Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Ashikaga »

Fan Zeng walked through silently, allowing himself to be guided till he was in the presence of the lord. Painfully, he lowered himself to the ground in a kneeling position. He looked at the lord curiously, but respectfully. Every motion he made, hinted at a well refined and sophisticated man.

Fan Zeng replied finally once the boy had came in and greeted him, he would have answered sooner, but the boy's presence cut him off. He smiled at the youngster and then said, "My journey was most enjoyable, thank you."

He always appreciated respect and training in the youth of the land. Looking back up the Xiang Kai the scholar said, "You and your officers give me far too much credit. I am a humble man with just a little more experience than some of the younger generation. I thank you for your kind and warm welcome."

Thinking of the last question posed to him by the lord, Fan said, "My main studies have been in military affairs, however I have dabbled in public ministry. I have set myself to learn and study tactics used to support the main army, proper use of bows, alchemy to disrupt or sabotage the enemy, etc. along those lines."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
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Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Naxr »

"Interesting... Usually when one thinks of great scholars, what comes to mind are those who pursue knowledge in such fields of study as philosophy, law, religion and so on. You, however, are more focused on more, I do not know if 'practical is the right word, but it's more of an applied science I should say."

Kai noticed that his son was having a hard time at keeping still. Fa kept looking to his father, probably wanting to receive permission to leave. But Kai did not give any, thinking that his son might learn something today, however torturous the experience might be for him.

Kai continued, "This brings up a question though, if I may ask it. Though you are well known, and are quite knowledgeable in your discipline of warfare, how is it that you are in Changsha? To my knowledge that area is very disorganized. I should think that your talent would be in great demand, considering the times we now live in..."
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Post by Ashikaga »

Fan Zeng noticed the boy, perhaps the young man could use a better tutor. Never-the-less, the focues on the lord and replied, "I live in Changsha because I was able to retreat from the world of politics and warfare, however as the latter has escalated, the need for the former has followed suit. Your officer here has convinced me that perhaps I must again use what knowledge I have to train a next generation to pacify the land and to try to make a difference again before I expire."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Naxr »

"Oh, don't say that. You look quite healthy to me, I am sure you have many more happy years ahead of you," he said hoping to make the man feel better.

But Kai's tone quickly changed from that lighthearted one heard earlier to a more serious one, "But you are right about this conflict that has erupted across the land. Something has to be done. All I can do myself at this moment is to do my best to care for my people here in Liang. The bigger picture, that of the fate of the middle kingdom, is a bit more frightening to think about. Certainly I should think your knowledge can be put to great use, but sometimes I am not so sure. On one hand, I see that war in some circumstances can be used to achieve good. On the other hand, if we want peace, should we not teach the next generation of peace and not of war? What do you think?"
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Post by Ashikaga »

Fan Zeng ignored the flattery, focusing on the more serious matter.

Fan Zeng often times thought about this question himself, especially as a youth studying the art of war. After a great many years of contemplation Zeng could only say this, "Peace is but war, shattered into pieces. In a lawless and fractured time such as this, it becomes necessary for a heavy handed ruler to put down law and establish order. After the rebelliousness and warmongering has been crushed out of the people, then a peaceful, peace time existence can ensue."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Naxr »

Kai sat silently for a moment, thinking over what had just been said. "Yes, that sounds very reasonable. The only difficulty then is knowing when the war has ended, when this ruler can relax his iron grip on the people and open his heart to them. And then, what a transition that will be!"

Moving on to a new thought, Kai began, "Tell me what you think, please be honest. I know you have only just met me, but I do wish to know what you think. Though my domain may be small, do you think I could be that man, who could bring peace back to the middle kingdom, extinguishing the fires of war and rebellion that ravage it so? I ask because I have been wondering for a while now, what next? I am confident that the rest of Liang will soon fall into my hands. While it is an achievement to bring order back to Liang, what of the rest? People across the land yearn for the same order and prosperity as the people here in Liang. Who would I be to deny them this? So it therefore seems as if it is my duty to look beyond Liang. And this would seem to put me in the camp of those who vie to unite the land. Please tell me, could I be that man? And if so, would you be willing to help me in this endeavor, to end the chaos?"

Having laid all of his cards on the table, Kai anxiously waited for Zeng's answer.
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Post by Ashikaga »

Zeng sat contemplatively. He had not expected to be asked this, especially so early. "I cannot predict the future, however be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. After careful growth and cultivation, even the smallest seed can grow to the mightiest tree. All I can tell you is to be careful, for no man can tell the wind which way to blow."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Naxr »

"Your words ring true to me, very much so. Because of this, I want to ask you, would you, if I may continue on what you have said, be a gardener to the seed that has been planted here in Liang, nurture it, care for it so that it may grow strong and prosperous? I am always on the lookout for those who may be able help my cause, to end the chaos, bring peace and order to the land. And you seem to be exactly the sort of man I am looking for, in mind and in talent. What do you say? Will you help me?"
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Post by Ashikaga »

Fan Zeng bowed again, and when he rose he nodded to the lord. "After meeting with Rui Aitan, I have only had good experiences with your forces. I will do what I can, for I am but a humble servant, the rake is in your garden. Soon, perhaps we may look back on this day and revel in what we accomplished together, perhaps not. We may only work to do what is best. I offer myself to you."
"When you enter the theater, please walk to the end of the row filling in all available seats. Stopping in the middle is distinctly unpatriotic"
- Sam the Eagle

Luanti Maodun, Bandit in Changshan
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Post by Naxr »

Kai's face immediately beamed with glee, "This is great news! With your help, I am confident that we can achieve great things."

Turning to Aitan, he nodded, "You've done well, my friend. Perhaps you can show Master Fan Zeng to one of the empty quarters? One must be tired from the long trek from Changsha..."

Then, turning to his son who was still present, "Fa, maybe you should go too. Perhaps you can learn something from this man?"

The boy jumped up, eager to do anything that would not involve sitting still, "OK..."

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