Zhao Yue's Audience Hall - Shangdang

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Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Jin Shi wrote:Huixi Zhe smiled and shook his head.

"If Zhao wants me enough to send me a letter, why should I have to be searched? Are you saying that your lord is mad enough to invite someone to murder him? Over my head, this whole business."

He made a blowing noise, and passed his hand over his head.

"And you should check that letter, shouldn't you? That could just be what I used for a napkin this morning. This is mostly true. Lacking such protocal, my boy."

He chuckled.
"My lord is not a prophet; he cannot foresee the intentions of those talented men he chooses to invite. Even men of worth can harbor evil intent," the guard captain said gregariously. "Meng Yun invited the very men who rebelled against him into his halls. Laoxin knows that precariousness will help ensure his safety in a land of decaying morals and values. Keep that in mind," he said sharply, then opening the envelope and seeing the letter he expected to see. "And it's pronounced protocol. Are you going to agree to the search, or not?"
jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao nodded and said "So if I disband my men, we technically get nothing cause only myself and Lan Kai here will join you. We will only get that after one month of service. Is that correct?"

He continued "As for taxation, I assume every city has its own taxation methods. A singular tax will have high burden cost wouldn't it? But I am not politician, basically in the view of the working population."

Turning the attention to something of more interest to him, he said "When you unify Wei, I understand that Wei is relatively near Yan. And no doubt the fighting in Yan is about to end as unification is about to be complete. They will soon pour into Changshan and then Wei. How will you deal with it? One of the 5 legends, Liang Feng is the Champion of the Yan Coalition army. I am not match for him in a duel, although my other brothers are. Have you ever seek out the other brothers of mine? Liang Feng included of course."
"Correct, though I pay at the start of the month instead of the end. A bit risky, I know, but a dealt salary stolen isn't much of a loss," he said with a dismissive wave of the hand. "My tax policy works fine," Zhao Yue then said, apparently bringing an end to that subject. Policies were to be discussed with civil officials, not generals or warriors. "In every stone, there is a crack. It should be relatively easy to find the crack in Yan's armor considering their lackluster performance in terms of civility, what with attacking every inanimate object that could be called a territory without a certain amount of intricate planning beforehand. A kingdom that expands too quickly is a kingdom that is bound to fall. Not to say that Fei Lak is a King quite yet."

"Though we could be allies as well. It all depends on how events unfold in the coming months, and as I alluded to before it is difficult to foresee how certain men will act in certain situations with certain circumstances. Foreign policy will evolve in due time."
In Ferro Veritas wrote:The woman chuckled slightly at the man's continued insistence on his own superiority. It was refreshing to see a man do something other than hide behind his rank for a change.

"Seizing the city without a single soldier? Intriguing. I would've seen to it that I had an army waiting to occupy the city in the aftermath, however, to... 'expunge' the less than desirables. Your humble origins are both your strength and weakness; the masses will identify with you, and the nobles will dismiss you as weak because of it. A terrible foe you would be to those reactionaries who refuse to adapt to the times."

Xiao Jing paused again, pondering the situation. She was not yet convinced she should fear the man, but was still unsure of how benevolent a man he would be to his underlings.

"If you desire to plan every potential pitfall on your route to domination," she continued abruptly, "you'll be gray and old long before you move to realize your plans. One cannot plan for the reactions of others while life moves on and their positions change -- even more so if they are replaced by a new official. The dynamics of the rapidly rising and falling governors and managers further east would only serve to complicate your plan.

"I offer my skills and knowledge, such as they are, to you in your path to conquest," she stared at him, at the enigma. "All that I am and all that I will ever be is yours to command."
"Two-hundred able fighters rallied to my cause after my speech on that auspicious night, and they were able to ensure security after Meng Yun was disposed. I am lucky that my 'eloquence' as you said was able to inspire such passion in those I consider my own brothers," Laoxin said in a rare moment of gratitude. "But my ability to calculate potential chain-reactions has served me well this far. As my territories grow, it is my hope that I will win over more able advisers to help make these calculations and hopefully they will have a different view on the world so they can bring more options to the table. Regardless, I know that your input will be extremely valuable if you are able to show such intelligence today, and it is with gratitude that I welcome you to Shangdang."

