Li Zhu's Audience Hall - Zhaoge

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Post by AaronH229 »

Ying Angdun allows a small smile to grace his features.

"My family was already damned by Qinhuangdi and any joining of an enemy or rebel force will not alter how those men see me. It however may look good for yourself if even a family member of the emperor has joined you over him. I am willing to take the risks if you are."
Miss Pretty
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Location: It's like Rick James shooting up your house.

Post by Xe »

A figure approached the gates of Zhaoge. Calmly bowing to the guards, he spoke, rather quietly. "I am Zhen Sai, zi Dunwei. I have recieved a letter from Xia Gongzhu. May I meet with her?" He said,loosening the small rope that held his cloak on his shoulders.
Guan Xiuying, 15, Female
Diplomat II, Doctor, Engineer II, Politician II, Propagandist

[23:26] <Aleksandr> The way you get a GF is be like
[23:26] <Aleksandr> Bitch, I don't smell dinner cooking
[23:27] <@Kern> I've gotten all my girlfriends with my welding skill, and some Roofies.
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Post by RuffRydeR »

Xe wrote:A figure approached the gates of Zhaoge. Calmly bowing to the guards, he spoke, rather quietly. "I am Zhen Sai, zi Dunwei. I have recieved a letter from Xia Gongzhu. May I meet with her?" He said,loosening the small rope that held his cloak on his shoulders.
"Why yes. She is with her Father right now, in the main hall. I shall take you to them, though it would be nice if you left any weapons here with me. We'll give them back on your way out. After all, you are going in to meet a King...and his daughter, yes."

The guards really hadn't changed much in their tone, despite having been elevated to such an important role. It had all happened so fast that, well, they hadn't gotten used to it yet. For some reason, the number of prestigious visitors had actually gone downhill once Lord Xia became King Xia...Hmm...Would he adopt a regal name?
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
Challenge I, Gongshu II, Haste II, Intimidate II, Yueshu II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

AaronH229 wrote:Ying Angdun allows a small smile to grace his features.

"My family was already damned by Qinhuangdi and any joining of an enemy or rebel force will not alter how those men see me. It however may look good for yourself if even a family member of the emperor has joined you over him. I am willing to take the risks if you are."
The King nodded his head, although he didn't seem to be fully convinced. "Are you saying, then, that the First Emperor declared your branch of the family traitors? I don't mean to pry into your situation, but I would like to know as much as I can. This, not because I don't trust you, but because it is a matter that might come up, after all."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Nanjun Tiger
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Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Walking through the wet, muddy streets of Zhaoge, a warrior entirely enclosed in a heavy, brown cloak approached the audience chamber of Xia Xi. On either side of his waist were two deadly, exotic looking blades attached to a thick leather belt. His hood draped over his forehead, covering his eyes in shadow and leaving all of his features above his nose to the imagination.

As he came upon the guards, he halted his movements, save for one arm that reached out, offering a bamboo scroll. The seal of Yin had been broken on the scroll. "Please inform Xia Wang of Yin that Master Shi is here for an audience", the man spoke quietly, not revealing any expression to the facial features visable to the guards.
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Nanjun Tiger wrote:Walking through the wet, muddy streets of Zhaoge, a warrior entirely enclosed in a heavy, brown cloak approached the audience chamber of Xia Xi. On either side of his waist were two deadly, exotic looking blades attached to a thick leather belt. His hood draped over his forehead, covering his eyes in shadow and leaving all of his features above his nose to the imagination.

As he came upon the guards, he halted his movements, save for one arm that reached out, offering a bamboo scroll. The seal of Yin had been broken on the scroll. "Please inform Xia Wang of Yin that Master Shi is here for an audience", the man spoke quietly, not revealing any expression to the facial features visable to the guards.
The attendant at the gates looked over the scroll, although the seal was all he really needed to see. After a moment, he raised his head and said, "Everything appears to be in order. I believe this is the time of day that the King takes petitions, so he should be in his court. I will escort you to him. First, however, we ask that you leave any weapons you carry here with the guards. The King prefers to keep the least amount of weapons as possible within his halls."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Nanjun Tiger
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Location: In war, it does not matter who is right, merely who is left...

Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:The attendant at the gates looked over the scroll, although the seal was all he really needed to see. After a moment, he raised his head and said, "Everything appears to be in order. I believe this is the time of day that the King takes petitions, so he should be in his court. I will escort you to him. First, however, we ask that you leave any weapons you carry here with the guards. The King prefers to keep the least amount of weapons as possible within his halls."
Giving a nod, the man unsheathed both weapons simultaneously and handed them over, hilt first, to the guards. Then reaching up, he pulled his hood down off of his head, revealing the face of a man with fair, light skin, brown eyes and long, dark hair tied back into a single ponytail. After clearing his throat, he responded, "please, lead the way."
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
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Deng Xun enters the Yin Kingdom

Post by Maddox »

The need to travel had come to an end. He had survived enough, proved himself enough - he was ready to serve.

Deng Xun, son of Deng Zhaofeng, was ready to live up the family name and settle down under service of the ruling family of Yin. The Deng were one of the oldest noble families in Yin, specifically Zhaoge. For more than ten generations, each male Deng member has served to the current ruling family of Yin. During this age, that family is the Xia with Xia Xi, King of Yin, as the head of the family.

Xun eyed north towards the palace that stood majestically atop dozens of stone-crafted stairs that lead to the palace’s doors. The soft air of winter played with Xun’s long hair swaying it forth and back as well as the flamboyant and elegant ruby colored robe he dressed. He wasn’t alone, one if the family’s servants accompanied him carrying with her some azure flasks of fine wine and an small jewel box filled with precious gems, Xun himself carried an even smaller box, however this one was crafted with endings of gold and pearl.

They both ascended the stairs and met face to face with gates of the palace, and as usual, they were greeted by the familiar guards that patrolled this area.

“Greetings honorable men-“ He addressed them respectfully. “-my name is Deng Xun, member of the Deng family of Zhaoge, as you may know. I come here again in hopes of paying my respect to the honorable Xia Wang of Yin and his family; I bring them my best and honest services as well as some humble gifts from the Deng house of Zhaoge.” He clarified as he signaled the flasks and boxes that he and his servant carried. “And this I bring to you good soldiers.” He took one of the flasks of wine and generously handed it to one of the guards.

Even though Deng Xun was known through Yin for his deadly and crude ability in combat, it was no secret to the people of Zhaoge that young master Deng was also an elegant man of flavor and etiquette, yet humble and caring. One could easily be deceived, by looks, into believing he was more of a noble man of academics than a savage warrior.

“Please, take it as a humble ‘thank you’ from us.”

Indeed, he didn’t seem like a warrior.
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
Elaborate Armored Robe (+6M), Extended Dao (+3M)
Duel Stats Say: 2-2 in the arena!
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Nanjun Tiger

The attendant nods, and provided the guards see no other weapons on the man, he is led into the building. They went down the hall a short ways, passing a line of what appeared to be peasants waiting to speak with the king. They had to wait at the entrance for a moment as a somewhat unhappy-looking peasant was being led away. The attendant walked past the others, and seeing no reason to wait, walked into the large room in the center. There, Xia Xi and his daughter sat behind a desk, upon a dais slightly elevated from the rest of the room. The room had a few guards about, and a few attendants, with one scribe in the corner. The attendant from the gates walked a few steps, then gave the king and his daughter a bow, before stepping to the side. He said, "Your majesty, I announce Shi Guo Xing, an invited guest of yours." He gave the visitor a small bow, then moved to the site.

Xia Xi gave the visitor a small nod. "Welcome to Zhaoge, Shi Guo Xing. I am pleased that you have chosen to respond to my summons. I hope that the journey here was without incident."


The guards were a bit surprised at the gift, and were inclined to take it, but the attendant at the gates said, "The gifts will have to wait until your visit is finished, Sir Deng. It might seem improper that you are giving things to the King's soldiers before you pay your respects, as you say. I believe the King will be pleased to meet you, but it would be appreciated if you were to leave any weapons you possess here at the gates." He paused for a second, then said, "Also, is your attendant coming as well?"
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Post by Maddox »

Xun pulled the flask away and handed it back to his attendant, his sight fixed on the attendant. “Of course, diligent as always, I’ll be sure to pass word of your good service to your superiors.” He acknowledged with a serious tone.

He then turned to his attendant.

“No, she won’t be coming. It wouldn’t be proper to make her carry all these gifts by her own-“ He swiftly uttered a few unknown words, seemingly ordering the woman to hand him the basket with the few bottles it carried and the jewelry. “-I’ll be carrying these.” Together with the items, he reassured the guards that he meant no harm and signaled at his robes several times, showing them that he carried no weapon at all.

“Shall we?”
<a href=' ... 734'>_Deng Xun_</a>
Jianshu II, Intimidate II, Challenge, Gongshu, Qiangshu, Yueshu, Politician
Elaborate Armored Robe (+6M), Extended Dao (+3M)
Duel Stats Say: 2-2 in the arena!