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Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 10:56 am
by Naxr
This has probably been talked about already, but will add this comment just in case.

I wonder how we can encourage the most activity from everyone, rather than mostly from the head person, and I appreciate how we have limits on NPCs such that one PC can only send so many troops to battle, that it makes sense to work with others. Around this, I wonder what an ideal balance might look like in terms of NPC limits and/or the COM formula for determining how many troops can be brought to battle. Given we may be playing on an expanded scale for the next version, do we need to make any tweaks or are we good for now? We may be good, so just want to throw in my appreciation for this system, and ask if there might be any other ways to encourage wider participation.

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 11:28 am
by Suicide Fox
TL;DR Subject: Logistics --> Line-of-sight attacks --> Armies can no longer attack/defend across map

Saw some great posts in chat but wanted to post here. Obviously, someone could better articulate everything than myself but I will try:

The one major flaw I find with the current battle system is the ability for any army to attack anywhere at anytime. For one, this isn't realistic. No army could cover that much ground and be everywhere at once. Especially if hostile territory is between location (A) and (B) you're trying to attack. If you passed through someone else's territory with an army they'd be like.. WTF

However, I understand we are restricting for now due to the code.

Here's my suggestions (and again they are piggy-backing off chat):

1. Implement roads between territories so you can only attack adjacent territory.
From a coding perspective, add a "----" symbol on the map and make a road image symbol, then allow us to be able to click on the roads just like we would be able to click on a city. Battles could take place on roads instead of cities, etc.

You can enforce logistics in one of two ways:
(a) the honor system
- It's just a written rule you can only attack locations next to each other that's marked by roads, but there is no code to enforce it. Would mean we would need staff to check to make sure someone didn't derp and screw it all up, but it saves time on coding

(b) actually coding
- I'm thinking the language would be something like....

if #Xiangyang (can only attack) Shandu, Zhonglu, Qi

would need to go in and individually code each location as only being able to be attacked or reinforced by an adjacent location

I actually don't know why I put 1, like I had a #2 second point because I don't. However I feel like implementing logistics logic solves a lot of problems with alliances, etc. Cross-map attacking and defending is broken!

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 6:11 pm
by Phailak

I have some ideas in that regards, IF we go the route of keeping things 1 player (ie no more reinforcing or joint attacks)

To me, NPC limits should be tied to rank, rank should be tied to self declared ranks through how many territories you possess or awarded ranks from emperor or high ranking official.

I like the limits going off COM, I'd add rank would grant bonuses too, so we need a rank system is what I am saying.

Ranks could be pretty cool to give to PCs as well. Let's say you have a city, you could grant ranks for towns and villages to smaller player armies in exchange for their 'loyalty'. Sure they can't joint attack with you but they can still attack places you target. Need to put some thought into this.


I already coded and put in the database which location can attack where so the logic is there, never implemented it because I didn't want a clusterfuck on the map. The other issue for me was the camps, at our peak we had close to 25 active players, that's a lot of flags to keep track of on the map. Still, I think something can be done. Distance to target AND maybe some spy points would be used to determine who gets to be leader of an attack, so that would be pretty cool. Plus the fact you could attack another camp.


Anyone feel like coming up with a rank system? Something that makes sense from self declared (Merc, merc sergeant, merc captain, merc king, etc / Village Chief, Village Leader, Village King / Prefect, Magistrate, Governor) I am not good with terms like that. Then you'd have the imperial ranks?

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 7:37 pm
by Suicide Fox
Phailak wrote: SF

I already coded and put in the database which location can attack where so the logic is there, never implemented it because I didn't want a clusterfuck on the map. The other issue for me was the camps, at our peak we had close to 25 active players, that's a lot of flags to keep track of on the map. Still, I think something can be done. Distance to target AND maybe some spy points would be used to determine who gets to be leader of an attack, so that would be pretty cool. Plus the fact you could attack another camp.


Anyone feel like coming up with a rank system? Something that makes sense from self declared (Merc, merc sergeant, merc captain, merc king, etc / Village Chief, Village Leader, Village King / Prefect, Magistrate, Governor) I am not good with terms like that. Then you'd have the imperial ranks?

Awesome that the logic is already there

What if we "forced" camps to be on the road tiles on the map? Camps would be allowed to travel around on their turn and could only help / reinforce the territories they are adjacent to thus we still stick to the logic

so instead of a camp being invis, they have to be on a connecting hex between territories

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Thu May 25, 2017 8:10 pm
by Phailak
There are no hexes or demarcations on the map, it is all dynamic and uses actual coordinates so it could be really cool in that way, i will need to come up with a proof of concept

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Fri May 26, 2017 12:17 am
by Mardagg
It will be fun to have the option for someone to jump over one territory to attack or erinforce, but the supply would start at 50% or so

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:59 am
by Suicide Fox
Any chance we can get an easy to find link to the tools so that the site will be mobile friendly? Can't find any of the tools from my phone.

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 10:04 am
by Phailak
Yeah I'll work on that before launch

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:27 am
by Suicide Fox
Phailak wrote:Yeah I'll work on that before launch
For now, do we just have a link? I know I had one at one point but ... I lost it :oops:

Re: Feedback / Comments

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2017 11:34 am
by Phailak
Not sure how to link from my phone but nasically go in the announcement section there is a post with all the shortcuts