Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

((This looks to be all of you who are actually to me now. Apologies if this goes slow; I won't be around much this weekend.))


Hearing that a visitor had arrived, Zhenfeng cut short his conversation with his daughter and motioned an attendant to open the doors. The attendant with Ying Angdun then led him a short ways into the hall, before he gave the Prefect a bow and said, "Master Xia, this is Ying Angdun, here on request of the Gongzhu."

Xia Xi shifted slightly, wondering why she didn't take the meeting, but then realizing that Liangyu was right here. Convenient. He gave the visitor a nod and said, "Welcome to Zhaoge, Ying Angdun." He paused for a second, considering the man's name, but didn't linger. "I hope your journey here was without incident."

See Wichai

Xia Xi seemed slightly annoyed at the intrusion, as he had been chatting with a couple of his lieutenants upon their arrival. They continued to stand near him even as the princess announced the viistor. He shifted uncomfortably, then smiled and said, "Welcome to Zhaoge, Jing Yun. What is it you wish to speak with me about?"

Li Dao Wen

Xia Xi had arrived at the grounds, flanked by a number of attendants, right before their match had started. He looked on with what seemed to be a level of disinterest, although he was a bit shocked toward the end when his daughter was so close to defeat. After the bout, he started to clap, and his attendants followed suit. "Congratulations, Xian Long Rui," he said. "I've never seen anybody push my daughter so hard. I know she claims that others have defeated her, but I have yet to witness it. Perhaps she fights more furiously in front of her father." He let out a small laugh. "Although that is not to say I expected any less of you. If you choose to return here to serve me, I would feel comfortable sending you to fight any man for me."


Xia Xi was a bit startled by the scene that occurred before him, and it showed on his face. He was a little bit more annoyed at how his court protocols had fallen down again. This had been happening less and less, but when they did, it usually was because of his daughter in some shape or form. He let out a little smile at this realization, but soon came back to reality. There was a rough-looking fellow in his hall, and he had no idea why.

Addressing the visitor first, he said, "Those things are possible in my service," he replied, "although you'd be responsible for using your salary to get said women. I imagine that there are plenty who would be attracted to, um, you." He paused for a second, then said, "Daughter, would you perhaps do us the favor of proper introductions? I can't really discuss business with somebody whose name I don't know."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: In the smith

Post by trippy »

The barbarian let out a good natured if overly loud laugh.

Your daughter need not introduce us, men can meet with men. Women can give us entertainment but need not hamper our business. I am Chuluun. You need warriors, breeders, and smiths. I do all these things. I come from the Xiongnu and will demand freedom to ride, women, materials to forge, and in return I will wet the fields of your enemies with their blood and bring you their women and horses. Your daughter, she is strange but fun. She can ride with me in the slaughter.
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Xiang Zhuang wrote: Li Dao Wen

"Congratulations, Xian Long Rui," he said. "I've never seen anybody push my daughter so hard. I know she claims that others have defeated her, but I have yet to witness it. Perhaps she fights more furiously in front of her father." He let out a small laugh. "Although that is not to say I expected any less of you. If you choose to return here to serve me, I would feel comfortable sending you to fight any man for me."
Liangyu gasped for breath as the duel finally finished. Well, at least she was standing. The little lady was quite battered, and endurance never had been her forte. Her spirit had waned towards the end, even though she was slowly gaining the upper hand. She had been worried about running completely out of energy and just passing out, which had happened before, but she didn't wish to scare her Father like that...

They were both fairly good, and a large number of strikes failed to land. Those that did, didn't hurt. Well, not by themselves, but the effect over time was quite painful. Liangyu gave her opponent a nod, then smiled as her Father applauded. But all she could manage as the man she had beaten praised her was...

"Thanks...I...I feel wooz-"

And she fell on her bum, dropping her rapier to one side, too tired to get back up. Well, at least she'd won...

A maid had gotten to her side now, as she sat there, breathing heavily, and she cradled the exhausted princess as another worked to loosen the beaten armour and get it back to pristine condition. She had the easy job. Getting the princess back to her pristine and pretty condition was another thing altogether, sweaty and sore as she was. Hopefully, she was back to her bubbly, energetic self in no time...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xian Long Rui too, struggled to loosen his armor, his black coat of mail underneath itchy and rough to his reddened skin. As the princess tumbled down, his instincts tried to kick him towards her to catch her. but his body was quite exhausted. He could only watch with a worried face as she was attended to by one of her maids.

Casting his eyes on her father, he returned the approval. "I thank you, Lord Xia, for both your words and this opportunity as well. Your daughter has definitely proven to be superior to me today. Hopefully I would never have to face her in actual combat.."

He then felt his strength return bit by bit, and within a few minutes he pushed himself back up. Like the princess, endurance never was his aspect, but he was fairly strong still. Just not too brutish.

"I will think about the offer hard; this duel will surely help, as I would myself like to take up any duels the princess might find too dangerous in the future. I will think long and hard about it."

He then kneeled beside the princess and her maid with a worried look. He wasn't sure if trying to carry her towards a more comfortable spot would be very prudent, so he could only hope as well that she would be fine..
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Post by Seewichai »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:((This looks to be all of you who are actually to me now. Apologies if this goes slow; I won't be around much this weekend.))

