Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Nash wrote: The 'general' shuddered violently as he awoke and nearly leapt out of the carriage clawing at the air in front of him.

Chang: Who's in the fort, how'd they infiltrate us?!

He looked around confusedly, before looking at Liangyu and calming down some.

Chang: than, what city are we in, again?
"Father's! Now, come on, I'm sure he would like to talk! Let's go..."

Liangyu hopped out of the carriage door, opened by a guard, and invited General Chang to follow her into the hall. She giggled and reminded him,

"Oh, do make sure to bring all your stuff! I'm having the carriage parked back in the stable now...Now, let's go!"

Liangyu giggled as she took a couple more steps into the building, quite eager to show the fellow to her father...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao bowed to the King of Yin and said "King of Yin. My Lord, Prefect Liu Jin heard about your victory in the city of Zhong Mu and was very delighted. The previous administrator was somewhat not too friendly with us. Upon hearing of your forces total victory, he has despatched me to your city to extend his whole hearted congratulations to you!"

He paused for a moment and wondered if it sounded a little cliché but then this is the first time he met the king and the princess may not remember him anyway. He continued "Furthermore, since our city Shou Yang and your latest addition Zhong Mu can be considered neighbouring cities, he wishes to establish some sort of friendly relations or alliance of sorts."
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Maddox wrote: “Lady Xia,” He bowed lightly, ever respectful. “Congratulations on your recent victories, word across Yin of your ability is widely known and your skill with the blade is ever graceful.” He had to admit, he was a fan like many other citizens of Zhaoge and other towns if Yin.
"Why thank you. That's quite pleasing to know. I'd be surprised if they didn't think so..."

She giggled, gave a curt bow back, and returned to looking down at something she was fiddling with behind the desk...

XZ & London

Liangyu, leaning against the wall to the side, whimpered,

"No! He beat me...He just shoved me right off my horse, and then down I went..."

She hiccuped a little, then sobbed, obviously rather disappointed in herself. The princess had never taken to losing quite well...


However, the princess was not listening, as her memory started to slowly roll towards a realization...

"Hey! I know you! Master Jiang! You owe me a duel!"

She giggled, as she completely ignored the man's request for discussion...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao pulled his shirt collar a little, swallowing hard and said "Ah yes princess, apparently I do. However, now may not be a good time. You might like to know that 2 of my brothers have already died, Murong Ba and Liang Feng."

"Furthermore, I do not wish to have my butt kicked just before negotiations started." He said weakly.
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Post by Zeren »

Huangfu Chu glanced at Xia Liangyu a little sheepishly, but said nothing in response to her. "A reason?" he repeated, looking to Xia Xi. "The simplest reason is that I require an income. I have wandered from Yan, to Di, Wei, to Jibei and to Jiaodong, and I have yet to find a place to settle down. As for any ideological similarities between yourself and I, I am aware of none."

"But I do think that under your rule, I would be able to grow, and earn a place in history. You seem to be beset on all sides by other powers, and if I could help you to maintain your rule, I will."
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Miss Pretty
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Post by Xe »

Zhen stood, still keeping his eyes off the king and princess. "I am a warrior of Zhao, From the city of Zhongmu. I am a warrior of small refute. I come to offer my services to you due to your ability. I believe you could easily conquer the land." He said, Either ignoring the princess, pretending not to hear her, or trying to hide his surprise that she would speak out so.
Guan Xiuying, 15, Female
Diplomat II, Doctor, Engineer II, Politician II, Propagandist

[23:26] <Aleksandr> The way you get a GF is be like
[23:26] <Aleksandr> Bitch, I don't smell dinner cooking
[23:27] <@Kern> I've gotten all my girlfriends with my welding skill, and some Roofies.
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

Tan flipped out the invitation and tossed it to the guard rather unceremoniously. "I am Chen Tan and this is Qiao Mi. I do believe the letter requests to see the both of us." Mi sighed. She wasn't sure if he was being this way because he was tired of if he just didn't like people in general.

"Ah but of course, the weapons.." Tan stuck his blade into the ground in front of him and pulled out the dagger, sheath and all, from his hip and put the loop over the sword's handle. Mi heistated for a moment then reached down and pulled out a dagger concealed underneath her robe that was strapped to her thigh. They continued in this way, discarding each weapon they had until...

"...Do I need to remove this as well?" Tan gestured to his gauntlet with the sharpened claws on the fingertips. He seemed loathe to remove it for some reason.
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Kirin Rose

"Ah yes, well, then please follow me." Ridd Ler was lead into the hall a short ways, then into a side room, and in through another. There, the attendant said, "I will have a robe brought to you shortly," and left him. Sure enough, a minute later, a second attendant came with a fairly large robe. He presented it for Ridd Ler, then left.

After a couple of minutes were given for him to take care of changing, the original attendant returned. Assuming everything was go, he returned to the business of getting the visitor to the King. Leading him back into the hall, he turned and walked into the main audience chambers. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a large, full-fronted desk that sat upon an elevated dais a few feet off of the ground. Stairs led up from both sides, and a guard stood by each side. Also, a guard stood on either side of the entrance that they had passed through.

Both Xia's seemed eager to see a guest, and when Ridd Ler was brought in and announced, Zhenfeng could not help but smile. He said, "Welcome to Zhaoge, honored guest. It is not often that someone would write to me so proactively as you have. I am surprised that there are those throughout the land who think much about me at all. Even though I hold the title of King, I only control one of the smallest provinces in the land. You have to be paying attention to know the name of Xia Wang."


