Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

London wrote: Silently, he wondered whether she could hold her own so well in the heat of battle, but he did not want to insult the young princess, so spoke nothing of it. "I wonder, would you consider introducing me to your father? I have been wandering these lands for many months now, and without a place to call home, I have grown weary. I would consider enlisting in his army."
Liangyu whined a little, and snarled a couple of times as the maids took her armour off to tend to any deeper injuries, causing quite a bit of discomfort for the young woman with some of their hastier movements.

Eventually, the breastplate was gone, and the rest of the heavy apparel and she was down to the simple white undergarment she wore underneath. Two maids helped her up, and realizing Chu was speaking to her, she dazedly asked,

"What was that again? Sorry..."

But a maid filled her in. She nodded weakly, and answered,

"I...I gotta change back in my room first. Won't do anyone good walking around in clothes stained with b...blood. But sure, afterwards...Just wait outside my room for a bit..."

She turned to the maid helping her, and said,

"Let's get back to my room...Easy now..."

And she limped off, wincing a bit. It was a thankfully short walk for the tired little princess, though there was a little incident where they nearly tripped over a tiger's tail, but soon, she was in her room.

And, not so soon, she came out, looking quite, well but obviously still a bit winded. Her clothes were a pristine and formfitting set of crimson and velvet, sleeveless even, and gave a little peek at her thin waist...though that was wrapped in bandages, as was the left arm, and her hair was now back in the ponytail fully, not a strand out of place. But the usually glittering green eyes were slightly glazed, and her posture was a bit bent as she motioned for him to follow her and her maids again...

Eventually, they came to the main hall, and she said weakly,

"Uh, Master Chu here wanted to meet you, dad."

Obviously, she was too tired to care much about formality...With that, and with just a hint of a bow, she already moved aside and plopped onto a cushion, dreamily inspecting the bowstring of her favourite weapon at her hip...


Liangyu giggled as she watched and whispered rather loudly after the King's questions,

"Oh, and would you like some refreshments?"


Liangyu watched in amusement as the General chowed down on the meatbuns while she continued to think about the mystery of the dead warriors of May, back two decades before. Once he was done, she had her own fill, and took a nap herself, being woken up by a maid once they were in the city. Finding the General to still be asleep, she spoke a bit loudly,

"Wake up sir! We're here in the city! Wake up!"
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Nanjun Tiger

"Well, thank you," he said, himself pleased by the compliments. "Yes, I imagine that there are other offers to consider. I look forward to our next meeting. But until then, you are dismissed."


Xia Xi watched his daughter collapse from exhaustion from where he sat upon his dais. He shook his head briefly. He had been discussing some battle plans with a couple of the lieutenants that were in the room, but she didn't seem to bother with that. After a little chuckle, Zhenfeng turned to the visitor and said, "Master Chu? Perhaps you can introduce yourself. My daughter hasn't quite figured out how this audience business works."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Yen Ai
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Post by Yen Ai »

"First that business back east and now here? What's gotten into you, Tan?"

Qiao Mi frowned as she questioned her companion. Chen Tan had been behaving oddly in the last few months in a being-driven-crazy kind of way. "Um... not that I'm saying that what we're doing is the wrong thing or anything..." The short woman stumbled over her own words as usual. And as usual as well, Tan seemed to pay it no mind.

"It's just being courteous to reply. And besides which, I think we need to get away from there anyhow." Qiao Mi sighed. She didn't believe his reasoning because One: Tan cared nothing about being courteous. He had gotten in trouble more than once for being somewhat harsh when telling ill news. And Two: If what he wanted to get away from was the power struggle of the imperials, why were they heading to a different one? She felt she knew the real reasons to it though.

Tan had a tired look in his eye as he approached the gates. Not from fatigue, but moreso that he was starting to near the end of his wits. And then the letter came, the perfumed one that had completely spooked one of his soldiers because she thought the letter was (somehow) poisoned. He of course then explained to her that it made no sense at all.

