Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Location: Zhaoge

Post by nstroud »

Huang leered at the stunning princess before answering her, "No it was only a fortnights journey from my village." As he strode closer the scars on his face and arms became more apparent.
Prefect Huang Fu
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

"Oh? That's still quite a bit. Half a month, huh?"

Her lips curled at the thought of such a journey. Then, feeling a bit more emotionally tired, just thinking about it, she decided,

"I guess you'd want a seat. Come with me to my study..."

A name which was getting well known as a definite misnomer. The study was in fact a hall of weapons, with a few books as decorations. But mostly weapons. There were comfortable seats their though.

"Please, sit, sir."

As she reclined, she recalled that he was in charge of a village in Changshan, as he'd mentioned. Ruffling her hair, she noted, embarassed,

"You came from your village? I sent a letter inviting you here, in the hopes you would be able to stay for long, but do you have duties elsewhere, huh? Like in this village of yours? Or are you one of those talented individuals in this land who have, as yet, no lord?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Location: Zhaoge

Post by nstroud »

"Thank you" said Huang as he took a seat. "I serve no one except for my men and my people."
Prefect Huang Fu
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

At the end of his northern trip, Huo Xing planned out his final visit. He had received a letter from the lord of Liang, Xia Xi, just before he departed. The fact that this was his last visit was brightening his mood. He would be home soon, he would be able to see his beautiful Na soon. He couldn't wait until that time.

However, he had to remind himself that thoughts of Na would have to wait, he had another member of the new gentry to meet. He was grateful that the city of Zhaoge was simplistic enough to allow him to easily find the city administration center. He paused upon seeing the sign outside and read it over. He then went to the gate official and smiled, "Good day, gentlemen, I am Huo Xing of Yue, here on the invitation of your lord," he said, producing the letter that had been addressed to him, "I would like to speak with your master as soon as possible."
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Little Lady Xia
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

nstroud wrote:"Thank you" said Huang as he took a seat. "I serve no one except for my men and my people."
"Oh? And would you be inclined to work within a larger cause, for the benefit of more people, or do you intend to stay with your people for a while to come?"

Liangyu frowned. It was, at least, kind of him to come down and meet, even if he was not so inclined towards staying. Ah well, it was a pleasant visit, and at least it was kind enough of him to come, unlike other people who didn't even deign to reply. Arrogant upstarts, those were.

Shrugging, she motioned to a maid,

"Would you get us some refreshments?"

Then, she asked him,

"What would you like, sir?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

In Ferro Veritas

"A diplomat, eh?" Xia Xi idly shuffled his papers, thinking briefly. "You've picked an interesting place to come, then. As you can probably see, I am surrounded here by two kings and one emperor; all of which hate one another and would use this province to wage war against one another. Up to this point I have managed to keep them away, but such reprieves in violence are rare in troubled times as this.

"Tell me, which of these three powers do you claim allegiance to? Which do you see as the strongest currently, and which do you think will eventually win?"

Brother Dun

The attendant of the gates came forward, gave the man a bow, and looked at the letter briefly. He said, "This looks to be in order, Sir Huo. If you would follow me, please." Assuming he did, Huo Xing was brought into the audience hall. They traveled down a short corridor that seemed to be the main hub for all offices and alleyways in the structure. After passing a few random aides and guards, they entered a large room in the center of the structure. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a large, thick desk upon a dais toward the rear of the room. A couple of guards were at attention; one to either side of the entrance. Otherwise, a guard stood by each side entrance, and an aide was present; apparently scribing down something on behalf of Xia Xi. The attendant came into the room a short ways, then stopped. He gave the Prefect and his daughter full bows, and then gave the visitor a short one and stepped to the side. "Prefect Xia," he said, "announcing Huo Xing, an invited guest of yours."

Xia Xi was amused to have a visitor. He didn't seem particularly interested in the work he was doing. "Welcome to Zhaoge, Huo Xing," he said, his voice betraying a hint of amusement. After all, he had just sent out another wave of those silly letters. It was fun to see that he wasn't completely ignored. "I am glad you could make it. How was your trip? Also, would you care for any refreshments? I could have a maid get you some, although my daughter would probably run off and do it herself if I didn't physically restrain her." He chuckled a bit at his daughter's expense.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: Zhaoge

Post by nstroud »

Huang took a second to consider how to phrase the coming words " I would like to work towards a greater cause, while maintaining my freedom." He shifted uncomfortably before continuing "I would like to work for your father, to expand his influence throughout Changshan. Unfortunately my forces are not ready to fully expand throughout the province, and we might require trained men and good equipment. In return we would provide your father with military service and contributions to his coffers."
Prefect Huang Fu
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Brother Dun

