Fei Lak's Audience Hall - Shanggu

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Liu Kang
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Post by Liu Kang »

The old man was quite confused when he saw the smile, but he continued on, for he had guests... "This way ladies," he said as Lu Fang walked in a different direction nodding his head as a goodbye sign to the old man. "This is the place, its new, quite nice but i think our lord could have done better..." The old man then continued on into the palace and through a door to the left were a small sitting room was present, it was dim, as the curtains let hardly any light through, but more so it had no seats, instead these massive cusions lay on the floor and walls to sit on and rest on.
Upon entering he waved his hand to around the room to show they had arrived, as he left them to rest he went into the other room and put the fire on under the kettle for the tea to cook. When he re-entered he quickly set the light for the fire place to heat the room and sat down himself.
"Forgive this old man, I'm not too used to guests..." He said, finally breaking his silence...

((Now heres the question, do ya want a Star Wars Dark Force RP or a proper one :P))
Kong Li 27-70-70-70-68

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The Bijin's Search . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "Memory" - Claymore</font>

<font color="green">A quick sense of alarm ran came running down her spine as the Bijin noticed there were no seats.

The room was dark and there were..cushions on the floor.

What the heck is this place? And what is this old man taking them for?

Quick handtalks exchanged between the three as soon as the old man disappeared for the tea.
Sharp hand gestures came from the two, faces full of alarm while she only observed them in silence . . .

The Bijin could only sigh at the sight of their concern for her.

And when the old man entered the dark room once again, the three were nowhere to be found.

- - -

The three were now casually walking through the halls, sauntering their way back out of the palace, unless stopped . . .

((Whatever goes lo~ ;p))

Kijo Akki
Liu Kang
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Location: Yan, were all the action's at!!!

Post by Liu Kang »

((Oh crap, you mistook it... Curtains when opened bring light back into the room, and the cusions on the floor, well im arab, and thats how we do it :P
I hope you didnt think this guys a pervert aswell :())

Noticing no one was there he was dumbfounded, and went back to the tea which was fuming now. However, down the hall lord Lu Fang noticed the women... "A meeting that lasts less then a minute? Did the old man dose of again?" He said from a distance on the other side of the hall as he walked towards them putting a scroll he had in his hand away. His voice was quite irritating with all the echoeing caused by the halls.
Kong Li 27-70-70-70-68

Aid I, Assassin II, Author I, Crafty II, Investor I, Perception I, Perfectionist I, Polymath II, Propaganda I, Sabotage I, Smith II, Strong I, Swift I, Versatile I.
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Post by Phailak »

tlenoi wrote:Wei Hong came to the city hall of Shaggu and greeted the guards.

"Hello, buddy! I would like to meet your lord. I could not pronounce his name. Anyway, this is the letter."

He showed the letter to the guard.

"I am consent to any search. Do it real quick then!"

Fei Lak raises his eyes to meet his guest's gaze.

"Master Wei, I am glad you have come."

The Prefect grabs a report to review it and nods.

"My General and advisor, Ma Dieu says I must offer you employment, from the little I know of you, it seems you are quite talented on the battlefield. What would it take to convince you to join our cause?"

GreenFabre wrote:<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">

<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "Memory" - Claymore</font>

<font color="green">A quick sense of alarm ran came running down her spine as the Bijin noticed there were no seats.

The room was dark and there were..cushions on the floor.

What the heck is this place? And what is this old man taking them for?

Quick handtalks exchanged between the three as soon as the old man disappeared for the tea.
Sharp hand gestures came from the two, faces full of alarm while she only observed them in silence . . .

The Bijin could only sigh at the sight of their concern for her.

And when the old man entered the dark room once again, the three were nowhere to be found.

- - -

The three were now casually walking through the halls, sauntering their way back out of the palace, unless stopped . . .

((Whatever goes lo~ ;p))

"Khan, I need air I tell you."

Lak was walking ahead of his bodyguard who was scrambling to get the guards ready. It was unlike the Prefect to suddenly just get up and leave and so all the protocols Khan had put in place were being forfeit. He noticed the trio that were near the exit, but did not recognize them.

"Excuse me? Who are you?"

