Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Naxr »


"Of course, there is no point in us fighting as our goals seem to be in line as far as I can see. Is this the extent of the relationship your lady had in mind, or is there something more?" he asked curiously.


One of the guards at the hall stepped forward, "Sure thing. We just have to search you first, remove any weapons so that we can be reasonably assured our lord is safe... Do you consent?"

GoGo the Monkey

"An envoy, eh?" a guard remarked, "You can follow me."

Assuming Niu Xiong follows, he is led into the building where, after a short walk, they arrive in a large room, presumably where the local prefect takes audience with important officials. In a chair at the end of the room sat Xiang Kai, answering questions from the people before him, and flanked by several guards on either side.

As the new group arrived the area in front of Kai cleared to make room for them. The guard who brought Xiong announced to his lord, "King Chen She's General Niu Xiong of Chu here to see you sir," before bowing then turning to return to his duties.

"Welcome to Liang," Kai nodded to the new arrival. "To what pleasure do I owe this visit from Chu?"
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Post by bain_nick »

Min nodded and allowd the search. Then awaited to be escorted.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
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Post by Naxr »

The guard searches and removes any weapons on his person before leading him into the audience hall. They quickly arrive outside an office where several guards stood. The guard who brought her walks into the open door and announces, "There is a Xiao-Niao Min here to see you, sir."

"Come in," Kai welcomed her in, sitting on a chair behind his neatly arranged desk. "Take a seat," he motioned with his hand to any of the chairs before his desk, "So, what can I do for you today?"
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Post by bain_nick »

Min moved to the chair ot the far left, and sat down in it.

"Well master Xiang. Your officer Bai Long invited me to visit your fair city, so I thought I would take him up on his offer, as well as meeting yourself."

She paused for a moment.

"As he may or may not have told you, I have been travelling around China for a while now, and I have seen many things, some of which I wish to never see again."
Min winced, some of those memories were not pleasent ones.
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
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Post by Naxr »

"Bai Long? Yes, I do not see him often as he's usually off leading men in battle," Kai thought out loud.

"But that is interesting about yourself, traveling around so much. It is still pretty dangerous in most parts. You say you have seen many unsightly things though? Would you mind telling me of them, if it is not too difficult?"
Ren Zhe
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Post by Ren Zhe »

A man arrives at [wherever this place is] with little more than the clothes on his back. He looked around, a bit uneasy, and checked his backside twice before hailing a guard.

"Greetings, I'm Yi Genzhen, here to speak with your leader Xiang Kai?"
Liu Changyu

<RenZhe> CC has the power of Geass.
<Taishi_Ci> This is why I never look CC in the eye
<Taishi_Ci> Otherwise I'd be all YESSU, MAI LORDU and blow Li Peng's brains out
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Post by Naxr »

"You're here to speak with the prefect?" asked one of the guards sadly. "Well, we'll have to search you first, protocol and all."

Assuming he consents, he is searched and any lethal items are temporarily removed. He is then led into the building by the guard first mentioned. They soon find themselves outside of an office where several other guards are standing. The first guard goes into the office and announces to its occupant, "Prefect, Yi Genzhen is here to see you," before bowing, then turning around to head back to his duties at the front.

Sitting back in his chair behind a desk, Kai welcomed the man in, "Come, take a seat," he said as he waved to the chairs in front of his desk. "So it seems you've received my invitation then. I hope your journey here wasn't too difficult?"
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

The man followed suit after ordering his escort to await his return. His sudden departure from the battlefield into the world of politics left the man feeling cut off. At least the matter had to deal with his field in some way he thought to himself.


Drawing himself into the room the man looked towards this Xiang Kai. His arms about to fold before realizing that this was not Chu. Taking a small bow he stood in his place as his eyes shifted to the mans guards then back to him. A singular word almost slipping out of his mouth before he paused himself and recollected his thoughts.

"My King wishes to congratulate you on your near consolidation of the province of Liang. You are one of the few whom have become powerful enough to expand your influence to such a wide degree." the man exclaimed before finally crossing his arms across his chest.

"However, many have risen over the past few months. Each man thinking of only their own benefit and nothing more. My King wishes to know if he may rely upon you, Xiang Kai. The land is filled with those who all claim to share a common cause yet would not hesitate to attack their neighbor. The dog Wu Chen is just one for example..."
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Post by Naxr »

Kai sat forward as he listened to the envoy speak. It was only several months ago that he had himself visited Chu, in order to pursue some sort of friendship with the king. Then, there was a great disparity between either of their powers. But now, curiously, this man spoke of the king and himself as if they were on much more equal terms.

"I thank your King for his congratulations. We in Liang have achieved much recently. But we still have a greater distance to go in improving the lives of our people. As for your concerns, I think I only need to repeat my sentiments from my first visit to Chu several months back. I respect your King very much, in his fight against the Qin, in restoring order to Chu and in bringing prosperity to his people. We in Liang regard those in Chu as our brothers. I hope that assuages any of your King's worries?"
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

The man took note that he was not clear enough with his words. He could not go back to Chu repeating something that had already been said. While it was not his place he knew atleast the basics of what must be done. Clearing his throat he unfolded his arms.

"While your words are appreciated as is our friendship. It is known that a friend is not always there to help another when needed. It is apparent to us that you cannot help us march upon the Qin without lengthy preparation. Just as we assume that you will not simply allow another to march upon your lands and take them." the man rambled before getting to the point. "My King wishes to inquire that shall Chu be attacked if you are willing to send aid. That shall one take land within the province of Liang for the purpose of basing an attack upon Chu you will prevent it. If you cannot prevent it allow us safe passage through your lands to do so. The feeling is a mutual one as we are willing to do the same."