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Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:16 pm
by fallen_saint
yea i thought about ruling, then i thought how evil ann is, and how she does brilliant (so i've heard and witnessed) great battle tactics, makes me leery :roll: , plus school and work do not help :lol: and b/c will not be here on the june 10th confirm :?

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:35 pm
by Xiang Zhuang
That's an interesting point you have there, fallen_saint. It would seem a bit unfair to lock out someone if they weren't able to be around within the 24 hours after ruler sign-up. I don't want to extend the deadline, though. I'll think of something :)

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 12:34 am
by Chen Ping
Xiang Zhuang wrote:What I've found is that often, when ruling, people's characters tend to become rather dry and neutral, matching the way people try to rule. A lot of times ruling responsibilities get in the way of character development. However, if you keep the right perspective on ruling, you can avoid that.

I look forward to seeing some interesting personalities come out. That's part of the fun of being staff; getting to see all the ideas people have for characters.

Personally, I tend to get into the harsh politician or the gruff general type a lot. Hopefully, I don't do that this game with my PC, although I probably won't be hugely active with him, since I have other things to focus on :)
I don't have a character planned out yet and I don't count on actually planning on until the ruler sign-ups are finished. I learned this from SimRTK. :oops:

And I fully agree with the people on how becoming a ruler changes your character immensely. If anyone payed attention to my character during the last game in SimRTK, then he or she would know. >_>

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:09 am
by Gong Ao
Whenever I play as a ruler, I end up with someone who publicly supports the Han but really couldn't care less. Whenever I play as an officer, I end up overly focused on having a large salary.

So to all of you potential rulers out there, reckon you can give me a nice big fief or something like that?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:13 am
by fallen_saint
i have never been a ruler, i like being office. I usually it is hard for me to decide either to be officer under a ruler or a free officer...

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:22 am
by Diethe
ZR wrote:Whenever I play as a ruler, I end up with someone who publicly supports the Han but really couldn't care less. Whenever I play as an officer, I end up overly focused on having a large salary.

So to all of you potential rulers out there, reckon you can give me a nice big fief or something like that?
Heh, high salary, with incentives.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:30 am
by Xiasiwang
Provided I actually land a ruler position this time around, we'll see if I can actually go somewhere with it. I've had plenty of experience in the past, but not enough opportunity to make my ideas go through. Hopefully this time will be different.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:06 am
by Lurking Tyranny
As it stands, if no one else goes for a rulership slot at the time I am writing this, everyone who applied to be a ruler will get their wish and be a proverbial happy camper.

However, considering that there is still many days more on the ruler sign ups, that seems doubtful.

Anyway we can shorten the ruler sign up period? Perhaps make it till the eighth and then leave the ninth and the tenth for confirmation? That would give those people who have trouble being around for the 24 hour confirmation a little bit more flexibility.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:35 am
by Tom
To be honest over the next week or so, its more likely there might be one or two more signups but nothing like there was on the first day. If I remember rightly wasn't SimRTKs ruler/bandit signup the same length but with more players, maybe it could be shortened a bit.

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:53 am
by Diethe
Hehe, here's the case. It's either the ruler sign-ups open last friday, or we have to wait until tuesday, wednesday or thursday for it. :wink: