Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Post by Gohu »

Po Hu did not have any weapon so he left nothing. After getting inside, he sat down where he was offered. Looking at the girl in front of him, he accepted the offer. "Sure. I'll have something to drink, wine please."
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Gohu wrote:Po Hu did not have any weapon so he left nothing. After getting inside, he sat down where he was offered. Looking at the girl in front of him, he accepted the offer. "Sure. I'll have something to drink, wine please."
Liangyu has the maid serve him wine, and has some juice for herself, sipping a bit before speaking,

"Well, I assume you've read my letter and come to visit because you would like to take the offered job opportunity, right? Or is there another reason, sir?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Post by Seewichai »

RuffRydeR wrote:
"I trust the trip here wasn't too hard, Sir Jing?"
Jing Yun bowed, "Please Lady Xia.... a mere peasant like me ain't worth the title 'Sir'. Just call me Jing Yun would do." Straightening up, Jing Yun analysed the lady sitting in front of him. She looks young and.... beautiful. But somehow the way she dressed and the air she carried tells him that... she is indifferent from the rest of the girls.

"Lady Xia, my trip is somehow uneventful. Thank you for your concern. May I enquire what is your need that you requires of me here today?"
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

See Wichai wrote: "Lady Xia, my trip is somehow uneventful. Thank you for your concern. May I enquire what is your need that you requires of me here today?"
"Well, I thought the letter was clear. I've been told you have some talents and enough ability to merit a post in the Yin kingdom. Simply put, I wish to end those days as a peasant and put you on a different, better track of life. That's if those abilities prove true."

Liangyu smiled as she recieved the refreshments and had some tea. She then asked,

"Well, what would you like, Yun?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
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Post by Seewichai »

Jing Yun remembered the etiquette his father always taught him. To be humble and not flaunting what you are skilled in.

"My sincere apologies Lady Xia. As unforseen things happened to my family, therefore I did not carefully read the contents in your letter. If the skills of sword wielding is what you had heard about me. I believe they have over exaggerated on it. There are many highly skilled pugilists who used swords. I'm afraid your expectations of me are wrongly placed. However, the kind offer to led me out from the peasant class enliven my heart though." Jing Yun bowed.

"Tea will be nice for me, Lady Xia."
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

See Wichai wrote: "Tea will be nice for me, Lady Xia."
"Oh, I...I hope your family's alright. Did I ask you to come at a bad time..."

Liangyu lapsed into silence for a moment, then resumed,

"The offer's nothing. Right now, it's probably the least I can do for disturbing your familial worries. As for what you could do here, surely you have other abilities. Still, my Father would probably be a better judge of that, not myself. But, as he is king, you could easily be given a position in the officials that now work in this land, for many are needed to make Yin province truly worthy of being a kingdom."

She has the maid give him tea, then nods again,

"Still, I don't feel right having you here if you have family issues that aren't settled yet..."
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
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Post by Seewichai »

RuffRydeR wrote: "Still, I don't feel right having you here if you have family issues that aren't settled yet..."
Jing Yun bowed a silence appreciation of Lady Xia's sensitivity. "I thank you for your kind understanding Lady Xia. Yes, there have been some matters cropped up at home and I am determined to resolve it one way or another. I am also honoured that the King have a place for me in his domain." Looking at Xia Xi, "Be it serving or not to your father and yourself, I am glad to made acquaintance with your ladyship. Perhaps I am unable to make a decision right away to your offer, perhaps you have other questions for me?"
Qian Yen (千眼) (26) 60-71*-89*-65-50 | Confuse II, Gongshu II, Poison II, Spy II

Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

"Well, I don't have questions, but Father probably might. I think I'll take you to him. Would you follow me to his halls?"

And with that, Liangyu got up and brought Jing Yun to her Father, saying,

"Hello, Father, this man Jing Yun is considering service in our court...But he has to resolve family issues at home first before his decision. I thought it best if he spoke with you first before heading back..."

Then, as she moved to one side, she added,

"Oh, he's from around Huainan, by the way!"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Duel fought, duel lost! :D
With the princess' last attack, Xian Long Rui fell to the ground, battered and exhausted from the lengthy fight. Nevertheless he had a grin on his face. He had never thought that Princess Xia would be this good. His weakened legs wobbling, he tried to get up and salute her, but he was just too worked out to even put strength into them.

Turning his body to face her, he nodded, his sweat trickling down his brow. "I salute your prowess, Lady Gongzhu. Your skills are as superb as the rumors and stories have said. I thank you for this opportunity."

He then closed his eyes and groaned silently inside. It was the very first time he had lost to anyone before, and the feeling was, rather than disappointing, was relieving to his tormented soul. Now he can rest at ease, knowing that there are warriors who are mightier in skill than he, who could pacify his soul one day if ever he lost his mind...
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Post by trippy »

RuffRydeR wrote: And there he was, the King of Yin on his throne, staring curiously at his daughter as she chatted with a barbarian.

"Oh, hey Father! I got lost looking for a place to sit...But this is a good thing, because this fellow here is looking for you! So I...guess...I didn't get lost after all...Umm...did I?"
The Barbarian saluted the king.

Your daughter is strange. Tell me, if I serve you will I get women for my bed, gold to make powerful armaments, and a herd beyond number?
Chuluun Sukh
Jianshu II Qianshu III Smith II Challenge I Trainer I Charge II Javelin,
Horse Helm (Might +4), Billhook (Might +7), Armor (Might +7), horse (speed +5)