Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Naxr »

Nanjun Tiger

"Well," he paused for a second to think his response, in light of his own actions, "if such campaigns brought justice and order to lands that were previously lacking in those things, I would support such actions. But, you mention Yi Lian, who does concern me in some respects. I do not know for what purpose she proceeds in the manner that she has, and what I have heard about her have mostly been rumors. But I do remember those bandits who sacked Huaiyin. I have heard that they had some form of relationship with that woman. But, I apologize, I am just rambling on and on. What do you have to say?"


He sat back and thought for a moment. "My goal so far has been to unite Liang, return order and prosperity back to the region. Now that it has been unified, my only need is to continue the work that I have started in Liang. But, ultimately I'd like to lend my strength to finally end the chaos that has spread across the land. How I could do that, I'm not too sure yet," he shrugged.
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Post by bain_nick »

Min nodded. "I see master Xiang. You have given me much to think about. I thank you for your time, and I will try to respond to you with my answer as soon as possible."

With that Xiao-Niao Min stood up and awaited to be escorted out of the hall.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
Nanjun Tiger
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Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Naxr wrote:"Well," he paused for a second to think his response, in light of his own actions, "if such campaigns brought justice and order to lands that were previously lacking in those things, I would support such actions. But, you mention Yi Lian, who does concern me in some respects. I do not know for what purpose she proceeds in the manner that she has, and what I have heard about her have mostly been rumors. But I do remember those bandits who sacked Huaiyin. I have heard that they had some form of relationship with that woman. But, I apologize, I am just rambling on and on. What do you have to say?"
"I understand the notion of returning order to lawless provinces, but this certainly isn't the case." Guang began, giving pause to choose his words carfefully. "Not only has she conquered cities in Wu and Jiujiang, which are outside of her home province of Huainan, but she now sends her forces to invade both Jiaoxi and Changsha. And the thing is, most of the cities she has attacked have had established governments. She is out to conquer her neighbors, nothing else... I am afraid that if we do not gather leaders to oppose her now, in a united front, then all will be lost as she defeats us one by one. Eventually she will set her eyes on Liang as well."
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
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Post by Kaori »

Near the market district of Dingtao, outside of a particularly busy shop, a fairly short girl with loose locks of hair and a boyish outfit pushed her way through the crowd holding in her hand an exotic delicacy from a nearby food vendor. She brushed back hair from her eyes as she nibbled on the snack, oblivious to where she was going and, as in most cases, she was punished for it. The girl stepped unthinkingly into the path of a heavy cart and looked up from her meal just in time to be knocked on her tail. She landed with a dull thud in the dust and stared down at her treat, ruined on the ground. She waived a halfhearted apology to the driver and shook her head sadly. That had been the last of her spending money.

Rin sighed heavily as she tried to get up, but fell right back down as a slicing pain lanced up her ankle from the still sore wound from Wei. She winced at the unwelcome memory. after a few seconds she tried again to stand, succeeding only with some difficulty and stepping lightly across the street, much more wary of traffic. An ache in her foot proved a constant annoyance as Rin made her way to the largest building she could see, hoping it was the audience hall. For a second she considered whether it was wise to see the Prefect with an injured foot and an empty belly but she spotted a guard and impatience got the better of her.

Stepping right up in front of a guard Rin gave him the biggest smile she could muster "Hi, my name's Sun Rin, I'm here to see the Prefect, do you know how to find him?"
Sun Rin 15
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Post by NightForever »

A warrior in silver armor and helmet rode his white horse towards the city of Dingtao. It was quite a while that he kept pondering over his goal. He used to be happy with a peaceful life of solidarity among his brothers. However, thing had changed. Some of his brothers decided to serve some lord. Some even passed away. So the Southern Swordsman thought it was time for him to move on and achieve something in his life.

As the white horse approached the entrance of Dingtao city hall, he stepped down the horse and walked towards the entrace. Spotting the guards, he bowed to them.

"Good day, Sir. My name is Wu Weilong, a wandering swordsman from the South. I humbly request to meet with your lord or his subordinates without any invitation. If I am permitted to do so, I am consent for any search."
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
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Post by Naxr »


"OK, sounds good," Kai said.

A guard came into the room to lead her out, and did so assuming she follows.

Nanjun Tiger

"To Jiaoxi, eh? That's interesting, as I myself have sent my army over there. I suppose we may be in for a surprise," Kai frowned at the thought of many of his men dieing if such a battle were to occur. "But, only recently a representative of hers came and called for a sort of non aggression pact between our two forces, to which I agreed. Now, there was no time line for this agreement, but... I will have to think about what you say in light of all of this, talk to some of my advisers. Yes, I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answer to what you seek. I will, however, give this problem some thought. I understand that time is of the essence, but I cannot commit my men so hastily."


