Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Chao Yang
Posts: 336
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Location: Stamford Bridge, the Shed End

Post by Chao Yang »

RuffRydeR wrote: Liangyu, satisfied with her performance, had a couple of her maids help Lord Huixi off to one side to rest. She nursed a couple of cuts herself, and a few dents that marred the crimson and gold armour's sleek polish, but nothing that couldn't really be solved with a little nursing from one of her maids.

She moved to the side to join her other invitees, finding they had grown in number once more for earlier, outside:

The guard had said,

"Ah, we've been expecting you. Come, a couple of guards will escort you to her..."

And so he had been brought to the training room, where Liangyu's friendly duels were occuring. A maid had brought out refreshments, juice of all sorts, and wine, if anyone wanted, and Liangyu eagerly grabbed a glass of the juice, before sitting down to have her outfit and person tended by a maid. Giggling as she was tickled a little, she turned to acknowledge the newcomers,

"Ah! Chao Yang and Liang Feng. Here to join the fight as well. That last one with Lord Huixi was quite fun, despite him being such an odd character."

She shifted a little, stinging a bit uncomfortably as her arm nudged her chair. There seemed to be a slight cut on it. She'd barely even noticed it before. Shrugging, she resumed,

"Well, how are your days so far? I just need a bit of a breather, and I'll take on whoever wishes to be next. And Lord Liang, I assume you brought your troops like you promised?"

A maid came up to her, with Zhe, who was now allowed to join them again, after being tended to in case of any injuries. Thankfully there was none. Turning to him, she asked,

"Well, what did you think, Master Huixi?"
Chao Yang wondered if this was a really good idea after all, her skills were just like the rumors said it was, though some of the problems came from Huixi simply standing while she whittled his defense down and finally knocked him out. Those ranged attacks she had was most dangerous, however, and he would have to watch out for those when it came his turn to try his own mettle...

"That was a brilliant duel, Xia Gongzhu," Chao Yang complimented his host with a smile, "Though I do hope that you did not sustain any harmful injuries in the course of it?"

Then he turned towards Huixi and Chao Yang's smile turned just a bit impish, "You were outclassed, my friend, what happened?" Chao Yang asked with his smile still in place. Huixi might probably resent him for poking fun, but...
New Recruit
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Post by zhangliao04 »

Yong Wei followed the princess into the chambers where the liege was to conduct business. He stood behind her as she announced their coming and the reason and then watched her step aside. He knew it was his time to talk. He walked forward a little bit and then got on one knee and bowed.

"Sir, i received a letter from your daughter on employment. I wish to be added to your ranks if your lord permits."
Yong Wei
Age: 23


Jianshu I, Civil Administrator I, Military Administrator I, Rupture II, Qiangshu III, Charge II

Items: Sword (+1 Might), Billhook (+1 Might)

Horse: +2 Attack
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 pm

Post by Li Dao Wen »

RuffRydeR wrote: The guard had said,

"Ah, we've been expecting you. Come, a couple of guards will escort you to her..."

And so he had been brought to the training room, where Liangyu's friendly duels were occuring. A maid had brought out refreshments, juice of all sorts, and wine, if anyone wanted, and Liangyu eagerly grabbed a glass of the juice, before sitting down to have her outfit and person tended by a maid. Giggling as she was tickled a little, she turned to acknowledge the newcomers,

"Ah! Chao Yang and Liang Feng. Here to join the fight as well. That last one with Lord Huixi was quite fun, despite him being such an odd character."

She shifted a little, stinging a bit uncomfortably as her arm nudged her chair. There seemed to be a slight cut on it. She'd barely even noticed it before. Shrugging, she resumed,

"Well, how are your days so far? I just need a bit of a breather, and I'll take on whoever wishes to be next. And Lord Liang, I assume you brought your troops like you promised?"