The Prefect stopped in his tracks as he noticed they were not accompanied, leaving Zhao Khan and his guards catch up.
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Post by ann »

Phailak wrote:
Failak shakes Chen Ping like a figure eight ball chanting "will Tian Dan come to get me! what will Lu Ying do?"
Chen Ping put on his most serious expression and concsiously inclined his head to the side in what he decided was a sincere and thoughtful way. After a moment he said, "I have heard that the King of Qi has sent raiders to harry Wu Chen as well as troops against his woman Lu Ying. This might well be a personal grudge of some sort; perhaps even jealousy! I regret that I cannot tell you"

He thought further and then said, "I do not know that Lu Ying will return from Zhao - perhaps she intends to remain there and fight Chen She and Xia Xi?"

"I regret that I do not have more information to offer. My previous Lord, Zhao Yue did not make use of the skills I had in that area, prefering to keep me in the city, idle."
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Post by Mikal »

Khan blinks at the sight of the three, unaccompanied people. He glares at one of the guards, panting and arriving moment later, having finally caught up with Fei Lak and Khan.
The Golden General barks a few words in another language tersely. The guard salutes, and, with a sigh, runs back down the hallway.
Khan steps between Fei Lak and the women, his arms clearing his cloak away from the sheath of his sword, but otherwise remaining peaceful.
"Lost, are we?", he asks them conversationally.
The Wiseman Cometh...
Zhefu, 37, Male
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Post by Phailak »

Lak nodded to the young man's words.

"Again, we think alike. You seem to attach a lot of importance to how the person you serve uses your talents. This is an obvious indication of your confidence in your own abilities not to mention that your thoughts reflect very well the skill with which you use reason and logic. Join my ranks then, as a Chief Aide under Ma Dieu in Changshan. Secure my next objective, which will be laid out once you accept, and I will immediately promote you to General. Should we be succesful in my ambitions, I will award you titles as I grow in power, you will never be idle young Master Chen under me."

Lak clasped his hands behind his back.

"With you on our side, we can only get stronger and I assure you that our ascension has been very steep already. What say you Chen Ping, can you help me create the Empire I envision?"
Liu Kang
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Location: Yan, were all the action's at!!!

Post by Liu Kang »

Upon returning from the battlefield, Fang was accompanied by a new man, his name still unkown. At the palace gates they were both asked to relieve their weapons for the time being and Fang nodded to his new found friend, "I hope you do not mind, this is palace protocol..."

((Open RP for Maddox))
Kong Li 27-70-70-70-68

Aid I, Assassin II, Author I, Crafty II, Investor I, Perception I, Perfectionist I, Polymath II, Propaganda I, Sabotage I, Smith II, Strong I, Swift I, Versatile I.
Hun Che
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Post by Hun Che »

*pulls out a scroll*
here are our thoughts on this arrangement, perhaps you would look it over and see if you feel as i do about it?
Hun Che (41)
Engineer III, Jeer II, Propagandist II, Public Planner II

Words have the power to both destroy and heal.

Zhang Di(15) 51-55-62-73-62 Dash I, Military Administrator I, Jeer I, Assemble I, Public Planner I, Volley I, Raid I, Poison I

http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewto ... 463#103463
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Post by Maddox »

Liu Kang wrote:Upon returning from the battlefield, Fang was accompanied by a new man, his name still unkown. At the palace gates they were both asked to relieve their weapons for the time being and Fang nodded to his new found friend, "I hope you do not mind, this is palace protocol..."

((Open RP for Maddox))
Xun felt like a new man after much needed hot bath and perhaps a most delicious dinner that Fang had provided him with. It wasn’t until this point in the city where Xun remembered he hadn’t yet introduced himself to this officer; it probably didn’t matter though – who cared for the name of a simple soldier anyways?

Of course truth be told, he’s more than mere trooper.

“Not at all sir.” He responded firmly at the entrance to the palace. The armored soldier handed over his knives and then his sword. “You better watch your hands with these.” He suggested, no, it actually sounded more like an order given the serious and rough tone that echoed in his voice.
<a href='http://www.simwarlords.net/forum/viewto ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
Elaborate Armored Robe (+6M), Extended Dao (+3M)
Duel Stats Say: 2-2 in the arena!