September 206 Personal Turn Results

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Kymvir Raemiz
Posts: 8067
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:01 pm

September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Kymvir Raemiz »

Lei Anshui-Confirmed. While patrolling you come across a a group of three men. All of them have tattoo's and piercings. One keeps call you "Bra" while another keeps telling you to gauge your ears. The third is just kinda staring at you, in a creepy way. They all seem to keep eating mushrooms out of a bag they have. Aside from that! Uneventful.
Shen Feng - Not confirmed. You have an article of jewelry already equipped. Please confirm that you are unequipping it. You find and recruit (EX!) Xun Chen;62-62-78-64-79/Assemble I, Civil Administrator I, Confuse I, Dash I, Public Planner I, Qiangshu I, Scout I, Spy I
Li Zhao: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! You find and hire, "Zhai Shou;68-56-49-70-65/Assemble I, Engineer I, Intimidate I, Politician I, Propagandist I" Patrol Event: "You befriend a merchant but you aren’t friendly enough for a discount."
Xu Huang: Confirmed: NPC Search: Success! You find and hire, "Gi Cai;65-73-64-61-53/Deride I, Inspire I, Maraud I, Poison I, Rupture I, Spy I, Wall I" Patrol Event: "A goat grows ill and dies. Soon other animals are dropping dead around the city, including some horses. -80 horses from you or your ruler"
Luo Jian: Confirmed! Patrol fails.
Pei Jia: Confirmed!
Xiang Deng: Confirmed! Search fails. Patrol fails.

Ji Bu: Confirmed: Patrol Event: "Your patrol is uneventfull"
Xu Lei-Confirmed. You go to Qiao Hong's residence and find it empty. Out back some men are playing with some dice. They tell you he up and headed for Changsha already. Tell you he was offered two dozen virgins. Hu Zhe's search fails! Though he does come across a field of flowers and plays in them for a bit.
Rou Jang: Confirmed! You come upon a giant cobra that the locals all fear. Do you option A: attempt to kill it or option B leave it alone?

Shen Riu - Confirmed. Your patrol is uneventful. You find and recruit Jue Jie;67-56-58-60-64/Confuse I, Engineer I, Intimidate I, Poison I, Politician I, Saboteur I, Smith I
Zhao Liu - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note.
Sun Chao-Confirmed. You find and recruit Shi Ka;72-74-43-71-48/Discipline I, Escort I, Military Administrator II, Propagandist I, Public Planner II! They tell you that they really like your hair and you smell nice. Also! While mating, 2 horses in your city fall into a river and die. -2 horses to city. Why were they mating beside the river on the soft breakaway bank?

Huang Fu-Confirmed. You find a drunk who claims to have slain Qin Shi Huang twenty years ago! He tells you that the man in charge was really a double who went mad with power. Uneventful.
Ma Rui-Confirmed. You befriend a merchant, who then offers to sell you a leather helmet for 112 taels!
Ng Quan: Confirmed!

Liu Bang: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! "You find and hire Jiyun Yan;73-78-52-52-59/Challenge I, Cover I, Pierce I, Public Planner I, Public Planner I, Scout I, Sortie I, Wall I"
Xiao He: You find and recruit Chu Hiao;70-41-77-68-43/Aid I, Confuse I, Dash II, Haste I, Jianshu I, Smith I, Wall I
Yue Dingtian: Confirmed! A two-headed boar is born on your lands, and the priests of a local temple declare it is a divine message from heaven that . . . The heavens have given you the strength to conquer the world. +2 Might.

Bai Jia Le - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note.
Li Yiji: Confirmed! NPC Search: Failure!
Zu Shi- Confirmed. You find and recruit Zhan Mai;52-67-63-41-67/Artisan II, Pierce I, Scribe II.

