Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Naxr »

Kai paused a moment, scratching his chin as he began to answer the man, "Well, you say that it is materials that motivate you. And I've told you what I have to offer in that regard. I certainly do possess these things which I offer, as I am not one to throw around empty promises. But on the same token, as I have been saying, I am not one to shower my men with luxuries over nothing. They must earn it. Though I may not run a true meritocracy, as I might not be completely objective in my treatment of family and old friends, I try to run things like one..."
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Post by Shadow »

"Expecting something big from something small is rather distasteful in my opinion." A voice said from the doorway. "One can't ask much from a seedling as it will not have anything to offer as its merely immature and young. Now, a grand tree offers much prosperity because its old and experienced." The voice showed himself to be none other than Xun Shang. "You must help a seedling grow to a tree to pick off the fruits from it's branches, don't you think?" He asked the man. "Taking what little a seedling has when its growing will just kill it or ruin it."

He smirked and continued,
"Personally, I want to be a root to a great tree. To be the one to help lay its foundation and its growth."
Xun Shang (22) 77-20-83-74-18
Aid II, Decoy II, Confuse II, Military Administrator II, Volley II

* Dreamer actually liked Sherman.
<Dreamer> That guy was badass.
<Dreamer> If Lee would have been more like him, we could have won. :<
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Post by Critical_Hit »

Jin Zhao was surprised by this stranger who had wandered into this meeting spouting nonsense about gardening or somesuch. Didn't he know they were talking about potential employment and war?! Why was he talking about wanting to be a tree? Perhaps he was the local madman? That made some sense to Jin Zhao who proceeded to ignore the loon in case he started to try and beg money from him - although he was wondering why this lord allowed crazy people to barge in like this...

"Alright so maybe you do have the means - however you still didn't answer my question. Why should I serve you instead of the other lords?"
Jin Zhao (22)
Aid II, Confuse I, Civil Administrator I, Dash II, Maraud I, Military Administrator I, Politician I, Sortie I, Wall II
Jiang Pu
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Post by Jiang Pu »

He finally made his way to the AH of the lord his brother serves.

"I'm Xun Pu..........related to.......*sigh* Xun Shang.........i'm here to help his lord"
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Post by Naxr »

Jiang Pu

Kai was just making his way out when he saw him, "My! You've finally come! Shang told me you'd come! Come in! Come in!"

Post your OI info in the appropriate thread to close the deal!


"Why me? Well, let's see... I certainly like myself more than the others... Hmm... To tell you the truth, I really don't know too much about the others, so to compare myself to them, well, it's impossible. The best I can do is tell you about myself. Do you have any other questions of any sort?"
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Post by Critical_Hit »


"Why me? Well, let's see... I certainly like myself more than the others... Hmm... To tell you the truth, I really don't know too much about the others, so to compare myself to them, well, it's impossible. The best I can do is tell you about myself. Do you have any other questions of any sort?"
Jin Zhao was getting a little tired of having his questions deflected with other queries.

"No - my questions here are done. I'll be leaving now. Thanks for your time."

Jin Zhao leaves Dingtao unless stopped.
Jin Zhao (22)
Aid II, Confuse I, Civil Administrator I, Dash II, Maraud I, Military Administrator I, Politician I, Sortie I, Wall II
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Post by Vanguard »

Having traveled from Changsha with the famed scholar, Fan Zheng, Rui Aitan was becoming a bit anxious for the old scholar to meet Lord Xiang Kai. The time that Aitan got to spend with Fan Zheng had been absolutely priceless, and he enjoyed trying to match the master's own usage of on analogies. It was now Aitan's hope that Fan Zheng might find a reason to stay, thus giving the younger man a mentor and someone to work with and for in the scholarly pursuits.

Leading Fan Zheng towards the audience hall, Rui Aitan felt a mixture of excitement and a little doubt. There was still the chance that Fan Zheng would not find a reason to stay, and if that should happen, then perhaps Aitan will have to begin down a new path, while sticking to the one he has chosen thus far. Turning to Fan Zheng, Aitan smiled. "Master Fan, we are almost there. I'll just speak with the guards and get us cleared to go inside."

Approaching the guards on duty that day, Rui Aitan spoke clearly to them. "Good day, gentlemen. I am Rui Aitan, a district official for Xiang Kai. I have brought a guest for the District Manager to meet. May I be permitted entrance?"
Bei Tianmeng (26) 51-77-84-38-75
Decoy II, Doctor I, Escort II, Instructor I, Jianshu I, Scout II, Spy II
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Post by Naxr »

The guards, recognizing Aitan, promptly let the two through. Assuming the two follow, one of the guards leads them through the hall to the office of Xiang Kai. The guard who brought them goes to speak to the guards outside the office. They talk for a moment to each other, then one knocks on the door. More words are exchanged between the guards and someone in the office, presumably Kai. The guard who had escorted them then walked back to the two, "Lord Kai is ready to see you," as one of the guards at the door opened it. Looking inside, they would see a smiling Xiang Kai behind his desk motioning for them to come in and take a seat.
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Location: Planning in the shadows.

Post by Vanguard »

Taking the lead once more, Aitan turned and nodded to Fan Zheng, letting him enter first if he chooses before following right after him. With a polite bow, Rui Aitan greets his lord. "Lord Xiang Kai, it's good to see you. I must apologize for my recent absence, but I have brought someone I would like you to meet."

Aitan then gestures to Fan Zheng. "My lord, Xiang... this is Master Fan Zheng, a renowned scholar from Changsha. I recently sought him out to seek his wisdom and perhaps study from him, and spoke of you during my meeting with him. I thought that perhaps you would appreciate his deep knowledge, and that maybe together... we all could find a way to better serve the people of our land. Anyways, I did not come here for you both to listen to me, but for you two to get to know one another."
Bei Tianmeng (26) 51-77-84-38-75
Decoy II, Doctor I, Escort II, Instructor I, Jianshu I, Scout II, Spy II
Liege: Ying Ranzhen
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Post by Naxr »

"Master Fan Zeng," Kai welcomed the man with a smile, "it is a pleasure to meet you. Many men and women have come through these doors, but I do not recall having met with a scholar such as yourself yet," he said, taking a moment to try and recollect if he had indeed met any.

"But what a welcome change this is! I am glad that you came back with him, Aitan," he spoke, nodding to him. "Tell me, what are your main areas of study?"

Just then, what seemed to be a phantom rushed past the open door. Recognizing this phantom, Kai called out warmly, "Son! Come in here, please!"

The boy, perhaps about ten years of age, probably younger, peeked his head into the room, "Yes, father?"

"Come Fa, I'd like you to meet our guest, Master Fan Zeng. He is a scholar from Changsha, is that right?" he asked, wondering if he had correctly recalled the location. The boy frowned at the word 'scholar,' perhaps thinking it was time for his lessons. "And you have probably met Rui Aitan already."

The boy awkwardly bowed to the two men, then looking to the scholar, "Hello sir, I hope your visit here has been, um, enjoyable?" he asked meekly, obviously accustomed to greeting visitors of his father, though not completely comfortable with making eye contact yet.