Zhao Yue's Audience Hall - Shangdang

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Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:"Understandable," the Prefect said in response to the Yong expedition, though inwardly he was annoyed that the target of his letter was seeing everyone who had dared to etch a character to him. It was no matter though, as he straightened his face again and nodded firmly. "It is my first and foremost ambition to conquer the Wei Province so I may have a large domain of control. This way, I will be able to acquire the resources necessary to restore some civility and financial security that is much needed. After that, I will probably expand my influence into other areas, but to be so bold as to say that I want to conquer the world is a foolish thing indeed. I cannot set the bar too high for myself, not with what few talented men I have at this point in time."
Huo Xing mused to himself over the lack of desire this man had, or perhaps the over abundance of caution, he wasn't sure which. "There is nothing wrong with a little ambition, Prefect. You will certainly need to aspire to greater lengths soon enough, lest you get swept away by someone who does. Of course... Caution does have its place too, and perhaps it is your nature that will save you from overextending yourself..."

"Perhaps a little more aggression would win you the hearts of the talented men you seek, Prefect. Aggression not necessarily on the battlefield. So, Prefect... Since it is I who is your guest, would you happen to have any questions for me? Normally it is the host who has the right to inquire first, but I fear this time I did so myself..." He said, trailing off at the end.
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Doc Strange
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Post by Doc Strange »

"Well, I think I'm settled. All things have been considered by me. And I see that the pros are far more enjoyable than the cons, so I don't see any reason why I shouldn't enter your service." Said Fu Guan lightly, and then he continues: "Well, I think all things are done?"
Liang Wei (40)
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The Story
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »


"I don't know how you mean," Zhao Yue replied rather warily. He knew this woman was an odd one, but simply talking to her increased his suspicions. Regardless, he knew how to keep his face tight and his head steady, keeping in control of the conversation per usual. "But I invited you here to become my top bodyguard, with a pay deserving of such a position. If you think I have any ulterior motives, then discard your preoccupations. I am interested in acquiring a great power to protect me from my assailants, and overall threaten them. Interested?" he asked.


"I believe my aggression is appropriately placed," Laoxin said with a certain disenchanted pang. "Especially in regards to diplomacy. However, I do believe that waiting a while to see where my neighbors' interests lie instead of being 'aggressive' will benefit me more in the long run. I do understand your suggestion, though," the Prefect said. He then took his time biting his lower lip, observing Huo Xing as he pondered the offer. "Well, I always give my guests the first chance to have the floor. But what do you look for in a Lord? I would hope I could meet your 'requirements'."

Doc Strange

"No, that is all. Good day to you, General Fu," the Prefect said with an inclined head, motioning for the attendants to take the newly appointed officer to his comforts.
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
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The Kijo And The Xiamo . . .

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">
Unchained Phoenix wrote:You're weird. Join me!
<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "Death Note" - Yoshihisa Arano and Hideki Taneiuchi</font>

<font color="green">The Kijo's blood boiled within, as the man's words reached her ears.
Like a bell of doom being struck, it hummed with resonance.

And for a moment, the Kijo felt her heart stop as something stirred within from its slumber.

Like big bubbles of evil in a swamp, it moved.
And the Kijo gritted her teeth at the pain.
Out of breath. Her very life, hanging in the balance.
And The Kijo hated herself for being caught off guard.

Her heart started beating again as it came to life.
But this time, it was not alone.

The Xiamo smiled . . .

She felt it clawing at the back of her mind.
Trying to get loose. Trying to get free.
Burning with eagerness.
Eagerness to kill.
Anything. Anyone.

The Xiamo caught a glimpse from the Kijo's eyes.
This one . . .

The Kijo closed her eyes shut.
And the Xiamo chuckled.

Her shoulders suddenly felt heavy and tired.
As if a fully grown man was standing on them.
A sign of the Xiamo's dormancy coming to a near end.
And to think that it was only half-awake.

The Kijo's mind raced as the Xiamo begun a low chant.