Fei Lai - Confirmed
Li Zongren - Confirmed.
Ma Dieu - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note.
Guan Huang: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! You find and hire "Can Sucai;80-49-60-57-66/Aid I, Civil Administrator II, Instructor I, Spy I" But you have 4 NPCs. Release an NPC to hire this one, or throw this one back. Patrol Event: "Your patrol is uneventfull"
Li Jiacheng: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! You find and hire "Yong San;60-71-54-64-67/Cover II, Doctor II, Military Administrator I"
Wei Lian Si: Confirmed! NPC Search: Failure!
Tai Ju Li - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.
Xiang Long Rui- With a Critical Injury, you may not take any actions or face a chance at death. Do you want to do this?
Ying Yu - Confirmed. You find and recruit Jeye Niu;43-68-54-57-79/Entrench I, Maraud I, Smith I, Sortie I, Yueshu II.
Xun Yin - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.
Mi Num - Confirmed. You fail to recruit Zhong Ma.
Pan Shaozu - Confirmed.
Huang Ning - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer. While washing your clothing, you wonder why your maid isn’t doing it. Oh and you discover some misplaced gold! + 16 gold.
Lei Tian-Confirmed. Teng Lou says "no way! Get out ma yard boyy!" before chasing after you with a stick. Failed.
Puyang Shuang-Confirmed!
Kijo Akki-Confirmed. You patrol forever and a day. Eventually you find an old crazy man who is talking about time travel with white hair. He keeps mumbling about some kid named marty. Theres a metal silver box sitting nearby. Uneventful...

Xunnufashi - Confirmed. You find and recruit Jiang Guo;65-34-58-70-57/Challenge I, Doctor I, Faze I, Jeer I, Jianshu I, Qiangshu I
Zhang Kai - Confirmed.
Shi Tong: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! You find and hire "Zheng Huangfuxuan;40-53-66-50-79/Envelop I, Haste I, Poison II, Politician I, Raid II"
Liang Feng - Confirmed.

Huo Zhi Kai - Confirmed. You find and recruit Huo Cui;61-65-57-41-78/Artisan I, Dash I, Delay I, Doctor I, Haste I . Juzi Hou fails to find anyone of note. A distant relative dies. His worldly goods, including a fine piece of Armor is willed to you, but you must pay his debts to gain it, amounting to 250 gold. Do you pay?
He Ro: Confirmed! NPC Search: Failure!
Kubali Dun - Confirmed. Your Patrol was uneventful.
Po Huai: Confirmed!

An Lin - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note. While resting at home one evening, an old man begs to be allowed to shelter in your home for the night. Do you turn him away or let him stay.
Cao Cao: Confirmed: You swear brotherhood with Ya Shi, you have 1month remaining on Helmet (+4 Mgt)
Fang Ai: Confirmed! You have completed Horse (+6 Spd)
Xu Fu - Confirmed. You find and recruit Qiang An;58-46-64-50-74/Charge I, Gongshu I, Raid II, Saboteur I. Zan Lun fails to find anyone.
Liao Zun - Confirmed. You find and recruit Zuo Ru;73-52-63-48-53/Engineer I, Faze II, Military Administrator II, Public Planner I
. You come across a wandering mystic who is preaching to the people of your city about various heavenly signs pointing toward good fortune for your ruler. Your ruler gains +3 Provincial NPC Bond.

Deng Yue: Confirmed! NPC Recruit Attempt: "You hire Qiao Hong!" Patrol Event "A local noble dies without heir. His worldly goods, including a fine piece of Armor is willed to you for some unknown reason. Did you trick him into it? Anyway, you must pay his debts to claim it, amounting to 250 gold. Do you pay?"
Han Jin: Confirmed! PC Recruit Attempt: You hire Qiao Hong!"
Zhou Xiaoli - Confirmed. If you wanted to equip the book, note so in this thread and we'll equip it.
Zhou Mingli - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.
Qin Mei - Confirmed. You find and recruit Yazang Er;60-49-46-70-55/Doctor I, Engineer I, Gongshu I, Jianshu I, Saboteur I, Smith II. Your patrol was uneventful.
Shi Jin - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer. A farmer digs up a rusty helmet from an old battle and gives it to you. Upon consulting a blacksmith (or realizing it yourself if you possess the skill), you learn that it can be repaired, and estimate it will come to 120 gold. Will you repair it?
Tian Guo - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.
Wen Zhe - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer. Your patrol was uneventful.
Han Jin - Confirmed. You fail to recruit Qiao Hong.
Gui Changlei-Confirmed. You fail to find anything of interest most of the day! That is until you start patrolling. On your patrol you find a man kicking his dead horse. He implores you to help him purchase a new horse. Yes, no?
Xiang Jun: Confirmed! Recruitment fails.

