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Post by Zeren »

RuffRydeR wrote:"Oh? Another one of those...Well, I guess you can go on inside and try your luck. I'll take you to her..."

After a bit of a search, the Princess was found in her usual training field, accoutered in armour and with a bow at her hip. But she wasn't training, like she usually was. Instead, the little maiden sat with legs crossed, cuddling a tiger cub, sanding its claws down, while a second such creature was trying to climb up her slippery armoured back and slap her lengthening auburn ponytail around.

Liangyu gently continued to manicure the beast's paws. Giggling, she looked up as a maid coughed something about a guest. She asked,

"Who's here?"

"Princess, a man has come to face you...again."

Liangyu looked uncertainly at the cubs, and sighed,

"Now? Oh, alright, let him come over here so I can beat him up quick and get back to Spark..."
Huangfu Chu entered the room, guided by the maid, and gazed over the girl infront of him for a moment before speaking. "I received your letter some time ago", he said. "Huangfu Chu is my name. Public duty has taken priority over this encounter, but now I travel from Jibei to the west, and have found time to answer your letter."

"I am not accustomed to fighting women, I ought to tell you, but you would not be the first. Where do you wish to fight, Xia Gongzhu?"
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
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Post by ann »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Xia Xi looked on fondly at the gold, thinking that this might all be too good to be true. But then, to hear himself named as a king, he nearly fell backwards in shock. What is going on? Himself, a king? It didn't make sense. Everything seemed to spin for a moment, until finally he shook his head. "Pan Dao, what is going on? This makes no sense to me at all. I am no equal to the King of Chu, and I do not control territory in Zhao. Did the King send further explanation?"
Pan Dao bowed again and said, "Majesty, The King of Chu wants, more than anything, to bring peace to the ravaged land and to protect the land from the waring Qin factions as well as from other advernterers who would take advantage of the current situation to further their own selfish desires at the expense of the people. He is aware that you do not currently control Zhao but desires that you should do so in future. He hopes that this rank and the assistance he provides here and in future will provide you with the means to do so."
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

London wrote: Huangfu Chu entered the room, guided by the maid, and gazed over the girl infront of him for a moment before speaking. "I received your letter some time ago", he said. "Huangfu Chu is my name. Public duty has taken priority over this encounter, but now I travel from Jibei to the west, and have found time to answer your letter."

"I am not accustomed to fighting women, I ought to tell you, but you would not be the first. Where do you wish to fight, Xia Gongzhu?"
"Well, I'd say right here, if you wanted to test yourself on foot...And out near the stableyards if we must meet on horseback. Your choice, really..."

Liangyu shrugged, and gently batted away an offending claw at her feet, before ushering the little tigers over away from her so she could speak with her visitoy properly...
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Location: You are beyond ugly

Post by Zeren »

"Was it not you that wished to test yourself against me, Princess?" Huangfu Chu asked, smiling. "I have fought on horseback most of my life, but I am not unfamiliar with fighting on foot, either. I leave the choice to you."
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

((Sorry if these are coming slow... hopefully I am putting enough quality in to make the wait worthwhile.))


"It is curious how our land can be so different from place to place," he replied. "We have only been truly united as a people just recently, and already that union has splintered. Perhaps this is a part of it. Those in Zhao share no real bond with those in Changsha. Men of Qi still loathe those of Wei. The bonds that people share with their land, or with their countrymen, are tied very regionally... very locally.

"When I first came to power in this province, only a few towns and villages had been affected by the Chu march northward into Zhao. A few of the other populaces chose to defect to one side or another, but, for the most part, the entire effect of the invasion did not disrupt most places here. It was because of this, though, that I was able to come to power. Sometimes creation comes from peace, but sometimes through chaos. All things are in transition, and even though one area may not seem connected to another, even if they are very close, they will impact one another. After all, now all of this province is lead by myself, and this was enabled because one town was willing to support an outsider to lead them."