The guards were confused when the very young girl approached them. Usually it would be grown men requesting to see the prefect, but this? There was nothing in the protocol about how to deal with this situation, so one guard stepped forward hesitantly before saying to her, "Yes, he is in the big building right here. If you would like to see him however, we will need to search you and remove any items deemed too lethal, for the prefect's safety that is. Do you consent?"


The guards listened to the man. Hearing his consent, one guard proceeded to do so, removing any items that might be dangerous from his person. Once this was accomplished, he said, "Here, come with me. I'll take you to the prefect now."

Assuming he follows, he is led by the guard into the building. And very quickly they arrive outside an office. The guard walks in and announces, "Wu Weilong is here to see you sir," before turning around to return to his post.

"Come in," said the man who was presumably the prefect, "take a seat." He motioned to several chairs in front of the desk that he was sitting behind. "So tell me, to what pleasure do I owe this visit Wu Weilong?"
Nanjun Tiger
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Post by Nanjun Tiger »

Naxr wrote:"To Jiaoxi, eh? That's interesting, as I myself have sent my army over there. I suppose we may be in for a surprise," Kai frowned at the thought of many of his men dieing if such a battle were to occur. "But, only recently a representative of hers came and called for a sort of non aggression pact between our two forces, to which I agreed. Now, there was no time line for this agreement, but... I will have to think about what you say in light of all of this, talk to some of my advisers. Yes, I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answer to what you seek. I will, however, give this problem some thought. I understand that time is of the essence, but I cannot commit my men so hastily."
Guang frowned at Kai's response, but quickly shed it from his face. "Forgive me for my arrogance, but wasn't your agreement for a non-aggression pact, a hasty decision? I am not insulting you, Master Xiang, but I must remind you that failure to act now could be the entire southland's, and Liang's, undoing. But, I will resign myself to accept your judgement and wait for you to speak with your advisors on the matter."
Ying Chou (28) 瑜德 Yude
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Post by NightForever »

Naxr wrote:

The guards listened to the man. Hearing his consent, one guard proceeded to do so, removing any items that might be dangerous from his person. Once this was accomplished, he said, "Here, come with me. I'll take you to the prefect now."

Assuming he follows, he is led by the guard into the building. And very quickly they arrive outside an office. The guard walks in and announces, "Wu Weilong is here to see you sir," before turning around to return to his post.

"Come in," said the man who was presumably the prefect, "take a seat." He motioned to several chairs in front of the desk that he was sitting behind. "So tell me, to what pleasure do I owe this visit Wu Weilong?"
Wu Weilong bowed to the prefect of Dingtao.
"My honor to meet you, lord Xiang."

He then sat on one seat the host had prepared for him.

"You owe me nothing, lord Xiang. I apologize for requesting for a meeting with you without any invitation. I indeed am the one that will be asking you for a favor. I am growing tired of wandering around the land and right now I am seeking for the lord I would work for. Would it be possible that I could be any use here in your force?"
Shangguan Wei (21) | 90-91-21-78-22 | Charge II, Delay II, Instructor II, Qiangshu II, Raid I, Yueshu II
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Post by Kaori »

Rin noted the guard's surprise and rolled her eyes, normally she enjoyed this type of reaction but she wasn't having a good day."Yes, he is in the big building right here.-" Leaning to the side to get a better view of the building, Rin nodded absentmindedly to everything she was told, "-If you would like to see him however, we will need to search you and remove any items deemed too lethal, for the prefect's safety that is. Do you consent?" continuing to nod, it took a moment for Rin to realize what she'd been asked. She made a face and lifted her arms above her head, twirling with unconscious grace to show the guard her lack of weaponry.

"That's not gonna do it for you is it?"
She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Fine, search me" Rin looked down at her own attire, noting with some annoyance that it managed to be baggy enough to conceal a weapon while revealing a lot of skin. The worst of both worlds. But she didn't have enough money for new clothes and the ones she was wearing had endured almost a month of travel, being ripped and reused in a new form several times.

Eying the guard, Rin wondered at the fact that she'd never been uncomfortable being searched. There was something about door guards that made them seem completely innocuous.

"Can you make it quick though? I'm sort of in a hurry" somehow the past month had caused her to lose a large part of her shyness, becoming almost brusque in the process and she immediately regretted being so short with the guard. "Please?"
Sun Rin 15
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Post by Naxr »

Nanjun Tiger

"I will do so. Is there anything else you would like to speak about?"


"Of course, any able man or woman is welcome to help our cause. Tell me though, what is it that you think you can bring to Liang?"


A guard searches the girl, removing any potentially lethal items he might find. Once finished, he says, "Alright, follow me."

Assuming she follows, she is led into the audience hall, where they quickly arrive outside a small office. There, the guard walks in and announces to the man inside sitting behind a desk, "Prefect Xiang Kai, Sun Rin is here to see you," before turning about and returning to his post.

Kai called out to her, "Come in, come in! Please, take a seat," he said as he motioned to a chair in front of his desk. "I am glad you have come. Would you like any refreshments?"