Hin Wu - Confirmed. You fail to recruit Qiao Hong.
Mingzi: Confirmed! You complete Book (+3 Jud), Axe (+2 Mgt)
Nevestus Cassius Caninus - Movement to Qi illegal. Otherwise, Confirmed. You fail to recruit an officer. While washing your clothing, you wonder why your maid isn’t doing it. Oh and you discover some misplaced gold! 21 gold.
Chi Gongsun - Confirmed. Your Patrol was uneventful.
Ma Su: Confirmed! Search fails! An established religion within the area has recently spawned a controversial sect, which has gained much popularity among the local villages. The orthodox leaders in the province have begun demanding that you aid them in putting down the heretics. Do you help them or side with the heretics?

Jin Sui: Confirmed! Search fails. Patrol fails.

Baocen Peng: Confirmed! NPC Search: You find and hire "Duo Dai;60-67-48-48-67/Aid II, Inspire II, Military Administrator I, Rally I, Saboteur I, Volley I" 1 month remains on Book (+8 Comm)
Saofang Can: Confirmed!
Qiao Quande - Confirmed. Your patrol was uneventful.
Lin Yue-Confirmed. In the course of your patrol you find an abandoned Horse (Spd+1). It has pretty colors all over it! A little girl is telling you to keep it and telling you its name is FLUTTERYSHY.

Guan Sho - Confirmed.
Zhefu - Confirmed. You fail to recruit Biaoneng Tanjuang.
Zheng Nu - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note.
Biao Fu: Confirmed!
Li Xiaolong: Confirmed! You have 4 Mo remaining on Sword (+10 Mgt), Patrol Event: "Your patrol if uneventfull"
Yi Zhiwen: Confirmed! Patrol Event: "While on your walk you come across a lady who asks you to deal with a 'rat problem' she is having in her home. You agree to help before she is finished speaking and inadvertently end up killing her pet rats! (Lose 5 PI)
Ying Bao: Confirmed! 2 Mo remain on Armor (+4 Mgt), Patrol Event: "Your Patrol is uneventfull"
Lady Ming - Confirmed. You find and recruit Jiang Xiu;62-62-61-65-66/Challenge I, Inspire I, Jeer I, Rupture I, Trainer I
Shao Xi - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.
Mai Zu - Confirmed.
Zheng Rong - Confirmed. Your patrol was uneventful.
Gu Jing: Confirmed! Search fails. Patrol fails.
Tian Rong: Confirmed! Patrol fails.
Zetie Pi: Confirmed! You find and recruit (EX!) Shou Guo;78-66-74-72-73/Artisan I, Escort I, Inspire II, Public Planner II, Wall I

Bei Xin - Confirmed. The spirits have not been kind. You mysteriously lose 6 gold.
Shao Yin - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note. Dugi Wang finds and recruits Lian Neng;49-68-59-67-62/Diplomat I, Maraud I, Raid I, Rally II, Scribe I . Seeing you patrolling the area, some local merchants ask you to assist them in forming a unit of volunteers to keep the peace on a regular basis.
Xi Guo - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note.
Sun Yuying: Confirmed! You create Book (+6 Jud)
Di Wan - Confirmed.
Guan Xiuying - Confirmed. You find and recruit Bei Lie;72-63-52-69-63/Challenge I, Charge I, Deride II, Jeer I, Pierce I, Scribe II.
Zu Yanghei - Confirmed. You find and recruit Ye Ciha;59-63-58-72-67/Challenge I, Faze I, Gongshu II, Politician I, Public Planner II, Volley I.(He's been added to your kingdom)
Ying - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer. Your patrol was uneventful.
Tie Yi Tianshi-Confirmed. You come across a half eating piece of bread. Aside from this the patrol is uneventful.
Jun Shan- Confirmed. You come across a wandering doctor who offers to doctor you or a friend of yours for 100 gold. Ziliang Jiang only finds a pile of rocks! Though they're built up like to resemble a man! Failed.
Ba Rong: Confirmed! Ba Rong successfully recruits Sima Tugu!
Mei Ji: Confirmed! Search fails! While patrolling, you stumble upon a merchant avoiding taxes. He offers to pay you 50 gold not to report him. Do you arrest him?

