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Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:59 am
by Maggot
VonFiedler wrote:Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder are to music as Al Calivicci and Sam Beckett are to all worldy knowledge.

More musical? What the hell is more musical? Do you really have any good reason to dislike Kiss other than the fact that they have alot of merchandise, a point you stole from Emo-Game?
No need to get testy with someone who doesnt agree with you.

On the Kiss and Queen subject.....well.....I always thought of Kiss as better, though you are right, they are about merchandising. However, that does not make them a bad band. Alot of people think that just because a band likes to make money, that makes them sell outs. No, it doesnt. If a band is open about it and honest, then good for them. But if they change, if they cave in to others opinions and "Advice" then they are sell outs. A good example is Marilyn Manson((Probably spelled that wrong)), he openly admits to being an entertainer. He is there to make money. However, he doesnt change while doing it, he has been the same freak for like ten years. He's the kind of "Entertainer" I respect. And yes, the opinion does apply to all preferrences in music and opinions on level of skill. However, if you look at a band play, listen to their music and the sound of it, you can discern it from "I like this" to "I respect this". A good example, is WHite stripes for me. I hate their music. Cant stand to listen to it. But I have enormeous respect for them doing something original. Trivium is a band I like but dont really respect, they didnt do anything new. They play some decent guitar solos but thats about it.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 9:59 am
by Xiang Zhuang
My high school band teacher told us once he went to high school with Marilyn Manson. He said that Marilyn (he used his real name, but I forget what it was) was basically a normal kid; didn't really stand out in any way, and that the only reason he knew it was him was because a friend from a high school reunion told him.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:12 pm
by TheComeback
Maggot wrote: On the Kiss and Queen subject.....well.....I always thought of Kiss as better, though you are right, they are about merchandising. However, that does not make them a bad band. Alot of people think that just because a band likes to make money, that makes them sell outs. No, it doesnt. If a band is open about it and honest, then good for them. But if they change, if they cave in to others opinions and "Advice" then they are sell outs. A good example is Marilyn Manson((Probably spelled that wrong)), he openly admits to being an entertainer. He is there to make money. However, he doesnt change while doing it, he has been the same freak for like ten years. He's the kind of "Entertainer" I respect. And yes, the opinion does apply to all preferrences in music and opinions on level of skill. However, if you look at a band play, listen to their music and the sound of it, you can discern it from "I like this" to "I respect this". A good example, is WHite stripes for me. I hate their music. Cant stand to listen to it. But I have enormeous respect for them doing something original. Trivium is a band I like but dont really respect, they didnt do anything new. They play some decent guitar solos but thats about it.
I don't not like KISS because I think they're 'Sell-outs'. 'Sell-Out' is a dumb term that I almost ever hear these days. They were always more about the money and performance than the music. No, that doesn't make them bad, but it doesn't mean they're really that good either.

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 8:29 pm
by Mogwai
'Selling out' and 'emo' are two terms I wish were eliminated. They have pretty much lost their meaning entirely with the changing of the times, and are constantly used by people who have misconceptions.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 5:55 am
by Maggot
Slang. One who has betrayed one's principles or an espoused cause.

Thats a sellout. For example if a band walks out and says they are never gonna change their music for anyone and then they sign a contract for a couple mill to play something completely different, thats a sellout. Emo is a newer term used for bands who focus on the more depressing side of life, deeming fit to bitch about it, instead of do something about it. Good example, My Chemical Romance, who is in my opinion the god damned death of music as a whole.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 11:41 am
by TheComeback
Maggot wrote:Slang. One who has betrayed one's principles or an espoused cause.

Thats a sellout. For example if a band walks out and says they are never gonna change their music for anyone and then they sign a contract for a couple mill to play something completely different, thats a sellout. Emo is a newer term used for bands who focus on the more depressing side of life, deeming fit to bitch about it, instead of do something about it. Good example, My Chemical Romance, who is in my opinion the god damned death of music as a whole.
No... I know what is it means. I just don't use it.
And in NO WAY is My Chemical Romance emo. Which is a WHOLE other debate, but I'll choose not to get into it. A lot of people use as a guide to the history and whats what of emo.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:15 pm
by VonFiedler
And here is why I don't like Emo, definition issues. My Chemical Romance calls itself Alternative Rock, outright denys being Emo, and that's probably why so many fans get as mad TheComeback when people call them Emo. But I've heard their music. I've heard other Emo. If they aren't Emo, they don't deserve a Genre. I'm frankly tired of bands who don't want to be classed as something, don't have anything else to be classed as, and instead simply call themselves Alternative Rock.

But MCR is still classified as Alternative Rock, so it's Alternative Rock. Sigh...

And for the last time Comeback how do you know, with any certainty, that Kiss is more about money than music? The Beatles have just as much merchandise as Kiss. They also had lavish and interesting concert setups, precursors to bands like Kiss and Queen. If one of their producers on a VH1 special told you that the Beatles were more about the money, would you so blindly believe it as you do with Kiss?

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 9:50 pm
by TheComeback
Here's the difference. The Beatles were musical genius. Although, They were probably about hallucinogens than money. Haha.
There's nothing blind about my statement. I'm sorry what I'm saying makes you feel as terrible as you're putting off. But KISS became popular because they could become marketable. I'm not going to change my view on it.

Anyway, new topic. This really needs to stop...

Has anyone heard of Gym Class Heroes? They're a mixture of indie and hip-hop and they have a really unique sound. I really like Schlep's (Lead Singer) lyrics too.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:27 am
by Maggot
My Chemical Romance is the epitime of Emo music. Thats all I have to say on those untalented hacks.

Never heard of the other band. :shock:

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:32 pm
by Ayame
What does no one like Oingo Boingo they were great!