The attendant of the gates came forward, gave the man a bow, and looked at the letter briefly. He said, "This looks to be in order, Sir Huo. If you would follow me, please." Assuming he did, Huo Xing was brought into the audience hall. They traveled down a short corridor that seemed to be the main hub for all offices and alleyways in the structure. After passing a few random aides and guards, they entered a large room in the center of the structure. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a large, thick desk upon a dais toward the rear of the room. A couple of guards were at attention; one to either side of the entrance. Otherwise, a guard stood by each side entrance, and an aide was present; apparently scribing down something on behalf of Xia Xi. The attendant came into the room a short ways, then stopped. He gave the Prefect and his daughter full bows, and then gave the visitor a short one and stepped to the side. "Prefect Xia," he said, "announcing Huo Xing, an invited guest of yours."

Xia Xi was amused to have a visitor. He didn't seem particularly interested in the work he was doing. "Welcome to Zhaoge, Huo Xing," he said, his voice betraying a hint of amusement. After all, he had just sent out another wave of those silly letters. It was fun to see that he wasn't completely ignored. "I am glad you could make it. How was your trip? Also, would you care for any refreshments? I could have a maid get you some, although my daughter would probably run off and do it herself if I didn't physically restrain her." He chuckled a bit at his daughter's expense.
When Huo Xing was being led through the palace, he took a bit of a note of the ministers and guards at work. When he was led in to meet with Xia Xi, he looked over the Prefect and then his young daughter, and smiled. He bowed to them both and awaited his turn to speak. "Thank you for seeing me, Prefect Xia. The trip was not too bad, I have been in the north for a month now, visiting the various lords who have sought me out, much like yourself," he said, giving a slight pause, "Refreshments would be wonderful, if it is not too much of a bother."

"Well, Prefect Xia, I am a guest of your hospitality, is there anything you would like to ask of or about me?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Seeing that his daughter didn't take the bait ((or, more likely, isn't online at this time)), Zhenfeng motioned for the attendant to go get a maid to do as the visitor had requested. He left in short order.

Nodding to the visitor, he said, "Visiting the north? So that means you are from the south, then? And to be desired by so many people! I am a bit jealous." He smiled awkwardly, but then thought on what he had just said. "Well, not really. But it sound exciting." He scratched at his goatee for a moment. "While it is a personal question, I would be interested to know what other 'lords', as you put it, have also sought you out. Not that I wish to pry, but I'm just curious. After all, every person has their own unique situation they exist in, and I'd love to compare theirs to my own. Perhaps in discussing them you could give me advice upon my own issues as well?" He gave a slight shrug, as if to accentuate that he wasn't incredibly vested in the venture to where he might be upset if the visitor declined.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Salvation For The Damned . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "The Real Folk Blues" - The Seatbelts</font>

<font color="green">

<table width="1%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center"><tr><td class="row3">Image</td></tr></table>
The Mountain Cliffs At Yan

There is no glory, nor fulfillment, in being this.
No use loving what cannot be loved.
Loneliness, self paralyzing. Denial, self blinding.
The sickening stench of it filled the air.

Is there anyone . . . someone . . . worthy of loving, at all ~?
A great sadness overcame his heart and filled it with disappointment.
Inside, the Gray felt empty, hollow and without purpose.

<table width="1%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center"><tr><td class="row3">Image</td></tr></table>
The Courtyard At Yin

There is no glory, nor fulfillment, in winning this.
No use fighting what cannot be defeated.
Cowardice, self degrading. Fear, self defeating.
The sickening stench of it filled the air.

Is there anyone . . . someone . . . worthy of fighting, at all ~?
A great sadness overcame her heart and filled it with disappointment.
Inside, the Kijo felt empty, hollow and without purpose.

Is there . . .
. . . . anyone
anyone . . . .
. . . . . . . . someone
someone . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . worthy of
worthy of . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . loving
fighting . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . at all
at all . . . . . . . .

A single moment then spun itself into existence outside the boundaries of time.
Near became far. And far became near.
It lasted a heartbeat. And lasted forever.
The path of two souls intertwined, forged as if one.

<table width="1%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0" align="center"><tr><td class="row3">Image</td></tr></table>
? ? ?

The Kijo slowly opened her eyes.
And found herself lying in the courtyard.

The Gray slowly opened his eyes.
And found herself lying in the cliffs.