A maid came up to her, with Zhe, who was now allowed to join them again, after being tended to in case of any injuries. Thankfully there was none. Turning to him, she asked,

"Well, what did you think, Master Huixi?"
"Chao Yang..?"

He was often much more aware of his surroundings than he was currently, and it surprised him very much that his brother warrior Chao was already there. He could only smile proudly at the Central Gentleman, nodding and clasping his shoulder firmly as he addressed him.

"Brother Chao! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon!" he grinned at the light haired young man. "Here to join the fun then? How fares your city-nabbing ventures down south? Heh!"

Turning to the feisty little princess, he nodded, making sure he kept his feet where he had planted them. His iron eyes now focused solely on her, he relaxed his grip on Twilight Mourning.

"Yes, milady. As promised, I have come to render you service. Me and my army"
he said gruffly but solemnly. "However, I can see that you are.. preoccupied with testing the mettle of your visitors." His hard face broke into a grin. He knew she was a warrior alright!

Seeing her slightly injured state however, he digressed from taking up the call to a friendly duel. For the moment at least.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Chao Yang
Posts: 336
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:59 am
Location: Stamford Bridge, the Shed End

Post by Chao Yang »

Li Dao Wen wrote: "Chao Yang..?"

He was often much more aware of his surroundings than he was currently, and it surprised him very much that his brother warrior Chao was already there. He could only smile proudly at the Central Gentleman, nodding and clasping his shoulder firmly as he addressed him.

"Brother Chao! I didn't think I'd see you again so soon!" he grinned at the light haired young man. "Here to join the fun then? How fares your city-nabbing ventures down south? Heh!"
Chao Yang laughed and greeted his brother warrior as well, "Neither did I Brother Liang, truly the fates must have something in store for us if we meet each other so often. My 'city-nabbing ventures' hasn't quite reached that stage yet, only town scaled right now."

Chao Yang then moved his fan and pointed to another familiar figure for the two of them, he was slightly surprised that Liang Feng had missed Wu Weilong as well, "Brother Wu was here before me though, and another of our acquaintances just got his a-," Wait, that wasn't a word fitting for a gentleman, time to change it, "I mean, one of our acquaintance," Chao Yang pointed to Huixi, "had just finished his duel with the princess."
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 pm

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Liang Feng scoffed, scratching his head furiously in his absent-mindedness and lack of awareness. He must have had too much to drink the other night! Bah!

"Damn! Hahaha! Oi Brother Wu!"
he said, hollering to the Southern Sword Saint to come closer to the two of them, "Its a hell of a surprise to see you here too! Too bad brother Murong and brother Jiang ain't here, or we'll throw a wallop of a show I'm sure!" he flung an arm each to his two buddies' shoulders, entwining them around their necks slightly in a boyish reunion. Grinning, he let go of them after a few seconds.

"Three of the five are here. What a day it is!"

Turning his eyes to Huixi's battered form, he simply smirked, giving him a small wave of hello. Then he suddenly remembered that he was in the presence of their hosts. Giving his forehead another hard tap, he straightened himself out and faced Lady Xia, waiting for her to say something.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Little Lady Xia
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

"Why, thank you for the praise, Zhe. You seem to be in quite a good mood, despite the loss. That's very nice of you."

She nodded as she decided her time for relaxation was now just about done. After all, there were more opponents in the room and they were waiting oh so nicely...
Chao Yang wrote: "That was a brilliant duel, Xia Gongzhu," Chao Yang complimented his host with a smile, "Though I do hope that you did not sustain any harmful injuries in the course of it?"
"Oh, well, nothing harmful. Just a few scrapes and all that. It's usual to expect such in the course of a spar."