"Yes...we...I am very interested."
She suddenly said in a rich voice so different than her own.
Like the sound of cool chimes in an air of spring.
It was fluently speaking in Chinese better than she ever could.

The Kijo almost gasped but caught herself.
It felt unnatural. Foreign.
Someone else . . .

"But surely you would want some proof."
The calm voice continued using her mouth.
The Kijo felt herself shuddering just by listening to it.
And the Xiamo continued its chanting in her head, more loudly than ever.

"After all, you wouldn't just base your decision on just...rumors."
The voice taunted with a perfect smile showing teeth.
Green eyes glanced at the man behind "Zhao" then back to him.
Her mouth smiled on its own as her hand cross themselves under her bosom.

Her eyes blinked on its own.

And the Kijo found herself in a great darkness.
Looking at pair of mirrors.
It was the man at the platform.

She was looking right through her eyes.
On a pair of mirrors.

The Kijo felt a clawed hand touch her shoulder.
She gasped and held her breath.

It was chanting.
It was the Xiamo.

She wouldn't dare look behind her.
And the Xiamo continued on chanting.

The Kijo covered her mouth and cried in fear.
She must do something. Anything.
Or she would be trapped here.

Only then did the Kijo heard what the Xiamo was chanting.
"Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill... Kill...Kill... Kill..."

And the Kijo screamed at the darkness . . .

Kijo Akki
Brother Dun
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Post by Brother Dun »

Unchained Phoenix wrote:Eric

"I believe my aggression is appropriately placed," Laoxin said with a certain disenchanted pang. "Especially in regards to diplomacy. However, I do believe that waiting a while to see where my neighbors' interests lie instead of being 'aggressive' will benefit me more in the long run. I do understand your suggestion, though," the Prefect said. He then took his time biting his lower lip, observing Huo Xing as he pondered the offer. "Well, I always give my guests the first chance to have the floor. But what do you look for in a Lord? I would hope I could meet your 'requirements'."
"What do I look for in a lord," the scholar said, repeating the question to himself, "I suppose I would need a lord who is ambitious, but willing to listen to good counsel. One who is not afraid to seize upon an opportunity once it presents itself," and one that is malleable in mind, so that I may use him to create an everlasting kingdom, he thought to himself, completing the sentence in his mind. "Anything else you would wish to know, Prefect?"
Zu Yanghei zì 智盜 'Zhì​dào​' (Knowledge Thief)
Unchained Phoenix
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Post by Unchained Phoenix »

GreenFabre wrote:stuff
"Yes, I suppose making my decision based off of rumors would be a foolish venture, but of course I--" the Prefect began, but then he noticed the stiff change in the air as a blank face stared at him for a few uncomfortable moments. Then an ear-splitting shriek ripped through the air, throwing the Prefect completely off guard as he tipped dangerously backwards, but he managed to maintain his composure as his guest apparently lost her mind. Immediately, guards in the hall stormed into the room, swords unsheathed as Kijo battled her inner demons. Laoxin raised his hand to prevent them from striking the woman, observing her as it became obvious that she was dealing with some mental issues. Perhaps she wasn't the best woman to employ now that it was obvious that she had some serious problems, but everyone had their strange quirks.

"L... Lady Kijo," the Prefect said apprehensively, "are you alright? Do you need anything?" he asked, hoping he wouldn't incite another screaming bout.
Brother Dun wrote:"What do I look for in a lord," the scholar said, repeating the question to himself, "I suppose I would need a lord who is ambitious, but willing to listen to good counsel. One who is not afraid to seize upon an opportunity once it presents itself," and one that is malleable in mind, so that I may use him to create an everlasting kingdom, he thought to himself, completing the sentence in his mind. "Anything else you would wish to know, Prefect?"
"That's a rather cliche answer," spurted Zhao Yue most blatantly, composure maintained as he frowned a bit. "Surely there must be more things that you look for in a Lord? You just described half of the Prefects in this country, at least."
Puyang Shuang (19) 60-45-114*-43-80*
Aid II, Confuse I, Decoy I, Deride II, Entangle I, Jeer I, Scout II, Scribe II
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What Happened . . . ?