Xiao Jing has been accepted into the ranks of Shangdang!
(OI in mah thread please, and you can help occupy my lonely PH! :D )

"Do you have anything else to discuss with me? If you're ready to leave, my attendants can show you to your temporary quarters, and you may choose a permanent suite at your leisure. Thank you for opening my eyes a little bit today, Lady Xiao," he said with a small smile.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Post by jiangbao »

Jiang Bao replied with a laugh "That is true, they seem to attack everything that has a roof. Allow me sometime to consider your proposal. I may intend to move my small army over, but I have equipped them well so I have to see how things work out. I have to work out a cost v benefit structure with my guys. I also need to return to discuss with my other brothers. I spent more than 100 gold equipping my men so I have to work at least 2.5 months plus to break even. But money is not all that important."

Standing up, he concluded "Give me about a month or so, I will said word I promise you. But it will take me at least 2-3 months to resettle my army to Wei. I wished I moved this month. I will talk to my other brothers from the 5 legends and will get back to you soon."
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

jiangbao wrote:Jiang Bao replied with a laugh "That is true, they seem to attack everything that has a roof. Allow me sometime to consider your proposal. I may intend to move my small army over, but I have equipped them well so I have to see how things work out. I have to work out a cost v benefit structure with my guys. I also need to return to discuss with my other brothers. I spent more than 100 gold equipping my men so I have to work at least 2.5 months plus to break even. But money is not all that important."

Standing up, he concluded "Give me about a month or so, I will said word I promise you. But it will take me at least 2-3 months to resettle my army to Wei. I wished I moved this month. I will talk to my other brothers from the 5 legends and will get back to you soon."
Zhao Yue was quite surprised by this visitor's mannerisms; he heard that he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Perhaps this was a rumor without merit, but future tests could be taken should Jiang Bao and his brothers choose to return. "Very well, I bid you good luck on your travels. If you have any more questions that you think of later on, feel free to write," he said, nodding to the attendants to inform them to open the sliding door. Bao was free to leave when he wished.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe laughed.

"Very good, they taught you pronunciation as well."

His demeanor changed into apathy at the question.

"Not with that attitude."

He grinned again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not into being felt up by you little perverts. Enjoy your day. Be sure to eat your vegetables, my boy."

He smiled, and walked off if nothing else was to be said.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
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V3:Huixi Zhe
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

Jin Shi wrote:Huixi Zhe laughed.

"Very good, they taught you pronunciation as well."

His demeanor changed into apathy at the question.

"Not with that attitude."

He grinned again.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not into being felt up by you little perverts. Enjoy your day. Be sure to eat your vegetables, my boy."

He smiled, and walked off if nothing else was to be said.
The guard captain smirked in a smug fashion as the man left. "Good. One less annoyance on Lord Zhao's plate. Good riddance," he said, returning to his typical milling about until the next visitor came to challenge his patience.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
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In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

The woman was thoroughly pleased with the way events turned out. There was, however, one issue that remained to be settled.

"There's just one more matter to attend to. During my travels, I gathered a small assortment of men who followed me about. I have no need of them. They number four hundred and fifteen, with scarcely any training. If you have need of them, they are yours."

Xiao Jing rose to depart, waiting for the governor's answer first.