She smiled quite pleasantly, hoping that she was fine herself. She wasn't really sure, though the maids always did their best to keep her in good shape. They were miracle workers almost, and she didn't know how they managed to make every scar heal right enough to once more fade into her smooth, pale skin. Shrugging, she then turned to Liang Feng and grinned,
Li Dao Wen wrote:
"Yes, milady. As promised, I have come to render you service. Me and my army"
he said gruffly but solemnly. "However, I can see that you are.. preoccupied with testing the mettle of your visitors."
"Yes, I am. unfortunately, I think you'll have to wait 'till the afternoon, when we repast for lunch, for I'll probably be too tired for you if I try to fit it in this morn. I still do have a good one or two left in me afore a fine meal for all the guests here. And also, I can take you all to see my father then as well!"

She then watched, quite amused at the greetings of her guests, for apparently, they knew one another quite well. Now drawing her sword once more however, the little lady stepped out onto the field in her elegant armour, and turning, asked,

"Well...I think another opponent would be quite nice right about now. Who's next?"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Jin Shi
Posts: 740
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Location: Jiujiang

Post by Jin Shi »

Huixi Zhe turned to Yang, and continued smiling.

"It's all part of the plan."

He chuckled a little bit.

"I don't know about your little warrior codes and fighting styles. I'm outclassed there. But when it comes to the showdown, things will be different."

He smiled. He then turned to Liang Feng and returned his wave, regardless of protocol, and leaned back in his chair, content with how things had gone.
Ma Su, 22 | Bio
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline, Intimidate, Qiangshu, Rupture III, Wall

V3:Huixi Zhe
Chao Yang
Posts: 336
Joined: Tue Apr 11, 2006 1:59 am
Location: Stamford Bridge, the Shed End

Post by Chao Yang »

RuffRydeR wrote:Who's next?
Chao Yang stepped up from among the assembled warriors and raised his fan cheerily up into the air. He figured if he was going to get beaten horribly into a pulp, he better do it quick, lest his injuries make his ride back home all the more painful if he decided to fight last. He wasn't really all that confident in his own fighting skills, but hopefully he would be able to put up a decent fight.

"I'll be next if you don't mind, Lady Xia." Chao Yang said with a smile, he then noticed that his spear wasn't in his hand, he had forgotten to bring it in, "Though my spear is with my horse at the moment... May I duel astride a horse? For it is a bit more of my forte, though simply using a spear is enough for me."
Posts: 774
Joined: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:06 pm

Post by NightForever »

The first match ended with the princess's victory. And now the fearsome Western Terror is here!
Wu Weilong was happy to see his big brother here as well. He was not quite surprised to see Liang Feng here though. Princess Xia must have been missing something had she not invited the Western Terror to here.

"Greeting, Brother Liang! I was thinking about you, Brother Murong, and Brother Jiang. Now that you are here, I cannot help but feel worried for her highness princess that she has to fight you."

He then bursted out a laugh. Actually, he was not joking. He had never seen Liang Feng fight before. However, if the rumour was true, anyone would better stay away from Liang Feng's Twilight Mourning halberd for the sake of their lives.
Last edited by NightForever on Tue Jul 29, 2008 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
Little Lady Xia
Posts: 2248
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Location: Drowning Her Sorrows...

Post by RuffRydeR »

Chao Yang wrote:
RuffRydeR wrote:Who's next?
"I'll be next if you don't mind, Lady Xia." Chao Yang said with a smile, he then noticed that his spear wasn't in his hand, he had forgotten to bring it in, "Though my spear is with my horse at the moment... May I duel astride a horse? For it is a bit more of my forte, though simply using a spear is enough for me."
"Mounted? Alright, we'll meet outside the hall then. I think there's a big open yard we could duel on horseback in..."

She signals for her maid to saddle her horse and bring it out there...

Then, she struts outwards, sheathing her sword and boldly leading the group to the place in her dazzling armour. Unfortunately, since she herself had only lvied here a few days, she was quietly praying she wasn't getting them lost...

{OOC: Could we take this to Provincial Roleplay? It feels so weird, being in the Audience Hall with all this stuff. We'll take it back in here when I take you all to meet Xia Xi (Liangyu's father.)}
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II