Zhao Yue's Audience Hall - Shangdang

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Post by Kai »

Shangdang was less complex than he thought would it be. Well, at least for a city. The buildings were very low, the streets wide and forming quadrilateral shapes in the earth. Every corner taken was a sharp one, and it didn't take him long to travel from the Prefect's house to the administration building where he would hopefully finally meet the landowner. The journey was taxing enough, and now that he was at his destination, he did not want to take any longer to achieve what he wanted to achieve. After all, someone out there was watching him, and he had to perform his best so that he wouldn't be scrutinized for being weak-willed or a waste of air. He had heard those insults far too many times growing up. He didn't need to hear them now.

"I'm here to see Lord Zhao. Search me if you must."

The robed man handed over a letter for clarification as to why he was here.
Ling Yuan (260 BC)
Civil Administrator III, Cover II, Entrench II, Saboteur I, Volley II
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Kai wrote:Shangdang was less complex than he thought would it be. Well, at least for a city. The buildings were very low, the streets wide and forming quadrilateral shapes in the earth. Every corner taken was a sharp one, and it didn't take him long to travel from the Prefect's house to the administration building where he would hopefully finally meet the landowner. The journey was taxing enough, and now that he was at his destination, he did not want to take any longer to achieve what he wanted to achieve. After all, someone out there was watching him, and he had to perform his best so that he wouldn't be scrutinized for being weak-willed or a waste of air. He had heard those insults far too many times growing up. He didn't need to hear them now.

"I'm here to see Lord Zhao. Search me if you must."

The robed man handed over a letter for clarification as to why he was here.
The gate guards nodded, searching the man and removing all suspicious and malicious items. "These will be returned to you upon your departure," the captain simply stated, signaling for the men beyond to open up the gates. Ling Yuan would then be directed to the entrance guards, who again patted him down and removed anything threatening they could find. With the two searches completed, it was time to enter the Administration Building of Shangdang.

The entire first floor of the complex was dedicated to audiences, what with all of the suites for exalted officials located higher up in the building. The walls were like a maze, painted with dragons and symbols and all sorts of things, though sliding doors were hidden throughout where men and women alike conducted their daily business. Eventually, they were taken to the opposite side of the floor where they were motioned to remove their shoes, the doors then sliding open to reveal a large room with plenty of decor. The room was painted a golden hue, with small statues and intricately crafted antiques dotting the perimeter. Opposite the red rug in the center of the room was a raised platform equipped with two steps. Behind this platform was a draped tapestry that had a poem woven in, speaking of a new spring and the joys that are brought with it. The focus was not on this literature, however; it was on the man sitting crosslegged on his own floor mat on this platform.

"Yes?" he asked as the visitor was brought in. "Something you need?"
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Coffin Delivery . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "Jank" - RA2</font>

<font color="green">The Kijo only gave the captain a condescending smile, amusing herself at his great display of perceptiveness.

"How insightful." The Kijo replied with a tone as dry as the sand.

The Kijo didn't move from her slouching position yet somehow the air around her seemed to feel heavy.
It was like an unseen fog trying to weigh everything down.
Or was it just the weather perhaps ~?

The Kijo then decided to play the captain's game.
She ever slightly turned out her left clawed hand.
There was a crumpled piece of paper . . .


Kijo Akki
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Post by Kai »

The man admired the layout of the building. It was far different than any other office he had been it, and it felt absolutely regal. However, he did see traces of modesty and charm in the decorum, and so he was able to see the down-to-earth qualities of the Prefect before even made his acquaintance. So when he came into the audience chamber and saw the man who he assumed to be Zhao Yue, he was taken aback some. He looked... younger than the traveler could have hoped for, yet the man's stone-cold expression and firm grip on his servants demonstrated his keen ability to lead at an early age. This was right, this was absolutely golden.

"I am Ling Yuan of Peigongnu, here to find my path in life. I have been ostersized for being too humane back in my home and... well, I escaped all of that. I need to start from scratch, and I thought I would start here. I am a writer and a mathematician, and I hope you could fit me somewhere in your roster so I can keep myself busy while rebuilding my life. That's all."