Tan supposed he knew it was coming, but it didn't help lessen the bitterness of the memories attached to it. Still, Maybe he could find some solace here. He was certain there was nothing for him from where he was traveling from.

He fiddled with a white glass ball that served him as a replacement for his lost eye as he approached the guards. An odd sense of deja vu started for him as he popped the 'eye' back in. He took a deep breath and sighed before addressing the guards, "Your lady Xia has sent for me to discuss..." He let out a low, humorless chuckle, "...possible employment. Is her or her father here for me to speak to? I have the letter with me if you find yourself unwilling to believe me." Mi winced a little, noticing that his unkind choice of words was still intact.
Chen Tan zi 穸的旦 Xīdedàn
Age:30 Stats:80-81-51-71-45
Skills:Aid III, Cover II, Jianshu II, Charge II, Pierce.
NPC: Qiao Mi 60-65-86-60-61 Engineer II, Maraud I, Gongshu I, Faze I, Raid I, Rally I, Discipline I

"Remember, there is no 'I' in 'team'"
"Maybe so, sir. But there is a 'M' and an 'E'"
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Post by Maddox »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Maddox

"If you insist," the attendant said, unsure why the man wanted to carry everything himself. Assuming none of them saw any weapons on the visitor, he was led into the structure. They went down a short hallway, past a few random guards and aides who seemed to be working, until they reached the main audience chambers in the center of the building. There, they saw Xia Xi and his daughter sitting behind a large desk at the rear of the room, which was on a dais around a few feet off the ground. A guard was stationed on both sides of the large entryway, and one stood by each stairway on either side of the dais. Another set stood by the side entryways. Otherwise, a few attendants were lingering around. The attendant, having led the man into the room, bowed first to the king, then to his daughter, and finally, took a step away from the man and bowed to him. "Your majesty," he said, "announcing Deng Xun, a member of the Deng family of Zhaoge."

The King was a bit preoccupied doing paperwork when the visitors walked in. He smiled to them on the introductions, however, and said, "Welcome, Deng Xun. I seem to recall having written you. So you do reside here, then. I only pen the letters, after all. I don't actually deliver them." He began to chuckle a bit.
Xun was a broad and strong man; the additional weight that he carried through the hallway did not linger him and he hastily kept up pace with the guard – by the hallway, past the guards, avoid the aides, enter the audience chambers and-

There he was, the King who had brought about the title of ‘traitors’ to the whole of Yin…

Nevertheless his head systematically bowed with respect as the guard spoke his name to his Majesty. “An honor, your Majesty; trouble yourself not-“ He chuckled softly “-the letter was delivered to me while I was on travel far in the north.” In fact he had the letter just with him. “Your servants do an excellent job at locating mere vassals, such as I.” He joked. The fact that mere soldiers were able to locate random personages through the whole world was something that had to be remarked, they made wonderful spies, he thought.

By now Xun had bothered to place both gifts at side of his feet. His hands laid gently to his front one on top of another.

“Lady Xia,” He bowed lightly, ever respectful. “Congratulations on your recent victories, word across Yin of your ability is widely known and your skill with the blade is ever graceful.” He had to admit, he was a fan like many other citizens of Zhaoge and other towns if Yin.

“Master Wang Yin, reading your letter has brought me here and you spoke of my talent. How can Deng Xun help you, your Majesty?” He spoke to the King, wishing he would share his ideas and wishes.
Last edited by Maddox on Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
Elaborate Armored Robe (+6M), Extended Dao (+3M)
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Post by jiangbao »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:jiangbao

The guard took the crossbow as the attendant came forward. He gave him a polite bow and said, "The King will be pleased to meet with you. There's no need for a search, though. First, though, could you please give me your name and position within your master's force, and your master's title, so that I can properly announce you?"
Jiang Bao relied "Well my master is Lord Liu Jin from the city of Shou Yang. My name is Jiang Bao as we have just taken the city, ranks and all are a little stuck behind the paper work. I supposed you can just say I am an officer of Liu Jin, Prefect of Shou Yang."