Yet where the courtyard bricks ended, the mountain cliffs began.
It was as if the two places collided, divided by a thin, sinuous line.
The sky above was dark and endlessly black.
And a strange feeling looms in the air, as if all were hanging upside down.
No sense of direction at all.
If there is even such a thing in this . . . whatever this place is . . .

Raising up on her burning clawed hands, the Kijo watched the Gray from a distance with curiosity.
He was looking back at her too.

His face is plain and expressionless, with dark circles around his eyes.
His short black hair cut in a fashion of pointed daggers.
Wearing a sneering perverted smile that cannot be trusted.

With a gaze as if they were the eyes of a man who knew he was already dead and accepted it.
Cold and disturbing yet at the same time burning with something else.
Burning with an all consuming passion.
Growing with every second with all this watching.

The Kijo noticed a ominous massive axe at his side.
The very sight of it, awesome, terrifying to behold.
No one would survive if that wicked serrated blade ever went the wrong way.

And all things suddenly made sense in her mind.
No matter what this place is, the purpose was obvious.
The Kijo asked for this and something . . . someone . . . answered back.

An answer. A chance. A fight.
Isn't this what she always wanted ~?
The Kijo felt goosebumps spreading like wildfire in her arms.

And with the natural order of things, curiosity manifested to questions.

The Gray: "What is this p. . who are you . . . ?"

The Kijo: "I am Kijo Akki. And I'm here to fight you . . . *looks at the massive wicked looking axe as if tranced*"

The Gray: "Fight me? *eyebrow raised* Heh, any chance . . . we can talk . . . normally. . . know each other perhaps. . . ? *evil grin*"

The Kijo: "Not a chance in hell . . ."

The Gray only sneered a with a dog-like smile as he bent to pick up his massive two-handed axe, four feet tall.

The Gray: "Guess I have to ask my questions along the way . . . shall we dance?"

The Kijo: "With pleasure. *fanged smile*"

The Kijo then charged low and aimed high.
Hellish flames spring forth from clawed metal hands.
Literally burning with magnificence.
Green eyes smiling. Heart aching for this great battle.
And for the first time in her young life, the Kijo was truly happy.

The Gray only sneered with a mocking laugh,
A hand resting in his waist. The other clutching the massive axe in his shoulder.
Literally breathing with arrogance.
Gray eyes filmed with sarcasm. Mind filled with contempt.
Yet for the first time in his young life, the Gray was truly afraid.

Back at the Courtyard at Yin

The Xiāmó suddenly stopped in its tracks, breaking bricks along its path.
Fire and oil started to surround it, its cloak now starting to burn.
Only serving to amplify the horrifying sight of this aberration of nature.

And for the first time, the Xiāmó dominated this body uninhibited.
It was as if it was suddenly free. The mortal chains broken and gone.

It growled and reveled at its sudden freedom.
The Xiāmó could perfectly hear the rush of guards in the vicinity of the courtyard.
Strangely, it waited for more to come. It really wished that every soldier would come.
It waited sixteen years for a chance like this, certainly it could wait a few moments more.
The Xiāmó could not help itself but chuckle.
Its voice deep, like the sound of a multitude.
The Xiāmó was many. The Xiāmó was one.

The Xia Gongzhu found herself being approached by...Whatever that was...Readying herself, weapons being drawn, she stuttered,

"Who...who...what are you!?"

A guard informed her, apprehensively,

"You invited that...that thing, ma'am!"

The Xiāmó: "I am Kijo Akki. And I'm here to fight you . . ."

"Ugh, well, whatever it is, I'm stopping it!"

The Xiāmó: "Not a chance in hell . . ."

The Xia Gongzhu gripped her blades, and prepared to defend herself, shrieking,

"Well, if it wants a fight, then I'll give it one! Then, we'll figure out this whole body bag thing..."

The Xiāmó: "With pleasure."

The Xiāmó could not help itself but snarl to the woman at the open challenge.
This mortal. This young girl talking as if able.
The Xiāmó would break her. Make her wish she was dead.
Surrounded by these pathetic weaklings.
Only the coward would find strength in numbers.
They would never know the gift of true strength, found through the self.

The Xiāmó smiled, as it crawled on all fours towards the princess.
And the Xiāmó's world burned . . .

Kijo Akki will fight with the Gray lo~!
The Xiāmó will fight the Xia Gongzhu lo~!
Duel Tactics for a FRIENDLY DUEL sent to Galagros lo~


Kijo Akki