Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Post by Galagros »

While the strange man was being chopped to pieces, the horrified guard screamed and began yelling for reinforcements. He drew his sword and held it ready. "Stay back, demon! Keep away from our Lord's daughter!" By the time Kijo Akki could begin to charge Xià Liangyu, four more guards had responded to the calls for help. Each man was running toward the corpse and bloodied man with spears leveled. Two more guards could be heard racing to the scene, but were not yet in sight.

The guard, emboldened by visible aid, spoke again. "Stay back or you will perish here and now!"

This is a plot situation. I need tactics from all parties involved for actions. Either party may speak without sending it to me, however.
Chen Yu
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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Liangyu found herself being approached by...Whatever that was...Readying herself, weapons being drawn, she stuttered,

"Who...who...what are you!?"

A guard informed her, apprehensively,

"You invited that...that thing, ma'am!"

"Ugh, well, whatever it is, I'm stopping it!"

She gripped her blades, and prepared to defend herself, shrieking,

"Well, if it wants a fight, then I'll give it one! Then, we'll figure out this whole body bag thing..."
Xiang Zhuang wrote: Xia Xi was sat behind his desk, busy discussing some military planning with a couple of his lieutenants on the other side of the desk when Xiao Jing and his daughter arrived. He gave his daughter a warm smile and then nodded to the visitor. "Hello," he said, a bit confused. He gave his daughter an odd look and said, "Is this another one of your handmaidens?" He seemed slightly put out at the interruption, although he had become a bit more used to it as time had went on.
"Oh! No...She isn't... I asked her to come here because I thought she might be of help here in Yin. Though, a new handmaid would be nice. But I'm not too sure Lady Xiao would enjoy that. But really, you're the one who determines these things, Father, so I'll let you two get to know one another."

Shaking her head, she then bowed, and hoped Lady Xiao wasn't put off by her Father's silly comment...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

(Why am I always in the same vicinity of things that can only be described of raw, unabated insanity?)
Xiang Zhuang wrote:
RuffRydeR wrote:Liangyu had a maid lead the pair of ladies over to her Father's Audience Hall, and they were both announced. She grinned, hoping she had pleased her Father again, then moved over to one side so that they could speak with one another, saying,

"Well, I'll leave you and Father to talk..."
Xia Xi was sat behind his desk, busy discussing some military planning with a couple of his lieutenants on the other side of the desk when Xiao Jing and his daughter arrived. He gave his daughter a warm smile and then nodded to the visitor. "Hello," he said, a bit confused. He gave his daughter an odd look and said, "Is this another one of your handmaidens?" He seemed slightly put out at the interruption, although he had become a bit more used to it as time had went on.
Xiao Jing offered a slight bow to the man, offering a polite smile to the man. She offered a slight nod to the men beside him.

"With all due respect," she began, "I am no handmaiden. Your kind daughter gave me the honor of a meeting, which has been a meeting which I have not regretted."

The lady glanced at the warrior princess, then returned her gaze to the important-looking man.

"She mentioned employment, though I do not see how I might be of service to such a lord."
Xue Xia
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Little Lady Xia
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

(OOC: IFV, you're in the most-posted at AH in the game...You're bound to come across something silly...>_>)
RuffRydeR wrote:
Yojimbo wrote:"You still want me to meet your pops after that? Sure, I'll stay here for awhile. I've never sampled Yin wine before—plus I could pick up some moves from ya, eh?"
Giggling, she happily clasped her hands together,

"Oh, it's not just footwork. I'm rather quick with my arms too..."

Then, nodding swiftly, eagerly even, she said,

"Oh yes, you should. If you're staying a while, you could help with lots of things! After all, I'm fast, but I'm still not able to be in two places at once!"

She chuckled, then started to lead the way to the Zhaoge Audience Hall, laughing,

"And I'll make sure they get you some good wine. My, you have expensive tastes... Most fighters in love with the drink rather like beer instead..."

(OOC: Post in Xia Xi's Audience Hall, if you're coming along...)
"And here we are!"

She giggled, as she led the man through the guards, and straight into her Father's halls, though the cursory request that he temporarily store his weapons with the guards was asked. Most of her own weapons, she left with her maids, who took them back to storage, though she kept the bow at her hip, as she usually did.

Once that was done, she took him over to where her Father was, deeper in the palace, and bowed, before excitedly saying,

"Father, I came across a fellow fighter with good skill out in the city! I think you should consider having him help here in Yin for a bit..."

