Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Gong Gong
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Post by Gong Gong »

Such suspicion was expected and respectable, every Marquis not wanting their own power to deminish. "Harsh storms... Problems within Jiujiang.. Both bad omens, one that even I could not ignore and so, began another journey." Looking directly at Xiang Kai again, the Monk wondered if ever word of his would be taken seriously. "My words come from the truth, I hope that they would be accepted in such manner.. To answer your question, my feet carried me here, why? I do not know.. My mind felt a possible chance for a new beginning, to help another province instead of my home." Inclining his head Gong waited for Xiang Kai to make the decision, to proclaim the Monk a liar or actually believe the words in which he spoke..
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
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Post by Naxr »

He leaned back for a moment as he thought this through. Once satisfied that he had come to a decision, he leaned back forward to say what was on his mind, "Well, I'm not too sure how much I can trust you. But, it is a risk worth taking as I am in need of a man such as yourself who can provide sound advice on military strategy. So I am prepared to accept you into the force, what do you say?"
Gong Gong
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Post by Gong Gong »

A man like so many others, not trusting anyone who would be considered a 'monk', how much those within his world had to prove themselves. However, in the height of strife the masses rely on those of celestial teachings to make their mind at rest, though shun them at any other time. Gong lowered to his knees and placed his head upon the floor, showing Xiang Kai the highest of respect. "I shall work my hardest to gain your trust Marquis Xiang, with the knowledge I have I shall aid you in anyway that you wish." There the Monk stayed stationary, no limb shook from discomfort which was a distinct clue to the strict education Gong had, waiting for Xiang Kai to begin to question the past of Shuilong or perhaps the future? Whatever the question, Gong waited for Xiang's order for him to relieve the bow...
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
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Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
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Post by Naxr »

He nodded to the man, "Good. I look forward to working with you soon, as there is much to be done now, especially in the arena of war. I will have quarters prepared for you immediately, and we can get started once you are settled in." Kai was immensely curious of Gong, coming from such a different background. He made a mental not to himself to try and get to know the monk further.

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Gong Gong
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Post by Gong Gong »

The Shuilong could feel the eyes of Xiang Kai still not being able to tear down the obstacle to the trust, proving himself was becoming taxing and something he hated; but nonetheless, perhaps this could be the chance to finally do something. Thoug Kai did not give an order to rise, the Monk stood so he could look into his new Liege's eyes; after being accepted into this complex Gong had seemed to gain a little life from within his eyes. Now his path was set, to serve Xiang Kai however, the journey had changed Gong a little...finally having a hidden agenda? "My Lord, I thank you for such acceptance. Do you wish any more of me, or is it your desire for me to dismiss?" Gong's voice was calm, carrying a fluid taint as finally a smile appeared on the Shuilong's lips..
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
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Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
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Post by Naxr »

He again nodded to the man, "Go and get settled in. I imagine you will be needing some rest after venturing through the storms that have engulfed Huainan. When you are ready we can begin our work together. Our armies have much to improve upon."

A guard from beside the Marquis stepped forward to meet Gong. He bowed to him, "Would you like me to escort you to your quarters sir?"
Gong Gong
Posts: 416
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Post by Gong Gong »

The Shuilong's eyes began to burn far more than when he entered, taking deep breaths to clear his mind from the worry he once questioned; it was strange to not hear any probing questions upon the past of the Monk...no matter. As the guard approached offering an escort, the tainted Monk wished to brush his offer away with into the air. However, such a move could seem disrespectful infront of a new Liege and may arouse any suspicion in motives. Lazily Gong's eyes looked to the guard and nodded, accepting the escort. "My Lord, such a journey was not tiring, however, the uphill struggle we begin may bring much fatigue...The question is, will you be ready for such tedium?" Smirking a little the Monk bowed graciously to his new Lord and fluidly turned to follow the guard, his movements like the water within the Huanghe and the Changjiang..
Gong Fugui (龚富贵) zi Laoshan (老山), male (60)
49 - 48 - 70 - 92 - 64
Skills: Civil Administrator III, Diplomat I, Engineer III, Politician I, Propagandist I, Saboteur I
Coral Serpent
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Post by Choso »

Remnants of Heaven's Orchard had begun their migration to Liang, a short distance from Juijiang. Their former leader Pang Li arrived with Cheng Brothers and those loyal directly towards him. The stop at the a guard's checkpoint

Guard, would you send a message to Lord Xiang. Let him know Pang Li would like to speak with him.

OOC: NPCs loyal to Pang Li here with him, as of right now only the Cheng Brothers are for sure with him.
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Post by Naxr »

The guard responds to the man, "It is possible to see him right now if you would like. He is currently taking audiences in the audience hall. Shall I lead you to him?"

He points with his hand to the audience hall, ready to lead the way if they agree.
Coral Serpent
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Post by Choso »

Pang Li nods his head to his group

That will be great, I was hoping a we wouldn't have to wait too long. My Patience isn't what it used to be.

The group of was ready. They had no arms amongst them, but knew that a search was often customary between these paranoid warlords. He supposed with good reason. Everyone taking advantage, and trying to kill them. He was somewhat relieved that he was no longer responsible for the well being of thousands of people anymore.