"I generally prefer bluntness," he replied. "However, intention can be a tricky thing. Even diplomats, at times, do not realize the true intention behind their mission. It is difficult to summarize my views into some sort of phrase or statement, or even into one word. I cannot speak to you about them at length, though, because many things are state secrets. But if I were to summarize them, the word protection comes to mind. I seek to protect those that I have been charged to protect. This does not always mean sitting on my hands and building walls to keep the others out. No, I saw fit to unite all of Yin province behind myself in the name of protection, because, if I had not, Chu, Zhao, Qin, or perhaps even Xiang Kai of Liang would have saw fit to reach out their own hand of protection over this land. But in doing this, the province would not have been united, and it would have become a battlefield again."

He shifted uneasily in his position. "I am curious about something with your lord. What does he think about this Lady of Yanyu? She seems to have gained quite a bit of power in her region; much of this with the blessing and assistance of the King of Zhao. And now, she moves into Jibei. It would seem that she might be a threat to you before the King of Zhao ever would."

Li Dao Wen

"Stand, please," he replied, his voice showing more than a hint of displeasure. "All day I have seen the heads of peasants and merchants, bowing before me, unwilling to look at my face. Granted, most of them are less than attractive, but it is still annoying to not be able to speak directly to the person I'm talking to."

He started to chuckle a bit. "Ah, yes. Honestly, I have been bored recently, so I thought listening to some of the people might be beneficial for a few reasons. I have some excellent administrators who really make my own duties fairly light anymore. I get to commit myself to some of my hobbies. I am a big fan of architecture, you know." He chuckled a bit more. "But don't be deceived; nobody who came here to speak with me would say anything remotely against me. They have needs. Yelling at me won't get them anywhere. Or, at least they think that. It'd actually be quite entertaining."

It took another few seconds of chuckling before Zhenfeng got back to the conversation. "Hmmm, well, my scouts said you were a man who could fight. You might not think it, but my daughter here fancies herself a fighter, too." He turned to her and gave her a warm smile. "But yeah, they seem to have been right. You certainly look like you could do a number on some things. Tell me, what sort of experience do you have in the world? You're still fairly young, but I imagine you've seen a few things."


"You mentioned 3 months in your letter," he said, his tone growing sour. "I imagine that would mean by the end of the year. I have been able to make up for the amounts I have owed in the past, but there has always been one threat after another. It's really too hard to keep up with the change in orders constantly. But perhaps I am just incompetent."

He started to chuckle a bit, but his tone was not merry. In fact, as he had spoke, it seemed as if he had given up trying to sugarcoat anything that he was saying anymore. "As for the enemies, I rejected the offer straight out. Considering my standing with the Qin Empire nowadays, I didn't think it was the best move to try and play games with loyalties to other causes. It does seem like that information was useful to you, though. I mean, they did exactly what I predicted. I wonder if you've caught the rat in your own administration yet. I don't have anything to add on that; after I broke off communication, that was that. Honestly, I've been stepping up my own security just in case. But it seems like they have their hands full with your forces."

He stood up from his seat, and started to walk toward the western set of stairs. "Congratulations, by the way, on that victory in Sai. The governor there, Li Peng, has given me a positive impression, for whatever that's worth." He turned and leaned somewhat casually against the railing. "He's somebody that you need as much as he needs you, although I don't think you need me to tell you that. The errant member of His Majesty's family seems to have gained a lot of support in that region, but I doubt it's true support. You probably wouldn't need to hold out for long until they lose all sympathy.

"But anyway, back to me, right?" He let out a small laugh. "I should not expect the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister, and even His Majesty to understand the situation as it is in Yin, since there is no reason for any of you to come here. In fact, your personal visit has surprised me immensely. But perhaps there are other matters of which you are aware, but lack certain details that I can share. For instance, I have been offered nobility titles from both Wu Chen and Chen She in order to turn me to their side. I remain holding onto the title of prefect out of loyalty to the crown when instead I could be calling myself a king. I have managed to refuse both and to stall them for a time so that my own forces here in Yin could be built up to where I could, perhaps, stand up to one or either. I'm not there yet. But if I fall out of favor with His Majesty entirely, I will have to choose between death and betrayal.

