Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Kaori »

Following the guard through the Audience Hall, Rin was struck by how much more modest this place was then the others she'd seen. She stepped inside the Prefect's office, unsure of what to expect, the sovereign's she'd seen so far had been more varied than she'd imagined. To her surprise, the man sitting in front of her seemed more like what one would expect a leader to be than any of the others. He was young for a Prefect, but not a boy or even truly a young man, somewhere between youth and age that suggested a mixture of vitality and wisdom.

As he welcomed her in, Rin was struck by the air of trust and sureness his voice invoked and she found herself very relaxed. "I am glad you have come. Would you like any refreshments?" She sat down where he motioned and smiled her thanks. At the mention of refreshments her stomach grumbled its opinion and she winced, remembering her lost treat. 'You can eat later, that's not something to ask a prefect.' Biting down on her hunger Rin gave her best smile and nodded.

"Tea would be nice. Anyway, now that I'm here, what can I do for you?"
Last edited by Kaori on Mon Sep 08, 2008 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Naxr »

"Sure thing," he motioned with his hand something to one of the guards standing outside the office. The guard immediately set off. "You ask, what can you do for me? Well, I suppose that's why I sent for you. I am always looking for those who may help contribute to the success of Liang and its people, and I have heard that you fit the bill as someone who could."

Just then the guard returned with a cup of tea, steam emanating from it. "Ahh, here we go," Kai looked to the guard. The guard placed it on a tray in front of Rin before returning to his post outside the office. "So, what do you think about what I have said?"
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Post by Kaori »

Rin listened politely to her host as he went through the formality she'd heard several times and she noted the differences in tone and word choice, trying to form a picture of how this man would lead.

."..I am always looking for those who may help contribute to the success of Liang and its people, and I have heard that you fit the bill as someone who could." Rin frowned, it sounded like his criteria wasn't particularly strict. She wondered how many officers were already under his command. A large force might be secure, but it wasn't very exciting.

Rin's musings were interrupted by a cup of tea crossing into her vision and she smiled at the guard as he left. She cupped the tea with both hands and sipped softly glancing at the Prefect over the cup's rim.

""So, what do you think about what I have said?" Setting down the cup of tea, Rin chewed softly on her lower lip, trying to organize her thoughts. The habit helped her focus.

"I guess I'd like to know about your political situation." Her words came soft and slowly as they always did when she managed to take control of her random thoughts. "I'm wondering what kind of work I'd be doing and what your goals are." Rin smiled through a slight headache and wondered how other people managed to focus all the time. Even a few moments could be difficult for her to maintain.
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Naxr »

"The political situation? Well, let's see. Liang has been brought under my control, as well as the south of Jiaoxi. Around my realm are those who seem to be friendly, in Yin, Chu, Qi, and Huainan. The only area where problems can and probably will arise are in Jiaoxi, in the form of several armies that ravage through the north of it. As for you, you may work where you please, whether it be the peaceful province of Liang, or the potentially dangerous area of Jiaoxi. As for what exactly you might be doing, that depends on what you want to do. Sure, I have a certain agenda in terms of what I see as being needed to be done. But at the end of the day, forcing someone to do something they do not like will be much less than effective. So I can give some direction, say recruiting new talent or, if you are prepared, time on the battlefield, but it all comes down to what you think is best are best at and what you enjoy most. Then my goals... I must confess that I do not have a grand plan on how I should effectively position my forces for the next five years. With all of the uncertainty of these times, we have to just go day by day. But I do have an aim that I try to use to focus my efforts, and that is to bring order to my lands and the surrounding areas that lack it. That is a first step. After this it is hoped that I can help better ensure the prosperity of the people, as I have started to attempt in Liang through investment in the infrastructure of its cities and towns. Beyond this, well, we still have a ways to go before we can think of what needs to be done next."
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Post by Charlemagne »

Ke was dressed unusually well, in spite of himself, when he arrived on Xiang Kai's doorsteo in Dingtao. He was not a diplomat by trade, but he was by far the coolest head that Liu Bang could muster, and as such, he was chosen to represent the general on this mission. When he nodded to the guards, he gave a sheepish grin, and cleared his throat. "By request of his excellency, Xing Kai, Dong Ke of Changyi has come on behalf of General Liu. Please inform your master of my arrival."
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Post by Naxr »

The guards listened to the man before one of them stepped forward and said, "OK, follow me."

Assuming he follows, he is led into the audience hall. They go some distance before the enter a large room. At the end of it sat Xiang Kai up on a large chair on a dais. Several guards stood next to him at either side. The guard from outside led Dong Ke to about twenty feet away from where Xiang Kai sat, where he stopped. "Prefect Xiang Kai, Dong Ke of Changyi has come on behalf of General Liu."

