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Post by Mikal »

..Tactics sent!
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
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Post by trippy »

Tactics sent for Green Fabre and NightForever to Charlemagne
Chuluun Sukh
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Post by NightForever »

tactics against trippy sent!
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Note that Charlie's being lazy and I'm the one running the duels he has now.

Oh, and I've got the tactics. No need to resend. Will edit things in once
I get the duel calc up and going. =P
I'm just running this in a random order, so be patient if yours wasn't first...Anyways, this was so surprisingly close, it's not even funny.

To sum it up: COMBO ATTACK spam at 77% chance FTW! No clue why you even bothered with Blind, Mikal. =P


Bout 1:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 107 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 100 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(7)
Kijo Akki attempts a dual shot at Zhao Khan.
Kijo Akki's dual shot on Zhao Khan fails.
Kijo Akki fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 107 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 93 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(8)
Kijo Akki fails in an attempt to disarm Zhao Khan.
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(10)

Round 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 97 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 85 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts a combination attack on Kijo Akki.
Zhao Khan lands a combination!
Zhao Khan lands the attack.(10)
Kijo Akki unleashes a critical blow!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(12)

End of Bout 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 85 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 75 Might: 100

Bout 2:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 85 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 75 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(9)
Kijo Akki fails to hit with the attack!

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 85 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 66 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts a combination attack on Kijo Akki.
Zhao Khan lands a combination!
Zhao Khan lands the attack.(11)
Kijo Akki attempts to land a crippling strike on Zhao Khan!
Kijo Akki's crippling strike fails to land on a vital point.
Kijo Akki fails to hit with the attack!

Round 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 85 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 55 Might: 100

Zhao Khan fails to hit with the attack!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(7)

End of Bout 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 78 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 55 Might: 100

Bout 3:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 78 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 55 Might: 100

Zhao Khan fails to hit with the attack!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(10)

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 68 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 55 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts to blind Kijo Akki, but fails!
Zhao Khan lands the attack.(8)
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(8)

Round 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 60 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 47 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(8)
Kijo Akki blinds Zhao Khan!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(6)

End of Bout 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 54 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 39 Might: 100

Bout 4:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 54 Might: 107
Kijo Akki HP: 39 Might: 100

Zhao Khan fails to hit with the attack!
Kijo Akki attempts to intimidate Zhao Khan.
Kijo Akki succeeds!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(7)

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 47 Might: 95
Kijo Akki HP: 39 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts a combination attack on Kijo Akki.
Zhao Khan lands a combination!
Zhao Khan lands the attack.(11)
Kijo Akki fails to hit with the attack!

Round 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 47 Might: 95
Kijo Akki HP: 28 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(7)
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(8)

End of Bout 4:
Zhao Khan HP: 39 Might: 95
Kijo Akki HP: 21 Might: 100

Bout 5:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 39 Might: 95
Kijo Akki HP: 21 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(7)
Kijo Akki attempts to taunt Zhao Khan.
Kijo Akki succeeds!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(9)

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 30 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: 14 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts a combination attack on Kijo Akki.
Zhao Khan lands a combination!
Zhao Khan lands the attack.(8)
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(8)

Round 3:
Zhao Khan HP: 22 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: 6 Might: 100

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(5)
Kijo Akki blinds Zhao Khan!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(10)

End of Bout 5:
Zhao Khan HP: 12 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: 1 Might: 100

Bout 6:

Round 1:
Zhao Khan HP: 12 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: 1 Might: 100

Zhao Khan attempts to taunt Kijo Akki.
Zhao Khan succeeds!
Zhao Khan fails to hit with the attack!
Kijo Akki lands the attack.(10)

Round 2:
Zhao Khan HP: 2 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: 1 Might: 96

Zhao Khan lands the attack.(6)
Zhao Khan wins!

End of Bout 6:
Zhao Khan HP: 2 Might: 91
Kijo Akki HP: -5 Might: 96
As for the rest, I have a couple of issues with trippy's tactics.

First, I believe GF specifically requested to have you both fight on foot. Hence, i would need tactics for foot fighting only, if you intend to go through with that.

Also, having recieved so many odd tactics for so long, I'd like to note: You may only use maneuvers from one skill PER BOUT.

For example, my own character, Liangyu, would not be allowed to hand in tactics like:

Ranged: Dual Shot (Gongshu)
Horse: Crippling Strike (Yueshu)
Foot: Combination Attack (Jianshu)


I must stick with only one skill set, PER BOUT, the same as I can only use one melee weapon per bout, despite having two.

If I wanted to change for bout II, or III, or V...well, I would note it in my tactics.

A legal set of tactics would be:

Ranged: Frighten Horse
Horse: Dodge
Foot: Disarm

All from the Gongshu skill.

Also, tactics changes are only allowed per bout. You cannot change tactics in the middle of a bout, and have a different tactic in round 2 and round 3. To explain to people who may be confused by the Horse and Foot concepts, there are THREE rounds in a duel.


You submit a Horse and a Foot tactic, but that does not mean round 2 is a horse fight, and round three is a fight on foot.

What it does mean is that, IF YOU ARE MOUNTED, your Horse tactic will be used for BOTH melee rounds. IF you are ON FOOT, then your foot tactic will be used for BOTH. If you have been knocked of your horse by: Impale Horse, Hamstring Horse or Unseat Opponent, in the first melee round (Round 2 overall), you WILL use your FOOT tactic from then on.

You are not allowed to get back on your horse once you have been knocked off.

I hope any new PDTers read this and it clarifies things.

I need new tactics from trippy! :D
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by Mikal »

woo! I won! :D. And i was trying my different abilities to see what works and what doesnt for me. any pointers along those lines would be appreciated :D. It seems however, taunt and intimidate and combo attack are my bread and butter.
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
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Post by Maddox »

'Kay, I'm ready for my first duel. Any takers? :)
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
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Post by Mikal »

Maddox wrote:'Kay, I'm ready for my first duel. Any takers? :)
I'll have a go if its on foot :D
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
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Post by Maddox »

Aye, foot is kewl with me.
To who do we send tactics?
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
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Post by Mikal »

Maddox wrote:Aye, foot is kewl with me.
To who do we send tactics?

ETA: sent!
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
Civil Administrator III, Military Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II
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Post by Maddox »

Same. Hope my tactics are good.
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
Elaborate Armored Robe (+6M), Extended Dao (+3M)
Duel Stats Say: 2-2 in the arena!
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