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Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »


"Oh, the Prefect and I have an amicable relationship," he replied. "We both have too many other distractions to waste any effort on one another."

He paused for a moment, then looked over the man. "The forces of the leader of Yan must be indeed strong, if he seeks to ignore the voices of kings and nobility. You are speaking to a man who borders the Emperor and two Kings, you know. If you get angry about being ordered around, that is all well and good, but I would hope that your master wouldn't expect to move entirely freely without paying attention to those with more power than him."

He shrugged slightly. "I am curious about this, though. Why does your master desire to attack others? I mean, we all have our goals, so I would hope your master has good reasons for his actions. It's not for me to judge, but it's a curious reason to be upset at a King, after all."


Zhenfeng nodded in reply. "Then, you are dismissed. I look forward to hearing from you again."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 pm

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Li Dao Wen

Xia Xi was a bit encouraged to see the man and his daughter get along well. "The decision to spare the man was mine," he replied, "although I doubt she would have done it. That wasn't an easy day for us." He paused for a second, remembering the lives lost. "But no matter. That has been a few months now.

"Oh, right. Well, I do not have any real ambition to try and rule the land myself. I don't think that the sort of person who could bring a lasting peace here would think like that. All I can do is to continue to do the things the way I think they should be done; the sort of way that will eventually lead the land to peace. If this means bowing myself to another who is better to lead, then so be it. But until the time I find that person, I will continue to move forward as I have. Someday, perhaps that will be me. But I am not counting on it."
Rui nodded, and gave Lord Xia qa faint smile. In truth he was somewhat dissatisfied with the lord's answer; he had been hoping that he would be a man of true ambitions, for he had been educated in the manner as to believe that only such a man would be able to hold an empire together.

But he also knew of Qin Shi Huangdi's tyranny, and in some ways he was appeased by the lord's gentle intentions.

"If I may Lord Xia.."
he said, breaking out of his silence, "to continue on floating along the course of our lives is somewhat.. indolent in my humble opinion." he lowered his head slightly, so as to lessen the expected tension he may send rising. "To me, the best way to achieve peace is not by staying but by moving along. War is always here, and will always be here but peace is only superficial in most people's eyes now."

He cleared his throat as silently as he could before continuing, "If peace is what we wish for, then it is something which must be taken, not created. I believe that my words would be contradictory to your views, but it is the way with which I live my humble life. If you cannot harness ambition, then there is no way to take what it is that must be taken by force."

To him, simply waiting for peace to come is absolutely frivolous.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Li Dao Wen wrote:Rui nodded, and gave Lord Xia qa faint smile. In truth he was somewhat dissatisfied with the lord's answer; he had been hoping that he would be a man of true ambitions, for he had been educated in the manner as to believe that only such a man would be able to hold an empire together.

But he also knew of Qin Shi Huangdi's tyranny, and in some ways he was appeased by the lord's gentle intentions.

"If I may Lord Xia.."
he said, breaking out of his silence, "to continue on floating along the course of our lives is somewhat.. indolent in my humble opinion." he lowered his head slightly, so as to lessen the expected tension he may send rising. "To me, the best way to achieve peace is not by staying but by moving along. War is always here, and will always be here but peace is only superficial in most people's eyes now."

He cleared his throat as silently as he could before continuing, "If peace is what we wish for, then it is something which must be taken, not created. I believe that my words would be contradictory to your views, but it is the way with which I live my humble life. If you cannot harness ambition, then there is no way to take what it is that must be taken by force."

To him, simply waiting for peace to come is absolutely frivolous.
"Oh, perhaps you misunderstand me," he said, "or I failed to articulate myself well. What I mean is that, if this land is to be unified, it is going to take a great man; somebody who can both conquer with sword and tongue, but at the same time, also has the foresight to establish his government so that peace can exist after he has died. Shihuangdi had the courage and the strength to unify all of the tribes under one banner, but he was more concerned with his own life than the life of his empire, and now we are in chaos again because of it. For me to think that I can unify the entire land under myself and bring an ultimate peace to this land is to say that I am greater than the First Emperor himself. He is the best we've ever had, in that regard, and to claim that I can surpass him, being as lowly as I stand in this land, would be foolish. That is not to say that I do not possess some hopes that I could be this man."

He let out a soft sigh. "This is what I mean, then; that I intend to follow this path I have started out on until the man who will unite the land is revealed. That man could be me, but I don't put my hopes on that, lest I put myself ahead of the ideal I fight for."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Posts: 439
Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:54 pm
Location: Meep Meeep Meep!

Post by bain_nick »

Min had thought it would have taken longer to reach a desicion, but no, this was her desicion, for better or worse.

Walking up to the gate guard she asked.
"I know I do not have an appointment, but I would like to see Master Xia Xi if that is ok."