"Honestly, I don't know what I'd do. I would love for my death to be one led in service to my country, helping to protect it from some sort of evil. But I have already betrayed the King of Qi in coming to Yin to serve the Qin, instead of assisting them in fomenting rebellion in the east. And just recently I've betrayed the Chief Minister to you. I feel my character is worsening by the day, so even despite my desires, if I am called to die, I don't know that I can take the honorable way out."


"This is a lot to take in," he replied, still appearing flummoxed. He looked at Pan Dao for a few awkward seconds, then let out a small sigh. "I am very honored by the King's generosity, but it is not something I can accept outright. I neither can reject the King's gifts. Instead, I would accompany you back to Chu to speak with him, if at all possible. There are matters I would wish to present before him that I think he should know before he commits fully to this decision; things that have come up recently and that I am sure he has not been informed of. Do you think... that would be acceptable?" He looked on at Pan Dao for an answer, as he seemed to be lacking any himself.
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
Li Dao Wen
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Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xiang Zhuang wrote:Li Dao Wen

"Stand, please," he replied, his voice showing more than a hint of displeasure. "All day I have seen the heads of peasants and merchants, bowing before me, unwilling to look at my face. Granted, most of them are less than attractive, but it is still annoying to not be able to speak directly to the person I'm talking to."

He started to chuckle a bit. "Ah, yes. Honestly, I have been bored recently, so I thought listening to some of the people might be beneficial for a few reasons. I have some excellent administrators who really make my own duties fairly light anymore. I get to commit myself to some of my hobbies. I am a big fan of architecture, you know." He chuckled a bit more. "But don't be deceived; nobody who came here to speak with me would say anything remotely against me. They have needs. Yelling at me won't get them anywhere. Or, at least they think that. It'd actually be quite entertaining."

It took another few seconds of chuckling before Zhenfeng got back to the conversation. "Hmmm, well, my scouts said you were a man who could fight. You might not think it, but my daughter here fancies herself a fighter, too." He turned to her and gave her a warm smile. "But yeah, they seem to have been right. You certainly look like you could do a number on some things. Tell me, what sort of experience do you have in the world? You're still fairly young, but I imagine you've seen a few things."
Smiling warmly at Lord Xia, Rui nodded. "This world is no appropriate place for the innocent youth of humanity, that I can say with impunity."

Now standing tall to give respect to Lord Xia's hints of a proper face-to-face conversation, Xian Long Rui let his mind drift towards places very few people know he has been to. "Life has been.. A cruel master to me. As with many of the other people all around us of course. I have had my share of injustices and.. Unwelcome experiences."

He lowered his head slightly, his eyes staring straight at the lord of Yin without any hint of shyness, "I have had to fight, kill and regret the strength which I have been blessed-or cursed-to wield all my twenty five years of living. I can say with half a life's worth of pride that I have survived everything I have been thrown with until now. I can say with half a life's worth of shame that I did as well."

Sighing a little, he paused for awhile, remembering all the killing that he has already done.. And the killing yet to come. He has learned to revel in its darkness somehow, but he has never learned to appreciate having to kill to survive.
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
Little Lady Xia
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Post by RuffRydeR »

London wrote:"Was it not you that wished to test yourself against me, Princess?" Huangfu Chu asked, smiling. "I have fought on horseback most of my life, but I am not unfamiliar with fighting on foot, either. I leave the choice to you."
"Hmm...I...I dunno."

Liangyu was not her usual decisive self. After all, she was still rather distracted by the tiger cubs. She shrugged, then pulling out a round coin, she flipped it. It ended up heads. Shrugging again, she said,

"Horses it is. Well, we'll do it at the stable. I need to grab the my weapons..."

She turned to the maids, who actually did the grabbing, and headed off, leading the way to the stables. As she went, she wondered,

"Well, before we fight, could you tell me a bit more about yourself? My pony still has to get saddled up when we get there, so it's a way to spend a bit of time..."

(OOC: LDW didn't notice me....@_@...)
Lei Anshui (21), Chief Aide
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Location: You are beyond ugly

Post by Zeren »

"A bit about myself?" Huangfu Chu repeated, following the girl without question. "Hmm. Well, I am from the noble Huangfu clan, once based in the Yan and Jibei provinces. We're moving west, however, not having found a cause worth serving or a base to call our own. I served the Magistrate Zun Yan, in Yan province, but he was ousted from his position swiftly by that crone Fei Lak and his band of miscreants. I gave my service to Lu Ying of Zhao for a few months, but it is time for me to move on, and make my own fortune. I have not yet decided where we will go, but I am sure that we will fare better in those parts than in the east."