(OOC Stuffz: 415(10) nublets conscripted on September 209 because I had nothing better to do that turn. No special arms/armor. I question if they're worth the 1:4 mandated rate, but whatever. If you don't want them, I suppose I'll keep them around to make fun of and such.)
Xue Xia
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Doc Strange
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Post by Doc Strange »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:"Yes, that would be me," Laoxin said with a blank expression, not one to show his emotions when it wasn't needed. Although he practically mastered the art of person-to-person interaction, he still didn't come off as the most warm person ever. Not every ruler could be a basket of hugs and kisses, however. "And I could offer you a place to stay, and a secure job that could support your new lifestyle. I have heard of your learning of troop marshaling, and that's exactly the type of men we need here to lead our forces. Currently, I only have a few noteworthy men to lead my troops, but I need more gifted leaders to secure the districts around me. That is where you come in, Sir Fu," said Laoxin most honestly, interlocking his fingers while keeping his posture flawless. "I take it you have weighed the pros and cons of serving here?"
"Yes....yes of course." Frankly, all of the sudden Fu Guan's breaths are heavy, his words feels like panting, and a big red blood spot appearing on his back, but he continues: "Yes, of course I know. My pros are that I've found a new job, new place to live. But the cons? This province is nearer to Yan, which is bad. But I don't think you want to know *cough* *cough*.....that I came here after I mortally wounded a guy from Yan?"
Liang Wei (40)
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Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

In Ferro Veritas wrote:The woman was thoroughly pleased with the way events turned out. There was, however, one issue that remained to be settled.

"There's just one more matter to attend to. During my travels, I gathered a small assortment of men who followed me about. I have no need of them. They number four hundred and fifteen, with scarcely any training. If you have need of them, they are yours."

Xiao Jing rose to depart, waiting for the governor's answer first.
Laoxin tapped on pursed lips for only a spare moment, offering a response only after he had thought things through. "No, it would be best to let them stay in their home territory. I fear the long travel and homesickness would render them useless when it came time to claim more territories in the name of Shangdang. I thank you for the offer though."
Doc Strange wrote:"Yes....yes of course." Frankly, all of the sudden Fu Guan's breaths are heavy, his words feels like panting, and a big red blood spot appearing on his back, but he continues: "Yes, of course I know. My pros are that I've found a new job, new place to live. But the cons? This province is nearer to Yan, which is bad. But I don't think you want to know *cough* *cough*.....that I came here after I mortally wounded a guy from Yan?"
Zhao Laoxin snorted after Fu Guan had made his little confession. "That is no problem. After all, I've done much worse. If you have the gall to do such a thing, then you would be a wonderful candidate for a leadership spot in my forces. Do not worry about our proximity to Yan; I am currently making steps that will ensure that they don't become a problem for me."
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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Coffin Delivery . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "IndustroFunk" - RA2</font>

<font color="green">The Kijo was once again listening to the music inside her head.
She was dragging an old wooden coffin in the middle of the street.
Making harsh grating sounds with the ground as she walked.

She slowly sighed as she gazed at the night above.
It was cloudy, ashen gray. kinda like the Kijo's touchy mood.

The Kijo then decided to just look down at the ground.
She was having a slight headache. Stupid spiked drink.
The Kijo muttered angrily to herself, continuing to drag the coffin along with her.

Two boots suddenly came into view.
And when she looked up, it was the face of a guard.

Only then did she finally noticed.
She was standing in front of the gates of Zhao Yue . . .


Kijo Akki
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

GreenFabre wrote:green
Not only was the guard captain's face visible for a change of pace, but so were the faces of all the guards standing before the bronze gates on that frosty day. Each visage was tainted with the emotion of pure shock. They didn't quite know how to react to the situation; here was a woman with weird colored hair and a coffin behind her. The entire street had been notified of her presence with the sound of wood scraping against cobblestone, and now that this 'misfit' was at the Administration Building, the civilians watched as they fully expected for her to get her ass kicked. Little did they know that this new administration was one of a civil breed, very unlike the one that came before it.

"Do... you... need to see someone?" the captain asked, holding back his disgust.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
7986 (100) Troops

Followers: Hua Gongming, Yuan Man