He bowed, not taking the time to sit. There wasn't enough time for sitting.
Ling Yuan (260 BC)
Civil Administrator III, Cover II, Entrench II, Saboteur I, Volley II
Teachings of the Silent Lotus (Jud+4)
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Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

GreenFabre wrote:moar green
The guard captain practically scowled before Akki, not particularly liking this woman already, but not having enough reason to turn her away. He moved to retort smartly, but when he saw the paper withdrawn from Heaven-knows-where, he lowered his head and snatched the letter from her. Unraveling the parchment, he scanned the contents for only a spare moment before returning it to its rightful owner. "Very well. You'll need to consent to a couple searches before we let you inside. And... your coffin back there will need to stay out here. We'll look after it until you've finished with your audience."
Kai wrote:The man admired the layout of the building. It was far different than any other office he had been it, and it felt absolutely regal. However, he did see traces of modesty and charm in the decorum, and so he was able to see the down-to-earth qualities of the Prefect before even made his acquaintance. So when he came into the audience chamber and saw the man who he assumed to be Zhao Yue, he was taken aback some. He looked... younger than the traveler could have hoped for, yet the man's stone-cold expression and firm grip on his servants demonstrated his keen ability to lead at an early age. This was right, this was absolutely golden.

"I am Ling Yuan of Peigongnu, here to find my path in life. I have been ostersized for being too humane back in my home and... well, I escaped all of that. I need to start from scratch, and I thought I would start here. I am a writer and a mathematician, and I hope you could fit me somewhere in your roster so I can keep myself busy while rebuilding my life. That's all."

He bowed, not taking the time to sit. There wasn't enough time for sitting.
Zhao Laoxin contorted his face some. He had not heard of or written to this Ling Yuan man, yet his slight accent made him at least a bit interesting. And from the way he carried himself and viewed the world around him with those glistening eyes, he could have had a great deal of talent too. There was no use turning him down now; he could at least use him as a minor official until he showcased some of his skills. Promotions were possible in the land of Wei. "Very well, I could use more men in my staff. Welcome to Shangdang."

Ling Yuan has been accepted into the ranks of Shangdang!
(OI pl0x)

"Are there any questions? If not, the attendants at the door can show you to your temporary quarters. Your first assignment will come within a week," the Prefect said, his mind obviously occupied with other things.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Post by Kai »

Ling Yuan bowed most gratefully, knowing that he had finally found a home for himself. No longer did he have to be embarassed in front of the people who were watching him, and no longer did he have to run on low fuel. He had a home and a steady job now, so it was time to take the next steps towards making a name for himself. Yuan would prove to everyone out there that he was being underestimated. The good guys COULD win in the end, with a little time and patience...

"No, no questions. Thank you for your time, Prefect Zhao, and I will do all I can to help your cause."

More could have been said, but Ling Yuan wanted to save those things for later. For now, it was time to change clothes and get some rest. A long life was ahead of him.
Ling Yuan (260 BC)
Civil Administrator III, Cover II, Entrench II, Saboteur I, Volley II
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Cat and Mouse . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "My Boy" - Jang Nara</font>

<font color="green">The Kijo only smiled ever more sweetly at the captain.
She gave a slight chuckle as the captain read the letter, shaking her head.

The Kijo then sat at the middle of the coffin as she crossed her legs.
Squirming with boredom, flicking her clawed hands as fires sparked on and off just to pass the time.

"You can read." The Kijo said disappointedly, after the Captain finished.

"I ain't no going to get searched by YOU." The Kijo said suddenly, eyes pointing like daggers to the captain. "Nu uh, not gonna happen."

She then suddenly blinked her eyes as if seeing something changed her mind.
Clawed hands delicately scratching her neck up to her chin. Thinking.

"Hmm...let me see...maybe him, no, pockmarked face, he looks creepy.."
The Kijo gently strained her neck, muttering to herself as if she's picking what clothes to wear on her closet.

"Maybe him and that one beside him without the helm. He looks cute."
She both pointed at the two, giggling to herself, then noticed the captain looking at him.
She gave him a what-are-you-looking-at look in her eyes.

"Common, big boys. Do your job. Search."
Her clawed hands beckoning at the two like a cat hypnotizing mice with its paws.

The Kijo dropped her other leg, only to cross it over the other one.
Now resting her arms beside her, drumming at the coffin with her claws

Like a cat waiting for her dinner.
How the Kijo smiled at the idea and forgot she had a headache.


