Feedback and Suggestions

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Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

Might could be used to represent being able to fight one's way past any potential captors? That's about the only logic I could see in it, personally :?
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

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Post by Phailak »

As one of the kingdoms that benefited from having a LOT of PCs join, I'll provide my two cents in here as well.

First off, I want to make this clear, all our guys except maybe 2-3 are really active in that they produce PTs and RP. I lost at least 2-3 guys that were active at first but got bored once their armies were integrated in the kingdom.

It's not THAT great of an advantage to have so many officers, the wages are a killer when you only have 1 city, even 2. Sure, eventually you can use them to train and recruit and that pays off but we almost collapse under the weight of officer wages AND PA absorption costs, the game system handles that really well.

The first and foremost thing I'd do is activity checks, this can be implemented right now and will eliminate a lot of free passes. I can imagine it's a pain, but if an officer doesn't post a PT for 3 turns (which passes quickly here), his KT action is invalid or his participation in a battle is invalid. Heck it could be checked every turn, battles and KT actions dependant on previous PTs. It was awesome at the start of the game trying to coordinate everyone to send their PM invasions else a battle could fall apart. Made them feel like they were participating.

On a side note, if we could find a way for characters to retain their PAs throughout the game but still serve a kingdom, that would help as well since they would still be responsible for their own actions and feel they are involved, but that's more something for next game.

I like the idea of having to pay for armaments too.

Rerolls are touchy, it gives the player a renewed sense to play sometimes but might be too much of a benefit to the player. The gold and 2% penalty are not a deterrant and most players will rejoin their own kingdoms because they are comfortable there. However, PTs really do a LOT for characters here. and they lose out on that. Maybe there should be extra rewards for players that achieve certain milestones in the amount of PTs/turns or something (after 5 turns you get a +1 item of your choice, 10 turns free boost of +1 to nay stat, etc) which would encourage some to keep their guys. Also, maybe an option to keep same character but reroll his stats (no change to BP) to cover those duelists that ignored Jud was important, or commanders that igored Jud or even support guys with low Int or Jud. They don'T really want to reroll their guy, but they feel they are losing out because their stat line doesn't allow them to do much. I myself find I could do much better with my character, but I can't reroll because of how I am attached as a ruler, maybe we can find something to that effect with "regular" players...

Anyway, just my thoughts, I think the most important thing is activity check, however it is implemented, it's not fair to be able to use strong officers that have not even logged on in forever and it will maybe also help with the "get your friends to join" spamming if they actually have to do some work once in a while.
Nanjun Tiger
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Post by Nanjun Tiger »

I don't really believe that the issue is with having a lot of PCs join a kingdom, nor is it having friends join with you to play. What the issue is, is having a lot of friends sign up with PA's. And it's not like all of those players with PA's that align themselves with a ruler, join that kingdom immediately when a city is taken and become integrated. It is the loophole of having some join the ruler, while the others are used as proxies; basically free, well armed troops to bolster the forces of that particular ruler when they attack neighbors. It is a quite unfair advantage early in the game, and that advantage only grows and becomes more predominate when that ruler is able to overwhelm and expand at a far greater rate than anyone else.

My personal comments in this regard have not been directed in your direction, Phailak, because I know you and your crew have not been seeking loopholes to further yourselves.
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Activity checks suck, in general, because it means more tedious work for staff with the net result meaning hurting rulers as a whole. I don't it's necessary by any means, and I think it tends to hurt the people who recruit IC more than the people who recruit OOC, since if somebody could get another to sign up a buddy to join them, they can probably get them to make the occasional post. Somebody who recruits IC has less contact with and has more trouble contacting their officers in OOC ways to get them to stay active.

I understand the reasoning behind them, but as long as rulers are still recruiting, I think installing activity checks just hurts the people who have to recruit inside of the game and can't draw on friend pools from outside of it.

However, if for some reason there is a compulsion to have activity checks, the best system I've seen anywhere was the one that we created back in the first version of Heroes of Chaos. There, activity was considered by seasons, and measured through PT's. If you did a PT in Spring, you were fully active for Spring and Summer. If you failed to do a PT in the Summer, you were inactive for the Fall until you posted in the PT thread, activating yourself. It was fairly simple and required the staff to have to check only once every 3 game months. You didn't even have to post a PT; you just had to post in the thread, saying, "Hello, active."

But I seriously hope they don't consider doing an activity check, just because it's a distraction, a hassle, and the net result means losing officers that people still very much need.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
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Post by ann »

Personally I think activity checks really do hurt the IC recruiters a lot more than the OOC people. And the people who are phoning up friends and neighbors and forcing them to make an account and then telling them what to do - aren't hurt at all. Ditto potential multi-accounters.

I think the only way to make it work in the way people want would be to require a certain amount of roleplay for activity. And even that could be cut and paste faked.
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Post by Phailak »

I don't think the game is against having friends band together to play right? I mean if so, just making starting location random and harder to move between provinces (one province at a time), that will force IC recruiting a lot more IMO, I mean players that really want to play together will have to use several turns to meet up and such. The randomness can also be so that every province gets the same number of players over time and such. It will of course reduce interactions between everyone I guess. Of course, anything to do with OOC is difficult to gauge, I just find it strange to be able to use inactive players.

I think there should be stricter guidelines for mercs, specific things like capturing a village is 25 gold, town 100 gold, city 500 gold and maybe something along the same lines of 1 gold for every 4 soldiers or something. It can be increased of course, but there should be a minimum rulers should pay mercs and I'm just throwing numbers around.
Zhao Ren
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Post by Zhao Ren »

Phailak wrote:I don't think the game is against having friends band together to play right? I mean if so, just making starting location random and harder to move between provinces (one province at a time))
Ew, random provinces? What about those of us who actually like having backgrounds for our characters? What if we make our character a man of Yan and suddenly get tossed to Changsha? :?
Mei Ji (梅吉), the Flying General (飛將軍)
90*-69-33-72*-41 Aid III, Dash II, Discipline II, Military Administrator I, Wall II

GM NPCs: Empy Yi, Xiao He (蕭何), Tian Rong (田荣)

"The common people pray for rain, healthy children, and a summer that never ends. It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are."
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Post by Phailak »

Zhao Ren wrote: Ew, random provinces? What about those of us who actually like having backgrounds for our characters? What if we make our character a man of Yan and suddenly get tossed to Changsha? :?
Well, if background is that important, nothing stops you from having a background in Yan but at the time the game starts/you start, you were travelling in Changsha? It's only a suggestion to slow down OOC stuff (not that I'm saying this will stop it). You could even build your background according to where you end up right?
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Post by KvChaos »

We don't need activity checks. Your problem is actually the solution. It's up to the ruler to kick out some PC/NPC that're useless. Hence, having a big number of officers aren't usually a good thing either.

I don't see the problem in having friends band together, as long as they are all interested in continuing the game, rather than just helpinig to form a bigger army and leaving when their objectives are completed.

Random provinces really sounds bad to me.
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Post by Mardagg »

actually having a lot of officer is not bad at all, you need one for eatch city, then eatch town then at least 7-8 /field army 10 is better you need 3 to 6 to train some to spy, conscript, built stuff, etc... we need at least 10 officer/city to be efficient so I dont think that ruler will kick player especially if they are the one who create it...

For PA we should be able to have one at the beginning of the game only like the first 3-5 month after that it seem strange to see people comming from no where with 4k troops especially when the province is all occupied.

This could solve PA problem... for the rest I think it is perfect like this. And I like the reward thing Fei Lak proposed for regular player, you get a reward after an amount of PT or something after 200 post or something like that... something that reflect the activity of the player.