Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Liangyu was befuddled by the request, but she arrived as swiftly as she could. She had obviously been dueling, and against much stiffer opponents too. A few scrapes and bruises were visible on her bare arms, and a rip showed on her pants.

She bowed as she hastily arrived, loosening the straps on her armour so she could breathe easier, and brushing her hair aside from in front of her face.

"Father, I'm here as requested...And Master Huixi isn't armed. I already asked him to leave all his weapons at the dueling grounds."
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

((I teleported back to the hall, it seems.))

Huixi Zhe experienced deja vu. "Didn't I just leave? Why am I here again?... Whatever." He looked to his side, and found Liangyu there, and a guard talking. He was greatly confused.

"I'm only asking for a glass of water... Do I look like the man who would fill my pockets with weapons?"

He smiled. And then he was in front of the ruler. He bowed slightly, and said

"Hello, District Manager. I, uh, have a few questions."
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
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Post by beyond »

How the times have changed, Guo thought to himself as he walked through the city proper. Mere months past, he would have been dressed in his finest armor, or his finest robes to visit a District Manager. A hundred men would have ridden behind; the sound of their horses drowning out the bustling noise of the marketplace.

He sighed to himself as he led his horse through the market. His robes did not distinguish him from those he passed. His horse was not the warhorse he entrusted his very life to. The signs of age were beginning to creep into his hair and beard. In a perfect world, he would be approaching the end of his career; looking toward a quieter life. He had resigned himself to that very path when the letter arrived. It simply asked for a meeting and a discussion.

He held the letter in one hand, the reins of his horse in his other, as Guo presented himself to the guards in front of the administration building.

"I am Xi Guo, and have been asked to meet with the District Manager."
Xi Guo, 37
Aid, Deride, Diplomat III, Haste II, Military Administrator, Politician II, Public Planner, Rally II
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Post by Hitredblue »

Shang Feng, a normally calm and clear headed man, was very anxious as he walked towards the administration building of the newly founded kingdom. He was always skeptical of new governments such as this, but he also realized that was his only hope for survival with the new times of tension. While he was quite weak physically, Shang Feng hoped to be some use of the new kingdom. He then saw the building in front of him along with solders outside the building.
As Shang Feng approached the building, he knew that he had to be careful, for one wrong move could dash more than the hopes of employment, but also of his life.
"I am Shang Feng and wish to see the district manager with hopes of employment."
Shang Feng(24) 45-32-79-61-91 Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II, Public Planner III, Doctor I, Rally II
Ti Mo(32) 57-57-58-64-79 Assemble II, Charge II, Aid I, Scribe I, Intimidate I
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Jin Shi

((Ruff might have slightly misread my post in relation to her role-play, but I'll go ahead and go with it.))

Xia Xi himself sat behind his desk when Liangyu came in with Huixi Zhe. A maid came over and gave Huixi Zhe a glass of water per his request. Xi smiled to his daughter briefly, then turned to Huixi Zhe and said, "Welcome to Zhaoge. Please, feel free to ask whatever questions you might have. You are an invited guest of my daughter, so you have that right."


The guards eyed the man with their typical level of suspicion, probably because they were still fairly unaccustomed to men coming to see their boss. The attendant at the gates gave Xi Guo a quick bow and said, "You have come on an invitation, then? That is good. I ask, though, that you leave any weapons you might have with our guards here for the remainder of your visit with the District Manager. He prefers the overall numbers in weaponry in his hall to be kept at a minimum."


The attendant came out to greet the name. He said, "Shang Feng, is it? The District Manager will be able to meet with you in short order, I believe. He asks that his guests refrain from bringing weaponry into his halls, however, so if you have any weapons, please leave them here with the guards." He jerked his head slightly off to the side and backward, as if pointing to the guards at the gate, who themselves looked fairly bored.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

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Location: Do you remember lying in bed, with the covers pulled up over your head.

Post by beyond »


The guards eyed the man with their typical level of suspicion, probably because they were still fairly unaccustomed to men coming to see their boss. The attendant at the gates gave Xi Guo a quick bow and said, "You have come on an invitation, then? That is good. I ask, though, that you leave any weapons you might have with our guards here for the remainder of your visit with the District Manager. He prefers the overall numbers in weaponry in his hall to be kept at a minimum.
Guo nodded as he raised his hand which held his horse's reins. "I carry no weapon, but I doubt the District Manager would be too happy with a horse within his hall as well."
Xi Guo, 37
Aid, Deride, Diplomat III, Haste II, Military Administrator, Politician II, Public Planner, Rally II
Jin Shi
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Post by Jin Shi »

Zhe smiled wide.

"Thank you, my pretty."

He downed the glass in a gulp, but just held onto it, too lazy to call for another maid. He cleared his throat loudly and said

"So, the Princess says that this city is fine, not really threatened at the moment. I am a man who thrives on action, and I'm not sure if I could keep my... sanity, if I don't have the chance to take the field or do *special* jobs for you. What would I do here, exactly?"
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
New Recruit
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Post by Hitredblue »