Rue Ren: Confirmed!
Cheng Dang- Confirmed. You fail to find Sun Taishi anywhere! He must have disappeared! Or someone recruited him already. A group of young kids are tracking the man down as well. One keeps saying jinkies.
Yue Shang: Confirmed! Patrol fails! You find and recruit Jinzhong Cong;59-66-65-67-58/Assemble I, Cover I, Entrench I, Escort I, Jeer I, Smith I, Yueshu I
Si Ari Lei: Confirmed! SUCCESSFUL recruitment of Jeje Ecan Si Ari Shou-Tao's finds and recruits San Huangfu;61-65-49-68-69/Confuse I, Deride I, Escort I, Gongshu I, Pierce I, Public Planner I, Rally II. Shu Tan's finds and recruits Benjen Ang;70-59-60-63-58/Charge I, Decoy I, Jeer I, Pierce I, Public Planner I
Yi Guang: Confirmed! Search fails.
Yu Cheng: Confirmed! Search fails.
Yu Xingjian: Confirmed!

Ion Ping-Pong - Confirmed. You find and recruit Kiwa Kuigi;64-53-64-66-62/Escort I, Haste II, Qiangshu II
Shangguan Wei: Confirmed! NPC Search: Failure!
Pang Zhou - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer. Your Patrol was uneventful.
Li Xianglan - Confirmed. You succeed in recruiting Liao Mu.
Sho Tao - Confirmed. Army, Rank and Town abandoned.
Zun Fei - Confirmed.
Wu Ming - Confirmed. You find and recruit Ban Chang;61-78-58-57-46/Delay II, Scribe I, Sortie I, Spy I, Volley I, Wall I.
Li Xiatiao-Confirmed. You run off to find Qiao Hong! When you arrive you bump into a man and his dog. They tell you they were split up from their friends and that ghosts are about. When you ask them about Qiao Hong they just stand there trembling and mumbling about a blob monster. Failed.

Xiahou Cao - Confirmed. An established religion within the area has recently spawned a controversial sect, which has gained much popularity among the local villages. The orthodox leaders in the province have begun demanding that you aid them in putting down the heretics. Do you help them or side with the heretics?
Luan Bu: Confirmed! Patrol Event: "Your Patrol is uneventfull"
Ding Yi-Confirmed! You fail to find anyone worth your time, cuz you all dat gurr. | A major official is caught stealing from the treasury. He comes from a powerful merchant family that will be angry if you punish him, and leave the city. They do offer a bribe of 200 gold to sweeten the deal. Do you punish him?
Yang Yu-Confirmed! You patrol the streets for hours before finally catching a glimpse of shadow running down an alleyway! Unfortunately you only saw it for a split second and end up chasing a rat for thirty minutes before going home.Uneventful...

Zhu Lizhi - Confirmed. You fail to find an officer.

Yun Ling - Confirmed. Your Patrol was uneventful.
Zhang Han- Confirmed. You find and recruit Juang Bu;70-63-57-62-69/Diplomat I, Discipline I, Inspire I, Pierce I, Politician I, Rupture I, Sortie I!

Hong Lu Zhang-Confirmed.
Wu Zenmi-Confirmed.

