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Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:39 pm
by Mogwai
I'm not on IRC but this is for Atma: Beckisode.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:02 am
by Kimche
can anyone get on lunarnet right now?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:05 am
by Xiang Zhuang
Kimche wrote:can anyone get on lunarnet right now?
I'm there. One of the servers is down, and I had trouble getting onto RPGCafe because it was full. I'm on castleheck right now, though, which I assume is not full. If you /server it might work. At least, that's what I did. And I think Eldrasia is the one that's down now.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:47 am
by OneEyedDrgn
* Zei_Zao_LS has joined #warlords
* Kanetsugu attacks ZZLS
<Lu_Kuang> Zei!
* DisasterPieces assists in said assualt.
* Kanetsugu assaults Zei with all his force
* Lu_Kuang slaps Zei_Zao_LS with a large smelly trout
* Kanetsugu attacks from behind
* Kanetsugu dines on Zei
If you don't understand what innuendo is going on here... God bless you!

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:28 pm
by Royalspork
[23:03] *** Kern ( left ()
[23:03] <SporkZilla> He takes me far too seriously.
[23:04] <SporkZilla> I don't think he notices that I regularly insult everyone on #jianye.
[23:04] <SporkZilla> Except Jix, he is a cool guy.
[23:09] <JiXu> Don't lie. I know its cause you don't love me.
[23:10] <SporkZilla> How do you mean!
[23:12] * JiXu sobs
[23:12] <SporkZilla> Yes, I love Kern more than you.
[23:12] <SporkZilla> We have angry love when you don't look.
[23:13] <JiXu> . . .
[23:13] <JiXu> D00d. I got a mental image of that.
Hrm, this section seems intresting enough to put here.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:20 pm
by Aisha
I think it would be lovely if there were a link to sim warlords in the title of #warlords

I'm told that only ann can make this happen, hence why I am suggesting it here.


Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:49 am
by Belial
[23:33] <Shadow> LT doesn't come in here anymore. I miss my stabbing buddy... :(
[23:34] * Shizai ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:35] * Belial stabs SM for Shadow
[23:35] <Belial> Does that help?
[23:36] * @Kymvir_Raemiz ( Quit (Quit: )
[23:37] <Shadow> SM has enough scars from when they got him in the shower room.
[23:37] <Shadow> He's unstable.
[23:39] <Belial> Not the type of stabbing I meant =o
[23:40] * Shizai ( has joined #warlords
[23:40] <Shadow> I was talking about him getting shanked...
[23:40] <Shadow> I don't know what you're talking about.
[23:41] <SimpleMinded> ...
[23:41] <SimpleMinded> I have no idea whats going on.
[23:42] <Shadow> Yep, thats what you said when you woke up.
[23:43] * Belial pats SM's rear, "Don't worry bout it."
[23:44] * SimpleMinded stabs Keva.
[23:45] * Belial moans, "Oh SM!~"
[23:46] <SimpleMinded> ...
[23:47] <SimpleMinded> I don't swing like that.
[23:47] <SimpleMinded> Thats Shadows department
[23:47] * Flawed ( Quit (Quit: )
[23:47] <Shadow> you should be more honest with yourself, blackface.
[23:47] * Jiang_Pu ( has joined #warlords
[23:48] <Belial> Oh SM, don't deny our love!
[23:48] <Jiang_Pu> ...
[23:48] * Jiang_Pu ( has left #warlords
[23:48] <Shadow> JP got jealous...
[23:48] <Belial> That was perfect xD
[23:48] <Kimche> LOL
[23:48] <SimpleMinded> ...
[23:48] <Kimche> That IS a kodak moment

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:15 pm
by Brother Dun
Blah! Can anyone help an IRC noob out and tell me how to fix my problems? I can't connect to the server, it says... "Unable to connect to server (software caused connection abbort)". Any ideas how to fix this?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:09 pm
by ann
I don't know what your problem is - sorry!

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:35 pm
by KvChaos
Brother Dun wrote:Blah! Can anyone help an IRC noob out and tell me how to fix my problems? I can't connect to the server, it says... "Unable to connect to server (software caused connection abbort)". Any ideas how to fix this?
1. Reinstall your software and try again.
2. Use webmirc like
3. Google your problem.