"What of you, my lady?" he asked. "I know your father is a powerful man, and his position between the powerful lands on all sides of him is somewhat precarious, but he seems to be dealing with the instability fairly well. Do you play any role in his administration, or do you shy away from politics and war? Or perhaps your father prevents you from becoming involved?"
Hua Fang (26) 53-88*-20-74-57
Qiangshu III, Jianshu II, Challenge II, Intimidate II
Xiang Zhuang
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Post by Xiang Zhuang »

Li Dao Wen wrote:Smiling warmly at Lord Xia, Rui nodded. "This world is no appropriate place for the innocent youth of humanity, that I can say with impunity."

Now standing tall to give respect to Lord Xia's hints of a proper face-to-face conversation, Xian Long Rui let his mind drift towards places very few people know he has been to. "Life has been.. A cruel master to me. As with many of the other people all around us of course. I have had my share of injustices and.. Unwelcome experiences."

He lowered his head slightly, his eyes staring straight at the lord of Yin without any hint of shyness, "I have had to fight, kill and regret the strength which I have been blessed-or cursed-to wield all my twenty five years of living. I can say with half a life's worth of pride that I have survived everything I have been thrown with until now. I can say with half a life's worth of shame that I did as well."

Sighing a little, he paused for awhile, remembering all the killing that he has already done.. And the killing yet to come. He has learned to revel in its darkness somehow, but he has never learned to appreciate having to kill to survive.
((Who could possibly miss Ruff! For shame! Hehe.))

Zhenfeng shook his head slowly. "This is a time of chaos," he replied. "Those of us with talent are often forced to use it, whether we want to or not. In your case, your strengths are fairly visible, which makes it even more difficult to keep from having to use them, or being judged on them. I have some of my own strengths, although they are less obvious. Still, it would be held against me if I had not moved to use them for the good of the people. Or, perhaps, I should say that it was being held against me. It's sometimes difficult being a well-trained scholar in a noble family. You have to repay their investment and you have to do it for them."

He gave out a weak sigh, then let out a small giggle. "Oh yes, the trials of a noble! How interesting!" His voice oozed with sarcasm. "But yeah, back to something more interesting, like you. What sort of goal do you have for yourself during this time? It's difficult to think of setting up your own goals while so many are suffering, but if you don't put your roots down somewhere and for something, you're just going to get blown around a lot in this storm we are weathering. I mean, if you aren't working purposefully, it puts you at a disadvantage to accomplish anything."
Fáng Ai (防哀) hao Aishī (皚獅, White Lion), Duke of Yan (Yan Gong)
Dash I, Gongshu II, Jianshu II, Smith II, Trainer II, Wall II

Sim Turn Length Analysis - Last Updated 4.06
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Location: Leader of Team Coke!

Post by ann »

"This is a lot to take in," he replied, still appearing flummoxed. He looked at Pan Dao for a few awkward seconds, then let out a small sigh. "I am very honored by the King's generosity, but it is not something I can accept outright. I neither can reject the King's gifts. Instead, I would accompany you back to Chu to speak with him, if at all possible. There are matters I would wish to present before him that I think he should know before he commits fully to this decision; things that have come up recently and that I am sure he has not been informed of. Do you think... that would be acceptable?" He looked on at Pan Dao for an answer, as he seemed to be lacking any himself.
Pan Dao bowed low and said, "Majesty, this is possible, of course, whatever you wish. However I should inform you that the King of Chu, anticipating that there would be need of ... assistance... in securing your territories from certain ... undesireable ... factions ..." Pan Dao seemed quite uncomfortable. His face was slightly red as though he were angry and yet his voice did not betray him. However he did seem considerably less articulate. "That is, the King of Chu is sending military assistance together with General Wu Guang, his great friend and advisor. Perhaps, Majesty, you could discuss this further with him?"