Yi Song: Confirmed! NPC Search: Success! You find and hire "Tie Chao;62-67-57-66-41/Assemble I, Challenge I, Civil Administrator I, Deride I, Maraud I, Politician I, Scribe I, Volley I"Ju Fu - Confirmed. While resting at home one evening, an old man begs to be allowed to shelter in your home for the night. Do you turn him away or let him stay?
Ning Chu - Confirmed.
Bai Rui - Confirmed.
Shen Feng
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Shen Feng »

Kymvir Raemiz wrote:Shen Feng - Not confirmed. You have an article of jewelry already equipped. Please confirm that you are unequipping it. You find and recruit (EX!) Xun Chen;62-62-78-64-79/Assemble I, Civil Administrator I, Confuse I, Dash I, Public Planner I, Qiangshu I, Scout I, Spy I
The new item I was equipping was Headgear, not Jewellry, so there shouldn't be any conflict. Should there?
Jun Shan
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Jun Shan »

Jun Shan- Confirmed. You come across a wandering doctor who offers to doctor you or a friend of yours for 100 gold.
it is quite thoughtful but given that I have no injury no thank you
Xun Xiao
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Xun Xiao »

Xiahou Cao - Confirmed. An established religion within the area has recently spawned a controversial sect, which has gained much popularity among the local villages. The orthodox leaders in the province have begun demanding that you aid them in putting down the heretics. Do you help them or side with the heretics?
Xiahou Cao of course sides with the heretics against orthodoxy!
Xiahou Cao (36)
Charge II, Dash II, Discipline I, Qiangshu II, Sortie II, Trainer II
Li Dao Wen
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Li Dao Wen »

Xiang Long Rui- With a Critical Injury, you may not take any actions or face a chance at death. Do you want to do this?
Please negate all other actions for rest. Also, Xian Long Rui is being healed via Doctor in Ma Dieu's KT. :)
Shang Yu, strategist and miser


Xun Jiang the Black Ogre, King of Yan
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by DannyK »

Shao Yin - Confirmed. You fail to find anyone of note. Dugi Wang finds and recruits Lian Neng;49-68-59-67-62/Diplomat I, Maraud I, Raid I, Rally II, Scribe I . Seeing you patrolling the area, some local merchants ask you to assist them in forming a unit of volunteers to keep the peace on a regular basis.

I'll assist them.
Shao Yin 70-20-69-85-32 Civil Admin III, Engineer II, Military Admin II, Spy II
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Bonaparte »

Deng Yue: Confirmed! NPC Recruit Attempt: "You hire Qiao Hong!" Patrol Event "A local noble dies without heir. His worldly goods, including a fine piece of Armor is willed to you for some unknown reason. Did you trick him into it? Anyway, you must pay his debts to claim it, amounting to 250 gold. Do you pay?"
Did Han Jin get Qiao Hong? If he does, then Deng Yue would be happy to waive to Xiang Jun's forces.

Also, 228 gold from personal funds, and 22 gold from Xiang Jun's kingdom funds. I will be waiting on Crim's confirmation.
Deng Yue, 40
Military Administrator II, Civil Administrator II, Diplomat II, Politician II
Items: Horse (+1 Speed, E), Ring of Changsha (+3 Charisma, E)
Posts: 745
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Crim »

I confirm that. Deng Yue is slowly becoming a very lucky... dude.
Xiang Jun, 18
Challenge I, Gongshu I, Intimidate II, Jianshu II, Qiangshu II, Smith II, Yueshu II
Items: Xiang Yu's Old Sword (+2 Might), Leather Cuirass (+1 Might), Imperial Tally (+2 Cha, Jewelry), Crossbow (Ranged), Zao Xing's Axe (+1 Might, unequipped), Zao Xing's Armor (+1 Might, unequipped), Horse (Speed +1)
NPC Follower: Jin Mei Liao (Female); 20; 34-22-61-72-89; Assemble I, Civil Admin I, Doctor I, Haste I, Inspire I
Rue Goung
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Re: September 206 Personal Turn Results

Post by Rue Goung »

Rou Jang: Confirmed! You come upon a giant cobra that the locals all fear. Do you option A: attempt to kill it or option B leave it alone?
option A: attempt to kill it
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