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Post by Nash »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Nash
The man simply stared at him with a puzzled look.

Chang: Uhh...I find that, a little hard to believe, sir.

After all that would have taken decades to do, right? Needless to say he nudged the much-smaller girl beside him.

Chang: Is this some kind of test or something?
Xun Ruishi (46) 90-72*-60-36-51 Military Administrator II, Jianshu I, Wall II, Rupture II, Envelop I
Chao Shi (39) 43-95-44-62-72 Decoy II, Diplomat I, Jianshu I, Faze I, Scribe I, Qiangshu I, Entangle I
Ye Zhuo (23) 83-57-88-65-58 Charge I, Rally I, Entrench I, Rupture I, Haste I, Artisan I

Also Portraying: Zhang Han, Kuai Tong, and Fan Kuai; with a dash of Fu Tong for flavor.
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Location: Rallying Decepticons

Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao replied the King "My King, I think my boss would be flattered that you might consider him an equal. Actually we see our position as pretty much in a rocky situation. While you my King, have many strong forces near your borders, we too face similar constraits. We have a neighbour in Dai, Yiye Shan who has the whole of Dai under his control, Huang Zhao in Di who has more or less secured the provinces of Di, our dear neighbour Zhao Yue of Shang Dang who prefers us dead and of course Henan. We used to be worried about the province of Zhao too but with your arrival, we hope that at least one front can be more or less stable."

He thought about his lord's goals and said "I would be glad to share what some of his goals are but mainly its self preservation at this point and to try to seek friendly diplomatic relations with our neighbours, should they desire it that is."
Little Lady Xia
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

Nash wrote: Chang: Is this some kind of test or something?
"I...I tried telling you, but then you pointed your sword at me and scared me, even though I meant no harm. All Father's saying now is true, but you threatened me to stop talking about it and I was completely defenseless..."

Liangyu sobbed, then put the spear down gently before moving off to the side to sit down in a cushion and catch herself and her emotions. And she kept on whimpering,

"It was horrible! I had to pretend all day I was still leaving in the time of King Ying Zheng just so you wouldn't kill me! And after all I went through to find you, only for you to be mean like that. But noooooo...You wouldn't listen! You just pointed that sword at me and tell me I'm some sort of spy. Well, I'll have you know I'm a princess of the noble Xia clan and I don't like being mistreated like that!"

Suddenly, shifting from sorrow through to fury, she grumbled,

"I almost decided not to come back, but...I just couldn't leave well enough alone. I felt bad for you, stuck there serving...well, nothing, with the Empire falling apart! No food, no help, no company...And so I came back, because I thought that maybe, if someone older told you so, you might listen..."

Seething, with tears still marring her rosy cheeks, she flat out said her point all along,

"I've been trying to tell you this all along. It's been TWENTY years since the date on those rocks in that valley of yours. TWENTY years of being stuck in the middle of nowhere, serving a dead King, with no one really knowing where or why you are there."

Sagging in desperate sorrow, she begged,

"I'm tired of pretending I'm living in the year that I was born. Either you believe that or you don't...But please, please...I just can't bear the thought of you going back out to that hillside, living there, waiting for something I know will never ever come. You're too good a fellow to be wasting his life away on a hilltop, defending against an attack that'll never come, and waiting for reinforcements that won't come either! You've wasted twenty years already...It's time to catch up!"

Then she caught herself and calmed down. There one last plea and she was washing her hands of this whole nerve-wracking ordeal. She had finally snapped, and she hoped something had gotten through to the man in her pained expression. Liangyu rubbed her aching head, still sore with that bandaged cut on her forehead...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

Tan nodded his head. "My life is yours to dictate then. Ask, and it shall be done." When Tan had said that his only motivation was his own existance, he didn't mean his will to live. He meant that the only reason he continued to live was simply because he was alive. He felt he had no reason to be alive, but he was not foolish enough to end it prematurely. This just meant things like death and pain did not faze him. Qiao Mi bowed low, "Thank you sir. It will be a pleasure to serve."

Tan paused for one moment, his eye turning back to Liangyu. "I have something I need to speak to you about. Come find me whenever you have a moment to spare." Turning back to Xi, he inclined his head before turning away to leave.

