Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Liang Feng merely shrugged at the compliment his younger Brother warrior offered to him, though his face was obviously pleased. Still, seeing how she beat Huixi--who was so sure of his abilities as a killer and a fighter during their encounter--he could not help but skip a beat. Here was a woman who obviously was just about as skilled as any warrior he had faced before, preparing herself to put them all to shame. He smirked, and said to Wu in reply,

"Perhaps if it was brother Murong who was fighting I'd be willing to bet my bottom gold cattie on a victory." he said with a laugh. "I was unable to see how she beat our friend Huixi here to kingdom come, so let's watch the fight and cringe later!" he grinned at the battle ready princess, who was looking feistier than before in her battle garments.

OOC: Last reply here for now, transferring to the PRP thread.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

zhangliao04 wrote:Yong Wei followed the princess into the chambers where the liege was to conduct business. He stood behind her as she announced their coming and the reason and then watched her step aside. He knew it was his time to talk. He walked forward a little bit and then got on one knee and bowed.

"Sir, i received a letter from your daughter on employment. I wish to be added to your ranks if your lord permits."
Xia Xi himself wasn't really doing anything of note when his daughter and this other fellow came in. He started to laugh a bit when Liangyu said 'come hither', and inwardly wondered if she was trying a bit too hard. He smiled to the guest, but was thrown aback a bit by his forwardness. He chocked back a bit of a nervous laugh and said, "Well, you seem eager. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about yourself and what you might be able to offer me? I mean, I trust my daughter's opinion on such matters, but I'd like to know exactly why you are so interested in serving me, I suppose. Maybe I am just egotistical like that." He chuckled to himself briefly.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Lurking Tyranny
The Florentine Admin
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Post by Lurking Tyranny »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
Lurking Tyranny wrote:The seals and scrolls were produced to give ample evidence of where and from whom they came. Though this old bearded fellow was not friendly, he was efficient and seemed to do things from the book. The stoney faced envoy looked about the chamber, his eyes searching the room.

Upon seeing Xia Xi and affirming that he is the man in charge he gave Xi a hard look and a stiff bow. "You are District Manager Xia Xi?" he said plainly, not continuing until an answer was provided.

He entered with only one of the armed men who came with him on the journey, the rest were needed to protect his carriage from the rabble outside the walls of the building.
"Oh, pardon me," he said, giving another small bow. "Yes, I am Xia Xi. I apologize for the breach in protocol; matters here are fairly messy. There has not been time enough to set-up court again. Too many other pressing matters."
The old minister pulled free a scroll and held it before him as it unrolled. His eyes fixed upon the symbols presented to him he declared in with a large voice. "The August Second Emperor and his loyal servant Chief Minister Zhao are greatly disappointed with the performance of district manager Xia. In defiance of his orders, evidence suggests that the subject in question, district manager Xia utilized and manipulated the uninformed masses and his rank to cast down the loyal prefect of Zhaoge lord Gen Qin. In atonement of your actions the glorious and benevolent Second Emperor requests your pressence no later then the first of the next month with a tribute of five hundred full strings of copper. (500 gold)"

Upon finishing the words on the scroll the old minister looked up with a sneer on his face and rolled up the scroll. "You are welcome to read the commandment yourself, district manager Xia."
Fan Zeng, Prime Minister of Chu

Player Character
Gu Hama of Ba

Liu Bang then asked Han Xin, who had served under Xiang Yu but was driven out, "what is Xiang Yu's weakness? Is there a way to defeat him?" Han Xin calmly replied, "No, Xiang Yu himself is invincible, he is destined to be king."
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Post by jiangbao »

While the 23rd Anding Artillery Alpha Battery men and making their way and reforming under their former sergeant Jiang Bao, his former corporal, Chao Ah Beng gave him a letter.

Ah Beng said "Yo Sarge, a letter from someone, I can only read Gongzhu, why the hell a Gongzhu sent you a letter anyway."

Jiang Bao shrug and read the letter then told Ah Beng "Beng ah, please continue to form up the battery, we may need to move out soon. I am going Zhaoge for an interview, of sorts."


