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Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 7:48 am
by Ayame
Maggot, good to meet you. Bowie Rocks though I love the guy. I'm also a huge fan of all kinds of music. From Queen to Slipknot. And others like Meatloaf, and Nightwish.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:09 am
by Pyro
Maggot wrote:Back in Kiss's day there was no metal.....I think, could be horribly wrong on that one. Essentially Kiss started the newer genres of rock. Metal being one of those. They didnt do this alone of course, but they helped. Slipknot is an EVOLUTION of Kiss, not Kiss. If you compared the two, there isnt much there in the way of similarities besides, as you said, the "crazy" outfits. But if you follow the line of music that Kiss spawned off, it comes all the way to Slipknot, hence the term I used was "Evolution" Not "Similar".
*Points to Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Judas Preist, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple (hard rock but they influenced metal), Led Zeppelin (same but they influenced metal)* >.>

There is a bunch of others too but I'm toolazy to list them >.>

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:35 pm
by VonFiedler
Blue Oyster Cult wasn't metal and neither was Kiss. Kiss did, I'd say, resemble much of the Rock style in the 80s which would in turn somewhat define metal, but they also kept close ties with Glam Rock. In the 70s, much like any other time, most of the music sounded very similiar. I like Boston, Kansas, etc., but if I didn't know any better I could say they were the same band. Kiss was radically different when compared to any other band of their time, and with that I'd have to say that they are best compared to Queen (in so many other ways as well) especcially in Kiss's later years.

More similiarites:
They both wore odd outfits for similiar reasons, though both had different styles. They both wanted to shock people, Kiss by dressing in demonic outfits with Kabuki-esque facepaint and Queen by dressing in colorful and tight outfits with alot of variety.
They both have very grand concert performances. Kiss has pyrotechnics, blood, etc. Queen invented the "Rock Opera".
They both didn't sell singles as well or get as much radio time as other bands.
They both sold albums and concert tickets extremely well.
They both lasted a bit longer than the average rock band especially interesting because they were considered Glam Rock, a short-lived genre that died in 1973.
Both made a very wide variety of types of music.
Both recieved a major revival in the early 90s (though Queen's was bigger, which might be why many people today consider Queen a better band).

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 8:27 pm
by TheComeback
Queen was considered better because they are better. 6 part vocal harmonies? Yeah, much better than KISS and BOC.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:23 pm
by VonFiedler
6 Part Vocal Harmonies that they can't play in concert. They never play through Bohemian Rhapsody in concert. That song exists due to the miracle of recording one segment, stopping, recording another.

As far as ability goes, Kiss and Queen are about level. Queen sings a bit better, and Kiss plays a bit better. They are about equal in the songwriting department, and it's probably both of their best qualities.

Thurthermore, music isn't always about who's more talented, it's about which band you like. For instance, none of the music you like would be succesful if people truly cared about talent these days (Ohhhh Snap!).

The reason Queen came back in the 90's is because of the famous scene in the movie Wayne's World where Garth and Wayne sing Bohemian Rhapsody in the back of some dude's car. This caused a demand for Queen, and they put out new singles and albums which sold extremely well. Kiss released Revenge in 1992, which did suprisingly and astoundingly well.

They were then inducted into the RockWalk of Fame (A Rock Hall of Fame in which other musicians vote) and had a tribute album made for them featuring musicians like Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder.

I'm only gonna say it in this tone because your my friend and you know that I'm not actually mad at you or anything, but if Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder say Kiss is good, then screw you and your silly garage emo band's "critical opinion" :P .

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:48 pm
by Xiang Zhuang
I always rated Queen as a better band musicly, but Kiss as being better performers. I think Queen's resurgence was equal parts the Wayne's World feature, and equal parts Freddie Mercury's somewhat shocking death. AIDS was still pretty new back then, and it wasn't really that publicly known that he was homosexual (although I don't think a lot of people were surprised).

That, and they are both bands who seem to stand out amongst others of their generation. There are better bands who aren't as well remembered (like Toto. I love Toto!), because they didn't have the gimmick or the stage antics, or the one innovative song that caught people's attention.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:55 pm
by VonFiedler
Kiss's trademark song is Rock And Roll All Night but I actually don't like the song as much as the others. My favorite is Detroit Rock City.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:13 pm
by TheComeback
VonFiedler wrote:6 Part Vocal Harmonies that they can't play in concert. They never play through Bohemian Rhapsody in concert. That song exists due to the miracle of recording one segment, stopping, recording another.

As far as ability goes, Kiss and Queen are about level. Queen sings a bit better, and Kiss plays a bit better. They are about equal in the songwriting department, and it's probably both of their best qualities.

Thurthermore, music isn't always about who's more talented, it's about which band you like. For instance, none of the music you like would be succesful if people truly cared about talent these days (Ohhhh Snap!).

The reason Queen came back in the 90's is because of the famous scene in the movie Wayne's World where Garth and Wayne sing Bohemian Rhapsody in the back of some dude's car. This caused a demand for Queen, and they put out new singles and albums which sold extremely well. Kiss released Revenge in 1992, which did suprisingly and astoundingly well.

They were then inducted into the RockWalk of Fame (A Rock Hall of Fame in which other musicians vote) and had a tribute album made for them featuring musicians like Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder.

I'm only gonna say it in this tone because your my friend and you know that I'm not actually mad at you or anything, but if Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder say Kiss is good, then screw you and your silly garage emo band's "critical opinion" :P .
Yeah. If Lenny Kravitz says it, it must be true. :roll: Queen was astoundlingly better than KISS. Why? They were more musical. And even if that isn't a factor KISS was about money and merchandising. Even their producers agree with that statement.

Music isn't always just about how talented you are compared to other players, every player is different. But honestly, I really do think Queen was much better than KISS.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:39 pm
by VonFiedler
Lenny Kravitz and Stevie Wonder are to music as Al Calivicci and Sam Beckett are to all worldy knowledge.

More musical? What the hell is more musical? Do you really have any good reason to dislike Kiss other than the fact that they have alot of merchandise, a point you stole from Emo-Game?

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 1:59 am
by Ayame
I discovered queen a few years ago, and the reason of it was my Stagecraft teacher, and seeing the movie Highlander again. Not because of Wayne's world in fact I hadn't seen that movie till after. Now Oingo Boingo, that is a wonderful and talented band. They rock.