As she asked she gave a signal to Ling to give up his weapons as well, since he would also need to do this. He reluctantly began to deweapon himself.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

bain_nick wrote:Min had thought it would have taken longer to reach a desicion, but no, this was her desicion, for better or worse.

Walking up to the gate guard she asked.
"I know I do not have an appointment, but I would like to see Master Xia Xi if that is ok."

As she asked she gave a signal to Ling to give up his weapons as well, since he would also need to do this. He reluctantly began to deweapon himself.
The guards went to collect the weapons, while the attendant came out and said, "Who is it that wishes to speak with him?" He thought he recognized the lady, but was not sure.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Posts: 439
Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:54 pm
Location: Meep Meeep Meep!

Post by bain_nick »

"I am Xiao-Niao Min, and this si my friend Hong Ling, we have come to join Xia Xi's army."
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

bain_nick wrote:"I am Xiao-Niao Min, and this si my friend Hong Ling, we have come to join Xia Xi's army."
"Oh!" the attendant replied, his voice expressing a realization of some sort. "Well, then, please, follow me." Assuming they do, they are lead into the audience hall, seeing many of the same sights as before. They eventually enter the central chambers, where Xia Xi and Xia Liangyu sat. The attendant bowed to them, then announced the visitors.

Zhenfeng seemed to recognize the lady immediately, although the other was new to him. He said, "Welcome back, Lady Min. I hope that you have come in person brings good tidings." He smiled warmly.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Li Dao Wen
Posts: 1788
Joined: Tue Jul 08, 2008 12:09 pm

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:
"Oh, perhaps you misunderstand me," he said, "or I failed to articulate myself well. What I mean is that, if this land is to be unified, it is going to take a great man; somebody who can both conquer with sword and tongue, but at the same time, also has the foresight to establish his government so that peace can exist after he has died. Shihuangdi had the courage and the strength to unify all of the tribes under one banner, but he was more concerned with his own life than the life of his empire, and now we are in chaos again because of it. For me to think that I can unify the entire land under myself and bring an ultimate peace to this land is to say that I am greater than the First Emperor himself. He is the best we've ever had, in that regard, and to claim that I can surpass him, being as lowly as I stand in this land, would be foolish. That is not to say that I do not possess some hopes that I could be this man."

He let out a soft sigh. "This is what I mean, then; that I intend to follow this path I have started out on until the man who will unite the land is revealed. That man could be me, but I don't put my hopes on that, lest I put myself ahead of the ideal I fight for."
Looking a bit embarrassed, he clasped his hands together and did a bow. "Then I have misunderstood you somewhat milord. I ask for your forgiveness."

Raising his face once more, he studied the man a little bit more. Smilingly, he was satisfied. "Shi Huangdi was effective, but he was cruel. He had ambition, he had talent. But compassion he did not possess. You yourself--if I may say so--are a bit lacking in imperialistic ambition, yet has talent and compassion. " He sighed as he paused, thinking of what he has been babbling about for so long. Knowing a little bit about nobility, he was indeed happy Lord Xia hasn't ordered his thrown out yet or worse, like other ordinary people of stature. "You are a very warm man, Lord Xia, and I do hope you would bring peace to this land in time. Every state deserves a good man like you to lead them."

He then chuckled. "..that is if you don't think that governing even more of these unsavory looking people and their petitions won't be so hard to shoulder."
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Posts: 439
Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:54 pm
Location: Meep Meeep Meep!

Post by bain_nick »

Min indicated to Hong Ling to knell as she herself did.

"My Lord, I believe that you, out of all the leaders I saw, have the best oppotunity to calm this chaos that ravanges the peasentry, and thus my friend Hong Ling and I offer our services to you, for better or worst. Please my Lord, help me protect the people."
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
Xiang Zhuang
Posts: 5489
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Li Dao Wen

"Nah, I might complain, but this is no big deal," he said, smiling goofy. "Again, I do it basically because I'm bored. I have such excellent support that I can indulge myself in these sorts of efforts. I suppose that, as I rise in position, such things will not be as necessary anymore."

He leaned back in his chair and seemed to do a half-stretch. "And, further, perhaps what you see as a lack of ambition is a product of my disdain for being seen as ambitious. The sort of person who goes around telling people about all of their great plans and how great they are and all they can do for this or that... well, those sorts are annoying beyond belief. I should know; I'm related to a few of them. Nobles have a habit of thinking too much of themselves. I prefer to leave my actions as proof of my ability."


"You think very highly of me," he replied. "I hope that I will not let you down. But from this day forward, I accept your service. Let us both look forward to what this union will produce both for Yin and for ourselves."

Xiao-Niao Min has joined! Post in the OI for PH access.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06