Xiang Zhuang wrote: Hitredblue

The attendant came out to greet the name. He said, "Shang Feng, is it? The District Manager will be able to meet with you in short order, I believe. He asks that his guests refrain from bringing weaponry into his halls, however, so if you have any weapons, please leave them here with the guards." He jerked his head slightly off to the side and backward, as if pointing to the guards at the gate, who themselves looked fairly bored.
Shang Feng stared blankly at the guards and reluctantly gave up a lone pocket knife. He didn't carry a sword around because he didn't like the weight that came with it. Shang Feng looked back at the attendant and nodded.
Shang Feng(24) 45-32-79-61-91 Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II, Public Planner III, Doctor I, Rally II
Ti Mo(32) 57-57-58-64-79 Assemble II, Charge II, Aid I, Scribe I, Intimidate I
Lurking Tyranny
The Florentine Admin
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Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
Lurking Tyranny wrote:The old minister pulled free a scroll and held it before him as it unrolled. His eyes fixed upon the symbols presented to him he declared in with a large voice. "The August Second Emperor and his loyal servant Chief Minister Zhao are greatly disappointed with the performance of district manager Xia. In defiance of his orders, evidence suggests that the subject in question, district manager Xia utilized and manipulated the uninformed masses and his rank to cast down the loyal prefect of Zhaoge lord Gen Qin. In atonement of your actions the glorious and benevolent Second Emperor requests your pressence no later then the first of the next month with a tribute of five hundred full strings of copper. (500 gold)"

Upon finishing the words on the scroll the old minister looked up with a sneer on his face and rolled up the scroll. "You are welcome to read the commandment yourself, district manager Xia."
Xia Xi stared at the minister in disbelief. "Wait a moment," he said, his face stern, but with a touch of worry. "The Chief Minister thinks I attacked Prefect Gen?" He looked away from the minister for a moment, his eyes searching the wall. "Oh no, no, that's not what happened at all." His voice started to gain a hint of despair. "I cannot believe that this is the story circulating outside of the province. I saved this city!" His voice cracked in anger, scaring a few of the attendants in the room and getting the attention of more than one of them.

He put his palm to his forehead, visibly confused. "I don't get it. I spoke with Prefect Gen only two weeks ago. I mentioned the orders that the Chief Minister had given me. He seemed upset and left me without a proper goodbye. But then, upon my return, I heard that he had organized his forces against the same villages that I informed him I was supposed to attack!" He started to pace about a bit, shaking his head from side to side. "I wasn't sure what to do. But Prefect Qin... he left his city unguarded. I heard that Chu forces sent from Xiuwu had marched on the city! I sent my entire army to assist Zhaoge, and was primarily successful thanks to the aid of some of the local nobles, who were loyal to Qin and were able to hold off the Chu armies with what remained of the garrison here. They retreated, but upon their route back they ran into Prefect Qin's force and attacked it, putting him to rout. I was too busy trying to pacify the populace to get aid to him in time, to my dismay. I don't know what has happened to Prefect Qin since then. I have assumed his position until he returns, though. The forces have been sent out to the province to attempt and find him, but there's been no word so far. I fear the worst."

He stopped moving for a moment, and said, "And the Chief Minister thinks that I attacked Prefect Qin? He doubts my loyalty? I know that I missed the tax payment, but there was little I could do! If I had sent the money, Zhaoge would now be under Prefect Kuan's control, and all of Yin would soon fall to the Chu." He shook his head in despair. Something came to mind. He snapped his head up, and with a bit of excitement, said, "Prefect Kuan! That's it! Kuan Gong must be fueling these rumors. He must hate me for foiling his attempt to take Zhaoge. And now he's trying to breed discontent within the ranks of Qin by alienating me with the Chief Minister. That... asshole!" Xi walked over to the desk in the middle of the room, grabbed an inkwell, and threw it at the rear wall, where it thudded without fanfare.

He turned back to the minister. "Certainly, there is something yet that can be done? The Chief Minister must know the real story of what has happened here!" His eyes looked at the minister for some sort of response.
The old minister watched as Xia Xi screamed and hurled an inkwell against one of the walls. He believed that Xia Xi was genuine, but at the same time he had his orders. He did not have the authority nor the inclination to change what they were.

Releasing the breathe he had sucked in when he believed the new commander of the city might do something rash, the emissary straightened his shoulders and then placed the now rolled up scroll down on the desk.

"There is always something that can done, District Manager." He said after taking three steps backwards to give him some respectable distance from the agitated Xia Xi. "You have not been stripped of your rank and sentenced to the wall as so severe a crime would warrant. You can then conclude that the chief minister believes there to be an explanation."

The old minister cleared his throat and added. "I would advise telling the chief minister the real story when you deliver the tribute required in person." He then folded his hands before him and bowed stiffly at the waist to Xia Xi.

"Shall I depart your.." He looked around the room and hesitated on what to say. ".. court.. now and inform the chief minister that you will see him soon or would you like to accompany me back to Luoyang today?"
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
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Post by Shadow »

It was perhaps midday or so when a score of men entered the city of Zhaoge, they were led by two arguing figures. One was a rather fragile looking man while the other bulky looking. He attracted a few heads with their constant bickering and hurls of insults toward one another. "Listen, your father wasn't a really intelligent man." One said to the other with a nonchalant tone. "You know if grandfather or anyone else of the clan were here, you'd be flogged a number of times for insulting a member of the main branch. You have balls, but they're misplaced." The weaker one said in response. "Yeah, yeah. Let's get this over with. I'm getting hungry."

This all ceased as they got to the audience hall gates of the city. Their faces and mood both changed as fast as they got to the audience hall. "Greetings, we come from Liang." One said as he looked back at the other to confirm something then turned back to the guard again. "We have been sent here in the name of Xiang Kai, Lord Dingtao, to hopefully establish good friendship with Lord Xia Xi." He said as the words rolled out of his mouth. "Only two of us will wish to enter while our men remain here."
Xun Shang (22) 77-20-83-74-18
Aid II, Decoy II, Confuse II, Military Administrator II, Volley II

* Dreamer actually liked Sherman.
<Dreamer> That guy was badass.
<Dreamer> If Lee would have been more like him, we could have won. :<