Arriving at Zhaoge, Jiang Bao went up to some guards and said "I received a letter from your own Gongshu. I wonder why she would summon someone like me. You can search me if you like, I only have my crossbow."

He turned over his crossbow to the guards.

OOC: To transfer to RP section?
Last edited by jiangbao on Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Lurking Tyranny wrote:The old minister pulled free a scroll and held it before him as it unrolled. His eyes fixed upon the symbols presented to him he declared in with a large voice. "The August Second Emperor and his loyal servant Chief Minister Zhao are greatly disappointed with the performance of district manager Xia. In defiance of his orders, evidence suggests that the subject in question, district manager Xia utilized and manipulated the uninformed masses and his rank to cast down the loyal prefect of Zhaoge lord Gen Qin. In atonement of your actions the glorious and benevolent Second Emperor requests your pressence no later then the first of the next month with a tribute of five hundred full strings of copper. (500 gold)"

Upon finishing the words on the scroll the old minister looked up with a sneer on his face and rolled up the scroll. "You are welcome to read the commandment yourself, district manager Xia."
Xia Xi stared at the minister in disbelief. "Wait a moment," he said, his face stern, but with a touch of worry. "The Chief Minister thinks I attacked Prefect Gen?" He looked away from the minister for a moment, his eyes searching the wall. "Oh no, no, that's not what happened at all." His voice started to gain a hint of despair. "I cannot believe that this is the story circulating outside of the province. I saved this city!" His voice cracked in anger, scaring a few of the attendants in the room and getting the attention of more than one of them.

He put his palm to his forehead, visibly confused. "I don't get it. I spoke with Prefect Gen only two weeks ago. I mentioned the orders that the Chief Minister had given me. He seemed upset and left me without a proper goodbye. But then, upon my return, I heard that he had organized his forces against the same villages that I informed him I was supposed to attack!" He started to pace about a bit, shaking his head from side to side. "I wasn't sure what to do. But Prefect Qin... he left his city unguarded. I heard that Chu forces sent from Xiuwu had marched on the city! I sent my entire army to assist Zhaoge, and was primarily successful thanks to the aid of some of the local nobles, who were loyal to Qin and were able to hold off the Chu armies with what remained of the garrison here. They retreated, but upon their route back they ran into Prefect Qin's force and attacked it, putting him to rout. I was too busy trying to pacify the populace to get aid to him in time, to my dismay. I don't know what has happened to Prefect Qin since then. I have assumed his position until he returns, though. The forces have been sent out to the province to attempt and find him, but there's been no word so far. I fear the worst."

He stopped moving for a moment, and said, "And the Chief Minister thinks that I attacked Prefect Qin? He doubts my loyalty? I know that I missed the tax payment, but there was little I could do! If I had sent the money, Zhaoge would now be under Prefect Kuan's control, and all of Yin would soon fall to the Chu." He shook his head in despair. Something came to mind. He snapped his head up, and with a bit of excitement, said, "Prefect Kuan! That's it! Kuan Gong must be fueling these rumors. He must hate me for foiling his attempt to take Zhaoge. And now he's trying to breed discontent within the ranks of Qin by alienating me with the Chief Minister. That... asshole!" Xi walked over to the desk in the middle of the room, grabbed an inkwell, and threw it at the rear wall, where it thudded without fanfare.

He turned back to the minister. "Certainly, there is something yet that can be done? The Chief Minister must know the real story of what has happened here!" His eyes looked at the minister for some sort of response.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
New Recruit
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Post by zhangliao04 »

Xiang Zhuang wrote: Xia Xi himself wasn't really doing anything of note when his daughter and this other fellow came in. He started to laugh a bit when Liangyu said 'come hither', and inwardly wondered if she was trying a bit too hard. He smiled to the guest, but was thrown aback a bit by his forwardness. He chocked back a bit of a nervous laugh and said, "Well, you seem eager. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about yourself and what you might be able to offer me? I mean, I trust my daughter's opinion on such matters, but I'd like to know exactly why you are so interested in serving me, I suppose. Maybe I am just egotistical like that." He chuckled to himself briefly.
Yong Wei stood up and made eye contact with the man to show respect.