Chen Tan Has Joined The Kingdom! OI posted!
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"
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Post by AaronH229 »

Ying Angdun nods slightly at the Kings words.

"My Father was banished by Qinhuangdi for speaking against him openly in front of the assembled lords. He was told to leave the city and never return and that the banishment would be tied to his descendants to the thrid degree."
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


Zhenfeng cautiously observes the reaction of General Chang, as well as the explanation of his daughter. He hopes the General's head doesn't explode.

((I feel like Ruff said enough that you should respond to her without me making it more complicated, heh.))


"Well, despite your circumstances, I would want to know a bit more before I would be willing to risk my men's lives for even something as simple as your preservation." He thought for a moment, then said, "The gesture you made in coming here today means a lot, regardless. You didn't come seeking help, but just seeking peace, and that is worthwhile. I am comforted knowing that those in Wei do not wish to cross over into Zhao. I have enough problems to worry about in Zhao as it is." He smiled awkwardly. "I have some things in mind about a potential relationship between our two administrations, but I think that any progression on this requires your lord to, in some sense, make decisions about his allegiances, even in an allied sense. If you think similarly, I would dismiss you for the day, and then we can meet again in the future to potentially hammer out something more solid."


"I suppose that includes you as well, then," he replied. "Well, I believe, then, that I have nothing to worry about in regards to your loyalty. As you have pledged service, I shall do my best to ensure that your position is comfortable and conducive toward working. I will rely upon you as best as I can."

Ying Angdun has joined Xia Xi! Post officer information in my thread for PH access.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: Rallying Decepticons

Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao nodded and said "I will return to my boss and ask him to decide on his allegience. We would return when he decided what he wish to do. Will that be all right with you my King?"

He bowed down and waited for the final dismissal.
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao nodded and said "I will return to my boss and ask him to decide on his allegience. We would return when he decided what he wish to do. Will that be all right with you my King?"

He bowed down and waited for the final dismissal.
Xia Xi nodded to the man. "Yes, you are dismissed."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: This usually doesn't happen in cold water.

Post by Nash »

RuffRydeR wrote:Rawr, meow, hiss!
The captain was caught off guard by Liangyu's sudden outburst. Had he fallen for the Tian's plo after all? He'd just let 500 men capture his position, abandoned his post without even a fight. For all he knew he'd been taken east, not west.

Chang: T-twenty years...?

He did have to admit, that would explain a few things that had troubled him. And a little part of him finally understood how his men's makeshift graves had gathered so much moss in so little time. Not to mention the mind numbing lonliness, that kinda made sense now, too.

Chang: That can't be possible...why wouldn't they have come for me? In twenty years why didn't they come for me?!

He dropped to his knees and slammed his fists into the floor, cracking the tile and probably a knuckle-bone or two.

Chang: It can't be true...they would have come for me...
Xun Ruishi (46) 90-72*-60-36-51 Military Administrator II, Jianshu I, Wall II, Rupture II, Envelop I
Chao Shi (39) 43-95-44-62-72 Decoy II, Diplomat I, Jianshu I, Faze I, Scribe I, Qiangshu I, Entangle I
Ye Zhuo (23) 83-57-88-65-58 Charge I, Rally I, Entrench I, Rupture I, Haste I, Artisan I

Also Portraying: Zhang Han, Kuai Tong, and Fan Kuai; with a dash of Fu Tong for flavor.
Kirin Rose
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Location: "Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return."

Post by Kirin Rose »

Xiang Zhuang:

Stroking his beard as he always did when he was thinking, he gave off a large, comforting smile and stood, bowing to the King politely. "Baring all this in mind now, I think I can come up with my decision."

He nodded once more, thinking it all over in his head before he continued, "I will indeed join you Lord Xia Wang, and I will not disapoint you, for I have little room for failure, and do not allow it lightly." Sitting down once more, Ridd Ler waited for the good king to respond.

((Sorry for taking so long to respond, I've been really busy with school work the past few days.))
Jin Taozu; Modified Stats: 68-31-91*-59-46* // Skills: Confuse II, Decoy II, Jeer II, Scribe II