She smiled happily as she moved to her Father's side and an attendant introduced Lord Zuo more formally, as she cheerily watched the proceedings, albeit forgetting that, having gone straight inside from a duel, she looked rather roughed up and a bit dirty, a few scuffs on her usually smooth arms, and a number of strands of hair a fair bit out of place as he headband was tilted slightly...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Location: Zhaoge

Post by nstroud »

In the falling light of dusk a dusty multitude can be seen outside of the city gates. The black banners carried are embroidered with the name Huang Fu in white and the uniforms are emblazoned with a white axe. The multitude is obviously settling in to wait for a representative of the district manager.
Prefect Huang Fu
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

((I was waiting for Yojimbo to post. I don't reply to people from other threads unless they actually post here, as to confirm that they actually want to be here. No fair me warping people about. So yeah, Yojimbo, I'm waiting on a post from you before I respond, even if it's just a weak acknowledgment.))

In Ferro Veritas

Xia Xi mumbled to himself, again a bit annoyed that his daughter had failed to really introduce the lady. "Well," he said, stroking his goatee, "I'm also not sure how you could be of service to me. I am no mind-reader, unfortunately." He started to laugh in his typical abrasive-sounding manner, although it did not last for long. "Well then, Lady Xiao, what sort of service do you think you could provide?"


The self-described multitude was met with a good deal of consternation. An order from within the city went out, and soon troops inside were being told to be on guard. A somewhat unsure officer made his way out to the troops there. While still a good deal away, he yelled, in a squeaky voice, "Who goes there? What purpose do you have with so many men near the city of Zhaoge?"
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: Zhaoge

Post by nstroud »

A tall, lanky man carrying an enormous axe stood up and addressed the timid officer.
"My name is Huang Fu, headman of a village in Changshan. The Xia Gongzhu sent me a requesting a visit. I have come to honor her wishes."
With that Huang motions for one of his liutenants to have the troops stand and salute the city. The troops movements are crisp and percise, as if every soldier was straining for the approval of their leader.
Prefect Huang Fu
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

nstroud wrote:A tall, lanky man carrying an enormous axe stood up and addressed the timid officer.
"My name is Huang Fu, headman of a village in Changshan. The Xia Gongzhu sent me a requesting a visit. I have come to honor her wishes."
With that Huang motions for one of his liutenants to have the troops stand and salute the city. The troops movements are crisp and percise, as if every soldier was straining for the approval of their leader.
The guard nods. It was well-known anymore that the Prefect's daughter had a penchant for inviting random people into the city to fight her. He said, "You are free to enter the city and approach the gates if you wish. I will go ahead and inform her of your arrival."

((Basically turning this over to Ruff, since it's her deal.))
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
nstroud wrote:A tall, lanky man carrying an enormous axe stood up and addressed the timid officer.
"My name is Huang Fu, headman of a village in Changshan. The Xia Gongzhu sent me a requesting a visit. I have come to honor her wishes."
With that Huang motions for one of his liutenants to have the troops stand and salute the city. The troops movements are crisp and percise, as if every soldier was straining for the approval of their leader.
The guard nods. It was well-known anymore that the Prefect's daughter had a penchant for inviting random people into the city to fight her. He said, "You are free to enter the city and approach the gates if you wish. I will go ahead and inform her of your arrival."

((Basically turning this over to Ruff, since it's her deal.))
Huang Fu was then brought to the Lady's quarters in the palace, a fairly luxurious place, where the startlingly feisty princess was practicing with her armour on, in a vain attempt to get really used to the added weight the form fitting gilded bronze breastplate put on her body.

She paused as she was informed of her visitor, and sheathing her sword, walked out of her training yard, brushing her loose auburn bangs to the sides. Bowing curtly, she smiled and said,

"Ah, Master Huang. Good, you recieved my letter. I hope it was not too long to travel from Changshan?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
In Ferro Veritas
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Post by In Ferro Veritas »

Xia Xi mumbled to himself, again a bit annoyed that his daughter had failed to really introduce the lady. "Well," he said, stroking his goatee, "I'm also not sure how you could be of service to me. I am no mind-reader, unfortunately." He started to laugh in his typical abrasive-sounding manner, although it did not last for long. "Well then, Lady Xiao, what sort of service do you think you could provide?"
The woman raised an eyebrow, glancing at the warrior princess before turning her gaze back to the man who seemed genuinely confused by the meeting.

"I suppose," the woman said as she folded her arms, "I am something of a professional diplomat. It would seem that such a person may be useful to have around in times of strife and war."

Her thin eyebrow still arched, the woman awaited the lord's response.
Xue Xia
Civil Administrator II, Engineer II, Propagandist II, Public Planner II, Entrench I, Poison I, Doctor