Post by GreenFabre »

<table border="1" cellspacing="5" width="100%" align="left" bgcolor="#C3FDB8"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#C3FDB8">
Unchained Phoenix wrote:Jeeze, stop shouting!
<font color="green">Music In The Kijo's Head - "What's Up People" - Death Note Opening 2</font>

<font color="green">The Kijo blinked her eyes and she was back in the room.

The man at the platform.
An upraised hand.
Guards at the room with unsheathed swords.

Damn . . .
It happened again.
What happened anyway?

It was like waking up from a bad nightmare.
Only to find out that the nightmare was real..

All of them were looking at her, making her think hard to guess what could've happened.
She stood her ground though, her back stiffening up to glare back at them.

The Kijo then wiped the tears off her cheeks, half of the time wondering why did she cried.

No one's dead. No signs of blood. No mangled bodies.


Well, whatever occurred back then, it surely made the guards come rushing to the room.

"No, of course I'm not alright."
She said to the Prefect in a blunt tone.
"I didn't know you cared.."
The Kijo said in a dry tone, coming back to her old self, whichever one of them.

"Well? I'm waiting."
She said, urging the Prefect to go on with whatever he was supposed to do.
Whatever that is.

The Kijo need only take one look at the guards, looking forward to stick their swords at her.
So jumpy, eager to please and touchy.
Yep, from the feel of them, he surely do need a bodyguard, alright.
That was the first thing she deduced from the letter.

What was his name again?

The Kijo only smiled at the Prefect as both dream and memory began seeping into one . . .

Kijo Akki
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Post by Kaori »

Stepping out of the heavy Palanquin Rin realized too late that she was slightly too short to comfortably stretch to the ground. Instead she landed with an ungraceful thud and cringed as her sandal broke against the impact. The Palanquin operators just looked on in bemusement, unwilling to do any more than they'd been payed for to help the girl.

Rin sighed, removing the damaged foot wear and examining it. That had been expensive, she didn't think her Grandfather would buy her another one. Thinking of her Grandfather, Rin looked down at the beautiful, but terribly stiff gown that he'd forced her to wear and realized she'd been given an opportunity. 'no point in wearing something pretty barefoot' Lifting the other sandle off of her foot, she tied her gown into a sash around her waist which fell just past her knees. She was left wearing a much looser sleeveless tunic and stretched in the sun, very proud of her own ingenuity.

"That's better, I hope this is okay to wear for a prefect"
If it hadn't been she likely would have worn it anyway. Setting her mind to the task at hand, Rin began walking toward the largest building she could see. Admiring the shops and bustling activity on the street.

Distracted by the sights, Rin failed to notice the Guard in front of her and walked right into him, Jumping back and rubbing her head, she had to look almost straight up to meet his gaze.

"Sorry, I'll be more care-hey!" The diminutive girl's eyes lit up as she realized who she'd bumped.

"Hiya, I'm Sun Rin. I came here for an audience with the Prefect, do you know where he is?"
Sun Rin 15
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Radical Dreamer
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Post by Radical Dreamer »

On a cold November morning, a small group of finely-dressed diplomats trotted into the city of Shangdang. Most of them were riding horses, but a single figure was riding in an open-air carriage protected from the winter sun by a large umbrella. Although the insignia bared the mark of the King of Zhao, there was also a lesser mark, a single white flower, underneath the official symbol.

Riding up to the guards, the man in the carriage descended and walked up the stairs to the gate. Bowing to the defenders, he stated, "Greetings men of Shangdang. I am Hua Gao, a minor official from King Zhao's court. Could you inform lord Zhao Yue that I wish to have a dialog with him?"
Kubali Dun 90*-76-35-68-23
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Post by tlenoi »

It was a pleasant afternoon that Yuan Rui arrived at Shangdang's city hall. He smiled a little at the guards in front of the hall.

"Greeting. Could you please tell lord Zhao that a man named Yuan Rui would like to meet him in response to his invitation?"
Wei Hong (30, Male)
Dash I, Faze III, Maraud II, Qiangshu II, Raid II