangguo, a warrior entirely enclosed in a heavy, brown cloak approached the audience chamber of Xiong Xushou. On either side of his waist were two deadly, exotic looking blades attached to a thick leather belt. His hood draped over his forehead, covering his eyes in shadow and leaving all of his features above his nose to the imagination.

As he came upon the guards, he halted his movements, save for one arm that reached out, offering a bamboo scroll. "Please inform Xian Jue that Master Shi is here for an audience with his liege", the man spoke quietly, not revealing any expression to the facial features visable to the guards.
Kirin Rose
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Post by Kirin Rose »

Ridd Ler found himself walking about the streets of Xiangguo on this crisp, sunny day. Though the cold wind chilled his face, making his elongated beard gust through the wind, his body was kept warm by his extravagent, iris colored robe. His arms crossed into the opposite arm holes, peering about the streets of the of the busy city. His eyes darted to the large citadel which graced the center of the city. Upon closer inspection, he noticed the coat of arms of Xiong Xushou upon the dark banners which elegantly blew through the harsh winds. That is where the Prefect must preside. He thought to himself.

He graciously walked through the city streets, making his way to the citadel quickly, bowing his head politely as people looked his way, giving off a friendly smile.

Finally, after a few minutes walk, he found himself at the grand entrance of the citadel, a large gate which had three armed guards stationed in front. He slowly and whimsically bowed his head to the center guard, giving off a warm smile. "A chilly morning to say the least." He greeted him, giving off a soft chuckle as his charcoal, black hair blew through the gustling wind. "My name is Ridd Ler, I was summoned here by Xian Jue, a swordsman at arms under the service of your Lord Xiong Xushou. If you would be so kind to let your master know I have arrived, I would be most thankful."
Jin Taozu; Modified Stats: 68-31-91*-59-46* // Skills: Confuse II, Decoy II, Jeer II, Scribe II
Cao Chao
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Location: That which is unknown and unseen always commands the greatest fear.

Post by Cao Chao »

Nanjun Tiger wrote:As he came upon the guards, he halted his movements, save for one arm that reached out, offering a bamboo scroll. "Please inform Xian Jue that Master Shi is here for an audience with his liege", the man spoke quietly, not revealing any expression to the facial features visible to the guards.
Xian Jue soon appeared at the entrance, walking smoothly upon the balls of his feet. He calmly regarding for a few moments the visitor with the calculating and piercing eyes of a master swordsman. He gave off the sharp aura of a killer, a man who had killed many in his lifetime. "I am Xian Jue, Swordmaster of Prefect Xiong," he stated calmly without any preamble or unnecessary inflections. He paused briefly, before continuing with a question, "You are Shi Guoxing?"
Kirin Rose wrote:Finally, after a few minutes walk, he found himself at the grand entrance of the citadel, a large gate which had three armed guards stationed in front. He slowly and whimsically bowed his head to the center guard, giving off a warm smile. "A chilly morning to say the least." He greeted him, giving off a soft chuckle as his charcoal, black hair blew through the gustling wind. "My name is Ridd Ler, I was summoned here by Xian Jue, a swordsman at arms under the service of your Lord Xiong Xushou. If you would be so kind to let your master know I have arrived, I would be most thankful."
A messenger quickly fetched the master swordsman who appeared like a floating wraith before the charismatic politician named Ridd Ler. The swordmaster regarded his invited visitor calmly for a few moments before he spoke. "I am Xian Jue. You must be Ridd Ler?"