A smile came to the King's face when mention of Zhongmu was made, and he nodded in response to the thanks given. He could do nothing more than shake his head, though, when his daughter blurted out something about a duel. Seriously, in front of another administrator's envoy? But he knew what his daughter was prone to doing, and that's why he didn't involve her in the really serious stuff.

He gave the envoy a nod. "I accept the thanks, and am happy that the Prefect of Shouyang's vision extends beyond his nose, in a sense. It shows that he is proactive in thinking of the needs of his people. Very few people in the land today show any propensity for looking beyond the immediate and toward the future. The current King of Zhao is evidence of this. He was sent into Zhao by the King of Chu to consolidate land under his control, for an eventual attack upon Qin. Yet, while Qin stands, Zhao rebelled, thinking that Chu needed them too much to retaliate. And perhaps they were right. But yet, their attitude still has caused most of the north to revile against them and turn on them. And because of this, the King of Zhao's end is near. I am not even the catalyst of this. If I had not attacked, he still would have fallen due to the sentiment he had driven against himself. Yet, I was proactive and saw fit to move against him myself. It will be curious, I imagine, this next month to see if any mongrels and bottom-feeders attempt to move in upon the territory that I have already claimed for myself in Zhao."

He seemed to drift off physically, as he had in the discussion. But he snapped back in a second and said, "Of course, the Prefect of Shouyang would not think to do this." He smiled in his goofy way. "As you said, you are here to establish friendly relations. As for an alliance, I'd have a hard time signing any document that does not have a purpose. I would be curious, though, to know more about your lord. Perhaps you could relate to me his own rise to power, as I seem to believe it is still a contemporary topic."


"It sounds to me as if you desire battle, then," he replied, attempting to smile, but obviously distracted by the spectacle his daughter is making of herself. He paused for a second as she seemed to weep, then shook his head. "Well, if you are willing to fight for me in a manner that could very well cost you your life, then I would accept you. You seem to be honest, and not trying to deceive me by claiming more desire than you show. I am curious about one thing, though. Did you not serve the Prefect of Yanyu somewhat recently? I believe I had heard your name associated with her not too long ago."


"Easily?" he asked, seemingly surprised. "While, yes, I have risen to a high status, I would not call the path thus far easy, nor would I hope the future would be the same. Many people will die because of the actions I do or do not take, and as such, the responsibility is a solemn one. It is hard enough for a peasant's life to possess some meaning, and I do not wish to throw that away. As a King, and a noble, it's my duty to use what I possess to both protect and lead them, and this requires an uncanny intelligence."

He paused for a second, then said, "I want you to understand what you are getting yourself into. As a warrior, your duty will likely be on the battlefield eventually. And as such, you may very well die in my service. Just because no ranked officer has yet does not mean it will not happen, and to hope it would not would be fool-hardy. To join my administration is to accept the potentiality of death. As it is, I already stand as a rebel to the established authority. But a traitor one day is a hero the next.

"Regardless, I must inform you that I intend to use my power to bring unity to this land. That is my foremost desire. I will not allow my self to surpass my ideals, which means that, if I find another who is worthy to unite the land, I will submit to him. However, I have yet to find that, so I am not submitting my resolve to anyone. But let it be known that my foremost desire is unity and a lasting peace. To claim that I am necessarily the one to bring this would be a bit facetious.

Yen Ai

The attendant and guards were a bit annoyed at the amount of equipment being dropped off. But to the question posed, the attendant responded, "You can keep that." Assuming everything had been gathered, up, the attendant said, "Please, follow me."

The two were led into the audience complex, where they entered into a hall that was wide and narrow. Passing by a few guards and aides who seemed to be lingering for reasons unknown, they reached the end, which opened up into a massive room. Through the large gateway, they could see a guard stationed at either side of the doorway on the inside. By each side door to the room stood one guard. And two stairways at either end of the room led up to an elevated dais about 3 feet from the groud. Behind a large, full-fronted desk sat a skinny man in elaborate robes and a young, dainty-looking woman, who despite her physique, was fully armed. The attendant, having led them in a short ways, bowed to both people behind the desk individually, then moved slightly to the side and said, "King of Yin, Xia Gongzhu, announcing Chen Tan and Qiao Mi, here upon invitation of the Princess." He turned and gave a polite bow to the visitors, and drifted off a bit to the side.

Xia Xi looked at the two with a bit of curiosity, and wondered to himself if his daughter had invited them here with the intent of fighting them, too. At least one appeared to be female. He said, "Welcome to Zhaoge, guests. I hope your journey was without incident. I am not aware of the purpose of the visit, so I give the floor to you."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Post by Zeren »

"That is true", Huangfu Chu replied. "I served her for around a month, in exchange for a sum of gold that I required and could get no other way. We had an arrangemeunt, and once both ends of the bargain were met, I went on my way. Prior to that, I served a man named Zun Yan, who was once the Magistrate of Shanggu in Yan province, but he was ousted by the Yan alliance and killed by Fei Lak, regretably. He was a good man."
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

London wrote:"That is true", Huangfu Chu replied. "I served her for around a month, in exchange for a sum of gold that I required and could get no other way. We had an arrangemeunt, and once both ends of the bargain were met, I went on my way. Prior to that, I served a man named Zun Yan, who was once the Magistrate of Shanggu in Yan province, but he was ousted by the Yan alliance and killed by Fei Lak, regretably. He was a good man."
"I see," said Zhenfeng, mulling over this. "Well, I am willing to trust you and to employ you to your fullest. Perhaps we can speak of these other matters at another time, for the interactions of other lords are quite curious to me. Huangfu Chu, you are now an officer of the Kingdom of Yin. Welcome." He smiled and nodded his head.

Huangfu Chu has joined! Post Officer Information in my thread for PH access.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06