He bowed to the guard and continued "That is nice of you not to search me, but I would not want you to be in any trouble for non searches."
Kirin Rose
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Post by Kirin Rose »

Ridd Ler found himself walking about the streets of Zhaoge on this desolate, stormy day. It was a dismal way in terms of the weather, rain was pouring down, leaving the streets empty and the taverns full. But the weather didn't bother the young, up and coming politician, for he kept his spirits high. Today was a very special day, today he was to meet with the King of Yin, Xai Xi.

Asking around in one of the local inns, an elderly woman pointed him in the direction in which the Administrative Complex was located. Upon thanking her, Ridd Ler bowed his head in respect, quickly heading off to the center of the city.

Finding his way to the cities center, he found the Administrative Complex quickly, the banners of the King giving away the obvious government building.

He slowly approached the large, wooden door of the Complex, which was guarded by two soldiers. Bowing to the left guardsmen he gave off a warm smile, even in the midst of the storm. "A beautiful day isn't it?" He stated jokingly as the rain pelted his extravagent, hooded overcoat. "I am here to speak with your Lord, Xia Wang. He will know me by the name of Ridd Ler. He is expecting me, so if you would be so kind as too let one of his attendants, or himself know quickly, for I like any man dislike the feel of damp clothes."
Jin Taozu; Modified Stats: 68-31-91*-59-46* // Skills: Confuse II, Decoy II, Jeer II, Scribe II
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Post by Nash »

RuffRydeR wrote:Nash

Liangyu watched in amusement as the General chowed down on the meatbuns while she continued to think about the mystery of the dead warriors of May, back two decades before. Once he was done, she had her own fill, and took a nap herself, being woken up by a maid once they were in the city. Finding the General to still be asleep, she spoke a bit loudly,

"Wake up sir! We're here in the city! Wake up!"
The 'general' shuddered violently as he awoke and nearly leapt out of the carriage clawing at the air in front of him.

Chang: Who's in the fort, how'd they infiltrate us?!

He looked around confusedly, before looking at Liangyu and calmling down some.

Chang: than, what city are we in, again?
Xun Ruishi (46) 90-72*-60-36-51 Military Administrator II, Jianshu I, Wall II, Rupture II, Envelop I
Chao Shi (39) 43-95-44-62-72 Decoy II, Diplomat I, Jianshu I, Faze I, Scribe I, Qiangshu I, Entangle I
Ye Zhuo (23) 83-57-88-65-58 Charge I, Rally I, Entrench I, Rupture I, Haste I, Artisan I

Also Portraying: Zhang Han, Kuai Tong, and Fan Kuai; with a dash of Fu Tong for flavor.
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Post by Zeren »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Xia Xi watched his daughter collapse from exhaustion from where he sat upon his dais. He shook his head briefly. He had been discussing some battle plans with a couple of the lieutenants that were in the room, but she didn't seem to bother with that. After a little chuckle, Zhenfeng turned to the visitor and said, "Master Chu? Perhaps you can introduce yourself. My daughter hasn't quite figured out how this audience business works."
"I apologise", said Huangfu Chu, bowing. He was also quite tired. "I first agreed to duel your daughter, and had not considered appearing before you until after our duel. My name is Huangfu Chu, from Yan province, and I would like to serve you, if you would have me. Of course, I understand that you are a man of great power, your highness, and I submit myself to whatever questions you may have for me."
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Yen Ai

The guards eyed the pair cautiously while the attendant at the gates came forward. He said, "Seeing the invitation would be good, but not necessary. There are a few matters of protocol to address first, though. First, I need to know who is coming; if it is merely you or this other woman. Second, I need to know your names. Third, I need you to hand over any weapons that you have to the guards here until the audience is over. The King prefers to keep his guard lessened, and this would help that." He nodded and waited for acquiescence.


"Well, well," said the king, wondering to himself why his messenger took a letter up north, instead of leaving it at his estate. "What abilities you have, exactly, I am unsure of. All that I know is that you seem to possess some martial prowess, and have been rumored to be very proper and honorable; something befitting a noble. I felt as if we should meet. But perhaps you can detail to me some of your own abilities. Even if I knew everything about you, somehow, hearing you describe yourself in your own world means something."