"Sir, my name is Yong Wei. I come from a little town south of here. I wont even bother telling you the name because i'm sure you've never heard of it. There i studied martials arts and strategy. I've just been announce leader of a band of fighters that kept our town safe from marauder attacks and pirates for decades. So far, i have succeeded in every attempt to defend my city and with little losses. When I received the letter from your daughter i didn't want this opportunity to slip away between my fingers. It's not normal to see someone from my town do something great for his country."

Yong Wei had to clear his throat for a sec because he was starting to get a little nervous. He has never spoke to someone as high up as this man before.

"That is why i am here your majesty. To make something of my life and to honor my country. Although i have never been on a battlefield with thousands before, i am willing to learn and do my best."
Yong Wei
Age: 23


Jianshu I, Civil Administrator I, Military Administrator I, Rupture II, Qiangshu III, Charge II

Items: Sword (+1 Might), Billhook (+1 Might)

Horse: +2 Attack
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

jiangbao wrote: Arriving at Zhaoge, Jiang Bao went up to some guards and said "I received a letter from your own Gongshu. I wonder why she would summon someone like me. You can search me if you like, I only have my crossbow."

He turned over his crossbow to the guards.
"Our own bow fighting? Oh mean the princess? She's out in the yard, practicing with some other invitees. We can take you there..."

And so, Jiang Bao is accompanied out to the open field of combat...

(OOC: Yes, please transfer to the PRP)
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Lu Ying
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Post by Lu Ying »

It was late in the evening when a lone horseman arrived at the gates of Zhaoge. Dressed in a leather lemellar armour the man dismounted with a practiced ease. Moving to the back of the horse he reached into the pack on the horses flank he pulled out a scroll case. Moving to the guards on duty he opened the case, unrolled the paper and coughed before speaking.

"Ahem! I am here to deliver the following message from the General Lu Ying" He anounced before reading the scroll out loud.

"Xia Xi, greetings from the Zhao province, I have heard tell that you have recently found yourself moving up in the world and I wish to send my personal congratulations. It is better then my own position as my assault on Julu was met on the field by the armies of Chu. Your judgement was correct on the placement of the Chu army and I bow to your wisdom. finally, I wish yourself and your daughter good health and continued good fortune"
Yun Ling(23, Female); 62-94*-21-66-68
Yueshu III, gongshu II, raid II, politian II, Challange I
Items equiped: Ravager (+3 Axe) Steel Chainmail (+7 armour), Sapphire (+1 speed, +3 defence, Horse)
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


"Well, Yong Wei," he said, smiling at the young man, "you seem earnest. Service in an administration such as mine is an important step up for many. I would enjoy your assistance. If my daughter believes you to be capable, I will trust her. Welcome to Zhaoge." He made a sort of whoosh gesture with his hands. "I hope that your service will bring you honor."

Yong Wei has joined! Post in my OI thread for PH access.

Lu Ying

The attendant at the gate smiled at the messenger. Moving forward, he said, "Thank you for that message. Or maybe you would want to stay the night and deliver it to the District Manager yourself? If not, we can take it for him."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Lu Ying
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Location: The fearsome pride, the glistening shell, the crayfish beckons me in my sleep...

Post by Lu Ying »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Lu Ying

The attendant at the gate smiled at the messenger. Moving forward, he said, "Thank you for that message. Or maybe you would want to stay the night and deliver it to the District Manager yourself? If not, we can take it for him."
The messanger looked surprised, not expecting anything more then to deliver a message and run back to the front in Zhao, however the thought of rewards from both Xia Xi and Lu Ying for a job well done over rode his surprise.

"Oh...yes, I will stay and read my message to your lord... thank you"
Yun Ling(23, Female); 62-94*-21-66-68
Yueshu III, gongshu II, raid II, politian II, Challange I
Items equiped: Ravager (+3 Axe) Steel Chainmail (+7 armour), Sapphire (+1 speed, +3 defence, Horse)