Xiang Kai's Audience Hall - Dingtao

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Post by Kimche »

Naxr wrote:"It is nice to meet you. You may sit down if you'd like," he said as he motioned to the chairs before the desk with his right hand. "So, good tidings? Those are always welcome here," he smiled. "Anything else?"
Kan Xi sat down at the chair offered to him, sitting straight up, of course. "Yes." He said distinctly. "My lady wish for me to discuss a potential of formal relationship between our areas. But before that, she wants me to find out what is your relationship with King Chen Sheng of Chu?"
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Post by Naxr »

Moving to the front of his seat, Kai sat straight up as well. "King Chen Sheng, eh?" he repeated as he stroked his bare chin with his right hand. "I haven't met the man personally, but I'd say we have a friendly relationship, from my communications with his kingdom. We seem to share the same sentiments when it comes to the questions of the day. So, certainly amicable," he shrugged.

"I hope this doesn't interfere with your lady's plans," he laughed. "I only joke, you must understand. But this formal relationship you speak of, what would it entail? And of what consequence is my relationship with Chu?"

Post by Kimche »

Kan Xi was a straight arrow kind of guy. So he answered. "My lady is someone who wishes to see the end of Qin empire. So someone who is amicable to King Chen Shen's rebellion is certainly someone who is amicable to my lady's plans. I'm sure she will be happy to hear this."

"My lady's goals and ambitions are, one, seeing that Qin is dead. Two, seeing another rise in Qin's stead. And three, aiding that chosen one to the throne." He said with confidence.
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Post by kimhuyang »

Lu Kang smiled "That's is my goal here for today and hopefully for the rest of my future" He stood up and gave Xiang Kai another bow but this time it was bow from a servant to his lord "If you would harbor a criminal like myself, i would give everything to serve you, however,.."He looked up to Xiang Kai "It would all depends on your action in the future in order me to keep my promise here today"
Lu Kang(47)
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Post by Naxr »


Kai nodded, "Well, the way I see it, the Qin doesn't have much power left nowadays. It's only a matter of time before they fall to the likes of Chu or some other warlord. But tell me about your lady. You've told me her ultimate goals, but what of the near future? What are her plans right now? And how does Liang fit into it?"


"Of course, I wouldn't expect you to follow me blindly. If you think I am going off course, I would greatly appreciate your feedback."

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Post by Kimche »

Kan Xi was straight to the point once again. He knew what he was here to do, and he would follow it without deviation. "It does not, Lord Xiang. My lady does not have any plans in Liang."
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Post by Naxr »

He smiled, "Oh, I did not mean the province itself, but my force. How do I fit into her plans, if we are to have some sort of relationship? And what are her immediate plans in her journey to accomplish her goals, if you can tell me that is?"

Post by Kimche »

Naxr wrote:He smiled, "Oh, I did not mean the province itself, but my force. How do I fit into her plans, if we are to have some sort of relationship? And what are her immediate plans in her journey to accomplish her goals, if you can tell me that is?"
Kan Xi was once again straight to the point. "My lady's immediate plans are to stabilize the regions that she has under control and consolidate any areas that are still under chaotic rule. If we are to have some sort of relationship, I think the best place to start is a non-agression agreement towards one another."
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Post by bain_nick »

After walking the busy streets of Ding Tao, Xiao-Niao Min finally found herself at the entrance to Xiang Kai's Audience Hall.

Noting the guards, she moved to the closest one.

"Excuse me sir, my name is Xiao-Niao Min, and I am currently unemployed in this land. After traveling around I heard some stories about your Lord. Thus I'd like to meet him if I may."
Si Ari Lei 45-50-58-80-81, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat III, Engineer II, Politician II, Public Planner II

Deceased V4 Character: Baofu YaoYan
V3 Character: Xiao-Niao Min
GoGo the Monkey
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Post by GoGo the Monkey »

The man let out a snicker as his horse slowly walked along the road. His eyes shifting from left to right as he pushed past those walking the streets. A small escort of men following behind him in formation bearing the flags of Chu. "I've always liked this season.." the man said aloud to his guards. His head twisting back to observe them as not one responded and instead silently rode.


Arriving at the palace gates the general dismounted himself. His arm lifting to scratch his cheek as he glanced to the guards. "I am Niu Xiong, General under King Chen She. I've come to speak with the man Xiang Kai." he introduced before clearing his throat.