"No worries, Master Jiang Bao," the attendant replied. "The King would not demean another administrator's messengers by demanding a search of their envoys, as if they were sending an assassin. Besides, he carries enough guard in his halls that any attempt on his life would be stifled very quickly and painfullly. But again, that's obviously not your purpose here." He smiled, then said, "Please, follow me."

Assuming he did, Jiang Bao is led into the audience complex. They went down a wide but short hallway, with a number of officers to either side. Eventually it culminated into a large gateway, which opened up into a massive room. At the rear, atop a dais a few feet off of the ground, and behind a full-fronted desk, sat Xia Xi, with his daughter to his side. They seemed to be speaking with a few aides when the attendant came in. A guard was stationed on either side of the entrance, and a guard stood by each side entrance. The rear exit seemed unguarded.

As the pair entered, the attendant came forward, then bowed to the king and the princess each once. He said, "King of Yin, Xia Gongzhu, announcing Jiang Bao, emissary from the Prefect of Shouyang Liu Jin." He turned and gave Bao a bow, then moved to the side.

Zhenfeng inclined his head to the visitor. "Welcome, envoy of Prefect Liu," he said. "I am pleased that you had come. While I do not know much about your master, I have heard of his movements through the province of Wei. That I have piqued his interest must mean that my movements into Zhao are not going unnoticed."

Kirin Rose

The guards at the gates weren't very pleased to be out in the rain, either, so they weren't inclined to care much for the visitor's plight. The attendant, however, waved him up the stairs to the front of the hall, where the overhang from the roof was sheltering much of the rain. The attendant said, "I will lead you to him. However, I need to confirm that you have no weapons in your position. Please give anything you have to the guards." The attendant himself looked over the man, looking for weapons, but at the same time noticed his wet clothes. "We also can provide you with dry robes. I think the King would prefer that, anyway."


Zhenfeng frowned when he said he had come to fight his daughter. This business with Liangyu inviting strange men to test her ability was sapping his patience, but he knew if he had said anything about it, it would just force her away from the safety of the practice grounds in Zhaoge, and he didn't want that. Still, from the looks of things, this man must have held his own. "You are straightforward, Huangfu Chu," he said, eying the man carefully. "From the looks of things, I'd imagine you won that bout, although my Gongzhu tries to protect the soft egos of some men by pretending she is more battered than she really is. Regardless, I am pleased to meet somebody who can stand toe to toe with my daughter in battle. That alone would make you a suitable candidate for service. But I am curious why it is that you desire to serve me, in particular."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Kirin Rose
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Post by Kirin Rose »

Xiang Zhuang wrote: Kirin Rose

The guards at the gates weren't very pleased to be out in the rain, either, so they weren't inclined to care much for the visitor's plight. The attendant, however, waved him up the stairs to the front of the hall, where the overhang from the roof was sheltering much of the rain. The attendant said, "I will lead you to him. However, I need to confirm that you have no weapons in your position. Please give anything you have to the guards." The attendant himself looked over the man, looking for weapons, but at the same time noticed his wet clothes. "We also can provide you with dry robes. I think the King would prefer that, anyway."
Looking up above in at the overhang, he smiled warmly and bowed before the attendant. He gave off a small chuckle and pulled up the wet sleaves of his robes, "Even though this is a dark time we live in, a man like me has no use for weapons, for the only tools I need lie here and here." He retorted loudly to make sure the attendant could here him, while at the same time pointing to his head and mouth, making it very clear to the attendant he was no man of militarization.

A large smile drew over his lips at the offer of dry robes. He clasped his hands together and shook them in a chanting sort of way at the attendant, "You are most kind sir, I am sure the King would not like me before him looking like a wet dog." He added, giving off another warm chuckle.
Jin Taozu; Modified Stats: 68-31-91*-59-46* // Skills: Confuse II, Decoy II, Jeer II, Scribe II