See Wichai

Xia Xi seemed slightly annoyed at the intrusion, as he had been chatting with a couple of his lieutenants upon their arrival. They continued to stand near him even as the princess announced the viistor. He shifted uncomfortably, then smiled and said, "Welcome to Zhaoge, Jing Yun. What is it you wish to speak with me about?"
Jing Yun bowed to the venerable King, "May your king lives to hundred years. It is an honor for a humble peasant like me to be standing in front of you. As a matter of fact, it is the princess who suggest that your highness might have questions for me."

Jing Yun continued, "The princess had sent a letter to invite me to come here. She was suggesting for me to serve in your army but I have some matters that I need to settle, therefore I was asking the princess whether she have any last questions for me before I take my leave. She suggests that perhaps your lordship might have some and therefore I am here."
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II


Post by Gohu »

RuffRydeR wrote:
Gohu wrote:Po Hu did not have any weapon so he left nothing. After getting inside, he sat down where he was offered. Looking at the girl in front of him, he accepted the offer. "Sure. I'll have something to drink, wine please."
Liangyu has the maid serve him wine, and has some juice for herself, sipping a bit before speaking,

"Well, I assume you've read my letter and come to visit because you would like to take the offered job opportunity, right? Or is there another reason, sir?"
Po Hu drinks the wine. He set his duffle next to him. "No, I have not decided. I am here because you sent for me. I am seeing all of the ones that I want to meet right now. You wrote me the letter and asked me to come here. So here I am. You're offering me a job, but I don't even know who I'm working for. What do you stand for?"
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

((Goo, sorry for sucking in response.))


"These things you ask for can be appropriated," he replied. "I believe my salaries are fair, and I should be able to use you for these duties that you list. However, the situation here might be quite different than you would expect. For instance, my 'strange' daughter here is a General in my army. It is more likely that you would be fighting underneath her than otherwise. Further, she is only one of, I believe, four women who hold high rank in my administration. I want to make this clear in case there are issues with this in the future, since it is quite likely that, in my service, you will be receiving orders from various women at different times. There are some people who might have issue with this. I just want to make sure that you understand that I find women useful for business as well as entertainment."

Li Dao Wen

Zhenfeng chuckled a bit. "She's fine," he said, apparently to both Xian Long Rui and Xia Liangyu. "I think she's just milking the attacks a bit for your ego." He started to laugh a little bit. "You know, there are few men who are comfortable enough fighting a woman that they can accept defeat against one. I think she's used to acting as if her victory was some sort of fluke." He gave her a cheeky grin. "Or maybe she wishes to be both a fearsome warrior and a meek princess at the same time. It's a curious picture, isn't it? It's what I've been trying to tell her for some time now, although I suppose it's what she likes to do." He shrugged. "Regardless, it's not your place to worry about her."

See Wichai

"Well," he said, "I don't actually know anything about you, so I wouldn't know what to ask. How about you tell me some things about yourself, and we'll see where it goes."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: In the smith

Post by trippy »

Chuluun looked at the odd pair of father and daughter and shook his head.

You are asking me to fight under her? Why would we not ride side by side in the slaughter. You do know in raiding we fight over horses. Is this just a joke on the northman?

What is your fair wage? Name a price since other rich men have offered me much to serve. Some scribe offered me one hundred taels per month to smith for him. What do you offer?
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

trippy wrote:Chuluun looked at the odd pair of father and daughter and shook his head.

You are asking me to fight under her? Why would we not ride side by side in the slaughter. You do know in raiding we fight over horses. Is this just a joke on the northman?

What is your fair wage? Name a price since other rich men have offered me much to serve. Some scribe offered me one hundred taels per month to smith for him. What do you offer?
"Rarely do we fight over horses here," he replied. "We fight over land. And the size of our armies dictates specific troop set-ups and divisions and so on. The chain of command is precarious and needs to be defended. While my daughter is unlikely to actually lead an entire army herself, as a higher-ranked individual, she will be in a position of command over you.

"As for salaries, I would not be able to match the salary you proposed. That's more than I pay most of my officers. Whoever thinks they can pay you that salary must not have legions of troops to feed. If money is what you are really interested in, then there's little I can do to try and win you over, as it is."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Posts: 670
Joined: Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:29 pm
Location: In the smith

Post by trippy »

Finally, the king was shrewd and haggling with the barbarian. A glow showed in the northerner's eye.

Yes, haggling. You might not want to offer lots of gold so let us negotiate. In the market you can buy halberds and bronze armors. For 1000 gold you can buy 4000 halberds. In one month's time, for half that cost in materials I can make you 4600 halberds. I am very strong with my hammer. Horses I am not so good with though I am very good. I can gather you 3800 horses for what would only get you 2000 horses from merchants. See. I am very valuable, making you many savings from the merchants. That is why you will pay me well. You are a smart man, you must not go to battle often. Other warriors can only fight but I can make your armies prepared to fight.

Tell me, what is this worth to you? Would you pay me to save you much gold?
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)