The guard then turned about and headed back to his duties outside the hall. Kai looked on the guest, "Ahh, he didn't come himself? Well, it's all the same I suppose. I'm glad you have come, as we have something of importance to discuss. I will get to the point. Tell me, what is your liege's ambitions in Jiaoxi?"
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Post by Charlemagne »

Ke seemed somewhat taken aback by the directness of the man. Looking around at the hall, he took in his surroundings, including quick exits. Finally, he turned back to the man who questioned him and shrugged. "General Liu, despite being an accomplished military commander, is a patriot. He loves Jiaoxi, and will fight to the death to keep it free of tyranny. But, he is something of an impulsive man. His ambitions are limitless, and without direction."

Ke shifted uneasily, and then continued. "For example. He asks if you plan to threaten him more than once?"
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Post by Lionheart »

Ba Zhan wasn't in a very good mood. In fact, he was downright angry. He was on the run, again. This time from two big Kings fighting it out. He was tired of being caught in the middle of two middling powers, and wanted to serve someone who could stand on his own two feet. So here he was in Dingtao, with a letter in one hand, his other on the hilt of his sword. He looked at the governmental complex before him and cocked his head to the side. Was this place supposed to be impressive? Hell, the damned place was still under construction! What kind of man had his capital still under construction when he was in the kind of position that he was in now?

Well, none the matter. Surely, he had his reasons. Or at least, Ba Zhan hoped.

Approaching the guards at the gates of the complex, he presented to them the letter that was written to him from Xiang Kai. "Hey there! I got dis lettah from uh...Xiang...Xiang...Xiang Kai, I think 'is name is? I dunno, I can't really read th' letter well."

'Or really read at all.' he thought.
Ba Rong (仈荣) the Lionheart (狮心) (25) 91*-91*-44-65-20*
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[15:47] * bond4154 has yet to see a Communist crack a good joke.
[15:17] <KungZhi> I sodomize my students every day.
[14:32] <Dreamer> Hitler is so kawaii~
[22:11] <Angelic_Crux> "You can't understand Asia. Asia is totally baffling unless you have a degree in Asianism."
[13:32] <Stedfel> My mother, despite what the beard would tell you, is a woman.
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Post by Naxr »


Kai frowned, "Threat him more than once? Well, if he takes it as a threat that I have taken Xiapei, then it may be so. I too have plans for Jiaoxi, and wish it to be united as one, under myself. To this end, your presence in Changyi conflicts with my plans, as I am sure you understand. So, given the strength of your forces compared to my own, I present you two options. Or, perhaps you have three, but that last one I wouldn't advise. Those options are, one, to become a vassal of Liang, or two, to move north into Jiaodong, with our assistance if you accept it. I had hoped that your lord would come so that we could deal directly, but I suppose this will have to do for now, as you can give him his options if you lack the authority to make this decision. What do you say?"


A guard received the letter, and after taking a look at it said, "Oh, Ba Zhan, please come in."

Assuming he follows the man, he is led into the audience hall. After going through several halls, he is led into a large room, full of the citizens of Liang walking about, craftsmen, guards, civil officers and some others. The guard led his guest to a spot twenty feet away from the dais on which a man sat up on a chair. The guard announced, "Prefect Xiang Kai, Ba Zhan is here to see you."

Kai started, "Ahh, I am glad you have decided to come. Have you thought over what I wrote?"
Last edited by Naxr on Wed Sep 17, 2008 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Charlemagne »

Naxr wrote:Charlemagne

Kai frowned, "Threat him more than once? Well, if he takes it as a threat that I have taken Xiapei, then it may be so. I too have plans for Jiaoxi, and wish it to be united as one, under myself. To this end, your presence in Changyi conflicts with my plans, as I am sure you understand. So, given the strength of your forces compared to my own, I present you two options. Or, perhaps you have three, but that last one I wouldn't advise. Those options are, one, to become a vassal of Liang, or two, to move north into Jiaodong, with our assistance if you accept it. I had hoped that your lord would come so that we could deal directly, but I suppose this will have to do for now, as you can give him his options if you lack the authority to make this decision. What do you say?"
Ke somehow managed to smile through his shock. When Xiang Kai had finished, Ke inhaled slowly. "So it is to be more threats then. I believe it was the hope of General Liu that we could coexist as neighbors. But I see that this is not your intention." The lieutenant seemed distraught, but resigned himself after a moment and shrugged. "I will need one month's time to return with an answer from the general, though I am not hopeful, given your terms. Is there any other message you wish me to convey, Lord Xiang?"