Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Rurouni Swordsmith
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Post by Rurouni Swordsmith »

"It would seem that my army is unable to keep its side of our bargain effectively. Thus I would offer to you today to bring my soldiers under your personal command as well as myself and two companians."

"I would also turn over control of Shangqui to you, but I ask that the villages I control be left under my command. It allows me a source of income to equip myself to better serve you."
Sima Huang - 56-97*-46-81-60
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Post by Naxr »

"Hmmm..." Kai sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "That sounds reasonable," he nodded, "I am glad you are willing to help us out. The kingdoms around our domain are all engaged in wars at the moment, so we can only hope that they do not spread here to our homes in Liang. I believe you and your men will be of great aid in keeping our homes and people safe."

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Rurouni Swordsmith
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Post by Rurouni Swordsmith »

"They are a strong group, I hope they do not let you down." replied Sima. "I must go summon the men here so the process may begin." He finished before getting up, bowing and leaving.
Sima Huang - 56-97*-46-81-60
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Post by Charlemagne »

Shadow wrote:Shang scratched back area of his ear to conceal his annoyed look, but quickly returned to himself. "A bribe would be nice, but I require none." He merely said with a somewhat strain voice. "The Xun clan is fairly wealthy and, sadly, I lack the characteristics to be of a corrupt nature." He tried to bring up his own mood with that bit of humor and possibly put to rest Dong Ke's thoughts at the same time.

"There were plans to assail Yi Lian at her capital, but our rear is not so secure, at least in our minds. We strengthen our vanguard, but leave our rear weak. There is quite a dilemma for us in that you have our rear."

Shang called for an attendant to bring some drinks, then resumed again after he had left. "Alliances are nothing but terms that lords honor due to fear of another. Then when the other is weak... you swoop in for the kill."

"I want to propose friendship. Friends that aid one another. Friends that scratch the others back. I wish for Lord Liu to participate in the invasion of Huainan and we in return shall aid Lord Liu in a future endeavor of his. Friendship that the states of Yu and Guo once held and shared." Shang's eyes squinted as to see more clearly the man's expression with careful detail.

Frowning, Dong Ke looked somewhat discouraged. "Naturally, my lord would be willing to protect your assets here in Jiaoxi. As for wars abroad, I can not say. Our military is not yet on the level of Xiang Kai or Yi Lian. What the general might think is of course different than my mind, but if such an endeavor were to take place, we would need sufficient time to raise the necessary forces."

The man paused and then looked apologetic. "If Xiang Kai needs to press his advantage immediately, I am sure that Liu Bang would make all his forces available to protect your master's holdings while he was at war in Huainan."
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Post by Shadow »

Shang turned to the man at window who in turn shrugged at him. "Yeah..." He merely said in his direction. "I see." A small drop of sweat managed to escape his temple as he struggled to carry on with this. The man was difficult, but he wanted to avoid Kai crushing them to the ground. He turned away from the man and bit his lip in his failure to get the man to comply.

"Is Lord Liu knowledgeable in the field of war?" He said as he turned back with a twisted smile. "I can not prevent Xiang Kai from attacking Lord Liu with just your words, but..." Again the twisted smirk resurfaced as Shang thought of a plan. "How familiar are you with the Art of War scrolls, Lord Dong?"
Xun Shang (22) 77-20-83-74-18
Aid II, Decoy II, Confuse II, Military Administrator II, Volley II

* Dreamer actually liked Sherman.
<Dreamer> That guy was badass.
<Dreamer> If Lee would have been more like him, we could have won. :<
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The weary and drained warrior...

Post by Dartagnan »

How long had it been? After the final battle there was nothing left for Taishi Feng no ruler no kingdom and almost no men to help him. The many night he thought of ending his life for failing at his job he remembered the man who saved him. The most he could do is pay him back.

Taishi Feng had rode up to Xiang Kai's castle and waited outside the gates. This is where Soto Fukudome was rumored to be when he met some of his old men on the road he looked at the guard and dismounted

"Please...I am Taishi Feng I wish to seek a audience with your lord if I may it involves my possible servitude to him."

He bowed and then waited for the guards answer
Zhao Ning Zhao Ning(39) 75-106*-22-53-53 Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I
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Post by Naxr »

A guard nodded to him, replying, "Alright, follow me. I shall lead you to him."

Assuming he follows, he is lead through the doors of the audience hall and into the building. Soon after, they enter a cavernous room flowing with many different people, from craftsmen decorating the walls to local officials going about their business. At the end of the room sat the Duke up upon his throne, with many guards on either side of him. The first guard led the visitor to a point about twenty yards from the man on the throne and then stopped. He announced after bowing, "Taishi Feng to see Duke Xiang Kai."

Kai looked the visitor up and down before responding, "Welcome to Liang. What can I do for you?"
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Post by Dartagnan »

"I hear you have a man that I once fought with together in my past army under your service. I owe him a great deal of gratitude for saving my life in the last battle of the which who destroyed my land. I only wish to repay him for what he has done. Lord Fukodome is a great man and I wish to help him by helping you. I have traveled far and near looking for a lord and have decided that this would be a good place for me to be."

He took a knee and bowed

"I Taishi Feng "The Avenger" wish to help you and lord Fukodome in ruling this land please add me to your ranks at place me whever you need me to be. Even though Lord Fukodome is stronger than I, I have the ability to hold my own in a fight and lead men with great speed and accuracy. Please give this lowly man a meaning to live once again"

He finally bowed all the way down and put his hands on the ground not looking up and waiting for the duke's judgment
Zhao Ning Zhao Ning(39) 75-106*-22-53-53 Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I
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Post by Naxr »

He thought for a moment, slightly bewildered by the man's bluntness in getting right to the point. "It seems that you have made up your mind. And I of course would not like to dissuade you from this decision. A friend of Fukudome is a friend of mine," he nodded, "Welcome to Liang."

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Post by Dartagnan »

"Thank you my lord!"

He got up and saluted him

"While I am here is there anything you require of me my lord?"
Zhao Ning Zhao Ning(39) 75-106*-22-53-53 Skills: Gongshu I, Qiangshu II, Raid II, Challenge II, Yueshu I