Kijo Akki
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

GreenFabre wrote:verde~
The captain opened his mouth, ready to announce that he could bring out a female attendant to do the job, but when Akki gave her request for two of his men to perform the search, he simply blinked. Nodding, he motioned the two (now apprehensive) guards forward, and they commenced the search. Once all malicious and suspicious items were confiscated, the captain motioned for the bronze gates to be opened. He led the strange woman to the entrance guards, who had an attendant perform another search, removing anything else he might have found that could harm anyone inside. Once this was done, the entrance patrol and the visitor were engulfed by the darkness of the archway, entering the world beyond...

The entire first floor of the complex was dedicated to audiences, what with all of the suites for exalted officials located higher up in the building. The walls were like a maze, painted with dragons and symbols and all sorts of things, though sliding doors were hidden throughout where men and women alike conducted their daily business. Eventually, they were taken to the opposite side of the floor where they were motioned to remove their shoes, the doors then sliding open to reveal a large room with plenty of decor. The room was painted a golden hue, with small statues and intricately crafted antiques dotting the perimeter. Opposite the red rug in the center of the room was a raised platform equipped with two steps. Behind this platform was a draped tapestry that had a poem woven in, speaking of a new spring and the joys that are brought with it. The focus was not on this literature, however; it was on the man sitting crosslegged on his own floor mat on this platform.

"Hello," he said flatly as a man who stood behind him shifted uneasily in his spot. "Don't mind Enxia. What can I do for you, m'lady?" the assumed Prefect asked, resting his hands on his knees with an unfaltering posture.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Location: Ruthlessness!

Post by Brother Dun »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:"I am he," the man on the 'throne' replied, obviously quite annoyed by his temporary chambers by the sound of his voice. Yet he knew not to sound too downtrodden lest he turn off a potential supporter of his cause. Wishful thinking, to say the least. "And of course, welcome to Shangdang. It is a long way here from Yue, and I am blatantly surprised that you decided to travel across the country just to see a mere Prefect." Laoxin inwardly hoped that this bode well for the approaching conversation, yet he was never one to cross his fingers and pray. "I assume you have some questions for me, no? I intentionally do not reveal too much information in the letters I scribe so that more important issues can be dealt with face-to-face. It's more personable and frank that way," the Prefect mentioned wistfully. He then gave the floor to Huo Xing.
Huo Xing studied the man before him once more, he certainly seemed unhappy with his current lot in life. "I see," he said calmly, "Then it is a pleasure to meet you, Prefect Zhao. I must admit, my travels up north are not entirely to meet you, I have already met with the King of Zhao, and I will be traveling to speak with the Prefect of Yin, Xia Xi, once I leave here. The journey to the north was also nothing compared to the journey to Yong... That was a terrible mistake!"

He paused a moment and thought of a question for the Prefect, "As for questions, I do have some for you. First and foremost, perhaps you'd be willing to tell me some of your goals? You told me in your letter that you did not want to conquer all of Zhongguo, so what do you want to achieve?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Brother Dun wrote:Huo Xing studied the man before him once more, he certainly seemed unhappy with his current lot in life. "I see," he said calmly, "Then it is a pleasure to meet you, Prefect Zhao. I must admit, my travels up north are not entirely to meet you, I have already met with the King of Zhao, and I will be traveling to speak with the Prefect of Yin, Xia Xi, once I leave here. The journey to the north was also nothing compared to the journey to Yong... That was a terrible mistake!"

He paused a moment and thought of a question for the Prefect, "As for questions, I do have some for you. First and foremost, perhaps you'd be willing to tell me some of your goals? You told me in your letter that you did not want to conquer all of Zhongguo, so what do you want to achieve?"
"Understandable," the Prefect said in response to the Yong expedition, though inwardly he was annoyed that the target of his letter was seeing everyone who had dared to etch a character to him. It was no matter though, as he straightened his face again and nodded firmly. "It is my first and foremost ambition to conquer the Wei Province so I may have a large domain of control. This way, I will be able to acquire the resources necessary to restore some civility and financial security that is much needed. After that, I will probably expand my influence into other areas, but to be so bold as to say that I want to conquer the world is a foolish thing indeed. I cannot set the bar too high for myself, not with what few talented men I have at this point in time."
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
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Followers: Hua Gongming, Yuan Man